Children's birthday

How to celebrate a 10-year-old girl's birthday?

How to celebrate a 10-year-old girl's birthday?
  1. Features of the organization of the holiday
  2. Subject
  3. Entertainment overview
  4. How can you diversify the script?

On the eve of the daughter's first anniversary, something unimaginable is happening in the soul of every parent. However, exciting emotions will have to be pushed aside for a while, since moms and dads face a serious task of preparing a festive event. It is much easier to spend the holidays by signing an agreement with an event agency. But parents who want to organize the celebration themselves will have to spend a lot of effort. But with their whole soul, they can get the desired result.

The main thing is to know the rules for organizing a birthday and reckon with the preferences of the young hero of the day.

Features of the organization of the holiday

For every adult, the approach of a holiday is associated with a sea of ​​positive emotions. What can we say about the girl who will be 10 years old one of these days. And if her past birthdays were held in a calm atmosphere in the circle of only relatives and close friends, then the anniversary date should be celebrated on a grand scale.

If you work out all the nuances of the celebration, parents will be able to create a real fairy tale that will not leave the hearts of the birthday girl and the invited children. From early morning, the girl should understand that this is her day, that today everything is being done only for her and for her sake. The baby should see the smiles of mom and dad, receive a gift that she has long dreamed of. Anniversary is a holiday when you can present the most incredible gifts, for example, a puppy or a smartphone of the latest model.

But most importantly, the birthday girl should meet many surprises throughout the day. And it's not just about the entertainment program. Even an unusual decoration of the room will already become a pleasant addition to the holiday.

It is very important that many guests are present at the anniversary. A 10-year-old girl will probably want to invite not only close girlfriends. And then the parents feel a little uncomfortable. Such a gang of young teenagers will definitely not sit quietly. The kids will jump, run, arrange various competitions. And if the event is held at home, there is a possibility of damage in the form of a damaged carpet, broken furniture, a broken vase and intimidated pets. Some parents may decide to make such sacrifices, while others will look for an alternative venue for the anniversary. The first thing that comes to mind is renting a hall in a children's cafe.

Today in all cities there are many options for children's cafes and restaurants. The difference between the two is only in the budget. The halls offered by these entertainment establishments are equipped with a play area, place for tables, a stage, and a free field for active games and dances.

There is no desire to arrange a holiday in a cafe - you can consider the option of a play center. There will be rides, mini-cafes, a place for parents to relax. However, it will not be possible to carry out the festive program on its own. Often, the solemn part is conducted by the animators of such institutions, moms and dads can only watch the kids.

In fact, there are many places to go with kids as part of a holiday program. It can be a petting zoo, a circus or a puppet theater.

But here it is important to understand that after a walk, children will want to have a snack and have fun by participating in various games and contests. This means that you cannot do without renting a cafe.

When choosing a place for a children's anniversary, you should plan your budget in advance. Renting a hall is one of the biggest investments. Further, a menu is formed, for which you also have to pay. You will also need to allocate a certain amount for the decoration of the premises and prizes. As a budget option, you can consider a picnic in the country. The table is prepared independently, although fast food can be ordered. The territory is also decorated with their own hands, and sometimes you don't even have to invest in ideas.

The next question of preparing a children's anniversary is the use of a specific topic or refusal from it. Children under the age of 10 believe in miracles more than ever. This means that the thematic version of the holiday will be the best solution.

It is quite difficult for parents to have in the process of writing a script. First of all, they need to understand on what principle the holiday will be held, and only after that they decide whether to fill out the scenario with contests or prepare a quest game.

By the way, every child will like the quest in the theme holiday, the main thing is to adhere to the main story, from the dress code to the tasks of the game.

It is important to think over a festive table. Everyone understands that it is important for children to eat healthy food, no harmful foods can be consumed. However, several times a year you can still make a relaxation, especially when celebrating an anniversary date. On the children's table you can order pizza, nuggets, burgers, fries. For parents of young guests, a cozy corner is created not far from the main scene, where they can also enjoy the holiday, but at the same time not interfere with the fun of the kids.

In order for both adults and children to stay on the wave of the holiday, it is worth inviting an experienced presenter to conduct the entertainment part.

Of course, any of the family members can play this role, but, as practice shows, 10-year-olds are more likely to make contact with a professionally trained person, because he easily finds an approach to any child.

So, to make the holiday grand, you need to follow the plan:

  • choose an idea for an event;
  • decide on the venue for the celebration;
  • think over the issue of decorating the selected room;
  • draw up a detailed script;
  • work out the menu.

A few tips from holiday organizing companies will help to avoid many unpleasant situations:

  • you can not start the entertainment part of the children's anniversary with difficult contests;
  • each number of the show program must be carefully rehearsed;
  • numbers, contests and games should be related to each other and combined with the theme of the holiday;
  • beginners who play a program of their own for the first time should use cheat sheets.


Preparing your daughter's birthday celebration is not an easy task. It is impossible to independently determine what the girl and her friends will like. That is why the child should take an active part in writing the script. However, initially it is important to decide on the theme of the children's holiday.

The theme of the party for children aged 10 years old suggests a variety of ideas. It can be a fairy tale, cartoon, game. However, the preferences of modern children are somewhat different. For example, if the hero of the day likes to dress up in different outfits and walk around in new looks in front of the seated toys, you can arrange a fashion show. And if the girl accompanies her defiles with songs and dances, it is best to stop at a concert theme, where the birthday girl will be the star of the evening.

At the age of 10, girls are already familiar with modern foreign fairy tales. For example, "Harry Potter" is a great theme for a holiday, where parents will have to try to bring magic to the holiday evening.

It is equally important to take into account the location of the celebration when choosing a theme. In principle, you can celebrate the child's first anniversary in the country or at home in an apartment. However, in such places there are significant restrictions on the search for a topic that will be interesting to every young guest. It is much easier to decide on the topic if the decision is made to hold a celebration in a cafe. Moreover, the space of the rented hall allows.

You can search for options for themes for your daughter's birthday on the Internet, only numerous pages will offer the same ideas.

In such a matter, parents should show their imagination and be sure to find out their daughter's preferences. Perhaps an entertaining show program with funny and funny contests will be enough for her.

Entertainment overview

The main entertainment on a children's birthday is games, contests, quests and various cool competitions. But do not limit yourself to the presented standards, and then all guests will remember the first anniversary of the child for a long time.

  • Photozone. This idea belongs to the list of entertainment for any holiday. And it's not difficult to come up with the main background. You should build on the theme of the event or adhere to the main reason for the celebration. In simple terms, if the theme party is based on the cartoon "Frozen", then the main characters of the Disney masterpiece should be presented against the background of the photo zone. If a holiday theme is not chosen, it is ideal to make a background with a girly hint, for example, pink clouds or hand-drawn nature with butterflies, birds and flowers. And the main accent of the photo zone is to make an inscription, for example, "Veronica is 10 years old" or "Veronica's first anniversary."

The text can be very different, the main thing is that it reflects the essence of the holiday.

  • Scientific department. This is a kind of tabletop attraction where young guests can take part in various experiments. The basic elements of the science lab can be purchased at children's stores. The main thing is that the purchased kits meet safety requirements and do not harm young chemists.

And, of course, one of the adults must be present in the scientific department so that the children do not harm themselves and the environment.

  • School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Surely many parents found their children playing with wooden sticks and shouting spells like "Expelearmus" or "Stunned".And this is not surprising, because today every child is familiar with the fairy tale "Harry Potter" and accurately imagined himself as a wizard saving the world. And it's hard not to take advantage of this. A place is allocated for the Hogwarts school where children can learn the science of potion making, learn how to create different elixirs, guess and use magic. Of the suggested list, the hardest part will be preparing a potions lesson. Liquids poured into test tubes should be named for a special, for example, "dragon tear" or "living water". In this case, the "tear of the dragon" will be represented by water mixed with citric acid. And "living water" is nothing more than tap water. Children will need to combine prepared liquids to make potions of other colors. For example, red cabbage juice turns green when combined with an acidic environment.

Fortune-telling lessons are held in a similar way. The lecture on the use of magic consists of funny and comic tricks.


And now it is proposed to consider several competitions suitable for a large company of guests aged 10 years.

  • Cartoon encryption. Children are divided into pairs. The presenter begins to describe the cartoons, and the guys have to guess their names. For each correct answer, the pair gets one point. The team with the most points will be the winner. As for the questions of the competition themselves, they shouldn't be overly complicated. For example, a SIM card, but not for a phone, zero, but not from mathematical examples. The answer is "Fixies". Or another idea of ​​the question: a boy who grew up among animals - of course, "Mowgli".
  • Know-it-alls. Children are divided into teams of 5 people. The facilitator names a generalized topic, such as wild animals. Teams need to name ten wild animals. The next topic can be marine life, mushrooms, computer games, songs of the favorite group of the birthday girl. For each completed stage, the team receives 1 point. The team with the most points will be the winner.
  • Printers. Today every child has their own mobile phone. In this competition, this gadget will play a major role. Each participant must type in an SMS message with the text “Happy birthday! May all your dreams come true! " and send it to the birthday girl. The winner will be the one whose message arrives first on the recipient's phone.


Just like contests, games must be appropriate for the age of the guests.

  • New planet. Everyone knows that the solar system consists of 9 planets. Young guests need to come up with the 10th planet in honor of the hero of the day. In 5 minutes, children must come up with a name for a new cosmic body, describe it from the point of view of geography, biology and other sciences. And the most important thing is not to limit your imagination. The soil on the planet may consist of sweet caramel, and kozinaki grow on trees. The child who comes up with the best blueprint for a new planet will be the winner.
  • Scientists. At the age of 10, children are actively watching old and new fairy tales. By this age, they are already familiar with many works and will be able to take part in such an interesting game. The presenter shows a picture related to a particular fairy tale. Children have to guess its name. For example, a picture with a red cap or an image of a log lying next to a golden key. Each correct answer brings the child 1 point. The winner is the one with the most points.
  • Unreal superhero. Each child must choose an animal and turn it into a superhero. In 5 minutes, children come up with the image of the beast, and then tell the guests about their fantasy. For example, a super-hare, capable of gnawing even the hardest matter in a few seconds. The winner will be the child with the wildest imagination.


Children under the age of 10 will take part in the quest game with great pleasure. That is why parents need to be especially scrupulous about creating a game scenario. As an example, it is proposed to get acquainted with the scenario of the quest where the bandit Flint is trying to ruin the anniversary, and he needs to be prevented.

  • Initially, a message arrives on the hero's phone, where it is indicated that the holiday is under threat of disruption due to the tricks of the bandit Flint. To resist him, guests will have to go through a series of tasks. And the first is to decipher the anagram, which says about the location of the next clue. The answer might be a plush dog, a keyboard, or a mouse pad.
  • The children are directed to the location of the next clue. There they are waiting for a map of the area, where the next tip is marked with a cross.
  • Approaching the new place of search, the children find the encrypted message "bndt krl trt" (the bandit stole the cake). Realizing that it is necessary to check where the main treat of the table went, the children run to the kitchen to clarify whether it is true that the sweetness is gone or not.
  • However, one of the parents is waiting for them in the kitchen and invites the players to refresh themselves with delicious juice. When children start drinking, mom or dad is surprised to see some strange signs on the bottom of some glasses. After drinking the juice, the children turn over the containers and find letters that make up one word. For example, a sofa.
  • Children run to the gym, where one of the parents invites them to play a game. The guys sit on the sofa, and the presenter starts asking questions of medium difficulty from the school curriculum. When the game comes to an end, the birthday girl again receives an SMS with the requirement to run to the balcony.
  • The children run to the balcony, where the last task awaits them - a cipher that is the key to unraveling the whereabouts of the cake. But this task must be difficult so that children can go to the computer and immerse themselves in the vastness of the Internet. As a result, you should get a text with the words that the holiday has been saved, and the reward awaits the team at the festive table.
  • Children run to the common room, where there is a cake with candles on the table, and all the birthday gifts are displayed nearby.

The number of contests can be increased, and the difficulty of tasks can also be changed. The main thing is that the children do not get tired and do not lose interest in the game.

How can you diversify the script?

Unfortunately, many parents stick to templates when preparing their script. But you can supplement them with an unusual zest, which children will surely like. For example, hold a musical pause between competitions and games. Of course, not every family will be able to invite a famous artist or group, but it is quite possible to invite a beginner group. They will perform favorite songs of the birthday girl and her guests.

Improvisation will allow you to add variety to the script. Each child is given a specific role, and at the moment when he is called, he must show his talents, prove himself. This approach may seem ridiculous, but the whole show program will be accompanied by joy, fun and laughter of children.

For information on how to celebrate a children's birthday, see the next video.

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