Children's birthday

How to celebrate the birthday of an 11 year old girl?

How to celebrate the birthday of an 11 year old girl?
  1. Features of the organization
  2. Subject
  3. Overview of contests and games
  4. How to diversify the script?

Girls at any age require increased attention. And if for little princesses this can be expressed in outright whims, then already an older generation is more fastidious and demanding about this. A difficult period - 11 years, when the girl at the same time wants to be perceived as an adult, but at the same time remains vulnerable to any external influences, and also does not represent herself separately from her parents.

Among the special and long-awaited days, the birthday definitely stands out. For an 11-year-old girl, this is a holiday from which she expects a maximum of pleasant surprises and surprises. Therefore, in order to meet the expectations of the birthday girl, parents will have to make a lot of efforts.

Features of the organization

In order to create a truly exciting and unforgettable holiday for their princess, parents must take into account some points.

  1. Location. It can be an apartment, a country house, a cozy cafe. Children feel comfortable in nature, where space and freedom reign. Before the celebration, you need to ask the birthday girl exactly where she would like to celebrate her birthday. She will definitely appreciate such a respectful attitude, she will feel even more important and significant, whose opinion is already taken into account.
  2. Before the entertainment program, which consists of games and contests, involved in the celebration, the birthday girl and her guests should have a delicious meal. This will not only improve their mood, but also significantly charge with energy, which will be very useful to them in the future.
  3. Acceptable discretion is something that the child will appreciate anyway. Children at this age do not want to feel under supervision: they begin to feel shy, pinched, and such a holiday expected by the birthday girl can turn into an ordinary get-together.
  4. A burst of energy. Most children at this age are very emotional and active. Therefore, it is worth giving them the opportunity to throw out their potential in games and competitions, the organization of which must be taken care of in advance.

When arranging a birthday for an 11-year-old girl, her parents or close people should also take care of the nuances into which it is not necessary to devote the child to.

  • The budget that is supposed to be spent on the celebration. In this case, it all depends on the venue, the chosen theme of the party, treats, accessories for games and contests, and other nuances.
  • A prearranged plan of the event. In any case, timing will not hurt, especially if there are a lot of guests. Children on their own are already cause for concern. Therefore, it is important to draw up a rough plan in advance, it can be used in the event that the situation gets out of the control of adults.
  • When organizing an event, parents should take into account the time it will take to properly organize the holiday: room decor, preparation of a festive table, organization of competitions and games.
  • Compilation of the menu. Girls at this age really like it when a festive menu is coordinated with them. In this case, it is necessary to maintain a balance of tasty and healthy food. Birthday cake and sweets are good, of course. But what if the kids love pizza, burgers, or fries? The answer is simple: you need to cook them yourself. In addition, from this you can make a whole show, in which all the little guests will gladly want to participate. In this case, it all depends on the imagination of the parents.
  • Entertainment. If props are required for some games or contests, they should be taken care of in advance.


The theme of the festive party must be discussed with the birthday girl in advance. Such a celebration would be appropriate if she manifests herself as a creative person. However, some children do not want excessive pretentiousness, preferring the classic version of the celebration. When choosing a topic, you can draw attention to a number of ideas.

  • Heroes from your favorite filmseg "Harry Potter", "Rapunzel", "Elena - Princess of Avalor".
  • Marine theme. Despite all their fragility, girls also love to be "sailors" who fearlessly go on a "sea voyage" and pass all the tests with pleasure.
  • Stylish theme. Girls, regardless of their age, strive to be beautiful and perfect. Therefore, the topic of fashion trends and new products is familiar to all age groups. At the age of 11, girls begin to take particular care of themselves, during this period they begin to form their own style. Therefore, at such a thematic party, they will be able to exchange "experience".
  • Picnic in nature. This is a holiday of freedom and ease, which will appeal to all children. As a treat at such a celebration, children will be offered a delicious aromatic barbecue. In addition, in the open space there is an opportunity to play active, active games: catch-up, badminton, volleyball and much more.

Overview of contests and games

When choosing games and contests for the birthday girl, parents must first coordinate them with the hero of the occasion. This will once again confirm that her opinion is already taken into account and taken into account.

In addition, she will tell you what may interest her friends.

The script for the holiday should include several contests and games. It is also not worth overloading young people - an event oversaturated with an entertainment program can tire children.

  1. "Find the gift yourself." All invitees participate in this game.Various souvenirs are attached to the satin ribbon with the help of pins: sweets, chewing gum, key rings, rubber bands, notepads, soft toys. All the participants are blindfolded by the presenter, and two assistants are pulling the ribbon. Each guest is taken in turn to the ribbon and untwisted, after which they are sent to the gifts. He must go to the tape and point at random with his finger at the prize. The birthday boy carefully separates the chosen present and hands it over to the guest. In this way, they play until all the invitees receive their gifts.
  2. Dressing up blindly. This will require 2 pairs of children. Each is given a bag of clothing items. In order to make it funnier and more cool, it is better to take clothes in large sizes. In each of the pairs, one player is chosen, who is blindfolded by the leader. After that, the participant must take out one piece of clothing, guess which part of the wardrobe he belongs to, then put it on his partner. In this case, the second player cannot give any leads. The total time of the competition is 3-5 minutes. During the allotted period, participants must take out as many things as possible from the bag and put them on their friend.
  3. "Check in at home". All interested guests can take part in this competition. The presenter divides them into 2 teams, in front of each of them an easel with a large house painted on it is placed. The task of the participants is to draw as many people as possible in the windows and doors of the house. After the announcement of the start, the first participant runs up to the easel and draws an image with a pencil, when he is finished, he returns and passes the baton on. The entire competition lasts 3-4 minutes, after which the presenter counts the number of drawn people for each team. The winner is the group that was able to draw the most figures.
  4. "Crocodile" or pantomime. A funny and funny game that you can have fun in the apartment is that the guests who want to take turns try to depict an object, phenomenon or hero with the help of gestures, facial expressions and body movements, and the rest of the participants try to guess what exactly he is showing.
  5. "Fanta". The principle of this game is known to many: sheets of paper with original tasks for participants written on them are placed in a hat prepared in advance. Each guest pulls out a piece of paper and completes the task. For example: hug a guest sitting next to him and say a compliment to him, come up with as many diminutive words as possible addressed to the birthday girl, depict a kettle, and the like.

How to diversify the script?

Children do not like monotony, so it is necessary to alternate gatherings at the festive table and active games. To diversify the holiday and bring even more fun into it, you can arrange a children's disco. For this, it is necessary to take care of a suitable musical accompaniment in advance.

Additionally, each participant can be given accessories: colorful ribbons, party caps on the head, pipes and horns.

It's no secret that all girls love all sorts of secrets and fortune-telling. Therefore, an ordinary tea party can be turned into a divination session. The guests drink the offered tea, after which the adult, adopting a deliberately serious expression on his face, peers at the drawing formed by the tea leaves at the bottom of the cup, and begins to give "predictions". There is no doubt that they should all be positive and kind.

Balloons are loved by most children, especially girls. Each participant can launch a ball into the sky, making a wish.

Alternatively, you can use sky lanterns.

Girls are especially impressionable and emotional natures, and it can be difficult to please them at the age of 11. However, loving parents, using all their imagination and ingenuity, will be able to cope with this task and help their princess celebrate such a holiday, which will undoubtedly remain in her memory for many years.

How to celebrate your birthday outdoors, see below.

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