Children's birthday

How to celebrate a 12-year-old girl's birthday?

How to celebrate a 12-year-old girl's birthday?
  1. Features of the organization
  2. Overview of contests and games
  3. How to diversify the script?

Birthday is a special date for every child. There are different ways to celebrate the girl's twelfth birthday, but this day should forever remain in her memory, and the event itself should bring joy to both the birthday girl and all the guests. It is not easy to organize such a holiday, but it is possible - you just need to take into account some peculiarities.

Features of the organization

When organizing a children's party, you need to take into account the characteristics of age, preferences, as well as the budget and location. It is worth paying attention to each of these aspects, and then the celebration will be flawless.

Throwing a birthday party for a 12 year old girl is a great idea. It can be carried out on a budget, because the main thing for a girl is to celebrate her holiday with friends.

In order not to miss anything, follow the step-by-step instructions.

  • Determine the budget. Remember, a party can have any budget. Set the amount, add 10-15% to it - this will be the budget of the holiday. Based on it, everything is chosen: menu, decor, entertainment program, venue, number of guests, prizes for participants in the competition.
  • Determine the number of guests. Provide the opportunity to invite guests to the birthday girl, not counting the invitation of close relatives, if the holiday is common. Also, don't forget about invitations. You can create them together with your child, buy ready-made or custom-made. Be that as it may, invitations must be signed personally, and also contain all the necessary information: venue, meeting time, theme of the party. The latter is indicated in the presence and if necessary, compliance with a certain dress code.

Be sure to hand over the invitation in advance so that the guests have time to free this day.

  • Choose a venue, date and time. The venue is chosen depending on the budget, desire and season. The party can be at home, in a cafe, in a children's center, in the fresh air. Consider the number of guests when choosing a place. On average, for a comfortable location of children, 1 square meter is needed for each. Additionally, you need to take into account the free space for arranging tables, chairs, decor, as well as a place for competitions and the implementation of an entertainment program.

If you are planning a joint holiday with adults, think over separate zones for each age group so as not to interfere with each other.

  • Think over the menu. A fun children's party is always very tiring, but exciting, so it is worth carefully thinking over the treats for the guests during the whole party. First of all, food for children should be light, varied, but satisfying. Pay special attention to drinks, especially if most of your entertainment is active. Do not forget that this is a children's party, so there may be a little more sweets and snacks on the table than usual. The main thing at a children's party is cake. Depending on the number of guests, it can be multi-tiered or portioned, in the form of cakes.

If it's a summer birthday, kids will love an ice cream cake like fresh seasonal berries and chocolate chips.

  • Think over a festive program. The entertainment program defines the whole holiday. It should be rich, but not too intense. In addition, when choosing her, it is worth considering the interests of the birthday girl and her friends. For example, if a girl dances, sings or loves to draw, you should not include only sports competitions in the program, but add 1-2 costs for physical activity in the middle of the program, but no more. The script for the event should include snack breaks, free time, congratulations from guests, blowing out the candles on the cake, and so on. If a professional presenter or animator is asked to hold a holiday, it is necessary to discuss the program in advance so that the invited actor can adjust it in advance, depending on individual preferences.

Feel free to make your own changes - do not agree to everything suggested by the presenter. Each child is individual, like his party.

  • Make a detailed plan for the day. Describe in detail every hour on the day of the party. This will keep you from missing out on anything important. Assign the roles of each family member ahead of time.

A perfectly planned day is the key to a successful party.


Hosting a party at home is one of the most affordable and easiest ways to organize a party, but that doesn't mean it's the most boring option.

Pros of having a party in an apartment:

  • availability;
  • it is convenient to prepare treats for guests;
  • no need to organize the transportation of decor, inventory for contests, food.


  • limited space;
  • you can not make loud noise at certain hours;
  • it is impossible to receive a large number of guests.

In the cafe

Today parents have a great opportunity to spend their child's birthday in a cafe.

Pros of having a party in a cafe:

  • the choice of treats and programs;
  • the ability to accommodate any number of guests;
  • enough space for entertainment.


  • not suitable for a small budget.

Overview of contests and games

You can prepare a program for a birthday party with your family on your own - you just need to choose interesting, funny contests and games.


  • "What language do I speak?" The essence of the game is to parody one of the languages ​​of the world so that the guests will guess it. Place notes with written tongues in a hat or opaque bag. Use the most popular and most recognizable ones. The guests take turns pulling notes and trying to parody the language.Important - gestures and objects cannot be used. The winner is the one who guesses the most.
  • "Name the country in three words." The competition is held by analogy with the first, only the essence of the game is to guess the country. The presenter thinks of a country for the participant, the task of the first is to describe it with just three words. The winner will be the one who guesses the fastest.
  • "Identify the painting and the artist from the fragment." The host invites guests to look at a fragment of the image and guess what it is. These can be paintings by famous artists, fragments of films, cartoons. The guests' task is to guess as much as possible.


As entertainment, you can offer guests any board games, except for gambling. This kind of entertainment is quite calm and is suitable for the end of the holiday.

For teenagers, you can offer the following board games:

  • "Monopoly";
  • "Falling tower";
  • "Uno";
  • "Erudite".


It is imperative to include active contests and games in the holiday program.

  • Dance. The host invites the guests to dance, but it should not be just body movements, but folk dances from different countries to music. Greek, lezginka, round dance - the participants will learn how to dance them and have a good time.
  • "Self-portrait". Participants are divided into two teams, the task of each of which is to draw a portrait, but each is his own. The relay is very funny due to the fact that each of the participants creates a portrait as if drawing himself, so the drawing turns out to be very funny. Don't forget to reward the winning team.
  • "My chair". A classic competition for an event, suitable for both adults and children. The participants walk to the music in a circle around the chairs, the number of which is constantly decreasing. When the music stops, the participants should take a seat. The one who remains in the last chair wins.
  • "Fighting roosters". Divide the floor with a straight line, on either side of which two volunteers assume a warlike rooster pose. The task of the participants is to get to the opposite side of the line without touching the floor with one foot. To overcome obstacles, you can push the opponent with your shoulder or chest. The winner is the one who crosses the line first.
  • "Eat me". Moving speed relay. Children are divided into two teams, sweets are hung at a distance of 2-3 meters. Participants take turns running up to them. Their task is to unfold and eat the candy without hands. The team that eats the most candy wins.

How to diversify the script?

The ideal scenario is one that will please both the birthday girl and the guests. First of all, do not forget that parents and teenagers may have different ideas about the ideal holiday. Fun, according to mom, contests may not be interesting for the birthday girl, so you need to prepare the holiday carefully.

A party for a 12-year-old girl can be made many times more interesting with the help of a large number of gifts, albeit symbolic. Presentations for all guests in the form of, for example, sweets will cheer up. Gifts can be given just like that, or you can - for participating in the competition, and then the whole program will become even more attractive for guests.

At the very beginning of the organization of the holiday, it is best to ask the girl what her ideal holiday should be. Based on the expectations of the birthday girl, you can think of how to diversify the script. Perhaps the girl herself will tell you what she would like to complement her party with.

For information on how to arrange a birthday party for a teenager, see the next video.

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