Children's birthday

How to celebrate a 13 year old girl's birthday?

How to celebrate a 13 year old girl's birthday?
  1. What to consider when preparing?
  2. Where to spend?
  3. How to register?
  4. Scenarios and tasks

Birthday is a special holiday for everyone, because on this day you turn into the center of the universe. Friends and relatives send congratulations and gifts. Of course, I would like to celebrate the event in a special way. In this article we will tell you how to celebrate the birthday of a 13-year-old girl and what to consider when organizing.

What to consider when preparing?

At the age of 13, most children no longer want to celebrate their birthday as before. Many even ask their parents not to interfere with them and leave them alone in the apartment with friends. However, if you follow the lead of thirteen-year-old children, you can be very disappointed, because at this age they are not yet so responsible and can make a small pogrom. On the other hand, the lack of organization can be harmful, as teens will get bored and either quarrel with each other, or they will sit around all evening and disperse early. The holiday will be ruined, and the girl will be upset.

To make the 13-year-old girl's birthday a success, the parent is advised to take matters into their own hands. First of all, it should be remembered that at this age the daughter is no longer a child, but a teenager who is very sensitive to everything and is critical of herself. At the same time, children sincerely consider themselves full-fledged adults and in no case accept children's contests and entertainment. Girls are no longer interested in dressing up in costumes of princesses and sorceresses, so this scenario definitely disappears. If you decorate the room with pink bows and unicorns, the child will feel uncomfortable, she will be ashamed in front of her friends, because all these children's things are no longer relevant.

That's why it is important to approach the issue of organizing the birthday of a 13-year-old girl with all responsibility. Try to come up with an interesting scenario that can involve all the participants in the celebration. Teenagers will be happy to take part in a concert, a quiz with logic tasks, outdoor games. You can come up with a humorous competition where everyone can laugh to their heart's content.

It is better if the script for the thirteenth birthday will be written together with my daughter, because this is her holiday, and she should be satisfied in the end.

Be sure to take into account the area of ​​interest of adolescents, this will help determine the competition. If the young people are satisfied with the holiday, the daughter's popularity will skyrocket. If the guests are bored, the child will definitely not say thank you.

When meeting guests, you can ask everyone to fill out a wall newspaper with wishes, or write a postcard with congratulations and throw them in a box. Later, the birthday girl will guess who is the author of this or that note. Make sure to take short breaks between games so that the children can socialize with each other. If the event is held at home, a parent will become the best host, because even at the age of 13 it is important to feel the support of mom and dad. The event may not go according to plan, but don't be upset if your daughter doesn't mind. After all, the main thing is that she is satisfied and remembers her holiday with pleasure.

Where to spend?

Many parents spend their birthday parties with friends in a variety of entertainment venues, restaurants or karaoke.

However, you can also celebrate thirteen at home. After all, events are sometimes expensive. As a rule, birthday celebrations are held in the largest room in the house - the living room, so that there is plenty of room for contests.

If the room is small, you can set the table in the kitchen, and hold games and contests in the living room.

How to register?

When decorating a party room, it is worth remembering again that everything is arranged for a 13-year-old teenager and pink ponies with fairies are unlikely to work. But a cloud of balls under the ceiling will come in handy. Each guest will be able to take with them a balloon after the holiday... An excellent option would be an arch made of balls or an installation in the form of the number "13".

It is better not to overdo it with the design of the table, as teenagers will not appreciate the glitter tubes and dishes with cartoon characters. Do everything with restraint. It is better to limit yourself to holiday disposable tableware, this will save you the extra hassle after the holiday. It will be enough to put everything in a bag and throw it away.

Unlike primary school students, thirteen-year-olds have an excellent appetite, so treats should also be carefully considered. But you shouldn't be smart. Organize a buffet so that guests do not have to sit in one place, everyone can come up and put a treat on a plate, and then join the company of friends. Order pizza, sandwiches, light baked goods. Sushi is great, teens love it. Since the event will be mainly girls, take care of the availability of light salads, some already at this age follow the figure and do not eat flour.

It is better to take out the birthday cake as a final treat after all the contests.

Scenarios and tasks

There are many interesting ideas that will help you celebrate the birthday of a 13-year-old girl. Funny contests, logic games and much more will surely please teenagers. Based on the results of the event, you can give everyone a small gift from the birthday girl. It can be a beautiful notebook complete with an interesting pen, a jar of sweets or a decoration. Let's consider some interesting options.

  • Guess the melody. A musical competition, which must be drawn up together with the birthday girl, since adults are not always aware of fashionable performers. The rules are simple: turn on the track on your phone, whoever guesses first gets a point. In this game, children will be active and will be able to approach the next with great enthusiasm.
  • Karaoke. This competition is for liberated girls who love and know how to sing.However, on the sly, many will join. YouTube now has karaoke videos for any song. Let each guest perform at least one composition at will.
  • Dancing. An original dance competition where everyone can show their ability to move and listen to music. Play popular tik tok tunes and let the girls showcase the latest dance trends. Rest assured, many will surprise you with their talents. You can alternate between playing fast and slow songs so that teens have a hard time adjusting to the desired rhythm. When the children are tired, have some quiet resting play.
  • Riddles. This competition will also be unusual, since the guests will have to guess not only the usual riddles and solve logical examples, but also those concerning the hero of the occasion. For example, you can create riddle questions where you will need to name your favorite color, dish, artist, actor, or the birthday girl's activity. The game will help your daughter understand which of the girlfriends knows her best.
  • Chairs. Another mobile competition, which is known to everyone from childhood, but is relevant even for adults. Chairs are placed in a circle, and teenagers walk around them to the music. As soon as the melody stopped, they should have time to take the vacant seat. Those who do not have time are eliminated. The winner is the participant who will be able to win the last chair for himself.
  • Quiz. The final game can be a small quiz with interesting questions. It is advisable that they do not touch the curriculum, since children get tired of such topics at school. At the birthday party, you still need to have fun and rest. Girls of 13 years old will be happy to answer questions about their favorite performers, actors, movies, bloggers and tiktokers. You don't have to invent something clever. Suffice it to ask about Harry Potter or the characters in the movie "Twilight". Such trendy questions will greatly increase your ranking among young people.

At the very end of the holiday, you can give out gifts and organize a disco for teenagers, and then quietly leave the room, leaving them alone.

How to celebrate the birthday of a 13-year-old girl, see the video.

1 comment

The idea is just super!


the beauty
