Children's birthday

How to celebrate a 14-year-old girl's birthday?

How to celebrate a 14-year-old girl's birthday?
  1. Party organization rules
  2. Choice of topics
  3. Overview of contests and games
  4. Script ideas

It is very important to celebrate the birthdays of children colorfully and vividly, because they will keep all these memories for their whole life. Many parents are wondering how to arrange a holiday for their teenage daughter at the age of 14. It would seem that doing this is not so problematic, but here too there are some difficulties. We will consider the rules for organizing the celebration, as well as the choice of topics and competitions in this article, and also get acquainted with ready-made ideas for scenarios for celebrating the 14th anniversary.

Party organization rules

How the holiday is organized will determine its further successful holding. That is why it is important to pay great attention to even the smallest details.

First you need to decide on a budget: how much parents are willing to spend on decorating the premises, on a festive table and on gifts for contests.

It is better to organize the holiday together with the birthday girl, taking into account all her wishes, ideas and needs. She must tell what kind of holiday she wants, what treats are most important to her, as well as what decorations, for example, a photo zone, she wants to show to her guests.

After determining the budget, it is advisable to start choosing a location. You can spend your birthday at home, in a cafe, or you can go out into nature with friends. Once you've determined the location, it's imperative to start creating a good script for your girl's birthday. The success of the whole party will depend on this, and most importantly, this is a kind of plan that can be followed throughout the holiday.

Choice of topics

Today, various themed parties for girls are considered very popular.And this is not surprising, because they are very funny, interesting and to some extent educational.

When choosing a theme for a celebration, it is important to take into account the preferences of not only the future birthday girl, but also her guests. If only girls are invited, then you can choose the theme of the holiday in the style of a beauty salon. Young girls will surely appreciate such a birthday with beautiful decorations, delicious candy bar with designer desserts. But if there are both boys and girls at the holiday, you should pay attention to something universal. For example, for an American-style party or in a tropical style.

A pajama party can become an interesting theme - a girl of any age will be happy to celebrate her 14th birthday with her friends in this style.

You can celebrate a birthday with friends using the superhero theme, especially if the girl is fond of such comics and films.

For example, a supergirl birthday will involve an original dress code, fun contests at home, and superhero themed treats.

In winter, as a rule, parties are held indoors, but in summer, at the request of the birthday girl, you can hold a magnificent party on the summer terrace of a cafe or in the courtyard of a private house. In the fresh air, you can set up a delicious candy bar, a photo zone with balloons, and even invite dancers.

Do not forget that for each theme party, you should select the appropriate photo zone, treats, costumes and music. In addition, depending on the theme, guests can be sent original invitations by mail or via the Internet.

The birthday theme can be suggested by the birthday girl herself, perhaps she has a favorite "girly" TV series or fairy tale, according to the type of which she would like to recreate the holiday. Of the simplest and cheapest topics, we recommend paying attention to a karaoke party.

Overview of contests and games

Funny contests and games do not let teenagers get bored at the holiday, in addition, they are an obligatory part of almost any celebration.

For home

An interesting game can be "Pantomime". The names of the items should be written on the cards in advance: it can be a fork, a cup, a car, and others. Then put the cards in a box and invite the guests to choose them. Guests should try to portray what is written on their card, not using their hands, but only facial expressions and pantomime.

Competition "In Search of Flowers". This is a kind of home quest. In the chosen room, you can hide several paper flowers, but you can even use real flowers, and then invite guests to go in search of them. Whoever collects flowers the most will win.

An excellent proven game for a private house can be a game of hide and seek, of course, if the premises allow it. For apartments, this game is of little relevance.

In the cafe

Many adults and children are familiar with the Hot Potato game, but instead of potatoes, you can use any fruit, vegetable or object that guests have to pass to each other while the music is playing. After the music stops, the one who has the object in his hands should say congratulations to the young birthday girl.

In the cafe, you can arrange a game of singing your favorite songs in karaoke, of course, if the guests like to sing. If the friends of the birthday girl know interesting anecdotes, then without any problems you can hold a competition for the funniest anecdote.


An excellent competition for a birthday party in nature can be "Who is faster?" There can be 2-3 tasks, there are also several players. The assignments are selected based on the preferences of the guests. For example, who will drink a milkshake faster, or who will eat the proposed fruit faster. The winner can be rewarded with a generous gift, such as a toy, and participants with incentive prizes.

Balls Popping is also considered a popular game. Each of the participants must be given 2-3 balls, the task of each guest is to burst them without using hands, teeth and nails.

Script ideas

The script allows the presenters to control the holiday process, which is why it is so important and should not be neglected.

Parents or older brothers and sisters can be the leaders at the holiday. If the party is themed, then the hosts should be in appropriate costumes.

Universal scenario # 1

This script can be used as a cliché, adapting for any themed holiday. And also you can diversify it with your own ideas.

  • Birthday greeting. The presenters say wishes for the birthday girl, for example, read a poem, and also greet the guests. Solemn music sounds.
  • Carrying out a photo session. General photographs are taken in the photo zone or at the table.
  • Inviting guests to the table.
  • Leading speech. The first contests after the meal. Presentation of gifts to the winners and incentive prizes to the rest of the participants.
  • Holding a disco or dancing, after which you can also invite everyone to the table or offer sweet treats in the candy bar if you wish.
  • Carrying out the remaining competitions.
  • Summarizing. Final speech of the presenters. Blowing out the candles on the cake. If the party is being held outdoors, guests may be invited to watch the fireworks. Shared photos are taken again.

Scenario # 2

Here is another scenario for a 14-year-old girl's birthday.

  • Festive music plays in the theme of the party. Congratulations from the hosts.
  • Inviting guests to the table. Meal. Conducting several drinking contests.
  • Photo session with the birthday girl and guests. An invitation to a sweet table and listening to congratulations. Leading speech.
  • Performing songs and dances of guests at their request, holding mobile contests with prizes and games.
  • Final speech of the presenters, if desired, analysis of gifts for the birthday girl. Blowing out the candles on the cake, again a photo session. If there is an opportunity to print photos for guests, they will certainly be happy to take one shared photo with them as a souvenir.

There are many scenarios, but any of them should be adapted for a particular holiday and guests, as well as taking into account all the wishes of the birthday girl and the interests of her friends. This is the only way for all guests to be satisfied. The presenters should prepare the speech based on the theme of the celebration. The presenters can be heroes from the book, as well as the hero of the occasion herself. For example, when holding a holiday in the style of "Alice in Wonderland", the father can be the leader, playing the role of the famous Hatter, inviting children to go to the table or go to competitions.

But when holding a celebration in the style of a modern princess, the mother can be the presenter, playing the role of a good fairy, who invites guests to read poetry to the guests or dance in order to receive a delicious gift.

The main thing is not to be afraid to give free rein to your imagination and listen carefully to your child, taking into account her wishes.

For information on how to arrange a birthday party for a teenager, see the next video.

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