Children's birthday

How interesting is it to celebrate the birthday of a 5-year-old girl?

How interesting is it to celebrate the birthday of a 5-year-old girl?
  1. Party organization rules
  2. Celebration ideas
  3. Overview of contests and games
  4. Scenario options

The baby turned 5 - it's time to arrange the first anniversary, bright and memorable. At this age, the child is already ready to have fun for 2-3 hours in a row, to keep attention on the script of the holiday and to keep in touch with the guests. So it's time for the first real party. It can be arranged at home, in a cafe, on the street, you can do it yourself, without the involvement of animators, and that will also be great. But a lot of preparation will be required.

Party organization rules

Times are changing, and what was in the childhood of the parents themselves could easily become outdated. There is no need to be afraid to support the traditions of Western countries, to adopt the most interesting and memorable.

8 points for organizers of a children's birthday.

  • Wishlist - a reasonable decision, and for sure there will be no mistakes with gifts. Not all kids love surprises simply because not all surprises work out. Modern parents often do this - together with the child they make a list of gifts that he dreams of. And then a chat is created in the messenger with the parents of the invited children, the mother throws off the wishlist, and other adults do not puzzle over what to give the birthday girl. And a five-year-old girl on her holiday will get exactly what she wanted.
  • The holiday begins with invitations. Therefore, they should be bright, personalized, funny. If a dress code or other conditions of the holiday are assumed, all this is prescribed in the invitation.

Better if it is not an email newsletter to parents, but cool paper invitations.

  • Timing on a children's birthday is a very good idea. It is easier for the organizing parents themselves, and all the guests (to a greater extent, the parents of the little guests) can understand what will happen and how the birthday will go. It is always helpful to structure your holiday. Schedules, timing can also be brightly decorated and hung on the front door.
  • The dress code is interesting. Often at a children's party you can see those who came to run and jump (that is, put on T-shirts, jeans, shorts) and those who are dressed too solemnly, and the folds of the ball gown prevent the children from fully participating in the game program. Therefore, the dress code prescribed in the invitation controls this issue as much as possible.
  • Think over the topic first. Thematic birthdays are almost an axiom. What a 5-year-old girl might like: Alice in Wonderland, Fairy Winx Party, Adventures in the Kingdom of Flowers, Little Scientists Laboratory, Jungle Adventure, etc. and a holiday of the brave Indians.
  • Think over the place, and start from it. If it is not possible to arrange a holiday in a cafe or a game center, and at home it is not very convenient, do not lose heart. Even in the courtyard, you can come up with a cool holiday that will cheer up passers-by with its fun.
  • Maintain a report on social networks. If this, of course, is close to the family itself. It can be conducted in the messenger so that other parents and grandparents can observe the nuances of the holiday.
  • Think over a festive photo zone. It should match the theme of the birthday. Self-made is the most sincere and warm. It is not necessary to spend a lot of effort and money, you will not be forced to look for tips on an interesting design - the Internet is full of them.

Preparing for the holiday usually begins in about a month. It's great if the family can delegate errands. So, dad can be engaged in the purchase of products, the technical design of the photo zone, and the printing of invitations. All the creative nuances are usually on the mother.

But it is not so important who does what, the main thing is that there is a clear organization, and preparation is carried out in advance.

Celebration ideas

The main thing for a child is to have fun, make some noise and play enough. At the age of 5, he does not know what place is prestigious, and how to make sure that the birthday is “on the level”. Therefore, all parents should start from this: fun, fervently, within their means, sincerely. The rest is not that important.

A place

A café and a gaming center are the most popular options right now. You can rent a special room for a few hours, decorated and equipped for the celebration. And many do just that: to celebrate a holiday in such a place means not to worry about the beautiful design and subsequent cleaning. But if you prefer home holidays, you shouldn't look back at how others are doing.

Where else can you celebrate your birthday:

  • at home - everything is under control, there is an opportunity to relax a little in familiar conditions, the child will be pleased to introduce friends to his room;
  • in the country, outside the city - if it is a warm season outside, a street party will be the most useful (in terms of space, fresh air);
  • in the courtyard of a high-rise building - and this is real, the main thing is to organize everything and not forget to clean up after yourself;
  • at a picnic - if a large company is not planned, then you can invite five-year-old friends for a picnic in a city park or other suitable place (you need to take a ball, badminton, etc.).

Home is the best option in many cases. Still, 5 years is not so much, the guys can get tired, and it is easier to lie down on the sofa, walk around the rooms than looking for the fifth corner in a cafe.


It is limited only by the organizers' imagination. You can go through all the favorite cartoons of the birthday girl and make a party in the style of one of them. You can make a reference point on the girl's hobbies. For example, she enjoys drawing. In honor of the holiday at home, you can organize a personal exhibition of her works and hold a drawing master class with the children.

Of course, parents will have to think over it in detail and prepare the girl in advance so that she will be the main assistant.

What other themes can be used:

  • art laboratory - with little guests, you can sculpt, glue, paint, do various creative works according to their strength and capabilities;
  • visit doctor Malyshkina - the guests will also become doctors for the whole evening, invent magic pills, get acquainted with medicinal plants and learn to “heal” books, for example;
  • Indians looking for treasure - guests can make special crowns of feathers, come up with a program of competitions for the most daring and brave and let them find a treasure in the form of precious stones at the end (in fact, these will be sweets in bright metallized foil);
  • filming a movie - the topic can be played on bloggers, for example, and thus, in a playful and accessible form, introduce kids to an interesting profession;
  • sport kids - everything at such a party is subordinated to sports, the guys will participate in relay races, dance a zumba, try to shoot a penalty and receive well-deserved medals (you can, of course, chocolate);
  • evening of the snow fairies - perfect for a winter birthday, when the house is still decorated like New Year's: the main event of the evening will be the making of paper amulets in the form of snow fairies, each child will make it himself and take it home.

The more unique the theme, the more enthusiasm the children will have. And although five-year-olds hardly attended many birthdays, they could already see some standard scenarios.

Overview of contests and games

We list interesting and suitable games and entertainment that are easy to organize at home.

7 games and fun tasks for your birthday at home.

  • Guess who is superfluous here. The competition has several variations. You can print animal masks, one of which is fantastic. If there are many adults at the party, you can ask everyone to go to the center of the room, wearing or trying on a mask. The guys should name the animal and clap if it really exists. Among the real ones, the fictional will also hide, the guys must meet him with a stomp.
  • Confusion. There are two boxes in front of the guys. They mixed cardboard pictures with the image of edible and inedible items. The task of the children is to distribute the items into boxes according to their “nutritional status”.
  • Dangerous bridge. You need to print paper or cardboard circles, squares, rectangles in advance. They should be multi-colored. These figures are laid out in the path that the guys must go through. But there is a condition - for example, you cannot step on red pieces. Who stepped comes back.
  • Who lives in the book. The presenter says that the children who read books with their parents have magical creatures in these very little books. And in the books of the birthday girl - too. And today is a special day, and these creatures are waiting to be found. Toddlers can be given a stack of books to open. And find there heroes of famous fairy tales and children's works printed on thick paper (or better - laminated).
  • Find flowers. An adult pours out a huge amount of paper tinsel from a large bag. The task for the children is to find beautiful paper flowers among her. There will be double-sided tape on the back of the flower. In adults, sheet A-3 is prepared in advance with a glued basket or vase, as well as flower stalks. Children carry the found flowers to an adult, he glues them to a sheet. The result is a beautiful collective bouquet.
  • Finger drawing. We need an adult who will paint on the work of the guys. Those should put bright fingerprints that have been in the paint, and an adult draws details with a black thin marker - eyes, paws, antennae, etc. As a result, each child will have his own postcard with a drawn character.
  • Workshop. Five-year-olds willingly respond to any creative master classes. Of course, they require an organization of the place, work materials and, finally, the presence of an adult who can manage the process. Unobtrusive holiday music can be put in the background.

You don't need to plan a lot of competitions: you should remember how quickly five-year-olds get tired, how much energy they spend on processing new information.

Scenario options

Here are just a few rough plans of scenarios according to which the birthday of a five-year-old girl may develop.

  • Number 1. Meeting guests, a dance warm-up, a competition for attention, a break for refreshments, a relay competition, a photo session, a couple of contests with a creative focus, taking out a cake, distributing treats.
  • Number 2. Greeting guests, an invitation to a festive master class, a dance break, an invitation to the table, a photo session, games and communication, taking out a cake, a funny song on the track.
  • Number 3. Greeting guests, refreshments, photo session, mobile contests, contests for ingenuity, communication and games, taking out a cake, musical farewell.

Be sure to think about how the guests will receive photos from the holiday, how the birthday girl will treat them (holiday "party"). And you can also arrange a joint unpacking of gifts - almost at the end of the evening, but better after the cake.

In the next video, you will find an example of the birthday of a 5-year-old girl.

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