Children's birthday

Birthday script for a girl 6 years old

Birthday script for a girl 6 years old
  1. Organization rules
  2. Interesting ideas for
  3. Scenario options

Children's birthday is always a holiday for a child. And so that it does not turn into a headache for the parents, it must be properly organized. If the birthday girl is a girl, it can be fun to celebrate both at home and in a cafe or entertainment center.

Organization rules

The main thing in organizing a children's party is to have a clear plan for holding it. It is imperative to take into account how many guests will come, how many adults will accompany them (for the parents of the birthday girl, of course, the ideal option is the presence of only children).

The choice of the venue for the birthday is one of the key points of the plan. If you decide to celebrate in a cafe or restaurant, you need to have a separate hall in it, where no one can interfere with the merry holiday. If the institution cannot provide such an opportunity, it is better to refuse to celebrate the birthday there. In addition to a separate room, it is necessary that the cafe has some free space for setting up decorations (if required), as well as for accommodating animators.

Of course, no chain cafes are suitable for celebration, since their goal is a constant flow of customers, tables set close to each other will not give an opportunity to play or hold a competition.

Food is just as important. It is necessary to focus not only on the tastes of the birthday girl, but also take into account the preferences of the guests (someone may have allergies or individual intolerance to certain foods), so it is better if there is an alternative, for example, pizza or nuggets with french fries. It is important to remember that the birthday is for children, so the food should be the one that children love, not adults. No kebabs, cold cuts or red caviar needed. It is better to take care of canapés or dishes "for one tooth", since children, playing with the animators or with each other, practically do not sit at the table and do not eat.

The experience of organizing children's parties shows that preschoolers and junior schoolchildren enjoy success: pizza (it is better not to take "complex" options with capers, mushrooms or shrimps), mini-pies with different fillings - both yeast and puff, mashed potatoes with a cutlet (preferably chicken), nuggets, fruit drinks and juices, drinking still water ... And, of course, sweets. Serving is not as important as such a property of the dishes as the inability to beat.

No porcelain or glass - thick bright plastic, disposable paper plates and cups with fun prints, drinks in securely resealable bottles.

Another important part of the plan is timing. Many parents make a common mistake - animators start working from the first minute of the holiday. The birthday girl and guests are deprived of the opportunity to communicate, play, or just run around together. It is much better to give children the opportunity to occupy themselves for at least half an hour or an hour, and only then "release" animators with an entertainment program. This will not let the kids get bored, while they will spend some time in communication.

Taking out the cake is a solemn moment. It is much more interesting when no one will see him until the hour "X", even the birthday girl herself. Then, when taking out a cake decorated with candles, genuine emotions - delight and rapture - are guaranteed. Therefore, it is better to keep the appearance of the cake a secret, especially if it is made based on the favorite cartoon or book of the birthday girl.

It is also important who will make the cake. Often, this is entrusted to the animators, but one of the parents with a cake and lighted candles is a much nicer and more sentimental option.

If the celebration takes place outside the home, it is very important to discuss all types of ordered entertainment with the administration providing the venue. Moreover, when one organization both provides a place and organizes leisure, there will be no problems - all activities are coordinated at once. If a third-party organization is involved in the animation, the consent of the site is needed, especially when something grandiose is planned like a smoke cannon or fireworks.

Do not stretch the celebration for more than 3 hours. Six-year-olds are still preschoolers, they get tired much faster than schoolchildren, so 2-3 hours is the optimal timing. It is enough to play, run, dance and eat deliciously.

Interesting ideas for

An original and fun idea - a culinary master class. Girls at the age of 6 are already able enough to put different types of pre-prepared toppings on prepared dough circles, forming mini-pizzas. Of course, adults will have to bake them. This will also resolve the issue with the treat - then the children will be happy to eat these pizzas. Such a master class can be organized both at home and in a cafe.

It is rare that a child will not be impressed by a quest, especially if it is led by favorite characters.

A place

You can spend your children's birthday at home. Then you have to think about where the celebration will take place. If the event is celebrated in a country house, this is ideal - in summer, children can have fun on the playground in front of the house, at other times of the year - in a spacious hall. But even in the apartment, you can cheerfully celebrate the event, only fragile, easily breakable objects should be removed from the reach of children in advance, everything that may suffer, fall, crack and crumble. It is better to tighten white furniture with removable covers, which are easy to wash or clean later.

If the event is held in an entertainment center, everything is much simpler - animators and administrators take care of the organizational issues. However, the plan is in any case drawn up by the parents, they are also responsible for the food and drinks.

A summer birthday can be celebrated at an amusement park. Parks generally welcome these events, offering discounts on rides for groups of more than 10 people. Children can ride their favorite attractions, play with animators in the fresh air, and then have a snack in the summer cafe with pizza, hot donuts or ice cream.


The choice of the topic is primarily due to the preferences of the birthday girl, but this is not the only condition. It should be interesting not only for her, but also for the guests. Therefore, the script should be composed in such a way that each guest has fun, so that everyone is interested in what is happening and takes an active part in games and competitions.

Today, animators offer different scenarios and characters for birthday parties. These can be: Alice from Wonderland along with the Cheshire Cat and the Hatter, Snow White and the Dwarfs, Cinderella, Pirates of the Caribbean, Barboskins, Masha and the Bear, and many others.

Scenario options

The scenario of the birthday depends on the interests of the birthday girl and guests. If the company consists of girls and boys, it is unlikely that everyone will be interested in playing with a princess or fairy animator. It is better to take care of a neutral scenario, for example, finding treasures, treasure.

For a company of girls, scenarios with dress contests, drawing princesses are suitable. Animators can show a puppet show, and before that, conduct a quest to find one of the missing dolls, without which the play will not take place.

You should not choose too scary characters, for example, Koshchei or Babu Yaga, especially with complex makeup. Children may be frightened by such a hero, and they will not be able to spend a holiday.

There should be not too much text in the script, but at the same time a sufficient amount of various kinds of activity. For example, children, together with the presenter, cause the wind, waving their hands, spinning around, scattering snowflakes, or hiding from an evil wizard. There must be breaks for food and dance or entertainment between parts of the script.

With games and contests

Competitions need to be selected so that none of the children is offended. It is better if the basis of each competition is team work, and such that there are no losers. Otherwise, everything will end with resentments, tears and whims of those who have failed, and this is absolutely not what is needed at the holiday. It's the same with games - so-called team work will be the most suitable option, no matter if it's funny or serious.


An escape room is a good idea for a party with more than 10 guests of about the same age. If the company is of different sexes, you need to choose a neutral theme that is suitable for both girls and boys, for example, searching for items with Dasha the traveler and the monkey Shoe or the Barboskins. If there are only guests at the party, then any "girly" theme - from Disney princesses to Dr. Plusheva will do.

Since 6 years old is the age when not all children can read and write well, the clues and keys in the quest should be clear, written or printed in large legible handwriting or type, there should be a lot of them so that the children retain interest and do not look for them for too long.

You should also take care of the prizes: it is possible that the children will find them along with the keys as bonuses for the passed stage. Prizes can be not only sweets, but also various children's little things - a spinner, a toy, a sticker, a paper spinner, and the like.

The main prize for completing the quest is directly related to its theme. If the quest is held with one of the Disney princesses, for example, with Snow White, then the prize can be a caramelized apple and a notebook with the image of Snow White. Dr.Plusheva can give everyone a toothbrush and a dental care guide, as well as tasty and healthy sweets, such as dried fruit sweets or candy.

7 life hacks for a children's birthday, see the next video.

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