Children's birthday

Celebrating the birthday of a girl of 9 years old: options for scenarios and contests

Celebrating the birthday of a girl of 9 years old: options for scenarios and contests
  1. Organization rules
  2. Holiday ideas
  3. Entertainment overview
  4. How to diversify the script?

To celebrate the birthday of a 9 year old girl, you need to think carefully about everything. Little ladies at this age want a holiday, like adults, and may be upset if there are children's games.

Organization rules

Immediately appoint the exact date, place, time of the holiday, count the exact number of children and adults who will be present at the party in honor of the girl's ninth birthday. You can make invitations, but this is not required. After that, there is much to be done.

Come up with a holiday concept

It could be a pajama party, a Frozen-style celebration, or Alice in Wonderland. You need to proceed from the interests of the birthday girl. Accordingly, you will need the necessary decorations and costumes. Make a themed photo zone.


Of course, kids love pizza, sweets and fries. This is the perfect food for a children's birthday party. It is important to clarify if there are vegetarians or people with allergies among the guests in order to prepare a separate menu for them. Buy paper napkins, tablecloths.


  • make a playlist in advance;
  • order a cake or bake yourself;
  • collect all the items you need for contests and games;
  • charge phones, cameras, camcorders.

Holiday ideas

You don't have to spend a lot of money to celebrate a good birthday - you can also celebrate at home with friends. There are several ideas for a girl's birthday.

Princess style

Probably every girl dreamed of wearing a dress, a crown and becoming the heroine of a fairy tale. Therefore, it is worth giving such an opportunity to the birthday girl and her friends.You need to make special invitations in the style of Disney cartoons. More pink and various beads.

Balloons of "girly" colors are suitable for decorations: lilac, pink, white and the like. Do not forget about tablecloths, garlands. You can arrange a photo zone.

As a treat, there should be beautiful sweets of bright colors. Cakes, cake pieces, lollipops, and cupcakes will do.

Arrange games in the same style. For example, a talent contest or the game "Who is what princess?"

Alice in Wonderland Style

Here you will probably need animators or parents who can play the roles of the Red Queen, Hatter, Rabbit.

At such a party, you need a lot of decor, preferably in a large format: maps, direction signs, large flowers, hats, clocks, a chessboard, signs with the words "Drink me" or "Eat me." Have a real fabulous tea party just like in Alice in Wonderland.

And of course, contests should also be based on the plot of a fairy tale. Let the children paint white roses red or act out scenes at speed.

pajama party

Of course, at such a holiday, guests stay overnight. Accordingly, parents need to be warned about this. But it's worth it, usually girls are delighted with such an idea.

Let the children put on their best pajamas, put on a fashion show, do each other's hair, watch cartoons, and draw. Such parties are not complete without traditional pillow fights, it is important to consider this. Treats can be homemade: pies, cookies, marshmallows, cocoa with marshmallows, or hot chocolate.

Garlands and balloons, beautiful bed linen are suitable as decor. Put on some calm, cozy background music.

Art party

Such a holiday should have a very bright, rainbow color scheme and many colorful decorations.

You can't do without a photo zone here. Buy more balloons, garlands, awnings and more. Let the treats and sweets also be of different colors (lollipops, dragees, drinks).

The art party should have fun music and a huge number of creative contests: drawing with bright colors on fabric, creating multi-colored curly pyramids and other interesting games.

Entertainment overview

To keep your child busy for the whole day, you do not need to spend a lot of effort and money. The games and contests described below are a great way to entertain your daughter.


"10 to 10". Guests are divided into 2 teams. Each of them should write a 10-letter word on their easel. At the command "start" they change them, their task is to compose ten words from the letters that are part of the word given to them. The team that does it faster wins and receives a prize.

"Portrait of a Birthday Girl". Girlfriends are offered a variety of materials for drawing and applications: pencils, felt-tip pens, dresses cut from magazines, hairstyles and more. The winner will be the one whose portrait the birthday girl will like the most.

"Multi-colored spots". The presenter sets the color for the search. The task of the contestants is to find an object of this color and touch it. The one who has not coped is eliminated. Accordingly, the winner is the person who has reached the very end alone.

"Fanta". In a big hat there are pieces of paper with various funny tasks (dance to the music, sing your favorite song, meow some melody, play out a funny scene). Children draw out pieces of paper one by one. The winner is the one whose performance liked the hero of the occasion the most.

"Barter". Guests are assigned in pairs. Each person is given bags containing 15-20 beads, small buttons, coins and the like. One of the players takes out a few beads and hides them in his fist. The partner's task is to guess their number. He may ask: "Odd or even?"If he manages to tell the number correctly, he takes these beads for himself. If not, he gives the same amount from his package. Couples constantly mix. The competition lasts about 12 minutes, then the winner is the one with the most beads.

"Mysterious Stranger". The presenter or birthday girl reads out a list of certain traits that correspond to one of those present. This can include eye color, height, school grades, pets, hobbies, and more. The rest should give the name of this person. Participants can ask questions about a person's personality. The winner is the one who guesses the fastest.

"Cabbage". Participants are divided into teams. From each, one volunteer is taken, on whom the team must put on the maximum amount of clothing in one or two minutes. Accordingly, the clothes must be prepared in advance.


"Telegram". Players must write their names on pieces of paper, roll them up and put them in a bag. Now everyone is the unlucky postman. The guests take turns drawing out a piece of paper, reading the name and improvising on the fly: they make up a sentence, each word of which begins with one letter of the name written on the piece of paper. For example, "Under the tree the tiger roars," that is, the name of Peter was on the piece of paper.

"Home!". Seven or more people are playing. On the site, any objects are designated "at home". There should be one less number of them than the players. The players stand in the middle of the site and repeat 8 times in a row: "Home!" After that, they flee to their homes. Who does not have time to take a seat, goes to one of the players and asks: "Is the oil for sale?" He replies: "No, I will sell ... (name of another player)." The leader goes to the person to whom he was sent, asks the same question and receives a similar answer. As he walks from one to the other, the two "homeowners" change places. The driver's task is to occupy a temporarily empty house. If he succeeds, the leader becomes the one who was left “without a home”.

Salki in Japanese. At least four players. The driver is chasing the rest of the players. If he touches another player, he starts driving. However, it is more difficult for him, since now he must run, holding on to the part of the body that was touched by the previous "water". Thus, he has to run and attack someone.

If a lot of people are playing, several drivers are chosen.

Board game "Alias". It can even be made from scrap materials. Participants are divided into teams. They pull out cards on which they are given a few words. They must explain each of them in other words, it is not allowed to use the same root. One card has 60 seconds. The task of the other team is to guess as many words as possible.

"Teremok". Two circles are designated on the floor at a distance of 10-15 meters. One of the counting players stands in the middle between the towers and catches the rest of the players running from one circle to another. During the dash, the children say: “Tower, tower, behind a tall tree! Oak, executioner, stand, don't cry! " If the driver catches someone, that person takes his place.

How to diversify the script?

You can organize an adventure-themed quest. Children should be divided into teams. Put up country signs in different places. To move from one to the other, participants must complete an assignment. The winning team is the one that makes the "trip around the world" faster than the others. Each child should be involved in the process, it is important that all children participate in the tasks.

Arrange a disco. It may be trite, but it is always cool and fun for people of any age, especially for children.

Ask the birthday girl what her and her friends have in music, and don't forget to buy a disco ball.

Make giving gifts fun. The girl who has a birthday must guess the crossword puzzle previously drawn up for her, drawn in large size and attached to the wall. When she does this, in the highlighted cells she will see the name of the place where the gifts are hidden.

Everyone knows the Limbo dance. The bottom line is this: two people hold a stick horizontally on both sides. Guests must take turns under this stick. After each pass, the stick must be lowered about 10 centimeters. Do not forget to include some music, preferably Latin American.

How to throw a birthday party for a girl, see the video below.

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