Children's birthday

How interesting to celebrate the birthday of your daughter 8 years old?

How interesting to celebrate the birthday of your daughter 8 years old?
  1. Features of the organization of the holiday
  2. Choice of topics
  3. Overview of contests and games
  4. Script ideas

Celebrating the birthday of an 8-year-old daughter has a certain specificity. On the one hand, the wishes of the birthday girl and her guests should be taken into account - for example, many girls will prefer contests with dressing up or creativity to active games. On the other hand, it is important not to forget that this age already requires more thoughtful entertainment, and the concept of the holiday itself - a simple round dance with a cake is no longer enough.

Features of the organization of the holiday

Regardless of which scenario is chosen for the birthday of a girl of 8 years old, the organization of the holiday should include a number of mandatory points. If the event is planned to be held in a city apartment, it is necessary to clean it of excess furniture as much as possible and, just in case, to secure all sharp corners. The right thing to do is to allocate a dining area and a play area - of course, it is best to distribute them in different rooms. When the choice is made in favor of a cafe, it is necessary to take into account both the convenience of the establishment for all participants, and its relevance to the theme of the holiday. The decor for the room can be done independently, or you can entrust it to specialists.

Of course, bundles of balloons pumped with helium, colored garlands and paper pom-poms are always perceived with a bang. Particular attention should be paid to the design of the candy bar, if one is planned.

It is considered a good idea to organize a colorful photo zone, which will allow you to make photos from the holiday not only sincere, but also of high quality. Having decided on the theme of the celebration, it makes sense to prepare all kinds of accessories that the children can then take away as a souvenir.We are talking about invitations, caps, decor for photo shoots, guest cards and other nice little things.

When it comes to birthday treats, it's best to balance taste and health, and make each dish portioned, visually appealing, and quick to consume. For example, it can be mini-kebabs of meat, seafood or vegetables, small sandwiches, profiteroles stuffed with salad, tartlets and other unusual snacks. It is customary to fill the candy bar with cupcakes, muffins, lollipops, marmalade, nuts and ordinary sweets.

Another important issue to consider in advance is what to keep the guests occupied before the event starts. The easiest way will be to include cartoons - but you also need to find them first and, for example, drop them onto a USB flash drive. Additionally, you can organize an area with coloring pages, pencils and felt-tip pens. The final gesture of the holiday should be something global - an unusual cake, fireworks or a giant pinata with sweets, which the birthday boy will smash.

Choice of topics

Themes for the holiday, which the child is to celebrate with friends at home or in a cafe, should be chosen based on the interests and preferences of the birthday person himself. The event can be dedicated to the birthday boy's favorite heroes, a book, an activity, or even a color.

Competitions and festive decor are also selected depending on the main theme - it would be foolish to buy a garland with characters from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear" if, for example, a princess ball is planned.

Overview of contests and games

Funny and funny contests can be held both at home and in a cafe or some other public institution, even on the street.

It is generally accepted that intellectual and creative entertainment is more suitable for a room, but in an open space, you can arrange active games and use a variety of sports equipment.

For home

Children can be invited to play charades, or to announce a competition for the best birthday greetings. Schoolchildren are always happy to accept an offer to play hide and seek or play a twister. All variations of the "beauty salon" are suitable for the female circle - young guests, under the guidance of their elders, can do their hair, choose outfits, paint their nails or apply their first make-up. Everyone, without exception, will enjoy the contest in which you have to cut the bundles of gifts and souvenirs from the rope with your eyes closed.

If space allows, then you can hold a competition "tumbler ball", which is a funny relay race with a balloon placed on a tennis racket. The same ball can be decorated for a while - draw a "face" for it, try to tie a handkerchief or put on a hat.

In the cafe

In a cafe, it is most convenient to use the services of professional animators who will conduct a well-thought-out program, and most importantly, will try to captivate each guest. If the festival is organized on a foreign territory on its own, then it is better to give preference to some kind of calm activities - quizzes, riddles or solving crosswords. In principle, it is quite convenient to organize forfeits in a cafe. To do this, all the participants drop one of their things into a pre-prepared bag, and then the blindfolded host pulls out one by one and distributes tasks. Participants will have to sing a song, depict an animal, read a poem, act out a simple scene, or do a few dance steps.

When preparing a quiz, it should be made thematic or general educational, requiring not only knowledge, but also ingenuity, ingenuity.

For example, participants may be asked to guess the characters of fairy tales and films, complete well-known proverbs and sayings, and solve several riddles.

Script ideas

If a mixed team consisting of a small number of children is expected at a children's birthday, then you can pick up some kind of universal scenario, for example, dedicated to the elements. At the beginning of the holiday, each participant receives a talisman symbolizing one of the elements: water, air, fire or earth. Next, they have to cope with various tasks: solve riddles, paint a mug accordingly, invent a character, sing a song.

If only girls are expected among the guests, they will certainly be delighted to get into the School of Witches. At the entrance, each participant is awarded a cap and a magic wand, after which she will attend a series of magic lessons. For example, in the kitchen it will be necessary to compose a magic potion according to a prescription, to solve charades in the office at the work table and read the resulting spell.

A rather simple solution would be to purchase a "quest out of the box" - a ready-made set with a script, props and the necessary instructions for conducting a festive "search operation". Another good option would be to invite a professional capable of conducting a master class that would be interesting for all participants in the event.

For a mixed company, a science show is suitable, but only for girls - the creation of jewelry, which, by the way, can be combined with a further fashion show.

In general, the quest, which is considered the best scenario for a children's birthday, is relatively easy to compose yourself. The organizer must come up with a story with the birthday girl's favorite characters, the meaning of which will be to search for an object or make up a phrase. In order to complete the task, you will need to go through several stages, at each of which the children will receive either prompts or further instructions.

For example, guests can be greeted by a witch with 7 scrolls - messages from Disney princesses. To find each of them, you need to cope with tasks: solve a riddle with empty and filled glasses, solve a puzzle, answer a question based on fairy tales, blindfolded, determine what kind of product it is, draw a picture by connecting dots, and others. Each scroll will contain a word of a riddle, solving which it will turn out to find out the location of gifts for all participants.

For information on how to celebrate a children's birthday, see the next video.

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