Children's birthday

How to celebrate a child's birthday?

How to celebrate a child's birthday?
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Seat selection
  3. Ideas for
  4. Helpful hints

A child's birthday is a holiday that is eagerly awaited not only by the birthday boy, but also by his parents. They make a lot of effort so that every name day is remembered for many years, recalling only warm, joyful and happy memories. It doesn't matter for a child how many treats will be on the table, what gifts will be presented, because the main thing is positive emotions. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the issue of organizing a children's birthday very seriously.


Parents on the birthday of their child also feel special, because it is thanks to them that the world saw a new person on that day. No matter how old he is, they will always consider him small. Children's birthday is a special holiday, it is always a fireworks of feelings, emotions, joy and fun. Therefore, adults are trying with all their might to make it original and unusual.

Parents know all the preferences of their child, his hobbies, interests and hobbies. It is from this that it is necessary to build on, especially if adults are engaged in organizing the holiday on their own.

In order for a significant day in a child's life to be as successful as possible, some nuances should be taken into account when preparing it.

  1. All children are different and individual: some cannot do without friends, walks, active and fun pastime, while others prefer to stay at home and enjoy calm, intellectual games.
  2. Child's age. Anything that might interest a 2-year-old is unlikely to appeal to a 15-year-old.The same applies to the celebration itself: young men and women want to celebrate this day not only with their parents, but also separately from them (in the circle of close friends).
  3. Budget. Organizing any party starts with financial planning. If you do not set a limit, then you can spend several times more money. Therefore, it is important to consider the financial well-being and capabilities of the family.
  4. Holiday decoration. Based on the interests of the child, it is necessary to decide what will please him more: an animated, loud, costume party, where, due to contests and entertainment, there is very little time for communication, or a simple but cozy "feast" with the closest people.
  5. A treat. Any holiday is not complete without refreshments. Children's birthday is special, because almost all children love sweets. Therefore, this aspect should be thought over more carefully: cake with candles, cake and ice cream - this is what the little ones will be incredibly happy about. However, it should be remembered that even on a holiday, they spend much more time playing than eating food. Therefore, an alternative option can be a buffet.
  6. If you plan to celebrate your birthday at home, you need to take care of the dishes in advance. Children are unlikely to appreciate the rare porcelain set of plates - it is better to give preference to beautiful disposable tableware. This is hygienic, and will also significantly reduce the cleaning time after the holiday and protect against possible traumatic situations.
  7. We decorate the room. Small children cannot see the holiday without helium balloons, bright posters, soap bubbles. For the older generation, you can arrange a book of congratulations or a thematic wall newspaper with photographs of the birthday person, where each guest can leave their wishes.

Seat selection

Undoubtedly, the choice of the place where the celebration will take place is one of the most important and crucial moments. You can celebrate your child's birthday at home or organize leisure activities outside the home.

At home, for the birthday man and his guests, you can arrange a masquerade with an interesting game program. Lovers of sweets will enjoy a holiday in a cozy pastry cafe; fidgets can organize a party in the play complex.

When choosing a place for a holiday, you must take into account the time of the year when the name day falls. Good weather encourages outdoor celebrations: outdoors, in a summer cottage, or in an amusement park.

The main thing in this case is to make sure that all guests feel as comfortable as possible, as well as to think over the design of the selected zone.

Ideas for

There are a huge number of options for holding a children's birthday: from the simplest (budget) to creative. You can come up with an idea yourself or use a ready-made one. As already mentioned, it is necessary to organize a holiday based on the interests of the child, his age, type of character.

1-2 years

At this age, babies are the most unassuming, and it will not be difficult to please them. The smallest birthday people do not go through with gifts, they are satisfied with any venue. The main thing is that the closest person is nearby. That's why the most convenient is the family version of the holiday, to which close relatives can be invited.

In this case, it is advisable not to use the services of animators - it is difficult to predict the reaction of a small child to them: he may get scared and cry, and the whole holiday will be ruined.

For the child to remember this day, it is necessary to decorate the room with bright posters, helium balloons. Most kids love children's music, so you can prepare a disc with cartoon tracks. The presence of a festive table is a prerequisite even for the smallest. On it, in addition to the adult menu, there should be those products that the child already uses at his age.

A photo session of the baby or video memories made on that day will also be memorable. To do this, it is not necessary to order a professional photographer or operator - photos taken with your own hands will look more touching and soulful.

3-5 years

Guys at this age become very active and sociable. They have their first friends: from the yard, the garden. That's why, to make the birthday bright and memorable, it is necessary to organize an event where the child can show all his childish activity. However, it is important to remember that small children get tired quickly, so after the entertainment program, you can go home or to another quiet place, where guests will already be waiting for treats and the obligatory holiday cake with candles.

Let's list the options for the celebration.

  1. Visit to the entertainment complex, where there is a specially equipped children's playroom.
  2. Excursion to the zoo or amusement park, where there are many children's carousels. Cotton candy or other walking treats will help to complement the picture.
  3. Organization of a play area with colored balls. The child will be delighted to see the children's pool (without water), filled with many soft toys and special balls that can be purchased at the children's store. It is desirable that its size allows to accommodate several children at once. Additionally, you can hide various beautifully packed small boxes with surprises in the container: children will be looking for them with enthusiasm.

6-9 years old

At this age, there is a differentiation of children into boys and girls, interests and hobbies are determined. Therefore, the preparation for the holiday, which will be attended by a company of young heterosexual guests, should be especially carefully thought out.

  • Guys at this age love themed parties based on their favorite cartoons or films. You can also throw a real cowboy party. To do this, you need to stock up on cowboy hats, which are distributed as accessories to each guest. For girls, a holiday in the style of fairies and princesses is suitable. In any case, in order to organize such a holiday, it is necessary to prepare all the necessary costumes and materials in advance.
  • Dance party. Most children love to dance and do it very nicely and directly. You can download various children's songs in advance, determine the location of the dance floor and turn on the music at the right time. To make it even more interesting, dances can be diversified with funny tasks and competitions. For example, an adult abruptly stops the player, and at the moment of a pause of a piece of music, the guys should freeze in the position in which they were at that moment.
  • Fight with water weapons. Boys will be more happy with such a game, but girls can also take an active part in it. It can be carried out only if the birthday is held in a private house or in the country during the warm season. In advance, it is necessary to purchase water pistols in the children's store in the same quantity as there will be guests at the holiday. After the meal, everyone who wants to load their pistols - and into battle. To reload weapons, you need to take care of a basin of water.

10-12 years old

A grown-up child will definitely want to invite close friends and girlfriends to his birthday. At this age, teenagers are not happy with long, boring gatherings at the festive table. However, it should be borne in mind that at this age, not all children want to see a cake with candles on it. They will be more pleased with the buffet with pizza, sandwiches, sandwiches and various fruit drinks.

To organize an exciting holiday, which will be interesting to all guests, they use various competitions with prizes, games, and arrange a thematic disco.

  • Treasure hunt. Children at this age like to feel like detectives, treasure hunters, search engines, so they should like this game. It is necessary in advance to draw a map of the area where the "treasure" will be hidden. Any decorative item (key chain, pen, fridge magnet, etc.) or an interesting book can be used as it. For showiness, the card can be aged: wet the paper in water, crush it, then dry it, burn it with a candle in some places, etc.
  • Quest. The goal of this game is similar to the previous one, but the rules are different. The children are given the first clue to start their search, for example, “head to the sandbox in the yard. In its far right corner you will find the second clue, "etc. The length of the quest can be made differently, as far as the imagination of adults is enough. The reward is a valuable prize, which is hidden in advance at the final point of the path.
  • Laser tag. The game consists of shooting infrared rays. It seems that such an event is more suitable for boys, but the girls are also happy to demonstrate their military tactical combat skills. In order for the event to be as exciting as possible, it is better for adults to contact specialized clubs that prepare and conduct such games. Additionally, it is advisable to order a rest room, where you can organize a buffet table or a tea party.

13-16 years old

This age is considered one of the most difficult: adolescents assert themselves, often want to get out of parental control. Therefore, such girls and boys will no longer be able to please a clown animator or cartoon characters. Many parents are worried about whether it is worth staying at such a holiday, because young people are limited in the presence of an adult and do not behave naturally. Psychologists say that teenagers over 13 should be given free space for communication, especially if it is a birthday.

  • The most successful and popular option for those who were born in the warm season is a picnic in nature. A varied entertainment program can include walks, outdoor games, songs with a guitar, evening gatherings around the fire. Therefore, nobody will be bored. As a treat, all guests will appreciate a barbecue or any other dish cooked over charcoal.
  • Bowling. This sport is becoming more and more popular among the younger generation. Modern bowling alleys provide special entertainment programs for birthday people. The teenager will be very happy to go there with his friends. Such an event will turn out to be dynamic, emotional, with the presence of sports passion. Adults only need to book the tracks in advance. When bowling, there is almost always a cafeteria where you can organize a meal after the game.
  • The holiday spent in the amusement park will turn out to be merry. A photo session will help make the event memorable, because many city parks have picturesque corners and specially equipped photo zones. An alternative option is to spend your birthday at a karaoke club.

Helpful hints

The correct organization of the holiday is based on recommendations, following which you can make it perfect. The solemn day will remain in the memory not only of the birthday man, but also of all his guests. When holding an event, consider the following:

  • if it is carried out at home, adults must ensure the children are completely safe: hide all sharp objects that the child can get hurt on, remove all unnecessary electrical appliances, etc .;
  • it is important to be aware of any allergic reactions or phobias of the invited guests;
  • games should be dynamic and varied so as not to bore children;
  • the person who plays the role of the presenter should “feel the audience”: if it is clear from the general mood of the guests that they don’t like the competition or the game, they should not insist on it - it’s better to immediately switch attention to something else;
  • it is not recommended to abuse competitive contests: losing children are often upset and offended;
  • during the holiday, it is necessary to change the activities of children: noisy and active games can be alternated with gatherings at the festive table;
  • goodbye to each guest, you can prepare a small souvenir: a bag of sweets, a keychain, a small toy;
  • soap bubbles that can be used in contests, colorful head caps will add fun;
  • contests should be harmless and designed for the maximum number of children, so that none of the invitees would feel left out.

When organizing a children's party, parents should be extremely careful and prudent, take into account all the nuances and details that make up it. After all, it is in childhood that everything that happens seems to be very significant, and the birthday celebration should be one of the most fun and long-awaited.

In fact, children demand little from us: in some cases, the child is ready to give all the gifts in order to just be with mom, go with dad on an evening fishing trip, or, holding hands together, take a family walk around the park.

Sometimes even a teenager wants to celebrate his birthday with the people most dear to him - his parents. The child, like no one else, feels all the warmth and affection that surrounds him. It is not at all necessary to arrange a lavish feast - you can go to the skating rink with the whole family, feed ducks on the river or ride a swing. And the memories of this day will last a lifetime.

How to prepare a holiday for a child, see the video below.

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