Children's birthday

How to celebrate the birthday of a 1 year old girl?

How to celebrate the birthday of a 1 year old girl?
  1. Peculiarities
  2. How to organize?
  3. Scripts and contests

Birthday is the most anticipated day of the year for every child. At one year old, the kids still do not understand the meaning of the holiday, but they rejoice with might and main at the attention and a large number of guests who bring something interesting as a gift. In the article we will consider the features of holding and organizing the first birthday for a girl.


For many parents, every month of the first year of their child's life is like a holiday. Usually this is a small table, a couple of toasts and balls with a small gift. However, on the birthday itself, I want to arrange something more solemn and interesting. A party for a girl can be organized in a cafe or at home.

The first option is much simpler, since all the troubles of the celebration are taken over by the administration of the restaurant. The event hall itself is larger than a room in the house - the kids will have a place to run. And the atmosphere in the cafe is always more festive and sets you up for fun. In this case, there is only one drawback - expensive service. You have to fork out in a cafe or restaurant.

Birthday 1 year can be celebrated at home. This will be much more convenient for the baby herself and the parents. First, the familiar environment will not scare the child. Secondly, the mother will not necessarily wear high heels and an uncomfortable dress, therefore, she will feel more comfortable. To the event, invite those closest to whom the girl is already accustomed to. These are family and friends with whom you have often crossed paths during this year. It would be a great idea to invite a couple of mothers with children of your age, with whom the child plays on the playground. You should not invite all the children from the street, otherwise the holiday risks turning into a choir of crying toddlers.

Two kids are enough for the daughter to have fun, the rest may be relatives with whom the parents are interested.

It is important that the baby does not break the daily routine. Let him eat, sleep - this guarantees a good mood for the whole holiday. It is best to invite guests after lunch. In a good mood, the child will be happy to play with his peers, consider new toys and blow out a birthday cake. When the time for sleep comes, the guests will have already dispersed, and the hero of the occasion will go to her bed, contentedly.

How to organize?

When celebrating a birthday, it is important to organize everything correctly: choose the theme of the evening, think over a menu for guests, design and entertainment. If the event is held in a cafe, the administration will take care of everything. You only need to choose the dishes that will be served on the table. Typically, restaurants offer separate menus for adults and children.

If the event is planned to be celebrated at home, you will have to strain with cooking. The adult menu can be anything. Serve a variety of snacks and a couple of hot dishes as you wish. But the children's table requires a competent approach, because at the age of one, the child does not yet eat all the adult food. The best option would be a beautiful assortment of fruits and berries, packaged purees, baby cookies, cottage cheese and yoghurts. From drinks, apple juice in a carton with its own straw is preferable. Milkshakes are a great idea. If you are giving a child sweets, you can put a vase of sweets.

Such a menu will allow children to eat on their own and not to distract their parents.

Consider the design of the table. Use bright napkins, a festive tablecloth, pink disposable tableware with a congratulatory inscription. On the children's table, you can put plates and cups with princesses and fairy-tale characters. Disposable dishes are also convenient from a practical point of view, since they will not need to be washed. Of course, the main decoration of the table will be a birthday cake, which you can order in a pastry shop or bake it yourself. If you have a time-tested recipe, you can use it, because homemade baked goods are always healthier and tastier. Use fresh fruit and cream as the filling.

You can buy a cake for the first birthday in the store, the main thing is to first look at the date of manufacture and composition. Modern shops offer a wide range of ready-made pastries with beautiful décor. For a girl's birthday, a cake with flowers will be the best option. You can order a cake according to an individual sketch. There are no restrictions here. The pastry chef will make any figurine of your choice from mastic or chocolate. It can be your favorite cartoon princess, animal or toy. Barbie cakes are very popular, where the dress is made of biscuit with cream or fruit filling. If you want to save money, you can order a phototort, where any drawing of your choice will be applied.

When the delicacy is delivered to the birthday girl, a familiar person should hold her so that she is not afraid of the burning candle. Explain to her how to blow out the candle, she may need a little help.

The room in which the daughter's birthday is supposed to be celebrated also needs to be beautifully decorated. The best solution would be balloons, which can be purchased at any supermarket. Inflate them and scatter them around the room, or tape them to the walls. You can make flowers from balls by connecting 3-4 balls of the same color in a circle, and adding yellow in the middle. Complete the decor with helium varieties. A cloud of balloons and a pair of foil princesses will add festiveness to the room. At the end of the holiday, each guest will be able to take one balloon with them as a gift.

The colorful garlands offered by the shops in a wide range would also be a great idea. There are options with a congratulatory inscription and drawings.Walls can be decorated with bows, butterflies or hearts.

At the entrance, give each guest a festive cap, this will immediately set them up for fun.

Scripts and contests

Of course, in the contests for the birthday of a one-year-old child, mostly adults will participate, but there are a couple of cool ideas for kids.


A free game that will show how well the guests know the birthday girl. Mom needs to cut out several petals according to the number of guests and form a chamomile out of them. The flower is allowed in a circle, and each guest takes out a petal, on the back of which a question will be written. Here are some notable options:

  • “How tall was the girl at birth?”;
  • "How much weight?";
  • “What color is the birthday girl's eyes?”;
  • “At what age did the first tooth start cutting?”;
  • “How many months did you start to crawl?”;
  • “When did you take the first step?”;
  • “What is your favorite toy?”;
  • “Favorite cartoon?”;
  • “What is the zodiac sign according to the Eastern calendar?”;
  • “What day of the week was the girl born?”;
  • “Why did they name it that way?”;
  • “In which maternity hospital was the baby born?”;
  • “What are the names of the godparents?”;
  • "The first word?";
  • "Favorite game?";
  • "Favorite song?";
  • “Favorite Princess Heroine?”;
  • "Favorite fairy tale?"

If guests are at a loss to answer, you can provide suggestive clues to make it easier to guess.


An interesting experiment game that many parents conduct exactly in a year. This is a comic prediction of what area the baby will pull in in the future. Things symbolizing one sphere or another are placed on a large tray, and the girl must choose. Each one-year-old guest will be able to take part in this game in turn:

  • a ball of wool symbolizes long life;
  • a book means a craving for new knowledge, intelligence and ingenuity;
  • brush or pencil - ability to draw and craving for art;
  • wallet - business area;
  • lemon symbolizes excellent health;
  • keys are good money;
  • chocolate - sweet life;
  • a gold ring - a successful marriage.

You can let the baby choose two times.


Another comic game in which adults participate. For it, you must first prepare sheets lined with three columns. By filling out the table, participants will jokingly predict what the girl will do at a given age. In the first column, the participant writes his name, in the second - the age to which the prediction belongs, and in the third - her activity. For example, someone may write that at 9 years old the baby will be engaged in drawing, at 5 - gymnastics. For 18 years, you can write a university and even a faculty of education, predictions can be made for a more mature age, for example, marriage at 30, a good job at 35, and so on. It is not necessary to let the sign go in a circle, put it in a prominent place, and let the guests come and fill it as they wish during the evening. As a rule, this sheet turns out to be very funny and interesting. Be sure to keep this leaf and give it to your daughter as an adult. You will probably be interested.

At the end of the party, give each guest a small memento of your daughter's first birth. This can be a purchased product or a gift made by the hands of the birthday girl.

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