Children's birthday

How to spend your child's birthday at home?

How to spend your child's birthday at home?
  1. How to arrange a room?
  2. Subject
  3. Entertainment
  4. Festive table
  5. Party Ending Ideas

A child's birthday is one of the most important holidays in the family, which brings joy not only to children, but also to their parents. Moms and dads try to do everything to make this holiday memorable for a long time. This article will tell you how fun and interesting it is to hold this event in an apartment or a country house.

How to arrange a room?

When decorating a holiday, always rely on the age of your child and his taste preferences. Children under five years old are well aware of the design with a large number of soft toys, which is what parents do.

Older children can be encouraged to take part in the design of the birthday party room.

Boy 5-8 years old

Guys at this age often take part in drawing up a list of guests and issuing invitations themselves. Together with their parents, they come up with the theme of parties, games and contests.

To make the apartment look beautiful, experienced decorators recommend using no more than 2-3 primary colors. You can decorate furniture and a photo zone and choose a tablecloth for the table in the same color scheme. Ideally, if the birthday boy's clothes are also made in this range.

For a festive party, it is advisable to use a spacious room with a lot of free space, because babies will most likely want to run and play.

If you invited the children with their parents, then sweets can be placed separately on the coffee that the guys can have a snack between games. In addition to cakes, sweets and juices, you can place nuts and fruits on this table.

If your son has a favorite cartoon, then the room can be decorated in his style. In this case, garlands and posters with images of cartoon characters are hung on the walls. You can invite an animator or take on his role yourself, so the holiday will become even more fun. Boys at this age love Captain America, the Hulk, Superman and the Paw Patrol dogs.

Images for decorating an apartment can be printed on a printer, bought or drawn on Whatman paper.

Each character is always associated with some colors, so for a greater immersion in the atmosphere, the room must be decorated in these colors. For example, Captain America recalls the colors red, blue and white.

Boys will most likely be interested in reincarnating as pirates and taking part in the treasure race. Hats, ships, boats, and chests can be made from paperboard; raincoats, headbands, and belts can be made with a little brown and black fabric.

Boy 9-12 years old

At this age, the birthday man independently, without the intervention of parents, chooses the design of the room. Mom and Dad can only give a couple of tips and help in creating jewelry.

At the age of 9-12, the boy will definitely have his own hobbies and interests, based on which you can dress up an apartment. For example, if a child is fond of football, the design is based on the logos of his favorite team and photographs of the players. If there is an open area, then children can play football, but only under the supervision of adults.

At the age of 10, children feel “big”, so they often copy their behavior. Do not forget to arrange a photo zone where friends can take a picture as a souvenir.

If at this age the child already has a computer, then the room can be decorated in the style of "shooters" or any other games. The theme of your favorite movie, cartoon or TV series is also suitable. Try to keep the decor colorful and modern.

Children 9-12 years old most often come to birthday parties without moms and dads, but if you invited them with their parents, then make sure that the guys have a separate table. Sitting with adults will not be very fun for them. It is necessary not only to decorate the table beautifully, but to interest the children.

Girl 5-8 years old

Girls at this age, just like boys, love to watch cartoons. But princesses are most often the favorite characters. Therefore, mom and dad usually know who their daughter wants to see on her birthday. First of all, decide on a dress or a suit for the birthday girl, and for this color you can already select tones for decorating the interior.

If your daughter loves Ariel from The Little Mermaid, then red, green and blue colors can be used as a basis. An excellent addition will be sequins, rhinestones, beads that decorate windows and doors.

You can put a treasure chest near the photo zone.

Pictures and posters with princesses are hung in the photo zone, on the walls and furniture. You can order cakes made in the desired theme.

The main thing is not to combine themes of different cartoons in one room. If your daughter loves several different princesses, then you can use one style in the corridor and another in the hall. The animator or relative performing his duties must be dressed in a suit of the necessary theme.

The main room in which the celebration is held can be decorated with paper decor. One of the most successful solutions is to decorate the apartment in the style of a magic castle. The frame is still made of stationery cardboard and is painted most often pink.

Natural or artificial flowers and balloons can be used as an additional decoration. In the center of the photo zone, you can put a chair, decorated in the style of the royal throne.

Girl 9-12 years old

At this age, it is imperative to consult with the birthday girl and decide together who to call for her birthday and how to decorate the apartment. A beautiful table is laid for friends, and the main treat is a birthday cake and other goodies.The main room is decorated with balloons that can be filled with gel.

A set of transparent, pink, silver and black balls will look beautiful. You can attach photos of the birthday girl and her guests to the ribbons. This is a fairly budget design option, but very beautiful and original.

If the house does not have enough free space to install a large table, then you can put a buffet table. This is a very practical solution, since the lack of chairs increases the space for contests and games. The photo zone is designed in the style of your favorite characters from films and cartoons, thematic figures and paper flowers.

If the budget allows, then you can purchase all the necessary decor in specialized stores.

This is quite an expensive pleasure, so consider whether it is worth spending on it for the sake of one day.


The theme and style of the event depends on your child's age, preferences, location and estimated financial costs.

Zombie party

Almost all children from 9 to 13 years old like the theme of zombies, vampires and witches. The hardest part here is creating the costumes and decorating the rooms. The main room should be done in deep reds, and the skull-shaped cakes will only add to the atmosphere.

However, in this topic, it is very important not to overdo it, so as not to spoil the holiday for the children. The design should not look scary, because impressionable children may be among the friends of the birthday boy.

Pirate ship

This is a fairly popular topic, on the basis of which a lot of quests have been written. Almost all children find this atmosphere to their liking: they are happy to be initiated into pirates and set off on a treasure hunt.

3 days before the birthday, you need to send letters of invitation from Flint to all children, including the birthday boy. Prepare a lot of notes and assignments in advance. Draw a map and route that the children will take in search of treasures.

Don't forget about pirate costumes, swords, toy parrots, and most importantly, a treasure chest.

Ethnic themes

Regardless of gender and age, children love bright celebrations, and a party in ethnic style will be a good solution. Consider the costumes, music, and food of different nations in advance. Experienced designers recommend opting for Hawaiian, Mexican, African, Indian and Japanese costumes. The evening will turn out to be very funny.

School of magic

You can arrange mini-Hogwarts in an apartment and it doesn't take a lot of work. All you need is to prepare magic wands, cloaks and hats, as well as come up with themed games and puzzles.

All children love magic, so a birthday decorated in the style of Harry Potter cannot but please the birthday boy and his guests.

Parents and animator can act as the main magicians: put on a small show with magic tricks and scientific experiments.

Gangster theme

Neither children nor teenagers will refuse to try on the role of the mafia. The apartment needs to be furnished in the style of the 30s: jazz music, a casino, a lot of weapons and jewelry. Parents should think over the dress code in advance, prepare the game "Monopoly", and also organize an armed bank robbery.

Safari or jungle

Madagascar is one of the most popular children's cartoons. In this style, you can come up with many games, quests and contests in which you need to look for fallen animals. On the table you need to put cakes and a cake with the image or figures of the animals of Madagascar: a lion, a giraffe, a hippopotamus, a monkey, a zebra.

It is advisable to decorate the room with palm trees, paper grass and travelers' paraphernalia: backpacks, binoculars, maps and compasses.


Before coming up with games and quests, take into account the dimensions of your apartment so that the children can run and dance. Many contests can also be held outdoors.


Acquaintance is a very important process at every birthday, because it is not uncommon for both kindergarten and courtyard friends of the birthday boy to be called, and they are most likely unfamiliar. Children are often shy, so parents should help the children get to know each other; acquaintance can be arranged in the form of a game.

The rules are simple: the animator or host asks the guests to sit around him and names the colors in turn. Children who have this or that color on their clothes should stand up, introduce themselves and tell a few words about themselves.

Children from 4 to 6-7 years old can be engaged in a game of "guess the object". To do this, the presenter puts various objects in a bag: apples, toys, balls, balls. Children take turns approaching him and, with closed gases, try to guess the object by touch. If the child guesses correctly, then the item remains with him as a prize.

No less popular game "Incredible Animals". Parents should prepare several pictures with images of various fictional animals in advance. Under them there should be questions, for example, "What does a deer-potato look like?", "What color is a parrot-cucumber?" This is a very educational game, it trains the imagination and reaction of children.

The guys must fully describe the animal, and if possible, then draw it.

Ask the children to take turns naming all the dishes on the table with the letter O, then K, then A, etc. Then you can play with the names. These games allow you to think logically.


Consider several interesting contests that are most often held at a child's birthday.

  • "I know this hero." The presenter should describe the character of a popular cartoon, film or fairy tale in a few phrases, but not give a name, and the children will take turns guessing who the conversation is about. The one who has a guess - raises his hand, if the answer is correct - receives a well-deserved present. Example: a superhero in a red and blue suit with a shield (Captain America), a girl with magical hair (Rapunzel), a superhero without superpowers (Batman), the coldest sorceress princess (Elsa from Frozen), and so on.
  • Lost Color. The children need to stand in a circle, and the presenter explains the rules: as soon as the children hear the phrase "One, two, three, find the white color!", The guests should find white on each other's clothes and touch it. The one who did not find a suitable color is eliminated, and the rest continue to play. Whoever remains the last won.
  • "The Strongest Couple". All guests must be paired. The main rule is to execute all commands, but not to disengage the hands. The leader at a fast pace takes turns giving commands, for example, "run up to the chair", "sit on the carpet", "find the red color", "catch the butterfly" and so on. The couple who unhooked their hands lost. The two children who stay at the end will receive the main prize, and the rest of the participants will receive more modest gifts.
  • "Birthday Snowman". Each participant is given a spoon and a bag of ice cream. The presenter gives the command “start” and the children immediately begin to “sculpt” the snowman with a spoon. Exactly one minute is given for everything. The one who gets the tallest snowman is considered the winner and receives a gift.


Quest is a popular game at events of this kind. After contests and a festive lunch (dinner), you can entertain guests with quests. You can hold them at home, or you can arrange an exit. Let's consider the most interesting of them.

  • Exit quest. This is a rather expensive undertaking. Children are taken to a dacha with their own yard, to school, to a park or to an entertainment center, where a plan, design and plot are prepared in advance.

It is quite difficult to make props of this scale at home, so it is most often bought or rented.

  • Quest rooms. If there are few children, then they can be taken to the quest room. There, all the props are built into the floor and walls. Children go from room to room and solve a number of riddles.
  • Adventurer. The birthday boy's parents arrange a trip to a museum or park.You can go outside the city or go there by bus or jeep. The children will have a map in their hands, on which the route and the end point are marked. The artifacts are museum exhibits, inscriptions on poles, graffiti on fences and banners with advertisements.
  • Banquet quest. Children sit at the table, parents and relatives act as actors and show a mini-performance in which guests are direct participants.

Festive table

Below are the basic tips for decorating a festive table for a child's birthday.

  • Children do not like to sit at the table for a long time, especially on their own holiday. Therefore, in addition to the main table, take care of a buffet table with fresh products that do not require special storage. On the table you can arrange vegetables, fruits, cheeses, sausages and canapes. It is important that the table is freely accessible, but does not get in the way during competitions and games. If you don’t want or don’t know how to cook buffet meals, you can order them in a cafe. Children's menu with delivery is inexpensive.
  • Try to refrain from cooking potatoes with meat or mashed potatoes and a cutlet as your main course. Firstly, this menu is found on every second children's birthday, and secondly, it is often prepared in everyday life. Think of something more interesting.
  • Do not place smoked, bitter, fatty or salty foods on the table. Some of the children may have allergies that they are not aware of. Opt for natural products and refrain from semi-finished products.
  • Sweets should always be present on the festive table, naturally, in moderation.
  • Try to keep the table in bright colors: a tablecloth in the color of the birthday theme, plates and mugs with cartoon drawings. This will create a special festive atmosphere.
  • It is not recommended to prepare a menu that is rare or unusual for guests. Children are unlikely to eat food they are unfamiliar with. Go for the classic options, but decorate them in a special way.
  • You can invite children to take part in the preparation of canapés. Lay out all the necessary food on small plates and show them how to assemble the sandwich. All children should be interested in this kind of interactive experience.

The main thing is to keep an eye on them so that the guests do not harm each other with toothpicks.

Party Ending Ideas

After the guests have played enough and danced, everyone is invited to the table to satisfy their hunger again. After the completion of the festive meal, the parents solemnly bring out the cake, the guests sing "Happy birthday to you", the birthday man blows out the candles and makes a wish. Anyone who wants to can congratulate the hero of the occasion. You can turn off the lights and turn on the sparklers.

After eating the cake, a photo session of the birthday person follows with each of the guests, which the girls will be especially happy with. The resulting photos can be printed and distributed to guests the next day, you can send them to your phone, but it is best to take pictures on Polaroid. This camera can be a lot of fun with its instant photo development function.

At the very end, you can take out a large surprise ball, after the explosion of which small soft toys fly out of it, their children can take with them. Just make sure that no one is left without a gift. Further, the hosts see off the guests, on this chord the scenario of the festive evening is considered complete.

For how to have fun having a child's birthday at home, see the next video.

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