Children's birthday

Birthday contests and games for children

Birthday contests and games for children
  1. Interesting table contests
  2. Rolling children's entertainment
  3. Fun games for different ages
  4. Ball options
  5. Quest overview
  6. Other entertainment

It is not difficult to arrange an unforgettable birthday or family holiday for your child. The most important thing is to prepare a lot of fun games and contests. Consider the most original ideas for entertaining children of different ages.

Interesting table contests

During the holiday, it is better to alternate active entertainment with calm ones. There are quite a few games that can be played at the table.

  • Joint postcard. Participants in the game are invited to draw one large postcard for the hero of the occasion. To do this, each player is given a few minutes to draw an object.
  • Not laughing. Usually, such a competition is held with girls, but cheerful boys will surely like it too. You need to choose one princess Nesmeyana. All the other children should take turns trying to make her laugh. The one who succeeds will become the next Not Laughing.
  • Draw your face. Distribute the portraits prepared in advance to the children without the traced faces. Ask the children to draw their own eyes, mouth, and nose. Older children can be offered funny experiments, let them depict different emotions - surprise, laughter, sadness, love, and others.
  • Remember your appearance. This game can be carried out in a company where the children do not know each other well. Participants are paired and given some time to study the appearance of the partner, and then turned back to back.The rest of the guests should ask questions about the external characteristics of the players, for example: what is his eye color, how many buttons on his teammate's jacket, what color is his sneakers? The pair that gives the maximum number of correct answers will be declared the winner.
  • Nonsense. Each player is given a piece of paper. The host of the game asks several questions - who, where, when, what he saw, what he was doing, what he said. Players must write their answer, then wrap the top edge of the sheet and pass it to the neighbor on the left so that he does not see what is written. When the sheet goes around all the participants in a circle, the leader of the amusement collects them and reads the resulting text out loud. Sometimes it turns out to be nonsense, but in some cases it is a real hilarity.
  • Board games. A good option for ending a party when you need to calm down a little bit of fun and rage kids. It can be any game - guessing games, adventure games, cards, strategies or logic puzzles. The most important thing is that they are selected taking into account the interests of the child and his age.
  • We compose a fairy tale. To organize this fun you need a sheet of paper and a pen. The players are divided into two teams, the presenter calls any fairy tale known to all the children. Participants choose a hero who has committed a particular act, and on the basis of this tale they try to compose a new one, but adapted in a modern manner. You can play in teams or individually, in any case it will be fun and exciting.

Rolling children's entertainment

Outdoor activities are especially popular with children. There are also many options for organizing such leisure.


Children willingly take part in team competitions, and you can think of a lot of them.

  • The most accurate. Place the pelvis 2-5 m away from the players. The task of the participants is to throw as many balls as possible into this container. To make the venture more fun, you can arrange the basin, for example, in the form of a dragon's head and tell the guys that you are throwing food into its mouth, and if the dragon remains hungry, it will get angry.
  • Cat and mouse. Traditional catch-ups never go out of style. Depending on the hobbies of the child, you can slightly modernize them. For example, instead of a cat, declare a monster, dragon or an evil wizard as the leader.
  • Overcoming the obstacle. Place disposable cups in a row so that the distance between them is 20-30 cm. Invite the players to take turns jumping over this obstacle. As you progress through the game, gradually complicate the task - for this you need to put the cups higher and higher.
  • Bowling. A fun game that children of different ages will be happy to play. All you need is to get pins and a regular ball, they are sold at any sporting goods and toy store. Players should try to knock down all the pins in one go.
  • Water carriers. For the game, the participants are divided into two or three teams, each given a small plastic bucket. It is important that the capacity of all teams is the same, otherwise it will be impossible to determine the winner. The attraction is held on sites 15-20 m long. Participants line up at the start. At the signal from the referee, the first player must run to the end of the lane and return, after which he pass the bucket to his friend. The challenge is to run the distance as fast as possible while splashing as little water as possible.


Dance events never lose their relevance. You can think of different types of games.

  • Disco. It is difficult to imagine a holiday without cheerful dances. Gather all the participants in the event in one large circle. Turn on a cut of popular music and invite the participants to repeat the dance moves after the leader. The meaning of the game is to ensure that each child can offer his own dance, and the rest repeat after him.
  • Steps. This game resembles the first.But the difference is that during the dance, the leader must try to step on the foot of one of the participants imperceptibly. The players, in turn, must try to dodge. The one who fails to do this becomes the new leader.
  • Ball dance. All participants are divided into pairs and music is played. Each couple should hold a balloon with their foreheads and dance at the same time. Whoever will last the longest without dropping the ball is the winner.

Fun games for different ages

To make the holiday a success, you should take into account the age of the participants when choosing games.

For preschoolers

  • The river. To organize this game, you will need a large piece of blue matter - it will be a river. Two adults are encouraged to raise and lower the canvas. Kids at this time should run under the "river" back and forth. At a musical signal, the canvas is lowered, the task of the children is not to be caught.
  • Lost color. The rules of the game are simple. After the presenter says: “One-two-three, you need to find the green color”, those present should try to find the specified shade in the setting of the festive room or on the guests' clothes as soon as possible and put their hand to it. The player who could not find the desired shade is eliminated. All others continue to act until the moment, until there is only one participant.
  • Wind up. To enter the competition, you will need two people, a string and a couple of spools. In the middle, a knot in a contrasting color is tied to the thread. The goal of the players is to wind the rope around the reel as soon as possible. The one who can be the first to reach the node will be the winner.
  • Architect. Divide the audience into separate teams. Give them cubes - the guys should put them on top of each other in turn so that they do not fall. The winners are the players with the higher tower.
  • Cats and puppies. For this fun, you will again have to divide the participants into teams, two are selected from each, they are declared a dog and a cat. All the other guys are their children. Puppies and kittens should mix with each other and begin to meow and bark loudly. The task of the “moms” is to gather all the pets around them as quickly as possible.
  • Race. Boys will surely like this competition. They are given identical cars and planted near the start line. Players must run their cars as far as possible. Whose car travels the longer distance won.
  • Choose a prize. Small prizes - key chains, magnets, small toys or pencils - are hung on a stretched string. Participants are blindfolded and slightly untwisted. After that, the guys should try to choose a prize for themselves and cut it off with their eyes closed.

For 7-10 years old

  • Extra stool. Pretty old fun, but it remains loved by children of all ages. For the game, you need to prepare chairs, their number should be 1 less than the number of players. To the music, the guys run around the chairs. As soon as the melody stops, they should take the free space. Those who do not have enough space are eliminated from the competition. The game continues until one person remains on the field.
  • Mummy. For this entertainment you will need a participant from each team and toilet paper in rolls. The task of the players is to wrap their participant with paper in the manner of a mummy. The winners are those who complete their task faster.
  • Chicken paw. For this fun, participants will have to hold a pencil or paintbrush between two fingers on their feet. Their task is to try to write on the Whatman paper the phrase: "Happy birthday" or some other appropriate text. The winner is the one who does it more accurately and faster.
  • Scarecrow. Children are divided into several pairs. Sweaters, blouses, sundresses, trousers, skirts, scarves, glasses and other clothes are laid out in front of each. The task of the participants is to dress up the funny scarecrow as soon as possible. The winner is the one who turns out to be the most original.

For teenagers

Finding entertainment for teenagers is not easy. The ventures have to be very funny for the players to put their gadgets aside.

  • Pantomime. This game is known to many as "crocodile". One of the contestants receives a secret word. The task is to try to explain it to the rest of the players using gestures and facial expressions. You cannot use speech and point at any objects here. Participants try to voice their assumptions. And the leader shows by signs whether they are close to the truth. If the matter comes to a standstill, then you can try to show the word in parts. The guesser takes the place of the leader.
  • Twister. A fun game that not only teenagers, but also their adults will enjoy playing. The most important thing is to prepare the field and select the leader, he will speak the moves for the main players.
  • Mafia. The game is very popular among adults. All players are secretly divided into civilians and mafiosi. Residents are tired of the mafia and want to get rid of it. The Mafia, in turn, declares war on the townspeople. The task is complicated by the fact that no one knows what role the neighbors play. The players' task is to find the traitors.
  • What? Where? When? For intelligent teenagers, games based on the program “What? Where? When?". The guys will have to demonstrate ingenuity, ingenuity and deep knowledge in various fields.

Ball options

Very often, the room is decorated with balloons at children's parties. They are also used in different games.

  • Air football. A couple of players are placed at different ends of the table. Draw a line in the middle with chalk. The participant's task is to blow a balloon or a small ball to the opponent's side.
  • Fighting the virus. Imagine that balloons are viruses. To do this, they are painted with evil and scary faces with the help of felt-tip pens. Team players are placed at different points in the room, each participant is given a fork in their hands. On command, the children begin to pop the balls with these forks. The competitors who defeat all viruses first are considered the winners.
  • Air battle. Divide the audience into separate teams and divide the room into two halves using the layout. Balloons are distributed to everyone. Players need to try to throw as many inflated balls as possible to the side of the enemy to the music. As soon as the music stops, the calculations are made. The team with the fewest balls is declared the winner.
  • Barrel. This is a very funny game. It will require a few not fully inflated balloons and a large garbage bag. An adult participant is selected from each team, who stands in a bag with slots for the legs, and holds it with his hands, creating a kind of barrel. The task of the rest of the players is to throw as many balloons as possible into the "barrel".
  • Ball of wishes. This is, rather, not a game, but a good idea of ​​ending a festive evening. There are no winners here. The competition is aimed at achieving universal fun and at the same time the opportunity to believe in real magic. To play, you need a large balloon with helium. The guys draw on it their wishes in the form of pictures - a smile, a car, a new house, a delicious cake, love, in a word, who is in what is great. When the whole ball is painted, it is released into the sky. It is believed that in this case, the wish will certainly come true.

Quest overview

Quests have been very popular in recent years. This is a multi-step search game, which, depending on the age of the participants, can consist of 5-10 stages. Its essence lies in the fact that at each stage a task is given. After completing it, participants are prompted on where to look for the next. At the final stage, players find a cake, gifts or any other prizes.

The tasks can be very different. The following are very popular:

  • logical tasks;
  • disappearing ink;
  • mirror image;
  • puzzles and ciphers.

When creating a quest, it is imperative to take into account the interests of the child. It can be the theme of Harry Potter, pirates, minions, Among us and many others. Such a game is often arranged on the eve of the New Year, then children are invited to find stolen gifts from Santa Claus.

Other entertainment

In addition to dance, sports, intellectual games, there are other entertainment. Here you should focus on the interests of the participants in the holiday.


  • Young artists. Invite the children to draw. Let them create a fictional character and draw it all together. To do this, each participant in turn is closed his eyes, given a pencil, and he must blindly draw on paper an arm, a leg, eye hair or some other part of the body. Usually this picture is pretty funny.
  • Karaoke. Many people love to sing. You can arrange a small solo competition. Whoever scores the most points when performing popular songs will become the winner. Songs are chosen depending on the age of the children.

With projector

The game "Woof-woof" is very popular. Despite the unusual name, guests here do not have to play dogs and bark loudly. To implement the idea, you only need a projector and a large screen.

Guests are divided into two teams, while the total number of participants in each of them does not matter. A frame from the film is shown on the screens, while the faces of the actors are covered with masks in the form of dogs - hence the name. The team that guesses the movie first wins.

The trick is that after the correct answer, a splash appears on the screen, which indicates who will perform the incendiary dance: the team of losers or the team of winners. In this case, the dance is performed not arbitrary, but the one that is shown on the screen. Players need to follow exactly all the movements that they see in the video.

In conclusion, we will give some general recommendations for organizing entertaining games for children of different ages.

  • If you are planning a holiday in the fresh air, then include as many active outdoor games as possible in it.
  • In a home event, on the other hand, it is better to give preference to table amusements.
  • If the holiday is attended not only by children, but also by their parents, be sure to come up with several joint games.
  • If during the competition you feel that the guys do not like this fun, replace it with another, more fun one. Therefore, when preparing for the holiday, be sure to have an arsenal of several games in stock.
  • And of course, be sure to reward the children with small souvenirs and prizes for each game. This will pique their interest even more.
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