Children's birthday

Birthday decoration for a boy

Birthday decoration for a boy
  1. Item overview
  2. How to decorate a room taking into account age?
  3. Beautiful examples

Parents always try to prepare birthday surprises for their children. Decorating a holiday is a troublesome task, but the joy on the child's face is worth it. You can prepare a room both for a feast with relatives and for a party with friends. The decoration of a celebration for a boy strongly depends on his age and preferences.

Item overview

Decorating a boy's birthday at home is easy. Usually several standard elements are used, and the final result depends only on their combination. A party for a small child can be decorated with a lot of balloons, paper decorations and flowers. For an older boy, you should choose other options.


This element is often used when decorating premises. The balls can be simply thrown onto the floor and various surfaces. It is much more interesting to fill them with helium so that they hang from the ceiling. If this is not possible, then you can simply tie the balls higher.

For babies, it is better to choose small or medium sizes. The large ball looks beautiful, but it is extremely inconvenient to play with it. If the child is an adult, then there are no restrictions. The color is also selected based on age.

Paper jewelry

The easiest way is to make garlands yourself. You will need plain colored paper. If you want to make a more durable option, then cardboard is suitable. It is easy to make inscriptions: "Happy Birthday, (name)!"; "Congratulations!" etc.

Holes for the ribbon can be made with a hole punch. Moreover, these small circles are quite suitable for confetti, children love to throw it around. But if the child is small, then you need to make sure that he does not gorge himself on paper.For an adult boy, you can prepare more confetti for playing with friends.

Paper pom-pom balls are not only beautiful, but also safe even for babies. They are usually fixed to the ceiling with tape or in any other way. Use bright, colorful paper. Products made of corrugation and ribbons look interesting. Pompons can be made by hand or bought.

The spinning umbrellas are very unusual, but interesting. They can be hung to decorate a room or decorate a photo zone. The decoration is quite easy to make on your own: you need paper, a stapler, napkins and a glue gun. Manufacturing instruction:

  1. fan the paper;
  2. fold the sheets in half, fasten the edges with a stapler;
  3. connect the three fans alternately with paper clips.

Volumetric stars are well suited for a holiday. This is a decor for both the room and the photo zone. You can make big stars or small ones, hang them from the ceiling. Decorations are made both from paper and cardboard.

Take paper, glue, pencil and scissors. First, a square of the desired size is cut out. It needs to be folded so that you get one half of the figure. The second blank is also made. The parts are glued together and you're done.


Such a decoration is not used very often at a children's party for boys. However, flowers will be appropriate when decorating a photo zone. Unusual bouquets in the form of animals, cars or cartoon characters will be a good solution. Such compositions will appeal to a boy of any age.


You can use photos in the decor. Just approach the question carefully. If the boy is quite old, then some of the pictures can be embarrassing. The most interesting thing is to hang a rope along the wall or from the ceiling and attach photos with the help of beautiful clothespins.

If the holiday is with relatives, then you can arrange a photo zone in this way.

The decoration in the form of a number looks original. You will need several boxes of thick cardboard and foam of the right size. All details of the figure are cut and glued. When the base is ready, move on to decorating. You can use foil or wrapping paper, animal figurines, flowers and balls.

How to decorate a room taking into account age?

The first birthday can be decorated completely to your liking. The child still does not care what will be in front of him. The main thing is that there is a mother nearby. All jewelry must be safe and hypoallergenic. But with older boys, the story is completely different.

At 2 years old, the boy is already actively moving and exploring the world. Sharp objects and anything that could be harmful should not be used. It is also recommended to discard parts that the child may accidentally swallow. Medium-sized balls are especially relevant for games.

At 3-4 years old, use more interesting jewelry with which the child will interact. You can decorate the play area with a hut or a wigwam. You need to assemble the structure while the child is sleeping. A bedspread and pillows are placed inside for comfort. Balls can be not only a decorative element, but also an inventory for contests.

DFor children between the ages of 5 and 9, it makes sense to have themed parties with the proper decoration. The plot itself and several primary colors are selected.

If friends of the birthday person and their parents gather at the holiday, then the children's table should be set separately.

It is not difficult to decide on a topic, you can choose a cartoon or a movie that your child likes. Usually boys at this age love superheroes. Each character has a basic color that should be used in the design. And pictures with images of heroes can be bought or printed.

For children 6-7 years old, a good solution would be to choose a sea or pirate theme. In the latter case, it is worth preparing a treasure chest. It is easy to make from cardboard box and paper.You can make hats and blindfolds for the birthday person and guests. Don't forget about the captain's parrot.

At 10-11 years old, the child must himself lead the process of decorating the room. Friends will come to visit, and their opinion is very important for a boy at this age. Parents should not push, but can give advice. The interests and preferences of the child can be taken as a basis.

For example, if the birthday person is an athlete, then you can add more relevant paraphernalia along with standard balloons and paper garlands.

At this age, there may be a special interest in the design of the photo zone. The guys will want to take not only a collective photo, but also a selfie. For decoration, you can use standard decor elements, as well as garlands, New Year's tinsel. Additionally, you can prepare confetti for spectacular photos.

At this age, children usually come without parents, so one table with dishes is enough. But the treats themselves should be decorated in a special way. Salads can be decorated or laid out in the form of some shapes. The table should attract children, arouse admiration and appetite.

Decorating a holiday for a teenager raises a lot of questions. Firstly, boys at 15 years old rarely agree to spend the whole day in an apartment. But even if so, then in the matter of decorating a room, you need to consult with a teenager at every stage. Themed parties are in demand here again. Usually detectives, science fiction or comics, sports come to the rescue.

An interesting option would be a gangster party. Toy guns, hats and a poker set are used as props. A well-thought-out photo zone is a must. It is better to arrange it so that completely dissimilar photographs are obtained from different angles.

Elements such as color music can be used to create a real party atmosphere.

Beautiful examples

You need to decorate the room so that the child is interested. Decorations can be bought, made by yourself.

Here are some good ideas.

  • The baby boss looks very useful, because children are always such commanders. A good solution for a child 1-2 years old.
  • Minions have been popular for more than one year, boys simply adore them. Suitable costumes and contests can be made for such a design.
  • A machine made of boxes is easy to make, but it looks very interesting. The kid will be able to play with friends absolutely safely.
  • So you can arrange a photo zone for a boy of almost any age, even for a teenager. It is noteworthy that all the elements can be made with your own hands.
  • An interesting and unusual option. Suitable for a boy of any age.

The idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bdesigning a nursery for a birthday in the video below.

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