Children's birthday

Design options for the birthday of a boy aged 1 year

Design options for the birthday of a boy aged 1 year
  1. Basic decor elements
  2. Choice of topics
  3. Best design ideas
  4. Beautiful examples

Finally it happened. The family celebrates their son's first birthday. Long before this date, parents begin to think over the options for decorating the holiday, to study how best to celebrate the holiday so that the baby will like it.

Basic decor elements

All parents want the celebration of their first birthday to be memorable. In order for the holiday to turn out to be cheerful, it is necessary to organize everything correctly, not missing a single detail. Considering that young parents practically do not have free time at this time, preparations should be started long before the upcoming celebration. It is necessary to decide how to decorate the nursery or the whole house.

First of all, you should find out where the event will take place. It can be held at home, in a children's cafe or outdoors. If it's summer outside, then you can organize a children's party outside the city. Otherwise, the event is best held in a closed, warm room.

It is necessary to decide on the theme of the celebration, since the decor of the room directly depends on this.

In addition, do not forget about the outfit for the birthday boy. Parents should think about what the table will be at the holiday, order a cake.

Various decor items are used to create a festive atmosphere in the house. Boys are more suited to attributes that are characteristic of them, for example, cars, robots, balls, a constructor or bricks. The color scheme is usually kept in dim colors. Toddlers don't need to go with traditional blue décor. You can opt for greens, whites, blues or browns.

Decorating a boy's birthday at 1 year old should be interesting for the baby. You can decorate a room for a children's party:

  • balloons;
  • paper pom-poms;
  • banners with congratulations for the birthday man;
  • crafts from various materials.

Balloons are a great option for decorating a children's room for a birthday. Do not inflate them too much, otherwise the bursting balloon will scare the kids.

If flowers are used to decorate a room, it is advisable to choose those that do not have a strong smell. Lilies, mimosa or orchids are not suitable for these purposes.

Choice of topics

When decorating a room for a child for a year, it is better to immediately decide on the theme of the event. There are many ideas that allow you to instantly transform a boy's room, making it in the form of a fairytale castle, a pirate ship or a UFO. For a child's birthday, you can choose other, no less interesting options.

  • The boy will appreciate the decoration of the room on a sports theme. You can profitably beat the nursery in the form of a gym or a football field. It is better to dress a young athlete in a sports uniform, hang a bright whistle around his neck, and put on boots.
  • An excellent option would be to decorate a holiday in a marine theme. Decorations in the form of seashells, starfish and fish will be appropriate here. The kid will be pleased with the cartoon figures from the cartoon about Nemo the fish and balls with the image of a crab. It is better to dress your little son in a striped T-shirt, to put on a peakless cap or a blue beret.
  • The room can be decorated in the form of a medieval castle. The little knight will be happy to receive his guests in it. To make the decoration more convincing, it is worth preparing the scenery in advance. You can make them from cardboard boxes by sticking printed or drawn pictures on the base. Decorations for the castle can be glued to the boy's crib in advance. Waking up in the morning, he will immediately find himself in a fabulous country.
  • All boys dream of being astronauts in childhood. A space rocket with a young astronaut is already ready to go into outer space. Stars, planets and comets cut out of foil will help to create the illusion of a starry sky. Neon stars hanging from the ceiling will look very impressive at night.

Best design ideas

When decorating a room for your son's birthday, it is advisable to pay attention to the following points:

  • in the event that kids are invited to the holiday, it is better to divide the children's room into certain zones, leaving space for the festive table and games;
  • when decorating several rooms, a single concept should be followed;
  • the number of decorations should be normalized, they should not take up much space, interfering with those present;
  • decor items are placed in places inaccessible for kids, it is necessary to exclude prickly or cutting objects, as well as products made of low-quality material, very small parts.

If there is very little time left to decorate the room, you can use balloons for decoration by placing them one by one, in a group, in the form of certain figures or compositions, or by making columns or an arch out of them.

When doing aerodesign, it is important not to overdo it with colors, you should not use more than 3-4 shades at the same time, otherwise the composition will look clumsy. The use of one color is also inappropriate, such a design will seem boring. Additional accessories of contrasting shades will help to dilute the monotony.

You can decorate a room with your own hands using purchased or homemade garlands, paper pom-poms, and greeting posters.

A festive children's table is an important object at such a holiday, so special attention should be paid to its design.

  • When choosing dishes, it is better to focus on disposable models. In this case, babies will not be able to break the dishes or accidentally injure themselves. It should be bright and festive. It is desirable that it fit into the general concept, into the theme of the event.
  • If the dishes have a bright and variegated pattern, it is better to choose a simple plain tablecloth.
  • Dishes on the table should not only be fresh and tasty, but also beautifully presented.

Before the start of the holiday, everyone present is given caps, photo accessories, and small gifts.

At the entrance, space is left for a newspaper depicting how the baby grew up during the entire 12 months. Such a poster can be designed in the form of a children's train with carriages or a space rocket, where photos are pasted by months.

The slideshow will be the perfect gift for a boy and a birthday addition. Surely the parents have preserved a lot of video materials about the life of the child during the year.

Beautiful examples

A beautifully designed photo zone will allow you to take memorable pictures of your baby's first birthday.

  • The play area for children will be a great place for a little birthday boy and his friends to relax. There is a place here for a toy house, an inflatable slide, a ladder or a structure made of large bright cubes.
  • Bulky figures remain the main attribute of such a celebration. The design unit can be used in the area of ​​the photo zone, near the birthday person's chair or even on a festive table.
  • A birthday cake with the number one and the name of the son will be the final point in the interior design.
  • Little pranksters will appreciate the candy bar with drinks and sweets. It can contain various sweets in the form of marmalade, marshmallow, marshmallow and muffins.

A child of 1 year old is unlikely to appreciate the efforts of the parents to decorate the room, the festive table, individual zones, but the photographs taken as a souvenir will allow him to appreciate it later.

How to prepare for the boy's first birthday, see below.

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