Children's birthday

Celebrating the birthday of a 5-year-old boy: scenarios and contests

Celebrating the birthday of a 5-year-old boy: scenarios and contests
  1. Birthday organization rules
  2. Choosing a theme for the celebration
  3. Suitable contests and games
  4. Preparing a quest
  5. Script ideas

Birthday is a holiday from which a miracle is always expected, especially children. For an event to be memorable and not resemble last year's celebrations, it is not at all necessary to strive to celebrate in another country or look for an "exotic" animator. It is enough to find out in advance from the birthday man what is interesting to him. Based on this, it is worth considering the scenario of the event, taking into account the age of the guests.

Birthday organization rules

To make the holiday fun and memorable, as well as to please both the birthday man and the guests, it is necessary to fulfill a number of simple requirements.

  1. Decorate the room.
  2. Think over contests.
  3. Prepare prizes.
  4. Pick up a partial musical accompaniment for the event.

The first thing that catches your eye at any celebration is the room where the celebration will take place. Thus, you need to make it as elegant as possible. Take care of the "Congratulations" banner, next to it it will be appropriate to look at a poster reflecting the chronicle of the birthday man's life. And, of course, there are balloons, which are never too many at such an event. Ideally, it is worth decorating the ceiling with helium balloons, and the floor with ordinary inflatable ones. Helium can be allowed to be taken home by guests after the holiday. And from the inflatable after the round dance "Karavai" you can make a fireworks.

It would be nice to reflect the guests on the poster "Chronicle of the birthday man", for example, as a fun company, since due to their age, the attention of 5-year-old children is attracted by what is connected with them. You can prepare something like a triumphal arch for the passage to the celebration. It can be a decorated regular doorframe. Such nuances will be the key to a good mood.

The next step is related to the selection of competitions. Thinking over entertainment, it should be remembered that 5-year-olds are children who cannot sit in one place for a long time. Accordingly, board games, albeit different, will not interest them for a long time.

It turns out that games should be both calm (after eating) and active.

Guests should not be allowed to leave without any prizes, which should be purely symbolic (in no way the same as those of the birthday boy). The fact is that at this age, children have not yet formed a feeling of joy for others. Even when they come to a friend's birthday party, kids can get upset that the birthday person receives gifts, but they do not. Guests are given presentations for participating in competitions.

This gesture will not only make the guest happy, but also draw his attention to the game, competition. In competitions, for the holiday to be fun, friendship should win, since at this age, as a rule, the abilities of the guys are not yet equal. It may be that one will constantly win and the other will lose. Such situations are not complete without tears and spoiled mood.

Before you start choosing contests for a 5-year-old boy, you need to decide whether the party will be themed. These can be holidays in the style of pirates, superheroes, etc. If you are planning a holiday on a given theme, you should warn the guests. You can make a note on the invitation card "Entrance in suits."

Choosing a theme for the celebration

We choose the theme of the holiday based on the preferences of the birthday person. Having decided on the topic, you need to think over not only the costumes, but also the decoration of the premises, contests, prizes, even the menu can reflect the theme of the holiday. Such a unified approach to celebration will not only be entertaining, but with a competent approach, it will become an educational event.

If the child is mobile, then the topic should be related to vigorous activity. For example, treasure hunt (pirate party), city rescue (superhero style). If the child is inquisitive, then the theme of the holiday can be a trip to the underwater world, to Africa, etc.

Suitable contests and games

For a thematic holiday, contests should be built logically, that is, there should be a plot. For example, all contests lead to a treasure (it can be a cake), or it can be a meeting (revival) of a hero. The latter is also associated with the cake, if it has a shape, an image of a robot.

It is interesting to celebrate a children's holiday without a specific theme. When a child loves creative activities (drawing, applique), then theme parties, in fact, are not needed.

It is enough to take care of the presence of a Whatman paper (A4 sheets can be used), paints, felt-tip pens or colored paper.

For home

If the holiday is held in the bosom of the family, where everyone has a different age, then the scenario of the event should primarily be focused on the age of the birthday person.

  • "Guess who the wish is from." The birthday boy pulls out a card and guesses who it is from (adults should help to read the congratulation).
  • "Collective Fairy Tale". The birthday boy calls the first sentence, and the rest of the family picks up, and each adds according to the sentence.
  • You can conduct the "Find gifts" quest at home. They can be hidden in one common place, or they can be scattered around the room. The task of the birthday man, solving simple problems, is to find everything. Tasks can be as follows: “Turn right, go straight, turn left, look behind the closet”; “Look in the brightest room, at the bottom of the largest box”; "Find the thing your grandmother made, look there."

You can hide all gifts in one place and call them a treasure. Draw a map by which the birthday person will find them. The map is, in fact, a diagram of the apartment, where you need to start the route from the front door.

In the cafe

If a children's room is rented in a cafe, then the event will practically not differ from the celebrations presented above. If the guests meet for a short time at the table, then you should take care of a selection of passive games or contests.

  • "Guess by touch." Everyone is blindfolded (during the game, the chairs must be moved away from the table), the children are given any objects that need to be guessed.
  • "Concert". Each child draws a task token. You will need to tell a poem, sing a song, guess a riddle, depict a pantomime, etc.
  • Broken Phone. One child thinks of a word and says it in a whisper in another's ear. The hidden word must return to the one who uttered it first, without changes.

Preparing a quest

Quest is a modern event focused on collective or individual competition. Most often, quests are held on the street, but for children 5 years old, you can plan a simple competition at home. The essence of such activities is to find something by fulfilling certain requirements. The quest at the pirate party always goes with a bang, connected with the search for a cake (instead of it, you can search for any key).

The host (dressed as a pirate) and the guys (also dressed as pirates) are participating. Host: "The pirates stole our cake, leaving this letter behind." Reads out: “If you want the celebration to take place, you need to prepare a ransom, for which we are ready to return your cake. We are ready to wait 40 minutes, otherwise we will give the treat to others. Complete all our assignments and find out where to look for us. "

Exercise 1

Guess the cipher word and you will know what to do next. There are 4 pictures on the sheet, from the first letters of which you can make the word CABINET. As the word will be composed, we switch the children's attention to this subject. Colored paper should slightly look out of one box, where it says "IMAGE OF THE BIRTHDAY".

Assignment 2

Children from blanks make an applique for the birthday boy, where the next clue "His favorite thing" is hidden.

Assignment 3

Children find the birthday boy's favorite toy (toy car, etc.). They turn it over in their hands and find the key in it.

Assignment 4

The guys determine what it is from and get into a room where it says “EVERYTHING YOU HAVE IN HANDS, CARRY INTO THIS BOX” (it is closed). Children carry an applique, a typewriter, materials for creativity, open the box, and there is a cake.

Script ideas

After all the guests have gathered, a knock is heard at the door: the birthday boy's favorite characters come (these can be disguised relatives or an animator). Character (presenter): “Hello guys, passing by, I saw an amazing shine emanating from your windows and doors. I became curious, I decided to go to the light and see what the holiday is in honor of. Now I understand, it's a name day. As a gift, we will now prepare a cake with you. "

The presenter takes the children by the hand, stands in a line with them, and in the meantime his assistant puts headbands with the image of berries and fruits on each child's head. After everyone is ready, the presenter begins to spin a "roll" towards the extreme child, encouraging the children to do so. Everyone is still holding hands. After the improvised cake is ready, everyone stands in a circle and sings "Loaf".

Character (host): "We have got a nice cake, but where is the banana?" The game "Catch up with a banana, an orange, etc." begins. The game should be unexpected, children should know what fruit their rim is marked with. After the words "where is ..." the child with this image runs away.

Character (presenter): “What dexterous guys live here: they couldn't run away from us. Now they are all on the table, it's time to eat, I have something else for you. " Children leave the table as they eat. The facilitator divides them into two teams, the task of each of which is to be the loudest (children should stomp, clap and shout "Yes").

Character (presenter): "I will now sing a song, if you agree with me, then stomp, clap and shout" Yes. " If you do not agree, then you need to stay quiet. "

"Tell me, friends,

Do's and Don'ts.

Give me an answer as to what you agree with and what you don't.

Do I need to wash my hands with soap and water before eating?

Brush teeth, wash ears, help everyone in the neighborhood and offend my sister.

Climb a large fence, boldly swim in a puddle

Read a book in the evening and scribble something there.

Make feeders for the animals,

Scatter toys at home

Do not be lazy, do not tease, but say thank you.

Need to fight at night, stay awake

And water the flowers

Listen to grandmother and grandfather, do not eat all the vitamins.

We watch cartoons all night.

In the morning, mom and dad need help. "

Character (presenter): “You are smart, friends, you cannot be deceived. Now is the time to take a photo for memory. " It is advisable that a large frame in the form of a picture frame be prepared in advance.

Children get out of the frame and adults take pictures of them.

Game "Candy Soup"

Children are divided into 2 teams, which are built on one side of the room, and on the other, there are 2 identical handfuls of sweets on the chairs. Each team has its own bowl. The task of the guys is to transfer the candies to the cup with a spoon. The one who coped faster won.

Character (presenter): "Here are the clever ones, friends, because we have to dance." Children stagger and dance. There are balloons scattered on the floor. The task of the guys is to collect as many balls as possible and try to keep them. The music plays for a few seconds, then stops, and then plays again. Character (presenter): "We played, friends, it would be time for us to rest, congratulate the birthday man and correct the mood with a cake."

The idea of ​​celebrating the boy's 5th birthday is in the video below.

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