Children's birthday

How to celebrate a 6-year-old boy's birthday?

How to celebrate a 6-year-old boy's birthday?
  1. Room decoration
  2. Choice of topics
  3. Script ideas

Parents always strive to organize a birthday so that it will be remembered by the child for a long time. To do this, they arrange everything in such a way that favorite treats, long-awaited gifts, best friends are present. And, of course, the decoration of the premises, contests and games play an important role. Parents raising a son will find it useful to know how to celebrate the birthday of a 6-year-old boy.

Room decoration

A child's birthday is always accompanied by bright colors. That's why often the main attribute used when decorating a room are balloons of various shapes and colors. They are simply placed in the room where the party will be held, on the ceiling and walls. They make arches from them, various compositions, organize photo zones.

All kinds of posters and banners with congratulatory texts can be used as decorations. Colored flags can be helpful too.

To celebrate the birthday of a 6-year-old boy in an interesting and fun way, parents come up with a certain theme, and then the room will be decorated in accordance with this. Attributes of pirates, cowboys or fairy-tale superheroes may appear in the room.

Part of the festive decoration is a table with treats. It all depends on the dishes served and the theme of the event. It is advisable to lay a plain tablecloth on the table, put bright dishes, put napkins.

Decorations can be original dishes - salads, desserts, cocktails and, of course, a birthday cake.

Choice of topics

The holiday will turn out to be memorable for the child and will be successful if you think over its concept, and for this you need to decide which topic to choose. Here you need to focus on the hobbies and preferences of the child.It is imperative to ask what exactly he would like. And so there are a great many.

  • "In the circus arena". Here, clowns can act as animators, they will amuse children, show tricks, play games with them. Just on such a holiday, bright balloons will be appropriate. Children can also choose bright clothes if they are warned in advance about the theme of the holiday.

As an addition, bright caps and noses can be used.

  • "Favorite Heroes". This option will also greatly delight the birthday man if he chooses his favorite fairy tale or cartoon. The variety of plots and stories does not allow listing all the options. It can be teenage mutant ninja turtles, spiderman, Mickey Mouse, Harry Potter.

The host of such a holiday can appear in the role of a magician who will come up with various tasks and contests, hand out prizes to the most intelligent, dexterous, fast, not forgetting, of course, the most important person - the hero of the occasion.

  • "Thematic parties". There are different options to choose from. The birthday boy and his friends for one evening can turn into pirates, cowboys, sailors, travelers, astronauts. Based on this, you need to choose the design, entertainment and, possibly, quests with interesting tasks.
  • "Travel". If the birthday takes place in nature, then you can organize a mini-hike, come up with a map that will indicate where to look for the treasure. In nature, you can hold mobile relay races, games and competitions.

It is also possible to decorate the site beautifully. You can hang both balls and stretch marks on trees. A beautifully decorated table, albeit in field conditions, should also be present.

  • "Other planets". Birthday can be unusual if you imagine that this is another planet. Then flying saucers, stars, and shiny costumes will come in handy. You can give all the participants of the holiday funny ears or antennas. Space assignments will be interesting for boys. For treats, it's better to come up with cosmic names too.

An animator can be the captain of a spaceship traveling to different planets.

  • "Career guidance". In fact, this, of course, is not real career guidance, but playing in the profession will be interesting for everyone. It is necessary to designate those for which you can really come up with tasks. Chefs, for example, can prepare a dish. In a chemistry lab, you can use simple ingredients to create bubbles and let writers write a story. Each of the professions can be presented to children in an accessible form.

If the birthday is on the street, there is a chance to play firefighters and rescuers.

  • "Kinoploshchadka". A great way to give kids the opportunity to write their own little script and bring it to life. The apartment will turn into a movie set for several hours. Competitions and assignments can also be associated with fairy tales, cartoons and films that children know and love.

Script ideas

If you decide to spend a holiday with your family, parents will have to take care not only of preparing meals and decorating the premises, but also of the script. At home, you can also organize an interesting holiday. The main thing is to decide in advance on the competitions and decide which games can be played at home.

  • If, for example, a pirate party is organized, it all starts with welcoming guests. The guys are invited to the ship, which sets off as soon as all the guests have gathered.
  • For warm-up, guests are invited to come up with some kind of pirate greeting, in which the hero of the occasion should also be given attention. It is imperative to remember that during the holiday children should receive prizes in competitions and relay races.
  • After the greetings, the facilitator can briefly describe the purpose of the event. Here you can give gifts to the birthday boy.
  • The first part of the games can be mobile. For example, you can organize a pirate flag relay. Children are divided into two teams.The first player runs with the flag to a certain point, touches it and runs back, passes the flag to the next, etc. The winner is the team where the participants finish the game faster.
  • Another option is to play blind man's buff. The main pirate catches his friends with a black bandage over their eyes, and then guesses who he caught. The trapped person turns into the host, if he can be identified.
  • The next step will be lunch, after the games you need to refresh yourself. At the table, you can give the children a chance to socialize and then run a quiz by asking questions about a variety of topics that six-year-olds may be familiar with. Since the theme is pirate, one can recall cartoons and films with pirates and let the children guess by the phrase or the name of the hero which film is being discussed.
  • Then you can go back to the contests. The competition will turn out to be fun, where children are invited to draw a pirate or a ship, but with their eyes closed and the whole team. For each team, a Whatman sheet and felt-tip pens are prepared. Each participant runs to the poster and draws a part with their eyes closed. The team with the most realistic drawing wins.
  • After the children need to be given free time, they also want to communicate. You can turn on the music, let them dance and frolic.
  • The final stage will be a tea party and a cake with candles.

In any scenario, it should be remembered that children are not able to play for a long time, participate in competitions, they get tired, begin to behave badly. Therefore, 3-4 hours for a birthday celebration is quite enough. Provided that the birthday was organized in nature, you can play rescuers. There may be games of this kind:

  • you can hide someone in the forest, and two teams will go in search, whoever finds it first gets a prize;
  • an obstacle course will be useful: jump over a ditch, climb a tree, crawl under a log;
  • orientation on the terrain with a compass will be another adventure, you can even hide prizes in certain places and look for them by identification marks;
  • you can collect branches and build a hut, the jury will determine the best one.

It should be remembered that all this should take place under the strict supervision of adults in compliance with safety measures. Birthday cake and treats must be offered between games.

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