Children's birthday

How to celebrate the birthday of a boy 8 years old?

How to celebrate the birthday of a boy 8 years old?
  1. Room decoration
  2. Choice of topics
  3. Games and contests
  4. Script ideas

Birthday is a special day for every child. Congratulations from numerous relatives, a bunch of gifts, and most importantly - a holiday that is arranged by parents, the student is waiting for a whole year. The organization of an event for a boy of 8 years old needs to be thought out wisely. In the article, we will tell you how best to arrange a room for a holiday, what topics are suitable for children of this age, and also consider interesting games for home and cafes.

Room decoration

It is very easy to celebrate the birthday of an 8-year-old boy. At this age, children love everything bright, interesting and as many outdoor games as possible. It is very important to competently think over the interior design so that you can immediately see at the entrance - today they are celebrating their birthday here.

Ball installations are very popular. You can order an arch that will frame the entrance to the room where the event is held. Put a cloud of balloons under the ceiling; at the end of the holiday, each guest will be able to take one for themselves as a souvenir. On the floor, place the number 8 on one side, and on the other - a foil ball in the form of your son's favorite hero in full growth. It will be quite original.

If the birthday is being held in a cafe, organize a photo zone in one of the parts of the hall. It is a large beautiful installation with congratulations and the name of the hero of the occasion. Guests can take pictures on their own, or you can hire a professional photographer who will not only take high-quality pictures, but also print them, immediately handing them over to the guests. Many parents decorate this area with balloons to give an even more festive look.

When organizing a birthday party for an 8-year-old boy, it is necessary to competently think over the design of the table, as well as the menu. It is important to approach this issue and taking into account practicality, for example, instead of a fabric tablecloth, use an oilcloth, because spilled juice is a frequent case at children's events. And it is much easier to wipe the oilcloth than to wash the tablecloth.

It is recommended to use holiday disposable tableware, which can be collected in one bag and thrown away.

You shouldn't bother much about the menu. Children at this age do not particularly care about food; entertainment is more important to them. Serve interestingly sliced ​​fresh fruits and berries. Make sure you have sandwiches, canapes and other snacks to grab during the holiday and rejoin the game. It is advisable to organize a separate table with sweets, where a variety of muffins, marshmallows, marmalade, loli-pops and other not very useful goodies that children love so much will be located. It is better not to put chocolate on the table, as it melts quickly in your hands.

If you think that this menu is not very satisfying, you can set the table after the games. Offer eight-year-olds pizza, fries and hamburgers - the kids will love it. Juices, compote and plain water are the best drinks. Before preparing the menu, it is recommended to ask the parents if there will be allergy sufferers among the guests.

Be sure to take this fact into account so that a child who is not allowed this or that product does not feel deprived.

Choice of topics

The theme of the holiday is another important point to think about carefully. It is better to involve the child in the discussion of this issue. Let him choose exactly what his birthday will be. Parents will only have to carry out everything competently so that their son is satisfied. For eight-year-old boys, the pirate or police theme will be optimal.

This is something that is close to everyone, because all the guys 8 years old love travel and all sorts of secrets.

If your son is fond of football, organize a party in the style of Messi or Ronaldo. Choose the appropriate tableware and decorate the party room. Almost every boy has a football uniform, so you can ask parents in advance to dress the children in it. At the age of eight, many are already familiar with the books about the famous wizard Harry Potter. Purchase wands, Gryffindor ties and hand out to all guests. The son can be dressed in the full Hogwarts school uniform and draw a zipper on his forehead.

Games and contests

Games and contests are, of course, a major part of the celebration program. It is important that they are funny, lively and funny. Depending on the location and area of ​​the event, you can pick up many interesting options. The main thing is to make sure that every child takes part in at least one competition.

For home

As a rule, there is not much room at home for too active games, but this does not mean that children will be bored.

Air battle

To play you will need two boys and two swords made of long balloons. On the floor, you need to mark a circle or square, inside which the battle will take place. The guys should stand in the center of the figure and, on command, begin to displace the opponent with a sword. Whoever steps outside the circle loses.


It also needs two boys, from the props - a tennis ball. Children stand on both sides of the table, put the ball in the middle. On command, they need to start blowing on the ball with all their strength in order to Dump it on the side of the enemy. Hands should be behind your back. Whoever scores 3-5 goals first wins.


Here the boys will have to show a little strength. Everyone is given a felt-tip pen or pencil, which must be clamped between the lip and the nose. To complicate the competition, you can divide the children into two teams. The first ones hold a pencil, the second try to make them laugh, then they change places. The one who holds the object the longest wins.


The game is as old as the world, but at the same time it is still relevant. Forfeits can be pulled in two ways. For example, every child puts one thing in a bag. A parent with closed eyes chooses a phantom, but does not finally get it out of the bag. The boys must decide what the owner of the object will do, and only after that the presenter shows which one he was holding in his hands. The child who owned the phantom is doing the task. The second option is for each participant to create a card with a task, which will become a phantom. The boys take turns approaching the bag and take out one of the pre-shuffled cards, after which they complete the task written on it.

If children find it difficult to write tasks, you can offer them one of the following.

  • Tell a rhyme / anecdote.
  • Shout out "woof-woof" out the window.
  • Depict the beast.
  • Ask each guest about a funny question.
  • Make someone laugh.
  • To score a ball.
  • To portray a capricious kid.
  • Take a selfie with the hero of the occasion.
  • Sit down / push up 15 times.
  • Dance a dance.
  • Sing a song.

What's in the package?

Various sweets are put in a dense bag, for example, sweets, waffles, fruits, marmalade. Each boy comes up and puts his hand in the bag with his eyes closed, trying to guess what he got out. If he guesses, he takes it for himself. If not, put it back. The game should be played until each participant has received a sweetness.


It will take a lot of cubes. Each participant takes turns placing cubes on top of each other. The higher the tower, the less stable it is, and accordingly, the task becomes more complicated. The participant who drops the tower is eliminated. The game continues until two participants remain, a final will be held between them.


Another fun game from our childhood. Children are paired and put their hands high above their heads. Couples stand one after another, forming a corridor. A participant without a pair walks along the corridor, chooses someone for himself, taking his hand, and leads him. The newly formed couple gets up at the end of the stream, and the boy without a pair goes to the beginning and continues the game.

In the cafe

There is more space in the cafe, so you can play larger games here. As a rule, the host conducts competitions in the cafe, but the parent can also do this.

Score a goal

In order not to spoil the atmosphere in the cafe, a balloon is used as a ball. One boy gets into the set gate, and the second tries to score a goal for him.

Tumbler ball

Badminton rackets and a balloon are used as props. Children are divided into two teams. Participants stand at the start, the leader defines the boundaries with glasses. The child must go to the glass, walk around it and return to his team. All this must be done with a racket in hand, on which a ball or ball will roll. It is important to complete the task as soon as possible and pass the turn on to the next player. The winner is the team that completes the task faster.


Children are divided into two teams in pairs. Each pair stands with their backs to each other and clings with their hands at the elbows. The result is crabs that must run sideways to the finish line. The winner is the team whose crabs reach the finish line earlier.


The parent or facilitator shows the children funny movements that the boys should repeat to the music. By combining several steps, you can get a small dance, which begins with simple movements, and then more complicated ones. The presenter rehearses the dance with the children several times, and then they must repeat everything themselves. At the end of the competition, each participant receives a gift.


One of the favorite games that is played on almost every holiday, be it a children's birthday or a teenage party. Chairs are placed in a circle, the number of which is one less than the number of players. Children walk around the chairs to the music, dancing a little. Suddenly the music turns off - participants should take an empty chair as soon as possible. Those who do not have time are eliminated.The winner is the player who managed to hold out until the very end.

Script ideas

The scenario for the birthday of an 8-year-old boy should be as entertaining as possible. At this age, children love experiences. It is advisable to hire animators with costumes who will make a real holiday. Spiderman, batman, pirate, Harry Potter with Ron and Hermione, as well as characters from your favorite children's films and books are perfect.

It all starts with a greeting. Each character approaches and meets the children, and then invites everyone to have some fun. As soon as the children agree, they move on to games. Better to start with calm contests to warm up the boys. Then comes the turn of more mobile competitions. The games end with a quiz with interesting questions and distribution of prizes. In the middle of the competition program, there is a break for the festive table. At this time, the animation characters entertain the boys by offering contests for the best congratulation toast. As soon as the children are fed, the contests continue.

At the end of the games, the animators gather everyone in a circle - everyone begins to call the cake in chorus. The light goes out, a cake with candles appears, which is slowly headed towards the birthday man. At this time, the guests sing "Happy birthday to you!" The hero of the occasion blows out the candles, everyone applauds and goes to enjoy a delicious dessert.

At the end of the evening, you can arrange a disco with trendy songs among children, or just give the children the opportunity to chat.

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