Children's birthday

Celebrating a boy's birthday at 1 year old

Celebrating a boy's birthday at 1 year old
  1. Features of the organization
  2. Choosing a topic
  3. How to choose a place for the celebration?
  4. We decorate the holiday area
  5. Colorful invitations for guests
  6. What kind of cake to cook for a kid?
  7. Script ideas
  8. What gifts are best for a one-year-old baby?

For all parents, the child's birthday is considered a whole event, especially if the baby is one year old. To do this, they arrange a room and order a cake, invite relatives and friends. Funny contests are arranged for the child, and guests are also entertained. Let the baby not remember these moments, but they will remain with him in photographs and videos. Parents are not always able to independently think over the structure of the celebration. To do this, you can use the ideas of other people's holidays, refine and improve them. A few interesting thoughts for a first-ever holiday are outlined below.

Features of the organization

To begin with, it is worth deciding how much money the parents are willing to invest in the event. You can hire a presenter, animator, clown or magician for a holiday. These people will independently plan the entire scenario. Parents will only have to buy everything they need - balls, toys and gifts.

Firms that provide such services, when hiring, provide several options for the celebration. It remains to choose the appropriate one or indicate your preferences.

Experts take upon themselves not only the responsibility to hold the event and entertain the baby and guests, but also decorate the interior.

It is more troublesome if the relatives decide to organize a birthday party for the boy themselves. Usually, this preparation falls on the shoulders of the woman.True, one cannot do without help here - consultants from special stores can provide significant assistance in acquiring paraphernalia, and the child's older brothers and sisters and other relatives in decorating the interior.

Based on the budget, such things are determined:

  • number of guests;
  • the time it will take to celebrate;
  • place of celebration;
  • the cost of gifts and props for decoration;
  • providing competitions with prizes.

Important! Usually, parents remember videos or photographs late. To capture the best moments of the celebration for 1 year, you can hire a photographer. If you don't want to scare the boy with strangers at home, you can arrange with a couple of guests to shoot the event.

Another way is to set up a tripod with a camera, on which the shooting mode will be set in advance in order to record all the moments of the holiday.

Choosing a topic

For a boy, there are a lot of options for decorating a holiday. Depending on his hobbies, you can arrange the following.

  • Pirate party. All guests can be dressed up as pirates, and the birthday boy can be given a boarding saber from a toy store.
  • A holiday in the style of superheroes. Children love to save the world, you can think of many contests in which little guests will do this. Adults can pretend that something happened to them, the guests, together with the hero of the holiday, saved them (take care of the simplicity of salvation).
  • An event where his favorite cartoon characters will be... One of the parents can wear a Luntik costume or another character adored by the kid, thereby making the holiday more interesting and fun. The birthday person himself can also be dressed up in such a costume.
  • Feast with animals. Giraffe, dinosaur and lion costumes can be found in many stores, and some can be rented.

How to choose a place for the celebration?

Since the child is small, it is advisable to take into account his daily routine. In order not to violate it, you need to clearly plan the event. First, decide on the location of the event. The best option for the baby will be the familiar atmosphere of his own home. If the area of ​​the apartment is small, and a large number of guests are expected, it is better to stay in a rented room. This could be a studio, a cafeteria room, or a photography studio.

In this case, it is advisable to immediately discuss the availability of a separate room with the staff. This is necessary for the privacy of mother and baby. For example, for feeding or changing clothes for your son, temporary rest. Children tend to get dirty often and quickly get tired of the abundance of impressions. In the summertime, it is better to celebrate a birthday in the fresh air: on the banks of the river, in a park, garden, in the country. This option is perfect if an influx of guests with children is expected. In addition, such a solution will provide room for games and competitions.

We decorate the holiday area

At a young age, a clear division by gender is very conditional. Therefore, when decorating a venue for a celebration for a boy, you can use different bright colors. The following shades are suitable:

  • blue;
  • blue;
  • azure;
  • green;
  • White;
  • yellow.

Red, orange, silver and gold colors in small quantities will look vivid. Decorate the room with compositions of balloons and Christmas tree rain, you can use garlands and flowers made of paper or foil. A wall newspaper with photos of a baby is suitable for a celebration - from birth to one year old.

A poster with the words "We are 1 year old!" Will look great. You can cut out a meter number 1 from cardboard and drape it with a dark satin ribbon. For example, blue or purple.

If the place allows and is planned to have guests with children, then a dry pool with colorful balls would be a great idea.

Colorful invitations for guests

You can call for the celebration by sending memorable invitation cards to the guests. Children's cars and rattles, toys and heroes of your favorite cartoons can be used as a background. You can do the decoration with the baby - you can stain his palms with special paints and allow you to make several prints on each postcard.

What kind of cake to cook for a kid?

For a small child, a sudden change in diet is not always helpful. Sometimes allergies to certain foods can cause discomfort. So that after the holiday there are no undesirable consequences, this fact is taken into account. It is best to make a cake from those products that are familiar to the baby. For example, it can be a cake made from fruits already in the diet.

Classic cakes with fruits are more relevant for guests. It's good if the cake for the crumbs and guests will be combined with each other.

Script ideas

The first birthday is not remembered by a child, but even a year old can be celebrated cheerfully. To do this, you need to think over contests and quizzes with which you can entertain all the guests. The first competition is opened by the hero of the occasion. Several items are laid out in front of the baby. What kind of thing the child is drawn to - that profession and will choose in adulthood. It can be: hairbrush - make-up artist, hairdresser; hematogen tile - doctor; bun or candy - pastry chef; machine - driver; computer mouse - system administrator; picture - artist; ruler - mathematician or physicist.

For a fun pastime, you will need ping-pong balls... On each of them, they write with a marker a commitment to the birthday boy. For example: going to an amusement park, buying a scooter, presenting a certain item for a wedding, etc. Before the competition, balls are put in a shallow basin, covered with flour. This is done so that the free-flowing mixture hides the objects completely. The participating guest must reach the object with the inscription without hands, and then voice the commitment loudly and publicly.

The boy will not be able to participate in this competition, but what is happening will certainly interest him.

Since the theme of the holiday is the first birthday, the theme of the contests must correspondb. To do this, buy nipples for bottles. In the proper place on the nipple, it is necessary to make a hole, and then put them on the bottles of 0.5 liters. The bottles can be filled with lemonade for children, and champagne for adults. Then distribute them all. Whoever gets rid of the liquid faster will win.

Karaoke will be great fun for children. If it is not possible to turn on music, you can give the kids rattles and children's instruments, squeaking ducks are also suitable. Children will accompany themselves and sing on their own. You can arrange real races, but not by cars, but by dads and moms. Children have to ride their parents and get to a certain place. Whoever is faster gets the prize.

Be sure to take care of guest competition rewards. This will add interest and excitement to the struggle. The prize can be:

  • keychain or magnet with the image of the hero of the occasion;
  • cockerel on a stick;
  • small bar of chocolate.

After the end of the contests, you can arrange watching cartoons with your family. Better to watch them on a big screen with a projector, but a regular TV will do. Adults at this moment can prepare a table with food and gifts for the child.

What gifts are best for a one-year-old baby?

The obligatory program of the holiday is the presentation of gifts to the birthday person. Agree with the guests about the type of gifts. Small items cannot be gifted. Any kid will be happy with a designer with large parts and a typewriter. If the boy is creative, he will like paints, pencils and felt-tip pens. Soft toys and musical instruments will delight the baby too.

What to give your baby for 1 year old, see the video below.

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