Children's birthday

How to celebrate a child's first birthday?

How to celebrate a child's first birthday?
  1. Features of the organization of the holiday
  2. Festive table
  3. Entertainment overview

The first birthday is not really a children's holiday. This is usually just a good excuse for adults to get together and have a good time. The whole holiday is permeated with cute moments associated with the baby. Parents will have to think over many nuances - from apartment decoration to a festive table and contests. By the way, it is more convenient to celebrate such a holiday at home, because the unfamiliar atmosphere of a restaurant can annoy the kid.

Features of the organization of the holiday

You can celebrate your child's first birthday in a cafe. It's easier to do this, but more expensive. Most of the organizational issues will be taken over by the administration of the institution. Adults may find this idea tempting. A large room with decorations sets you up for a holiday, and you won't have to clean the apartment after guests.

but for a 1 year old child, the home environment will be much more comfortable. An unfamiliar environment can lead to the fact that the baby will be endlessly capricious, and adults will not be able to rest.

It is better to start your home party after a nap. This will keep your child well-fed, rested and ready to play.

Inviting guests

It is better to spend the first holiday of the baby in the circle of people whom he has already seen. Several new people are acceptable, with whom the child can easily get to know. It will be good if you invite several mothers with children of the same age. You should not call everyone who comes to the next sandbox. 2-3 kids are enough for them to play together.

Another question is how to invite. Of course, you can just call everyone and invite them over. However, it is much more interesting to prepare invitations.So guests will definitely remember the date and time, and the postcard itself will remain as a keepsake.

You should send invitations well in advance, preferably a week before the holiday.

Room decoration

Organizing a holiday for a baby is not so difficult if you think over the main nuances in advance. The idea of ​​holding a themed party is very popular. Design ideas for boys might be like this.

  • Football. Rooms can be decorated with posters of players or entire teams. The birthday boy himself can be dressed up in a uniform. You can even put sweets in the form of balls on the table.
  • Gentlemen's Club. You need to put on a shirt and trousers, a bow tie on your son. A hat with a tuxedo will complete the look. The decoration of the room is made in the form of ties, bow ties and mustaches.
  • Pirates. Such a holiday is associated with maps, ships, skulls and bones, treasures and secrets. All these nuances should be taken into account in the design. The specific pirate slang will become the highlight of the evening.

There must be a camera at the party. It's even easier to invite a professional. Photos will remain in memory after years. Design ideas for a girl can be like this.

  • Princesses. It is this theme for a children's party that is the most common. Many mothers want to dress their daughter in a beautiful fluffy dress. It is important not to forget about the elegant crown. Only it is worth choosing it carefully so that it is completely safe for the child. Balls and pompons, bows, flowers and sparkles are used to decorate the room.
  • Favorite cartoon. You can choose absolutely anyone, even from your childhood. Especially popular are "Masha and the Bear", "Mickey Mouse", "Peppa Pig", "Smeshariki". Or you can just choose different sorceresses and fairies. The girl needs to be dressed in a suitable suit. Hang pictures with heroes everywhere, lay out toys.
  • Animals. A variety of toys and figures should be laid out around the house. Daughter needs to be dressed up with a bunny, bear or kitten, as you wish.

Many colored balls, hats and garlands. The whole room should look bright in a positive way. Soap bubbles will also be a good addition. Such a spectacle will delight not only children, but also adults.

Wall newspapers for decoration are used quite often, because the idea is interesting. You can make it yourself or order it from a professional designer. Banners with funny photos of the birthday boy look interesting.

It is worth immediately dividing the entire room into two zones and they need to be decorated in different ways.

One part of the room should be dedicated to games. It is necessary to remove all objects that the child can hit. It is better to cover the floor with something soft and warm so that children can easily crawl on it. It is also worth preparing toys and possibly drawing kits. The second area of ​​the room is reserved for a feast.

A good solution would be a photo zone in the same style as the holiday itself. This will allow you to take bright and unusual photographs as a keepsake. You can prepare funny masks and glasses, various attributes. And here soap bubbles come in handy too.

Festive table

The first birthday in a cafe will not raise any special questions. There are already prepared options for adult and children's menus, the choice is not so difficult. But the home holiday will have to be carefully thought out. For adults, you can cook any meal.

It is better to decorate the table in the children's theme. It is worth taking care of bright napkins, beautiful tablecloths, interesting dishes. Plates and glasses for children should be different from adults.

This will allow not only to highlight the babies, but also to protect them from accidentally eating the wrong food or drinks.

The children's menu will have to be thought out in more detail. You can prepare some fruit slices. A variety of curds from baby food will also come in handy. And, of course, cookies. Homemade berry puree and juices will come in handy in the summer.

The main decoration of the table will be a cake. You can order it or bake it yourself. The second option will take longer, but there will be clear confidence in the quality of all the components used. The recipe can be anything, it all depends on personal preference.

When buying a store cake, you should study the expiration date and composition.

The choice is quite wide. You can decorate a cake using cream, mastic and special pictures, figures. The baked goods can be in the form of an animal or a cartoon character. If your child has food allergies, you can make a separate small cake for him, and a large one for adults.

Do not forget about the candle. It will take a little time to explain to the child how to blow it out. If the baby does not succeed, then you can help him unobtrusively. Usually, after blowing out the candles, everyone claps so that the child feels the solemnity of the moment.

Entertainment overview

There may be different types of celebrations that can be arranged at home. If you invite a lot of children, then it makes sense to invite an animator for them. Or just focus the whole evening around playing with the little ones. Then adults can draw and sculpt, just have fun with the children.

If you plan to hold contests and games, then it is worth prescribing a script for the holiday. Initially, all the guests come, and the children should be given a little time in a relaxed atmosphere so that they get used to what is happening.

You shouldn't turn on loud music or do something loud right away so as not to scare the little ones.

The games at the party may be for adults only, this is quite normal. In this case, the children should be occupied with the help of interactive toys, plasticine. It is only important to always keep an eye on the little ones. Quite fun and interesting when children can join the games of adults. Here are fun ideas for a kids party at home.

  1. Baby darts. A vase of sweets or coins should be prepared in advance. And you also need a bag, boxes or a hat at some distance from the players. Each guest takes a candy, voices some wish to the birthday man and tries to get into the container. If the goal is achieved, then what has been said will come true. If the candy did not end up in the bag, then you can try again with a different wish.
  2. "Jumping dragonfly". There can be as many players as you like, from the props you only need a linen elastic, a few meters. Its ends need to be tied to make a circle. Participants stand so that one leg is inside the elastic band, and the other is outside. Everyone parted to tighten the rope. The presenter turns on the music, and everyone moves in a circle, dancing and having fun. After stopping the melody, you need to jump out of the circle sharply. The one with the elastic band on the leg loses. Usually the latter is asked a fun task.
  3. "Box of desires". An excellent game for those cases when guests are tired or just gorged and not ready for active entertainment. Notes with tasks are put in a box or bag. With music, guests should pass the container around as quickly as possible. When the melody stops, someone pulls out a note and does it. Assignments should be such that you don't have to get up.
  4. "Who does the child look like." Each guest receives a small piece of paper and a pen. Everyone writes down their options and puts them in a box or vase. The kid can resemble a celebrity, artist, athlete, and even some kind of cartoon character. Obviously, there will be many interesting and unexpected options. Then you can read out all the answers and evaluate them together. It is recommended to keep the notes as a keepsake.
  5. "Who knows the baby better." This is a good competition if only close people are attending the holiday. It is necessary to draw up a series of questions about the child, for example, when did he start sitting, what kind of toy he likes, about weight and height, about his favorite food and the like. It will be fair if mom asks, and all guests write down their answers on sheets of paper. Each correct option adds 1 point.The winner may be rewarded with something delicious.
  6. "Who's the gourmet?" It is necessary to prepare jars with different baby food in advance. All labels are sealed to prevent the title from being read. Guests try mashed potatoes and guess what they are made of. The winner is the one who gave the most correct answers.
  7. "Most Accurate." Quite an interesting competition that the hero of the occasion will definitely like. True, the child must be in the mood. All guests take turns taking the baby in their arms and assessing its weight. The winner is the one who named the most correct number.
  8. "Letter to the Future". This game is worth saving for last. A very important task. For execution, you need to prepare a leaf, a pen and an envelope. Each guest writes a letter with wishes and advice, which should be passed on to the child 17 years later, on his eighteenth birthday. On the envelope you need to write the name, date of writing and the date when the envelope can be opened. Be sure to seal. If you wish, you can choose a different age at which the child will open the letter. For example, at the age of 16 or after leaving school.

Contests and games allow you to celebrate your child's first birthday in a fun and interesting way. It is worth alternating active and passive entertainment. Some should involve toddlers to make them feel like they are part of the celebration. You can also add purely childish games. For example, who is the first to crawl to the toy.

How to prepare for your baby's first birthday, see the video below.

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