Children's birthday

Teen's Birthday: Interesting Celebration Ideas

Teen's Birthday: Interesting Celebration Ideas
  1. Party organization rules
  2. Choosing a place
  3. Party theme
  4. The best contests and games
  5. Script examples

Not every teenager knows how he or she would like to celebrate his or her birthday. This, of course, does not make it easier for parents, because they often do not receive an answer to a question from their children. Some of the teenagers do not like to attract excessive attention from the outside, while others, on the contrary, want to be at the epicenter of all events at any holiday. In many ways, the celebration will depend on the nature of the teenager, his preferences and desires. Next, we will get acquainted in more detail with interesting ideas for celebrating a teenager's birthday, consider the rules for organizing a holiday, contests and games, and also get acquainted with ready-made scenarios.

Party organization rules

In order for the holiday to go "with a bang" for sure, the first thing you should not forget about before starting the organization is the preferences of your child. Only after listening to his ideas and expectations is it worth moving on to the initial stage of preparing the celebration. It often happens that a child does not want a magnificent holiday at all, which his parents impose on him. This point must be taken into account, because a teenager may want to call only a few friends.

In order to properly organize your party, it is very important to plan it correctly. You should not refuse help if one of the relatives expressed a desire to help in organizing the holiday.

In the beginning, it is important to determine all the financial aspects, as well as think about an approximate budget. It is worth pondering and writing down how much money will be spent on food, home decoration, small gifts for guests, if contests are held, and also do not forget about possible other accompanying waste. Of course, teenagers love various fast food and other not very healthy foods like chips. Usually, such treats do not hit the parents' wallet, but in recent years it has become important to order various candy bars and signature treats for guests for children, which can cost a decent amount.

A teenager's birthday can be spent at home, in an apartment, or in an institution. Home holidays are often cheaper than traveling out. This issue is best discussed directly with the future birthday person, taking into account a lot of features and taking into account the family budget.

After an approximate budget has been drawn up and a venue has been chosen, you should proceed to the guest list. It is definitely worth compiling it with a future birthday boy or birthday girl. Many experts recommend always counting on a few more people, because friends of friends may come unplanned to teenage holidays.

An important point in organizing a teenage holiday is the choice of date and time.

Unfortunately, not always a teenager's birthday may fall on a day off, which means that not all friends can come due to certain circumstances. If there are few guests, it is advisable to ask each of the invitees or their parents whether it will be convenient for them to attend a birthday on a certain day, especially for close friends and relatives of the teenager. Cards or email invitations can be an interesting solution for alerting guests.

Choosing a place

You can spend a teenager's birthday both indoors and outdoors. The second option is great if you live in a private house, if the weather allows it. Besides, if the child really wants to spend his birthday in nature, but the family lives in an apartment, you can always rent an inexpensive gazebo in the park or settle on a cozy summer terrace in a cafe.

Home birthday is cozy in its own way, in addition, many teenagers are not averse to spending their long-awaited holiday within the walls of their beloved home or apartment. The main thing is that no one distracts or bothers them during the celebration, therefore, when choosing a place in a house or apartment for a holiday, it is advisable to take care of the room where the parents will be, without interfering with the party. If the music in the venue is loud, it is advisable to warn the neighbors about this.

If the party will be held at home, the party can be held in the living room or in the hall. It is desirable that the room be spacious, and several zones can be organized in it. Girls, for example, are very fond of dancing, while boys often do not mind playing games. There must be a place for all this entertainment.

In addition, do not forget about the place for placing the treats, as well as the recreation area.

Party theme

In recent years, themed parties for teenagers have been very popular; they will include a lot of interesting things. For example, a tropical party with original costumes and delicious cocktails or a pirate-style celebration.

Let's take a look at some of the most popular holiday themes for teenage girls and boys.

  • American party. Many teenagers are very fond of the American theme, and therefore some of them will surely remember such a party. For an American-style birthday party, it is worth picking up good American music, the future birthday boy will easily help to do this. As an interesting attribute of the holiday, a birthday cake with the American flag can be presented, but invitations to a party can be issued as tickets to America.

In general, there are no frames and restrictions, the main thing is to give free rein to your child's imagination. Guests can also be offered a specific dress code.

  • A military-style party will surely appeal to teenage boys. To create such a holiday, it is very important to choose the appropriate attributes. Guests, for example, can come in appropriate military clothing. For the holiday, you can organize a very successful table with treats, which can also be decorated in a military style.

Teenage boys will surely appreciate all the preparations for the celebration, especially if interesting contests and games are offered to them.

  • Many teenagers may appreciate Italian-style birthday parties. Such a themed party is relevant for both girls and boys. Also, Italian-style parties are very popular lately. As a treat for teenagers, you can cook or order delicious pizza, as well as serve traditional Italian desserts.

Decorating a room in an Italian theme will not be difficult; from the simplest and most affordable decorations, you can purchase balls in the color of the Italian flag.

  • Also, teenagers will surely be able to appreciate a superhero-style party. Some parents may say that this style is relevant for young children, however, this is far from the case, because a party in this style is popular even among older young people. Usually a party in this style presupposes the presence of a certain fantastic dress code, unique paraphernalia and an original festive table with the symbols of the chosen superhero.

The most popular superhero characters are: Spider-Man, Batman, Captain America, Catwoman and Supergirl.

Parents can invite boys to have a cowboy-style party or a "Party around the world"if the child and his friends are fond of traveling. Teenage girls are sure to enjoy a pajama-style party or a beauty salon-style party.

The best contests and games

To keep the kids entertained at home during the birthday party, it is recommended that you prepare funny and interesting contests in advance, and consider playing a variety of games.


Board games and contests allow teenagers to liven up and not get bored during their meal. They are especially relevant for fun companies. Competition at the table with letters. Alphabet letters on cards or simply written on paper are put into the box in advance. The box is handed over in turn to all the guests, each must take his letter out of the box, and then name as many words as possible on it in 60 seconds. Whoever calls the most words for a given letter will win.

If the teenagers' party is intellectual, and all the guests gathered are fond of some one topic, for example, cinema or literature, then you can offer them one funny competition. To do this, the names of movie characters or, for example, famous actors should be written on sheets of paper. Then the sheets should be folded into one box and transferred. Everyone who chooses a piece of paper should try to portray the hero whose name is written on the piece of paper. For example, teens might write the name of Jack Sparrow from the Pirates of the Caribbean and then try to portray him.

This game can also be remade, and animals can be taken as characters, portraying them is even more fun.


One of the simplest and at the same time interesting contests is "Burst the ball". In order for the children to play, they need to be divided into two teams, the parents can serve as a jury. Each child must have a ball in their hands; on command, the children must pop the opponent's balls. The team with the most balls left will win.

“Playing with a chair” is one of the most common and simple ones, because you can play it both at home and in the yard. Chairs are placed around, but one less than the number of players, and then any music is turned on. On command, all adolescents must sit on chairs, and whoever did not have time, he drops out, after which another chair is removed. Play until the last remaining player.

"Playing with floating apples". For her, you need to collect water in two large containers and put apples in them, divide the teenagers into two teams. There should be as many apples as there are adolescents. On a signal or when the music is on, children should fish for apples without using their hands. The team that catches the most fruit will receive a prize.

If the birthday is held in a large house, then teenagers can play hide and seek as an interesting game.

So that those who lost in contests do not get upset, because children are different, they can be given incentive bonuses, for example, sweets. And to give the winners something more valuable, for example, toys.

Script examples

It is not always easy to find a cool script for a teenager's birthday, but you want to spend the holiday successfully, so that not only the child, but also the guests will have good memories. The script of the holiday allows you to act in an organized way, without missing out on any details.

Older brothers and sisters or parents can be the leaders at the birthday party.

Scenario # 1

  • Birthday greeting or birthday girl. A poem or any other opening speech in honor of the teenager can be read.
  • Greetings to all guests. The transition to the feast.
  • A word to the birthday boy (optional), inviting guests to the competition and the game.
  • After the contests, teens may be offered sweet treats and non-alcoholic cocktails, as well as a visit to the dance area, if organized.
  • It is advisable to do contests not one after another, but alternate them with a feast so that the children have time to relax. Summing up the results of the contests can be done after each of them by handing out gifts.
  • At the end of all contests, sketches and games, you can bring out a birthday cake, on which the birthday person or birthday girl blows out the candles. If a photo zone is organized, photographs can be taken both during the party and at the end of it.

Scenario # 2

  • Welcome speech for the hero or hero of the occasion. Congratulations from the host of the evening. Also, at the beginning, it can be noted that all guests know for what reason they have gathered, having greeted them.
  • Feast.
  • The presenter's speech, an invitation to view gifts and a transition to the main part - contests and games.
  • Rest after competitions, feast.
  • After competitions and games, listening to congratulations from friends. Sweet feast, dances, photographs with the birthday boy or the birthday girl.
  • By the end of the holiday, a cake is brought out to the festive music, candles are blown out. The results of competitions are being summed up, gifts are handed out.

For information on how to arrange a birthday party for a teenager, see the next video.

1 comment

And I love virtual games.


the beauty
