Children's birthday

Children's birthday script

Children's birthday script
  1. Subject
  2. Contests and games
  3. Preparing a quest
  4. How to diversify your holiday?

Birthday is an important holiday in the life of every child. You should not limit yourself to the festive table, you can arrange something more interesting for your beloved child. We offer some interesting ideas - they will turn the event into a real party that the birthday boy and his guests will remember with great pleasure.


It is best to arrange a themed holiday - such events are very popular with children. You can choose the idea of ​​a party taking into account the interests or hobbies of the child. These can be robots, dinosaurs, Fixies, Little Ponies, Lol dolls, Winx princess or Star Wars.

Usually they use one of the popular ideas.

Circus and clowns

Everything is simple here - you need balloons and a lot of positives. This holiday is suitable for children 9-10 years old. Clown outfits, magic tricks and trained dogs will help create the appropriate atmosphere... The entertainment program can include standard games - walking on a string, juggling with balloons and funny relay races. The host of the holiday transforms into a clown or a magician, and for the children you can pick up masks, paper ears, noses and caps.

Fabulous mix

If you cannot dwell on one theme, mix the heroes of your kid's favorite fairy tales. Let Anna and Elsa from Frozen, Rapunzel, Cinderella and Snow White gather under your roof. They will be accompanied by Baba Yaga, Masha and the Bear and Puss in Boots. At such a party, you can hold contests from the series "save the princess", "find the golden key".

As a prop, you can use an old book with fairy tales or a magic wand.

pirate Party

Such a holiday is usually arranged for boys, but active girls also like pirate entertainment. Finding the necessary costumes and props is a snap - these are vests, skull bandanas, toy pistols and pirate sabers. And, of course, you need a treasure chest. Of the contests, the most successful are "sea battles", "fishing", "sinking ships" and "distribution of black marks".

Around the world

This birthday immerses children in the atmosphere of the past. The topic can be anything - ancient Egyptians, primitive people, Indians and cowboys... To create the necessary atmosphere, you can equip improvised wigwams, place figures of dinosaurs and mammoths around the room. If you are celebrating outdoors, it is a good idea to have a Hawaiian party.

Princesses and fairies

This theme is suitable for girls. Young beauties with great pleasure put on elegant fluffy dresses and adorn their heads with a diadem. The design of such an event will not be difficult - a candy bar, models of fairy-tale castles made of cardboard and a lot of fresh flowers. Princesses learn to dance, try on shoes, and also compete for the best "sleeping beauty".

Mysterious Island

In this theme, the holiday is surrounded by an element of mysticism. The main idea will be the search for treasures, accompanied by the solution of logic problems, solving riddles and charades, searching for keys. A if one of the adults can portray a ghost or a wise old man - getting into the topic will be 100%.


It is very easy to organize such a holiday, because no one knows what real aliens look like. This means that you can choose an outfit, accessories and face painting for your mastery. The competitive program should include a battle of robots, construction of a space rocket and a game of flying saucers.


Science and professions

In recent years, programs from the "Experiments of a Mad Professor" cycle have been very popular. These are scientific and entertainment programs with the participation of spectators.

Within the framework of this topic, you can arrange a bubble show or solving tricks.

Filming a movie

An interesting game program for children 9-11 years old. During the party, under the guidance of the "director", the guys go through all the stages of creating a film, from writing a script and assigning roles to creating costumes, make-up and filming. And, of course, at the end of the event, do not forget to present the participants with an Oscar. Parodies of famous TV projects are very popular.

Master classes

A good option in case when there are very few invited to the holiday, and the room is not suitable for active games. Programs can be different:

  • making pizza / cake;
  • painting stones;
  • polymer clay modeling;
  • drawing up bouquets of sweets or soft toys;
  • photography lessons;
  • braiding.

Harry Potter

This topic has remained one of the most popular for almost two decades. Few of the guys, having got acquainted with the work of J.K. Rowling, did not dream of receiving a letter from Hogwarts. Create a festive atmosphere for them - let the hero of the occasion be Harry Potter or Hermione Granger. The competitive program can be very diverse: from making potions to flying on a broomstick.

In order for the holiday to be truly themed, you will need:

  • indoor decorations - they can be paper or inflatable;
  • costumes of the presenters and elements of the costume for the participants;
  • requisite for holding contests;
  • face painting;
  • music;
  • prizes for participating in competitions in accordance with the theme;
  • festive decoration of the table, and "in the subject" can be not only napkins with dishes, but also the dishes themselves.

Contests and games

A competitive program should be an obligatory part of any party. Ideally, it should include active and calm entertainment. They can be sports, musical, artistic and theatrical.

For home

During a house party, you can resort to active contests. Here are just a few of the most popular ones.

Heaven and earth

Of course, most of all, children love to play catch-up, but arranging such a competition in an apartment is quite problematic. Therefore, an adapted ground-to-sky version can be used.

In this case, you can only catch those participants who stand with their feet on the floor (on the ground), and the guys who managed to jump on a chair, sofa or sit on a rocking horse are considered birds, and it is prohibited to catch them.

Children's bowling

For the game, you will need the most ordinary pins, and homemade ones from plastic bottles with weights are also suitable. The most common balls can be used. Best of all, this kind of entertainment takes place in a large company.


Take ready-made sets of bright plastic rings and floor holders. You need to get to them from a distance of 1.5-2 m. Alternatively, you can play darts, only in this case it is advisable to take a set with Velcro.


Very funny entertainment, which our mothers used to play. One child leaves the hall, and the rest join hands and begin to get tangled in a ball. The leader's task is to return them to their original position. This is a funny and lengthy game, and you need very little space for it, so this competition can be held even in a small apartment.

Relay races

Such a game can be played either in a spacious apartment, or, if the holiday is celebrated in a private house, in the backyard area. You can run with anything - candy, fruit, a glass of water or balloons. The team can be from 2 to 10 people.


Another game for a large company. The guys must split into two teams and line up one after another so that a ball is squeezed between the back of the previous one and the stomach of the next one. The players must drop their hands and start the "move". The team must reach a certain place and take a "berry" from there. The one that doesn't fall apart on the road wins.

By the way, you can play many interesting games with balloons.

Air hockey

The player's task is to drive the balls into the invented gate in one of the following ways:

  1. by a fan (it is better for younger guys to give a couple of fans);
  2. badminton racket;
  3. with another sausage ball.

Sister Alyonushka

Creative competition. Players are invited to tie a scarf on a ball at a speed and draw his face. As practice shows, usually the result is Baba Yaga - but who cares about these formalities?


A game as old as the world, but children born in our century usually do not know about it. The guests of the holiday must race the distance with a ball sandwiched between their knees.

This entertainment is very popular with both kids and older children.


A variation of the previous competition, but the ball is not clamped between the knees, but near the ankles. Players should not jump, but move in small steps to their goal. The main thing is not to lose the ball.

Air battle

This game will not leave anyone indifferent, and it is not difficult to prepare the basic attributes. You just need to give two players a sausage ball or put them in a circle with a diameter of 2-2.5 meters. The winner is the one who is the first to push his opponent out of the line.


A funny game in which both children and their parents take part. In a large garbage bag, the bottom corners should be cut off - one of the adult participants must climb into the bag and thread his legs through the holes, holding the upper edges with his hands. The resulting "construction" resembles a barrel. After that, the players must throw watermelons into it - simply put as many balls there as possible. The main thing is that the one who is inside does not fall down with laughter. For babies, 60 liter bags will fit, for teenagers - 120 liters.

In the cafe

If the birthday is held in a cafe, then it is better to give preference to creative competitions.


Prepare your child's favorite tracks, purchase a tape recorder and high-quality speakers. Usually the guys really like the very fact of singing songs into the microphone. but Without the participation of adults, such fun will not work - therefore, be sure to help the young performers and "catch the words" along the melody.

Dance marathon

It is best to arrange a flash mob. To do this, you need to choose melodies and rehearse simple movements to the music so that it is easy and simple for the guys to repeat them. It is best if the competition is conducted by an adult - in this case, the game will be much more fun.


This competition is familiar to everyone from American films. Two people should hold a horizontal stick at the head height of the tallest participant in the event. The task of the players is to pass under it, while walking sideways is prohibited. After each pass, the obstacle is lowered by 10 cm. Those who do not pass the test leave the competition.

Regardless of where the competition is held, comic games based on the effect of random coincidences will always be appropriate.

Nuts or fortune cookies for each party member are of constant interest. Alternatively, you can prepare two hats, in one you put notes with nouns, for example, "frog", "trash", "scarecrow", "kiss", and in the second - a question.

For example, "what will you get for the next birthday" - "toad", "what will you eat for dinner?" - "rubbish".

Preparing a quest

Quests have been very popular in recent years. They can be carried out at home and on the street, in winter and summer. Their benefits are clear. This is a game that immerses children in an exciting fantasy reality. The guests, led by the birthday man, will rush around the room with interest, looking for clues and solving ciphers. In the course of the game, the guys solve difficult problems and will definitely receive prizes.

When preparing a quest, it is very important to determine for whom the tasks are being prepared: the age of the participants, the presence / absence of older comrades or parents. If there are more than 10 guests, it is worth breaking them up into several teams and preparing parallel problem lines. They should not overlap with each other in any way, the "trackers" should not interfere with each other. Keep in mind that it is undesirable to organize competitions before adolescence, let teams look for clues for a common goal. Let's say you set them the task of finding fragments of one map, so that later together they can find a treasure chest.

Prepare the room - you should remove all sharp, fragile and valuable objects that children can damage during active play. If you celebrate a holiday on the street, you should mark the boundaries of the quest area.

Select the places where the clues will be hidden. They do not have to be obvious, otherwise the clue may be discovered ahead of time. But there is no need to complicate the search either - the tasks should correspond to the age and ingenuity of the children. Use those items that are often found along the way - pots, window sills. There are several of them in each house, so young trackers will have to examine everything. Use multiple rooms and be sure to consider the height of the participants when determining the height of the secret place. If the event is organized in an open area, try to prevent strangers from taking fragments of your quest game. It is very important to provide for the possibility of receiving a hint.

Create a chain of tasks. For five-year plans, there should be no more than 5-6, and for teenagers it is quite possible to make a game of 15 stages. The first hint can be given to the participants of the game personally, left in the most conspicuous place or sent to the phone - it can be a photo of some place in the house or an SMS message.

According to the first clue, the guys must calculate the location of the second, according to the second, go to the third clue, and so on.

Quests can be of several types.

  • Linear - when tasks need to be performed sequentially.
  • Collective - in this case, after completing each task, the children receive puzzle pieces. Having received all the clues, they add them up and find out the secret.

Tip: If you are making a treasure map, it is best to draw it by hand. To give the paper an aged effect, it is advisable to moisten it in tea broth and scorch the edges.

  • Quest cipher - at the very beginning of the game, the participants are given a code, which they can guess only by collecting all the clues in sequence.

    It is better to combine tasks for the quest with a single theme. Here are some interesting ideas:

    • super agents are investigating a missing birthday cake;
    • lost pony Pinkie Pie - help Canterlot residents find him;
    • a quest journey to a new planet, at the end of which the children receive certificates of astronauts;
    • a virus has infected a personal computer, and it is necessary to find all the most important files.

The advantages of the quest are that you can include active entertainment in it, even winter ones - battles with balls, fights with snowballs, as well as forfeits. Young children will have a lot of fun.

We offer basic options for assignments.

  • Anagrams are the compilation of one word from the letters of another. For example, from BARKCO we get BOX. You can simply set a set of letters (PSIILATNL - PLASTYLIN) as the source text.
  • The word encoded in the first letters of the lines of the poem.
  • Photo riddles - snapshots of fragments of a given location from different angles.
  • QR codes - in this case, you should find a picture with a hint on the Internet, and the link to the image is given in a code format. It needs to be scanned through a special application on a smartphone or tablet.
  • Audio assignments - record the text of the assignment in audio, and then accelerate the pace or change the voice. In this case, the guys should find out the melody and guess the hint. Let's say a song about a blue carriage points to a toy train of the corresponding color.
  • Ciphers - these can be "inverted" texts, which can only be read through a mirror or ciphers with a code.

The guys will definitely appreciate the text written in disappearing ink (milk or lemon juice), it can be read only when heated.

How to diversify your holiday?

The piñata will be a spectacular conclusion to the celebration. Making it yourself is not difficult at all. For this you need to inflate a balloon and glue it with small pieces of paper, usually PVA glue diluted in water in equal parts is used for this. A small area on top is left unsticked. You will need to make 3-4 layers and leave to dry naturally. When the paper dries up, the ball is pierced, and the piñata itself is filled with confetti, serpentine, sparkles, candies and small toys. All you have to do is decorate the piñata, hang it up and give the guys a bat - let them take turns trying to break the ball with surprises. Believe me - this fun will not leave anyone indifferent.

For information on how to come up with a script for a children's party at home, see the next video.

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