Children's birthday

Birthday script for a girl

Birthday script for a girl
  1. Choosing a theme
  2. Games and contests
  3. How to diversify your holiday?
  4. Script ideas

For any child, birthday is a special holiday. Therefore, loving parents always try to make a memorable event out of him. Fortunately, now there are many opportunities to give your child the holiday of his dreams.

Choosing a theme

Childhood is a time for magic. Therefore, it is worth trying to make the main holiday of the year fabulous and unforgettable for the child, so that he will be remembered and give pleasant emotions for a long time. Most often, birthdays are themed. Sticking to one theme makes it easier to pick up the look, entertainment, and outfits. The theme of the holiday depends on what the child is fond of.

For example, if the girl loves cartoons from the Disney company, then the birthday should be arranged in the style of a princess. You can collect all the heroes of your favorite cartoons, or you can dwell on your favorite story. So, if a girl loves "Aladdin", then she should give the role of the beautiful Jasmine, and spend the holiday in the style of the Arabian night, with exotic snacks and unusual entertainment. Children from 5 to 8 years old will love this party. The same goes for other famous Disney cartoons and their heroines.

Such princesses as Sofia, Elsa, Ariel, Moana are popular among girls of different ages.

If the child likes fairy tales, then the celebration can be arranged in the style of one of his favorite stories. This option is great for celebrating the first birthday that the child spends with his friends. The celebration will appeal to children 3 or 4 years old.

Another popular option for a children's party is a pirate party. It is perfect for active girls who do not want to sit still.Such a children's party can be held for a child from 6 to 12 years old. The main role is played by design, original pirate costumes and themed contests. “Summer” birthday girls should be presented with such a party in nature. You can also organize a one-color party, a fashion show or a superhero night. The main thing is to make the holiday with love and take into account the interests of the child.

Games and contests

An integral part of the children's holiday is all kinds of games, quizzes and contests.

For home

At home, of course, there are more opportunities for an interesting holiday. At home, you can entertain the kids with Twister, small speed puzzles, or home karaoke with a selection of winners. Young women of fashion will definitely love the contest called "The Best Makeup Artist". To do this, you need to buy high-quality baby cosmetics in advance.

Girls should be divided into pairs and each pair should be given a set of cosmetics. So that no one gets offended, the kits must be the same. One of the girls will have to paint the other. As a result, the guests of the holiday will determine the winner or even several.

As a prize, you can use something from cosmetics, for example, lipstick, mascara or a set of eyeshadows.

For the next competition, you need to buy bright colored balloons and inflate them. Each child will receive 1 balloon and 1 marker. Participants must blindfold with a thick dark ribbon. The task of all participants in the competition is to paint a ball, depicting on it the face of a funny animal or one of the Smeshariki. You can adapt this competition to the theme of the holiday. For example, if the party is held in the style of Disney princesses, then each balloon should be painted according to one of the cartoon characters. The winners must also be chosen by all together.

Little sweet tooth will also appreciate the game "Candy Rain". To carry it out, guests, as in the previous case, need to be blindfolded. At this time, one of the parents is scattering sweets on the floor, saying that a candy rain has recently passed, and the children will now have to harvest. Each child is given a bag to fill with their eyes closed.

The winner will be the one with the most candy. He receives a sweet gift: a chocolate bar or a box of chocolates. All participants keep the collected candies.

In the cafe

It is much easier to spend a holiday in a cafe, but you have to be slightly limited in the choice of entertainment. The easiest option is to "film" your favorite fairy tale or cartoon. For this, some popular story is taken. Each person is given a specific role. Then improvisation begins. The presenter voices the main plot twists, and the children play their role as they please. It turns out fun and sometimes very unexpected.

Another simple competition is eating something tasty for speed. It is best to choose something light and healthy, such as fruit. They need to be cut into slices and put a plate with them in front of each child. You can eat them at speed without hands, blindfolded, or simply without instruments. The winner will receive a delicious prize.

If children are over 6 years old, you can arrange mind games and quizzes. Questions should be drawn up suitable for the theme of the holiday.

How to diversify your holiday?

Like adult parties, children's parties can be supplemented with various shows and performances.

Original show

There are many show options that can be ordered for a children's party. Depending on the topic, you can invite people to give a good science show or give guests a little magic. It is also possible to have a puppet show. Children at some point may even become participants in the process.

Piñata party

Piñata is part of traditional Mexican festivals. Usually this is an animal figure made of corrugated paper and pasted over with fringes. There are always delicious sweets and coins inside the piñata.The pinata is suspended from a tree branch and is literally destroyed by children. The goal of the guests of the holiday is to beat the piñata with sticks until it falls apart and its contents fall out.

This piñata can now be purchased in-store or ordered online. If you wish, you can create it yourself. It will take longer, but you can make the contents of the gift more interesting.

Creative master class

The holiday can be spent usefully. For example, organize a master class. You can do it yourself, or you can invite professionals to visit. There are several ideas for this pastime.

  • Body art. Kids love to paint on all surfaces available. And this type of creativity will allow you to decorate the face of your best friend. Before holding such a master class, you need to buy special paints that do not harm the skin. You can depict the faces of animals, flowers, fairy-tale characters on your face.
  • Cooking. For adults, this activity already seems boring, but for children, the process may seem quite exciting. Cooking is certainly worth the sweet. You can make lollipops, rainbow cakes, paint gingerbread, or bake fortune cookies.
  • Painting. You can paint dishes, pebbles, or even T-shirts. The guests of the holiday will be able to keep the results of such a master class as a souvenir.

And also there is an option to learn animation with sand, different types of sculpting or making jewelry.

Script ideas

Having decided on the theme of the holiday and choosing a couple of interesting games that will definitely captivate children, you can proceed to drawing up an approximate scenario. It is important that there is a lot of room for improvisation in it so that the children do not get bored. You can use different types of events for inspiration.

Children's Sabbath

Both young children and teens love stories about magic. Therefore, a children's holiday can be held in the style of a party for young witches. Several beautiful costumes can be rented for the girl's birthday. These can be images of dark and light witches, Baba Yaga.

To create the right atmosphere, it is also important to decorate the room appropriately. Decorations can be used with those that are sold on the eve of Halloween. Some of them are easy to do with your own hands. The child will love to participate in the preparation of his birthday on an equal basis with the adults.

An excellent addition to the holiday for the birthday witch will be an original decorated table. There are so many ideas for such a specific feast. Young witches can be served with the Lovely Potion compote, cakes with magic flowers, sandwiches of an original form and other “magic” snacks.

The main thing is to present each dish beautifully. In this case, it is best to set the table in front of guests for greater immersion in this magical atmosphere.

Competitions and entertainment should also be relevant to the topic. Games and relay races are suitable for the holiday.

  • "Witch Races". The relay race, in which 2 teams participate, is easy to make part of a magical holiday, simply by transferring all the guests onto brooms. As a "broom" you can use ordinary brooms or mops.
  • "Mummy". This is one of the simplest contests. Children are divided into pairs and each pair is given a roll of toilet paper. One child should wrap the other in toilet paper. A certain time is allotted for this. As a result, everyone together assesses who has the best quality mummy. The winner will receive a thematic gift.

Another fun way to make your little coven more interesting is to play a scene from your favorite fairy tale cartoon or movie. For example, from "Harry Potter" or "The Chronicles of Narnia",

"Cold heart"

If the cartoon about Elsa and Anna is one of the birthday girl's favorites, you can make a holiday for her in the style of this fairy tale. Preparing for such an event will not take long. First, it is important to create beautiful decorations.

Together with the children, you can cut snowflakes out of paper, make white and blue garlands, or come up with some other unusual handmade jewelry.

Treats for young princesses can also be selected in the same style: airy cakes, cake with lots of white cream, marshmallows, grapes and, of course, ice cream. If possible, you can also order a themed cake featuring your favorite characters.

If the birthday falls in the winter, guests of the holiday have the opportunity to have fun on the street: play snowballs, make snowmen and go sledding. At home, you can hold several active contests and games, and when everyone gets tired, play a cartoon for the children, the main characters of which they felt like all day.

Holiday in Wonderland

For a lover of an unusual fairy tale about Alice in Wonderland, you can organize an original holiday with tea, the Hatter and fun contests. For a fun birthday, you need to make costumes or masks that will help children get used to the role of Alice, the Hatter, Sonya the mouse and other heroes of history. For table decor, you can buy napkins with unusual patterns and make tags with the words "eat me" and "drink me" with your own hands.

The room where the party will take place is decorated with red balls and various original details that are found in the film and cartoon about Alice.

You can think of a lot of contests. For example, you can have a "crazy tea party" by blindfolding each child and offering several types of juice to choose from. The child must determine where which drink is. If there is a lot of space, it is easy to arrange a quest to find a gift for the birthday girl. In different rooms there will be guests dressed as characters from a magical story. Their task is to ask the girl a riddle or to give some simple task. For a correct answer or a completed task, the birthday girl receives another hint. This continues until she finds her main gift.

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