Children's birthday

Birthday script for a 7 year old girl

Birthday script for a 7 year old girl
  1. Choosing a place for a holiday
  2. Birthday theme
  3. Preparation
  4. Scenario options

Children always look forward to their birthday with impatience and light trepidation. Before the holiday, not only the child is worried, but also the parents. You should not only prepare gifts, but also organize the event itself. A 7-year-old girl's birthday is usually held with friends. You can prepare interesting contests or even a whole quest.

Choosing a place for a holiday

The organization of the holiday strongly depends on where it will be held. The choice of location depends on many factors, from budget to season and weather. The easiest way is to organize a birthday party for a girl of 7 years old in a children's cafe, playground or amusement park. In this case, you don't have to deal with organizational issues at all, usually the administration of the institution takes care of everything.

The simplest solution is a home party. It can be carried out no worse than in any institution. Moreover, it is possible to carefully organize the entertainment program. If the weather is good, then you can spend your holiday in nature. True, there will be a lot more details that are worth thinking through.

Birthday theme

A child's birthday can be celebrated in a fun way at home. It is better to spend a holiday in a specific theme. This will make it easier to decorate the room and select an entertainment program. Moreover, a holiday in the same style looks more interesting for children and is remembered for a long time. There are a lot of theme options.

  • The circus. A common variant, almost classic. Decorations are pretty simple, enough balls. As a props, everyone is given cool clown noses, masks, hats. The presenter's costume must match.You can show tricks or invite a professional. It will be even more fun if you put makeup on everyone.
  • Fairy tales and cartoons. There are a lot of options, there are plenty to choose from. You can even just use individual characters from your favorite works. The presenter in this case can be a storyteller or a magician. It makes sense to call animators, they have high-quality and beautiful costumes. Clothes can be rented for independent celebration.

An old book with fairy tales, confetti, a magic wand and stuff like that are well suited as a prop.

  • Around the world. You can choose a specific country or several by topic. It's easy to organize a Hawaiian party or dress everyone up as Papuans outdoors in the heat. A holiday in Egyptian or Roman style is a good idea.
  • Princesses and fairies. An ideal solution for a girl if she likes such heroes. You can also add unicorns. Contests and quests are designed in the same spirit. Balls, cotton wool clouds, floral and plant motifs can be used as decorations.
  • Space and aliens. In order to enter the role, they use makeup, wigs and large ears. Nobody really knows what aliens look like. Therefore, any cool and funny costumes are suitable. Stars and planets are used for decoration.
  • Science and professions. A good decision if the girl is interested in all this. Various chemical and physical tricks that are easy to explain to children are especially popular. Such a holiday will be not only interesting, but also informative. Soap bubbles can also be added here. You can devote the whole holiday to a profession that the girl really likes. These are usually chefs, doctors, models or artists.


After choosing a theme, it is worth moving on to the design of the room. Many decorations can be made out of paper with your own hands. For example, garlands, volumetric stars, beautiful inscriptions with congratulations and numbers. Balls are considered classics, a lot of balls.

It is important to stick to your chosen theme. You should not use everything at once, it is enough to pick up a couple of basic elements and as many additional ones. Otherwise, the room will not look beautiful, but overloaded. It is also important to make decor safe.

A photo zone is a must for a girly birthday. You don’t have to do anything too sophisticated. You just need to hang the background, the foil version looks interesting. You can add figures or drawings on the theme of the holiday.

Balls, garlands and New Year's tinsel will add elegance to the photo zone.

It is worth preparing tablecloths, napkins and caps. Everything is exclusively according to the theme of the holiday, otherwise it will look extremely ridiculous. It will not be superfluous to make beautiful invitations that the girl can distribute to her friends in advance. All such little things will look especially solemn.

You also need to prepare treats. You can just order pizza, prepare drinks and cake for sweets. Simple and fast, but there are more interesting options. There are many beautiful recipes where salads are decorated in the form of animals, cartoon characters. You can also make holiday-style desserts or simply decorate them additionally.

Scenario options

Children's holiday should be fun and interesting. It is not enough just to decorate the room in a solemn manner. Games should also be organized. The holiday will become interesting thanks to funny contests or an exciting quest.

With contests

It looks interesting for a girl of 7 years old with seven contests. This is quite symbolic and unusual. Other ideas can be implemented with a lot of fun. It also makes sense to organize simple games between the main competitions.

  • Cartoon connoisseurs. For the competition, you can divide the company into teams, but this is not necessary at all. If there are not very many children, it will be even more interesting when everyone competes for themselves.The presenter announces the name of some hero, and the rest must name the cartoon. Points are awarded for the fastest response. Prizes are awarded to those who remembered the most names in the shortest period of time. It is worth calling non-obvious heroes to make it more interesting. For example, Marinet is a girl from Lady Bug and Supercat.
  • Pictures. Cards with simple pictures should be prepared. The presenter covers the image with thick cardboard and slowly begins to show small parts. Participants must guess what is drawn on the card. It is worth choosing pictures so that they are from the same subject. This will make it easier for the children. The winner is the one who guessed the most pictures.
  • Race. Toy cars, string and pencils should be prepared. Such a competition is ideal for a holiday where there are not only girls, but also boys. The presenter ties the same pieces of rope on one side to the vehicle, and on the other to a pencil. You can divide all guests into groups if there are a lot of children. On command, the players begin to wind the thread around the pencil so that the machine gets to the finish line. Those who do it faster win. In the case of teams, a point is awarded for each agile player.
  • Relay race. Guests are divided into teams. Each player must squeeze a balloon between his knees and jump like this to the finish line. The team that copes faster wins. To make it more interesting, it is better to divide the children not into two teams, but into three or four.
  • Ball wrestling. Substantial preparation will be required. For the competition, you need to inflate a large number of balloons. Teams stand in different parts of the room, on each side you need to put the same number of balls. To the music, you should throw them on the side of your opponents. After the melody stops, the balls should be counted. The team on whose side there are fewer wins.
  • Gift box. This competition will allow you not only to win, but to win something interesting. It is necessary to prepare in advance a beautiful box with a hole on top, a child's hand should fit there. Small gifts should be put inside, a little larger than children. These can be kits for creativity, decorations, sweets, fruits, notebooks and more. The child is blindfolded. The player puts his hand inside the box and takes an arbitrary object, pulls it out. You need to describe it and guess what it is. If the child has coped, then he keeps the gift for himself. In the end, each winner will be rewarded.
  • Riddles. Quite an interesting intellectual competition. The presenter reads riddles and trick questions to the children. Points are awarded for correct answers. It is worth preparing more material to make it more interesting. The winner is worth rewarding.

There is a certain specificity of such a holiday. The script should be designed so that team and individual competitions alternate. Also, quieter games should be left for last when the children are a little tired.

At the end of the evening, each child's score can be calculated and the final winner announced.

With quest

Such a birthday will be extremely unusual, exciting and memorable. The classic quest for the holiday is the search for gifts. Consider the places to hide the clues, as well as the design of the clues themselves. The most popular stashes are: refrigerator, cupboards, flower pot, books, door frame, tea bags. There are many options, the main thing is that the children cannot get hurt during the search.

You can arrange an interesting quest "The Wizard of the Emerald City". Cards with puzzles and rebuses are used as hints. The goal is to find the place where the gifts are hidden. You should prepare a balloon, a pen, small puzzles, a bottle, a decanter of water, a box, a thread and an envelope. Let's take a closer look at the scenario of the quest.

  • The presenter hands the children an envelope with a letter from the wizard Goodwin from the Emerald City. The text should indicate that the flying monkeys stole a magic chest with gifts. The thieves left hint trails. Friends of the wizard will help in the search: Scarecrow, Ellie, Lumberjack and Totoshka.
  • The first clue is in the envelope. Write a riddle about the mirror on the card. You can use this: "A saucer is hanging on the wall, and faces are laughing in the saucer."
  • The presenter must in advance, not in the presence of children, breathe on the mirror and write the word "Vase". You can simply hide a note with this word or the name of another cache. In the first case, you should breathe on the glass again for the inscription to appear. Sometimes children need to be prompted with this nuance.
  • Under the vase is a balloon with a note "Inflate me." Inside is another card with a clue. To extract it, the balloon should be inflated and burst.
  • There is a note in the balloon stating that the clue will fall from the air, but only if you shake it well. And for this you have to dance. The presenter includes music for children. After a couple of minutes, he discreetly throws a piece of paper onto the floor. There is the next clue.
  • The note contains a riddle from the Scarecrow. Any "bottle with an answer" is selected. The presenter prepares it in advance and puts a bundle tied to a string inside.

The children find a bottle and pull out the note by the tail.

  • Quest from the Lumberjack. It is necessary to finish the pictures and guess the animals. According to the first letters of the names, add the word where the next hint is hidden. Leaves with pieces of images of a crocodile, monkey, wolf, raccoon, lynx are prepared in advance. The word "carpet" is formed. You can pick up other options if needed.
  • A note under the carpet. It says that flying monkeys love bananas and scattered them throughout the apartment. There are as many fruits as there are players. It is worth attaching notes with the names of animals or professions to bananas. Children should eat fruits and play forfeits, show what is written without using words.
  • After the game, the host hands over a box with a new clue from Ellie. Children need to find a feather from a monkey's wing. You should first hide it by tying a note. The feather can be positioned under the sofa so that a piece sticks out.
  • A note with a feather calls to collect a small puzzle, which is hidden in the same place. There are several options here: you can find a picture with the desired object, or write a hint word on the back of the assembled puzzle.
  • The next tip is about the pitcher. Any riddle can be used. A note in a bag is placed on the bottom so as not to get wet. The jug is filled with water or juice. Children drink from glasses and find a clue at the bottom.
  • This is the last note. In poetic form, you should inform the children about the end of the quest and write where the main prize is.

For how to have fun having a child's birthday at home, see the next video.

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