Children's birthday

Paw Patrol Birthday

Paw Patrol Birthday
  1. Registration
  2. Invitation
  3. Choice of costumes
  4. Festive table
  5. Celebration scenario

Today, kids from an early age celebrate their birthdays surrounded by their favorite fairy-tale or cartoon characters and the corresponding paraphernalia. Parents try to do everything to make the children happy, and the holiday will be remembered for a long time. One of these will be a birthday in the style of "Paw Patrol".


The festive atmosphere begins with the decoration of the premises. That's why you need to try to decorate the rooms so that the birthday in the style of "Paw Patrol" matches the attributes of the cartoon. For the party to be a success, parents should watch at least a few episodes of the cartoon - this will help them understand in which direction to move. You don't have to spend a lot of money on jewelry. You can do a lot with your own hands, and with your children.


Since the main characters are dogs, dog attributes should be present in everything. It can be bones, footprints, food bowls and even a festively decorated booth will not be superfluous.

For the holiday, you should prepare a banner with congratulations. You can decorate it with dog faces or paws. In addition to the congratulatory one, there may be other extensions with the corresponding attributes. You can make a set of flags with drawings of cartoon characters and place them in the rooms. Balloons will be an obligatory element of the holiday for children.

Cut and painted footprints can be placed on the floor, leading to different objects, for example, to a festive table, playroom or photo zone.

Photo zones

Children love to be photographed with their favorite characters. Therefore, it would be nice to invite to the holiday an animator dressed as one of the cartoon characters. But if adults decide to entertain the children on their own, then the photo zone can be made with your own hands. Of course, this place should be bright. If the room allows, you can arrange several photo zones. A must-see decoration will be a large number of balloons - both ordinary colorful, and long, and round, and in the form of cartoon characters. These can be purchased at the store.

You need to cut a dog out of a large sheet of hardboard or thick cardboard and paint it. Here, in the photo zone, you can place a cardboard booth, also festively decorated. Footprints should also be present here. It will be good if each participant of the holiday manages to acquire dog ears and tails. Before taking a photo, you can not only dress up in costumes, but also paint faces in a dog theme with special paints. This will be fun for kids too.


Each child will be happy to receive a personal invitation, which will indicate the time, place and theme of the party. This will allow you to think in advance not only about the gift, but, possibly, about your outfit.

To make invitation cards, you need to prepare a template according to which it will be easy to make the rest of the copies. The invitation can be in the form of a puppy figurine, just a muzzle, a footprint or a bone. It is not difficult to make it. It is enough to cut the required number of invitations according to the template, decorate and write the text.

A simpler option is an invitation in the form of a regular postcard with suitable pictures drawn or pasted on and the corresponding inscription. If you don't have time, as a last resort you can buy ready-made invitations and sign them.

Choice of costumes

Most likely, children will not be comfortable in hot suits for the whole holiday, especially if they are 3-4 years old. That's why it is more advisable to simply put on smart clothes on girls and boys, but at the same time to sew or buy special accessories that can be easily put on and removed just as quickly if desired. These can be masks, headbands and hats with ears, paws.

And you can also think about the emblems of the holiday or medals provided for each child who will participate in the children's party.

Of course, you can also sew light suits that imitate the fur of dogs of brown, black and spotted appearance, as well as complement them with rescue hats.

But you can limit yourself to simpler options. For boys, this can be ordinary trousers and shirts in the desired color scheme, for girls - skirts or dresses.

If a birthday is celebrated on a hot summer day, you can limit yourself to T-shirts with the appropriate theme. They are easy to order. Photographs of your favorite characters will be applied to white T-shirts in specialized photo salons.

Festive table

When decorating a table for kids, you need to take into account that the brighter the dishes, attributes and decor are, the more interesting it is to try the dishes. You can arrange it in different ways. For example, sometimes bright dishes and a contrasting tablecloth are enough. The dishes themselves can be decorated simply beautifully and in an original way. Children usually do not like salads, hot meals and other "adult" dishes. Pizza, French fries, chicken legs, fruits, sweets are more suitable for them. The center of the composition, of course, should be the cake. Here on it the main characters can be placed. Don't forget about drinks. It can be juices, lemonade, fruit drink.

But if you want to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere, you can set animal figurines on the table, and choose dishes with pictures from the cartoon, or you can even come up with it in the form of dog bowls.

A buffet table would be a good option. Children don't like long meals. It is much more pleasant for them to come up, have a snack, drink juice during the game. The exception is tea with cake. Here you must definitely sit down at the table. The birthday boy will blow out the candles, everyone will congratulate him, give him gifts.

Here are some examples of how you can decorate your holiday table:

  • funny dog ​​bowls with fruits and sweets will delight the little ones;
  • bright original treats will not leave anyone indifferent, the center of the composition is a cake with figures of heroes;
  • dishes and napkins in this topic will be very useful, as well as sandwiches in the form of bones.

Celebration scenario

The first step is always meeting guests. Children are welcomed, invited to the room where the main fun is planned. While everyone is getting together, the children can be given free time. They can study the situation, play a little on their own. When everyone has gathered, dressed up in costumes, you can spend the first part of the holiday. This will include mobile contests and games.

For children, the holiday needs to be organized so that the mobile time alternates with calm minutes. After several contests have passed, you can invite the children to eat at the table. This will be a holiday lunch, so there may be more substantial dishes here.

Parents think over the menu in advance, discussing at the same time who eats what dishes, and whether any of the children are allergic to certain foods.

After the children have refreshed themselves, you can have a little fun and dance. It would be very appropriate to conduct a quest, in the process of which you need to prepare simple questions for the children on the knowledge of the cartoon, as well as tasks. For example, at one station you need to collect puzzles, at the other - draw a dog, at the third - blindfolded to guess which figures of the heroes were in your hands, at the fourth - to find the lost thing.

To make it interesting for children, it is imperative to provide prizes in all quests, quizzes and competitions. It can be both sweets and toys, stationery.

If there is an opportunity to go outside, you can have fun relay races, divided into two teams. Competitions can be very different. You can overcome obstacles or pass a bone to each other. The team that finishes the fastest wins.

After outdoor games, you can relax by arranging an intellectual quiz for the children. Not all questions need to be about the cartoon. You can come up with questions from different areas depending on the age of the children.

You can arrange a drawing contest by handing out sheets and felt-tip pens to the kids. Let everyone draw their own postcard for the hero of the occasion, write a wish if they know how to write.

The most important and interesting moment for the little hero of the occasion will be receiving gifts. To do this, you can put the child on an impromptu throne, and each of the guests will present a gift and say their congratulations.

When all the gifts have been delivered, it's time to go to the festive table and blow out the candles on the cake, and then taste it.

Here are some games and contests that you can organize for children.

  • "Dog's Trail". For this fun game, you need to cut out and color in dog footprints in advance. They are laid out in random order around the room. The number of tracks should be one less than those of the players. Children dance to the music or just move in a circle. As soon as the music stops, you need to quickly find the trail and step on it. Those who do not have time are eliminated. As the number of players decreases, so do the traces. Usually children love this active and fun game.
  • "Puppy Cafe". Another fun competition that kids will surely love. The kids will play puppies. There may be two or three of them. Two bowls are placed in front of each one, in one - juice or fruit drink, in the other - small-sized sweets. Whoever eats sweets first and drinks liquid wins. You cannot help yourself with your hands.
  • "Crash". A game that will also entertain the little ones. The presenter announces that two trucks were driving along the road and scattered their cargo, which must not only be collected, but returned to the place of the truck drivers. To do this, sprinkle and mix two types of sweets on the floor and set two boxes. Children must quickly sort the candies into boxes and clear the way.
  • "Draw a dog." This option can also be interesting.The kids are divided into two teams, each of them is given a large sheet of Whatman paper. Everyone draws their favorite hero, and then decorates him. Even more fun can be a competition in which the task will be to draw a dog, but with closed eyes. In this case, a large sheet of paper is placed on the stand. It must be well secured. It can be an easel, a board, or just a wall. Children are blindfolded. Each team must draw their own dog. Moreover, a separate participant draws some part of it. For example, the first child depicts the head, the second - the ears, the third - the nose, and so on, until the whole dog is drawn. Whose drawing will more resemble a dog, that team will win.

    You can come up with contests on your own, it is worth showing a little imagination. The main thing is that everyone should have fun, and no one should be sad. This is the most important thing at a children's party. And, of course, the hero of the occasion should like the holiday. It should be remembered that if the parents did not invite animators, they will not be able to relax that day. Children need to be amused, monitored and be sure to organize everything in such a way that even minimal injuries are excluded. Safety precautions are very important at such events.

    See the video below for the Paw Patrol-style children's birthday party.

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