Children's birthday

How to decorate a room for a girl's birthday?

How to decorate a room for a girl's birthday?
  1. Design elements
  2. Jewelry ideas for different ages
  3. Recommendations
  4. Beautiful examples

A child's birthday is a holiday in which there are no trifles. Each moment of the upcoming celebration is planned and prepared in accordance with the general idea. Room decoration is one of the key preparation points. The mood of the child will depend on how the new decoration corresponds to the festive atmosphere. Girls are especially sensitive to such visual manifestations.

Design elements

You can decorate a room for a girl's birthday without involving decorators. It is not difficult to do this with your own hands, especially when the Internet is at hand. There are at least 3 points to push off from.


What a holiday without balloons: they will always be an attribute of joy, celebration, fun. Their number is limited by the ideas of adults about the design. The color scheme can also be very different.

One of the most popular options today: multi-colored balls in one bundle. It can be either helium balloons or ordinary ones.

You can decorate a room with oblong-shaped balls, of which flowers and animal figures are often made. Although classic balls are considered the safest option. By the way, the same balloons will be a wonderful way to diversify a festive photo session. Even a child just standing with a bunch of balls in his hand is already a reason to take a memorable photo.

But for a girl, balls can be tied to the ends of the braids: they will lift the braids up, and a very funny photo will come out.

Of course, you can also use balloons depicting your child's favorite characters. The younger the girl, the more likely she will like this option.


Flowers are an invariable attribute of a birthday. And it's not true that only grown-up girls and women will appreciate flowers. The sooner dad begins to give flowers to his baby, the more love she will receive and the ability to enjoy not only useful, but also beautiful things, touching signs of attention. Therefore, a small bouquet is required for the birthday girl.

Another great solution is paper flowers. Today, huge flowers are in vogue, which gracefully decorate walls or stand on special stands. They are perfect for a photo zone. But you can get by with more modest options. For example, to make paper roses from music paper - firstly, such decor will not fade and will delight the girl for a long time. Secondly, it is very touching and unusual.

There are a lot of master classes on how to create such beauty on the Internet.

Paper decor

Today on sale what kind of paper is not available: corrugated, velvet, metallized, printed, designer. You can finally use the printouts to find the very texture. And then many small elements can be cut out of this paper, which will become the basis of the garland. They are easy to knit together by simply sewing these homogeneous elements on a typewriter.

What a paper garland can consist of:

  • mugs;
  • triangles;
  • checkboxes;
  • rectangles;
  • flashlights;
  • boats;
  • bears and bunnies;
  • flowers;
  • figurines of a girl in a skirt;
  • snowflakes (if the girl's birthday falls on New Year's holidays).

From beautiful textured paper according to templates, you can make a fairy amulet, which will be presented to the birthday girl and will become a new pendant in the nursery. This fairy will guard the girl's sleep. You can also do this: grind old greeting cards and make a mosaic from these fragments, which will be used in the fairy outfit. The good wishes of the guests, loved ones, relatives, will not only be kept somewhere in a box, but they will “weave” an outfit for the fairy.

It will be a warm gift that can also be used as a paper birthday decor.

Jewelry ideas for different ages

It is logical that the decor depends on how old the birthday girl is. What older girls will appreciate, kids will not understand (and vice versa).

1-2 years

At this age, babies are already aware of what is beautiful, bright, cheerful. They will not notice any small nuances, but in general they will enjoy the festive atmosphere. What can be the design of a room for girls of this age:

  • very simple figures of favorite animal heroes, even primitive ones, not complicated by special stylization;
  • pleasant colors, preferably not very contrasting and flashy, so that they do not press on the child's nervous system;
  • the entire decor should be environmentally friendly and safe for the girl (so that she cannot hurt herself or choke on anything);
  • there shouldn't be too much of it.

A standard option for decorating a hall or a nursery in the house: paper garlands (which you can admire, and not pull and wrinkle), balls (also under the ceiling, and if you play with them - only under the supervision of adults), the head figure of your favorite character in the center of the room.

3-5 years

At 3, 4, 5 years old, the child has already favorite heroes of fairy tales and cartoons. And their presence in the decor of the room is always perceived as some kind of magic. That's why one has only to figure out which character will please a particular girl more. Well, paper garlands will definitely not be superfluous.

At this age, the baby will also be happy with the candy bar, which can be opened in honor of the holiday. What kind of sweets there will be, parents decide.

6-9 years old

If at the age of 6 you can enjoy the design of the nursery in the style of "Masha and the Bear", then at 9 and even 8 the child's priority can change significantly. Then the design in the style of the theme that is chosen as the basis of the birthday party will help out. For example, it was decided to arrange a Hawaiian holiday: here flowers and greenery will become the main visual attributes.

A 7-year-old girl will love the romantic theme: dolls, mermaids, cartoon characters for school girls.

Perhaps it is not necessary to arrange a surprise at this age, you can not only ask the child for an idea, but also involve the future heroine of the celebration in the design. She will look forward to seeing the fruits of her creativity appreciated by the guests.

10-14 years old

Teenagers are more critical, and the less independence should be shown to parents. The design should be based strictly on the tastes and preferences of the birthday girl. Her favorite themes, colors, aesthetic preferences. Together with the girl, you can browse the Internet selections, find a suitable option.

As a rule, at this age, they often choose floral and tropical themes, something neutral and already far from cartoon themes. Although flags, garlands and illumination are always held in high esteem.

What you like at the age of 11 may cause a different reaction at 13 and even at 12, therefore it is imperative to consult with your child. So as not to feel then annoyed by inappropriate pink and unicorns, for example.

15-16 years old

If you want to make a surprise, then let it be homemade garlands, generously hung around the room. Let it be a bunch of as many balls as the age of the girl. And certainly fresh flowers in a delicate, delicate bouquet. And also family greeting poster or birthday collage are win-win options.


A few tips for decorating a room will help you not to make annoying blunders and unnecessary mistakes. Decorator's tips.

  • It makes sense to focus on one thing. If it is paper, then let most of the decor be made of it. If it is aerodesign, then it fills the main space.
  • If the room itself is brightly decorated (in terms of decoration), there is no need to try to replay it with a festive decor. In this case, he should be neutral, gentle. And vice versa - in white walls, a riot of color in the design will be appropriate.
  • Styles should not mix. You can make a bias towards vintage or some explicit theme, without trying to connect everything. Or, for example, a common mistake: a birthday in winter, on New Year's holidays, and it turns out that the New Year's decor is mixed with the birthday one. But you can take white and silver balls, garlands in the same colors, and everything will be organic.

The decor must be stored after use: in boxes, bags, chests. Perhaps it will be applied on more than one holiday and will become something like a family value, a tradition.

Beautiful examples

In addition to the tips, there are illustrations that show what delight a festive decor can create.

  • Bright garland of circles and fluffy crepe paper flowers.
  • White, pink and gold - luxurious candy bar and photo zone.
  • For a Hawaiian-style birthday, a very simple but beautiful option.
  • This design is suitable if the birthday girl is already 8-9 years old.
  • Ice cream paper garlands are unexpected and cute.
  • Simple, bright, fast and cute - if there is no way to decorate the whole room.
  • A lovely option for a spring birthday.
  • A real fabulous atmosphere.
  • It is not necessary to arrange too lush decoration, everything can be modest, but bright.
  • Dedicated to little lovers of pink.

For information on how to decorate a room for a birthday, see the next video.

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