Children's birthday

Birthday and holidays in the style of "Three Cats"

Birthday and holidays in the style of Three Cats
  1. Registration
  2. Inviting guests
  3. Party menu
  4. Musical accompaniment
  5. Holiday script

A kind and instructive cartoon about ginger kittens wins the hearts of children from the very first shot. That is why the "Three Cats" theme is often used when decorating a children's party for toddlers aged 3 to 6 years.

We hope that our tips will allow you to immerse your kids in the world of adorable cats and discover a lot of interesting things, and organizing such a holiday will not require you to spend a lot of time and money.


When preparing a holiday based on "Three Cats", much attention should be paid to the decoration of the premises.

Photo zones

Be sure to set aside a small area of ​​the room for an unusual photo shoot with cartoon characters. To do this, you need to choose an empty wall or a section of the fence, if you are spending your birthday in the yard, hang garlands, balloons and put volumetric figures of adorable ginger kittens. On the banner, write whose birthday you are celebrating. An interesting accessory will be a large volumetric figure indicating the number of years that the birthday boy is celebrating. The atmosphere of the cartoon will be immersed in such paraphernalia as holiday caps, toppers on the candy bar, as well as posters depicting the characters of your favorite cartoon.


To decorate the room, you will need all standard kids party accessories. These are garlands, all kinds of crowns, caps, as well as festive dishes, sets for cupcakes and many other decor items with the image of ginger cats.

Hang posters and paintings on the walls depicting the funniest and funniest moments in the life of three cats.And, of course, no birthday is complete without balloons - they should be everywhere, and it is better to use red balls... If you wish, you can additionally make a three-dimensional figure of one of the cartoon characters out of them.

Do not forget that the environment is of great importance to the guys, so you need to meet them accordingly. As soon as they get into the festive hall, the guys should immediately understand what kind of entertainment awaits them.

Inviting guests

All friends and relatives of the birthday person need to prepare invitations shortly before the holiday. Since we are talking about children, they must be printed - messages by e-mail or in instant messengers are not suitable here. Toddlers love beautiful bright invitation cards in rich colors. They can be decorated with the image of cat paws. It is a good idea to use one of the following templates.

It is also important how you meet a friendly company of guys. Of course, you can always invite animators, in this case they will do all the work for you, meeting the birthday boy's friends with funny phrases and entertainment. But if you are organizing an event on your own, then try to come up with an unusual way to say hello to the little ones. For example, you can portray mom and dad kittens - this will surely please the kids. Themed costumes and funny purrs come in handy.

Party menu

The sweet table also needs to be decorated in the style of "Three Cats", therefore the main colors should be orange, yellow and red... Use dishes in these shades, small traces of soft cat paws can be glued to the cups. To make canapes, use toppers depicting the main characters of the cartoon, place sweet kebabs on dishes with a scene from the TV series, and decorate the cake with figures of funny kittens.

It is recommended to prepare the following dishes:

  • fruit canapes;
  • milkshake;
  • muffins;
  • marshmallow kebab;
  • cookies in the form of fish.

And of course, birthday cake. You can prepare it based on any favorite recipe, it does not have to be a cake - guests can be treated to charlotte, carrot pie or even manna, especially since we are talking about young children. To decorate the cake, you need to buy mastic and marzipan figurines of the main characters in a special store - with the help of mastic, a smooth surface is created, and the figures will complement the hit on the topic.

Musical accompaniment

To create a festive atmosphere, you can use the soundtracks to the cartoon, or you can include any children's songs; works about kittens and cats are especially popular.

Before taking out the holiday cake, be sure to invite the kids to sing the song "Happy Birthday" together, preferably using the famous meow of kittens from the cartoon in the text, for example: "Congratulations, miu-miu, congratulations, miu-miu, congratulations, happy birthday to you, miu-miu-miu!"

Holiday script

You can start your holiday with the mini-quest "In the footsteps of Cookie, Caramel and Kompot". Such an event is very easy to organize in an apartment without much hassle. To create it, you just need to draw traces on a sheet of paper, cut it out, and then stick it on the walls or spread it out on the floor. Moving along the paw prints, the guys will look for leaflets with questions related to their favorite cartoons. For the correct answer, they will receive a hint where to move on.

    Be sure to arrange a quiz on the knowledge of the cartoon. Different questions can be included in it..

    • How many cats are there in the family? (4, Korzhik, Kompot, their dad and grandfather).
    • What is depicted on the cookie cutter's hat? (Anchor).
    • “I know what to do” - who constantly says this phrase? (Caramel).
    • What does the mother of three kittens do? (Designer).
    • Which ginger cat has pockets full of candy? (At Kompot).
    • Who loves football, badminton and archery? (Cookie cookie).

    It is imperative to include mobile competitions in the game program.

    One of them will be "To Catch Three Cats". One of the guests drives, a bandage is tied over his eyes. All other babies play the role of cats and occupy different places in the room. They can stand, sit or lie - the main thing is to freeze and remain silent. The goal is to find the kittens by touch, only in this case he will be able to remove the bandage.

    Of great interest is competition "Cat Race". Its rules are extremely simple. All the guys have to get down on all fours and, wagging their imaginary tail, run to the finish line before everyone else. The one who comes running first will receive the "Fastest Cat" medal.

    Emotions of Three Cats is a very interesting and instructive game. The presenter calls this or that feline emotion, and the guys should portray it better and faster than others. Before the start of the competition, you must definitely practice:

    • joy - we shout loudly "miu, miu, miu";
    • anger - we begin to hiss "shshshshshsh";
    • playfulness — let's jump to the attack;
    • interest - sniffing;
    • pleasure - we purr joyfully.

    During the game, the presenter must list emotions in no particular order, gradually increasing the speed.

    For a complete immersion in the atmosphere of the cartoon, you can add several contests in the form of tasks from each character.

    Assignment from Caramel is to build a house. Depending on the age of the guests and the interests of the birthday person, you can use thick cardboard, scissors and scotch tape as a building material, or use cubes. The winner will be the team with the tidiest house. Be sure to stock up on cardboard figurines of kittens so that after construction, children can settle them in new houses.

    The task from Korzhik, of course, will be related to sports - obstacle course. A tunnel made of a tourist mattress, a skittles track or a stretched rope can act as a barrier. The guys must compete in the relay mode. The winner is the team, all of whose members pass the test first.

    Compote's quest may involve solving riddles and puzzles, children can be given a rebus or a puzzle. Whoever copes with his task faster is the winner.

    During the competitions be sure to turn on the music louder - it will give players excitement and charge with a cheerful mood.

    In order for the celebration to really be remembered, you can prepare a few more entertainments.

    It is unlikely that there is at least one child who is indifferent to the soap bubble show. Bubbles shimmering in all shades of the rainbow make everyone believe in miracles. The guys will not only be able to watch their beautiful flight, but even be inside one of them.

    Face painting will allow every kid to try on the image of his most beloved kitten.

    And, of course, all the guys will love the petting zoo... The birthday boy and his guests can not only feel like red fluffy kittens, but also communicate with real animals - chinchillas, guinea pigs, rats and parrots. Such entertainment will teach the children to be more careful with our smaller brothers.

    To learn how to make a photo zone in the style of "Three Cats", see the next video.

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