Children's birthday

Interesting design options for a children's birthday

Interesting design options for a children's birthday
  1. Main elements
  2. Theme options
  3. Age-specific design ideas
  4. Beautiful examples

Children's birthday can be fun at home. Parents will have to think through all the organizational issues. So, it is important to decide on the theme of the holiday and pick up all the necessary decorations. Much depends on the age of the child - sometimes safety should be considered as well. With the right approach, it can be pretty easy to make your birthday a memorable one.

Main elements

You can decorate a room for a child's birthday using different items. You can do a lot with your own hands. Sometimes it makes sense to buy ready-made jewelry or invite professionals to help with the implementation of the idea. When combining several elements, it is worth adhering to a single style.

Otherwise, the apartment or house will look too colorful, overloaded.


A large number of balloons are delightful. This decoration is popular not only for children, but also for adults. You can take medium-sized items, inflate with a hand pump, and decorate a walled floor. Helium balloons look especially good as a decoration, which after the holiday, in general, can be launched into the sky.

Arches and balloon figures are very popular. Usually they are made to order, but you can try and assemble them on your own. There are other uses for the balls as well.

  • On the table. You can place a small gift box on each plate and tie a helium balloon inside. It looks impressive and interesting.
  • Balloon numbers can be the central decoration of the holiday. It is especially important if we decorate a small room.
  • In a large room, you can make panels and arches. The balls are tied to a solid structure, frame. So you can decorate the entire wall with the entrance to the room.
  • Balloons with helium look unusual, on which various photographs of the birthday boy are applied. Such decorations are made to order.
  • One large balloon can be filled with many small ones. So, it is enough to burst one for the rest to be released. Children will love this fun. Candy or other surprises can be hidden inside the small balls.
  • Helium jewelry can be tied to heavy objects and placed around the room.
  • A fabric hammock is stretched under the ceiling. It is necessary to hide balls of different colors and sizes in it. It is worth placing such a structure not above the table, but in another area of ​​the room. At the most important moment of the holiday, it is enough to remove the hammock so that the rain of balloons will surprise everyone present.
  • For an evening party, models with diodes inside will be a good solution. Lighting with balls looks interesting and effective.


A universal solution for the birthday of a girl of any age. Almost all free space can be dotted with petals. By the way, it will be interesting to make a hammock with such elements over the birthday girl's bed, wake the girl up with congratulations and shower her with rose petals. Very unusual and interesting.

You can decorate the whole room with fresh flowers by simply placing them around the perimeter. And also the buds are appropriate on the table. In the center, you can put a flat dish, and lay out a flower arrangement on it.

In general, flowers in any form will provide a magical aroma and freshness to the room.

Paper jewelry

There are a lot of elements and variations in this category. You can get creative with stunning jewelry. It is noteworthy that paper elements are most often made by hand. It will not take much time to decorate even a whole house or apartment. There are several interesting options for paper decorations.

  • Balls-pom-poms. They are usually attached to ceilings and walls. Pom-poms are easy to buy at the store, but you can also make your own. Bright colors should be combined with each other and with the theme of the holiday. Usually they take corrugated paper - it has more decorative properties. Additionally, ribbons and fabric are used. Pom-poms can be used to decorate a photo zone.
  • Rosettes. Paper flowers are beautiful and safe. Often used to decorate the room for the birthday of young children. For self-production, you only need to stock up on wire, corrugated paper and free time. Elements can be placed anywhere - even on the ceiling, even on a festive table. You can decorate the birthday boy's chair with such roses.
  • Garlands. There is nothing simpler and more spectacular than such a decoration. The element allows you to create a festive mood. Garlands are located on the ceiling, walls, curtains, arches - in a word, anywhere. The decoration can be solid or multi-colored. Often garlands are made in the form of the inscriptions "Happy Birthday", congratulations and other things. For fastening, you can use threads or tapes.
  • Umbrellas. Simple decor that kids love to play with. A composition of such elements can be used to design a photo zone. Self-production will not take much time, so you can make a large number of umbrellas.
  • 3D star figures. It is especially important for the first birthday, but it can be used, in general, on any holiday. Suitable for decorating walls, photo zones. You can place the stars on the ceiling so that they hang down. For manufacturing, paper and cardboard are usually used. You just need to cut out a square and fold it in half of the figure, then repeat. Two blanks are glued together and fixed on a thread, tape.

If you attach the stars to a thin line, you will get the feeling that they are just floating in the air.

Volumetric figures

A versatile decoration for any birthday.There are many manufacturing options. Usually numbers are laid out from balls or paper roses. You can make a cardboard blank and glue it with beautiful paper. And also such a frame is pasted over with various decorations, for example, ribbons.

The figure itself can be supplemented with interesting elements. So, you can put on a crown or attach a unicorn horn to the figure. For a boy's birthday, a top hat is better. You can make a figure with your child. The workpiece is painted white and easily turns into a masterpiece with the help of finger paints.

Photo collage

Very interesting and unusual decor that is suitable for a child of any age. Only for older guys who are celebrating with friends should more carefully choose the frames for the canvas. On a children's birthday party with a family, a photo collage is especially relevant. Everyone will have the opportunity to evaluate how the baby has grown.

The photo collage does not have to be designed like a wall newspaper. You can play with the shape of the canvas. And also the collage goes well with other decor. So, the same volumetric figure, pasted over with photographs, looks interesting.

Theme options

This nuance will have to be thought out especially carefully. For the little ones, this is not very important - on the first birthday of a child, the decor is more appreciated by adult guests than the birthday person himself. Usually the hall is decorated cute and airy: for girls, you can use the flamingo style with a lot of pink, and for a boy, add a lot of blue. In the future, you will have to work hard. The design in the style of your favorite cartoons and films is especially popular.

  • "Blue Tractor". The main color is blue. It is important to take care of the figure of the tractor itself. If you have time, then the machine can even be made voluminous, into which the child can climb. It is enough to use thick cardboard. You can also prepare all the animals that are found in the cartoon.
  • Minions. They are liked by children of different ages, sometimes even adolescents. The primary colors are yellow and blue. The heroes of the cartoon themselves are quite funny and interesting. You can arrange their figures and images in the apartment. Even a salad can be easily laid out in the form of a mignon.
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The main color of the holiday is green. Colored bandages should be attached to the balls, like the characters of the cartoon. The same can be done for the birthday person and guests of the holiday.

You can also prepare figurines of turtles for games, contests.

  • "Cars". The main color is red. May be completed with black and white checkered finish. There are a lot of wheelbarrow-style holiday decorations on sale. You can independently prepare figures and pictures with the main character and his friends. As in the first version, a full-fledged machine is easily made from thick cardboard, in which children can play. Additional surroundings will be created by decorations in the form of wheels and tires, tools for car repairs and everything connected with this.
  • "Masha and the Bear". The main color can be chosen pink, like Masha's dress, green, associated with the forest, or brown, reminiscent of the Bear. Depending on this, further accents are chosen. The birthday person can be dressed in a suitable costume. You should decorate the room with images of the main characters of the cartoon.
  • "Smeshariki". Primary colors are blue, green. We decorate the room with balls in the form of the main characters of the cartoon. It is also quite simple to make three-dimensional figures for a photo zone or games. The Smeshariki-style holiday will appeal to children. It is possible to use a lot of decor to play with. Even balls are easily stylized as Smesharikov.
  • The Avengers. A good solution for older children, also relevant for teenagers. The main color can be any. In some cases, the emphasis is on a particular character. Then the color scheme is selected accordingly.
  • "Batman". The primary colors are black and yellow. If this combination seems too dark, you can use gray.A large number of large balls in these shades look amazing. A black tablecloth is usually laid on the table, using a lot of yellow dishes. The hero's badge is quite simple to make from cardboard.
  • "Transformers". The color is selected depending on the selected character. Bumblebee is a fairly popular transformer; a holiday in this style is decorated with a predominance of yellow. Toys, figurines, and character pictures should be used.

You can lay out a helmet from balls - such a decoration is very effective, it will delight everyone.

You can decorate the holiday in any way, the theme is usually chosen based on the interest of the child. A good idea for a boy would be a sea or pirate party. Girls love parties with fairies and princesses. Any of them will love a barbie or mermaid style party.

Many children believe that dinosaurs are very much like dragons. Based on this idea, you can create a whole holiday. The dino party is very interesting to decorate. You can build the main character from the balls yourself. The best thing about this theme is that no one really knows exactly what a dragon or dinosaur looks like.

A sports-themed holiday is especially relevant for active children. You can do both general and dedicated to a specific sport. It's pretty easy to decorate a soccer party. You can use images of famous players and balls in the form of balls. In general, the holiday should be decorated with the main emphasis on green, black and white colors.

Age-specific design ideas

For a 1 year old baby, it is not so important how the room will be decorated, in what style. It is only important that everything is beautiful and attracts attention. Usually the first birthday is celebrated with relatives and friends of the family. You should not make the design too shiny and colorful, otherwise it will quickly tire the baby, he will become capricious.

Children 2-3 years old will already be interested in interacting with jewelry. You can use balls and paper decor, which is easy and fun to play with. A holiday for little ones should not only be fun, but also safe. There are a few tips to follow when arranging jewelry.

  1. Electric garlands must be fastened securely and high. Children and animals should not have access to them.
  2. Decorations should be large, without small elements. A child may accidentally swallow a piece.
  3. Balls and paper. All decoration materials must be safe and of high quality.

For children 4-5 years old, it will be interesting to make holidays in the theme of their favorite cartoons. It will be fun and interesting. In this case, you can use volumetric figures, paper decor of any complexity, balls and simply beautiful decorations.

There are many options, the main thing is that someone is always looking after the children.

Younger schoolchildren 6-10 years old often celebrate their birthday with friends. Children of this age love surprises, so you can neatly decorate the room at night. If something global is planned, then you can offer the child to sleep in another bedroom of the parents, so as not to inadvertently wake him up. Cartoons, games, books - anything from the interests of the kid are chosen as topics.

In this case, it is worth giving up the photo collage. Your child may feel uncomfortable in front of friends. At this age, it is especially important for children what people think of them. A good solution would be a decor that can be used for fun games. You can also prepare themed costumes and entertainment program.

Children under 15 years old often choose the theme of the holiday themselves and talk with their parents about their desires. If you want to make a surprise, then you need to take a closer look at the interests of the child. For the son, you should choose a more restrained decor, but the room for your daughter can be decorated quite catchy. It is important to arrange a photo zone so that children can take beautiful pictures as a keepsake.

Boys and girls at this age are often fond of not only games, films and books, but also science. This can be used when decorating a holiday. It is especially interesting to play with astronomy, geography and history.

Arranging a holiday for a teenager is, in general, not easy. Older children do not like to sit with friends at home, all the time they strive to dismiss this idea. However, a quality theme party can change a teen's mind. It is very important to consult with the hero of the occasion or even involve him in the whole process.

Every age has its own nuances. A small child's birthday should be of high quality and safe decor. During school years, children try to please their friends, so each element needs to be thought out. Teenagers are wayward - their holiday should fully meet expectations.

That is why it is important to act together with the child, taking into account his preferences, regardless of age.

Beautiful examples

Making a holiday for a child is a responsible task. You need to think over the decor for the room and table so that everything is beautiful, elegant and harmonious. Parents should take into account the preferences of the child, because the holiday is for him. Here are some interesting ideas.

  • This Hawaiian-style holiday will delight children of all ages. A good solution for a summer birthday, everything looks bright and attractive.
  • An ideal birthday for a girl - every little thing has been thought out, even the decor on the chairs. All paper and textile decorations can be made by hand.
  • Such an interesting room design is relevant for a girl of any age. Even a table of this type can be made with your own hands.
  • The color scheme is perfectly matched - everything looks laconic and festive at the same time. The idea with a bear is original and unusual; a child will definitely like it.
  • It's easy to prepare a pirate party for boys with your own hands. The decorations are simple, but they look very attractive and cool.
  • Nice and laconic, suitable for a teenager. Such an unobtrusive design will be the best if you make a surprise without the knowledge of the child.

For budget ideas for decorating a children's birthday, see the next video.

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