
Interesting mobile contests for the birthday of adults

Interesting mobile contests for the birthday of adults
  1. Review of active games for the home
  2. Interesting contests in nature
  3. Quest
  4. Entertainment for a small company

Adult birthday Is not only delicious food, dancing and socializing. This is a good mood, a positive charge for a long time and pleasant memories of the holiday. And all this can be achieved if you are creative in organizing your birthday.

Review of active games for the home

A variety of entertainments are suitable for the holiday. And quiet gatherings, and intellectual games, and dances. But the birthday for adults will be much richer and more interesting if you provide for active and funny games. If there are a lot of people at the party, then any team competitions can be held.

The funniest and most positive are those in which you need to show acting skills or quick reaction.

  • "Guess the word"... You will need a host for this game. All participants in the game are divided into two teams. The facilitator writes in advance on a piece of paper the words to be shown to the participants in each round. In this case, one team shows, the other guesses. The more words are guessed in a certain amount of time, the more points the team gains. Then they switch places. The game has several rounds, each of which has a theme. For example, in the first round you can show musical instruments, in the second - the emotional states of a person, in the third - famous people. Usually such a competition is fun and dynamic.
  • Hit the bottle. The game evokes a lot of laughter and is challenging at the same time. Using a pin, a pencil is attached to a skirt or trousers. Without helping with his hands, the player must hit the neck of the bottle on the floor with a pencil. In the end, he just needs to sit down successfully. The player has to suffer, while the audience is very funny at this time.
  • "Zhmurki". The well-known children's game can turn into unprecedented fun. The main thing is to free up space for this, so as not to destroy the house, break dishes and not get injured. Everyone knows the rules. A blindfold is put on the presenter's eyes. Then everyone scatters, behaves as quietly as possible, sometimes they can give signals. After someone is caught, you need to guess who was the victim. If you guessed correctly, the leader and the caught one swap places.
  • "Musical improvisation"... A person is put on headphones where the song is played. He sings, while he does not hear himself, the audience is having fun at this time. It is imperative to write down the musical number so that the performer will listen to himself later. The competition will show who has a hearing and who has a bear stepped on their ear. In any case, the competition is dynamic and fun.
  • "Dance Marathon". Everyone is dancing and looking closely at the presenter. He shows the movements, you need to repeat them. The complexity of the competition depends on the ingenuity of the host.

You can play a wide variety of games to the music. For example, you can transfer a balloon or a ball to each other by squeezing it with your feet; you cannot touch it with your hands. The ball is more difficult to transfer, you need to make sure that it does not burst. You can split into teams and complete speed assignments.

  • "Bottle". This kind of game will also allow you to have fun. All sit in a circle. One of the players is spinning the bottle. When she points to another participant, the one who was spinning comes up with a task for the one to whom the bottle pointed. The tasks can be funny and difficult, it all depends on the imagination of the participants. Then the one who completed the task spins the bottle until it stops on the next player.
  • "Draw a portrait." Each team is given a poster and a felt-tip pen. The posters are hung on the wall or boards. The presenter announces the task. The first two participants are blindfolded. Participants quickly run to their posters and draw, for example, eyes, next pair - nose, then lips, and so on. The winners are those whose portrait is more realistic.
  • "Extra chair." This is also a familiar game. But adults will also not refuse to move and have fun. For this, chairs are placed in the center, but one less than the number of dancers. When they turn on the music, everyone is jumping and having fun as they please. As soon as there is silence, everyone seeks to find a place for themselves in the chair. If you're unlucky, you'll have to leave the game. One chair is removed and play continues until one chair and participant remains. He will be the winner.

In the process of fun and competitions, the organizers of the holiday should provide prizes for the winners. These can be small souvenirs, sweets or drinks.

Interesting contests in nature

Birthdays are often held outdoors. And here, too, it is important not to limit ourselves to barbecues and conversations, but also to find time for fun entertainment.

Then there will definitely be something to remember.

  • "Zombie"

Participants of the competition are split in two and tied to each other by the hands (the right hand of one to the left of the other). Then each team receives assignments. The one who completed it faster won. Since we are talking about a mini-hike, the tasks will be appropriate. For example, make a fire, set up an awning, set the table, make sandwiches.

  • "Bring the picture to life"

This competition will require two teams with multiple participants. Here you will have to strain your memory and remember all the films where the action took place in nature. Cartoons are fine too. One team envisions a movie and tries to reproduce the plot through actions and facial expressions. The second team guesses. Then - the other way around. Whoever guesses more pictures wins.

  • "Pass the apple"

A fun and active picnic break can be organized with this simple game. To do this, everyone stands in a circle. The first participant takes an apple, squeezes it between the shoulder and chin and passes it to the other, the other to the next. Whoever has an apple falls out of the game.

  • "Ball"

Everyone is placed in a clearing and throws a balloon at each other. But the trick is that you can't change position. You need to stand in one place. Whoever took his feet off the ground gets penalties. Eliminates after three violations.


There are no the same rules and cannot be. It all depends on the imagination of the participants. You can, for example, hide a birthday present and look for it with him. To do this, you need to come up with notes with tips and place them in different places - a tent, a tree, in a clearing, under a stone, in a car, on a festive table. Each note can contain either hints - where to go next, or riddles that will help you get closer to the goal.

You can even arrange a fun quest. The presenter will hide the hero of the occasion, and the rest, using the tips, are looking for him and try to do it faster. And it can even be two teams. Then the competition will be even more fun and exciting.

Entertainment for a small company

A small number of guests is also not a reason to sit at the table all evening.

Fun contests will complement such a party.

  • Clothespins. A couple of players are blindfolded, each with clothespins attached to their clothes. Further, at the command of the leader, the players begin to look for clothespins. The one who quickly collected all the clothespins from his partner won.
  • "Ponytails"... The competition will be funnier if the models are men. But at the same time, they must have at least some amount of hair on their heads. Girls are given rubber bands, and in a certain amount of time they must make as many ponytails as possible. The winner is the one who got the most of them.
  • "Dress up another"... In this case, you need to collect different things in a large bag. A couple is invited, they are blindfolded, on command one must take a thing from the bag and put it on his partner. On a signal from the host, the game is stopped. And everyone looks at the cheerful outfits of the participants.
  • "Make a snack." Everyone is welcome. The same set of products is placed in front of each. For example, cheese, sausage, olives, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, slices of bread. You can think of anything. At the signal, everyone starts to cook their own dish. You need to make it beautiful, original, and also give it a name. The jury decides which dish will be the winner.
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