
How to celebrate a birthday on a budget?

How to celebrate a birthday on a budget?
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Where to celebrate?
  3. How to organize?
  4. Original ideas

Every birthday person dreams of celebrating his birthday on a grand scale, having fun with friends and leaving pleasant memories. If the budget is unlimited, any establishment will be open for you. But if you want to save money, you need to think over everything correctly. In this article we will tell you how to celebrate a holiday inexpensively.


Celebrating a birthday on a budget is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. You just need to connect imagination and ingenuity. Think over the design of the holiday, menu and entertainment. If the holiday takes place at home or in the country, pay attention to the interior design, because upon entering, guests should immediately tune in to a fun pastime. Modern stores offer a wide range of home decor, and very inexpensive.

Buy garlands and inscriptions "Happy birthday!" and hang them on the walls. Inflate balloons and decorate the room where the party will be held. You can purchase a ready-made composition of balls. A great idea would be foil products in full growth or in the form of a number indicating the age of the hero of the occasion.

Often, LED strips, LED garlands and other elements are used for room decoration.

To defuse the atmosphere, purchase fun-colored paper caps and hand them to guests at the entrance. Take care of high-quality musical accompaniment. In every company there is a person who does not dance, but loves to play the role of a DJ. Enlist his support and collect popular tunes that everyone will love.

It is important to think over the menu. The festive table should be conducive to good appetite and good mood. Prepare some interesting appetizers, or add a couple of classics.There are versatile options: pizza, sushi, and pasta. You can order them inexpensively on the Internet, or you can prepare them yourself. Try to fill the table with bright dishes that have not yet set your teeth on edge. Surprise guests with Georgian, Mexican or Italian cuisine. Drinks in the form of juices and water are required. Buy quality alcohol. Some guests may be asked to bring strong drinks.

Where to celebrate?

If you are on a budget, you should not order a restaurant, cafe or take everyone to the bowling alley at your own expense. You can organize everything on a budget. In winter, you can celebrate your birthday at home or at work at no special cost. Set the table for your colleagues: ordering a pizza or enjoying a delicious cake with tea is a great option. At home, the celebration is already taking place on a grand scale, since people still work in the office. At home you can arrange a fun holiday with contests and a large table.

If you were born in the summer, then you just have unlimited options for celebrating your birthday in nature. Gather your friends at the dacha, grill kebabs and flood the bathhouse. You can go with a big company of mushrooms and berries to the nearest forest or arrange a fishing trip. You must prepare everything necessary for this in advance.

A trip to the river with a picnic would be an excellent option.

How to organize?

Celebrating a birthday at home or in the country does not carry a lot of costs, but the organization will take time and your imagination. It is necessary to think over everything, purchase and prepare everything in advance so that there are no unpleasant surprises during the event. If you are planning a holiday in the form of a themed party, call your friends in advance and tell them to come in costumes. You can arrange a literary evening, but then you need to memorize a couple of poems and print a few on paper, so that the guests have something to distinguish themselves.

Prepare all the necessary props for contests and games, pick up music. If you go fishing or picking berries, equip all your friends with baskets, fishing rods and tackle. When the guests come to the party, everything should already be ready for them. Organize a picnic with music and barbecue somewhere in the woods or in the country. Pre-marinate the meat in spices.

You can save money and cook chicken fillets on skewers, potatoes in foil on charcoal, grilled vegetables.

Original ideas

You can have a fun birthday party anywhere, because it all depends on the right organization and good company. A costume party would be a great option. You can choose a specific theme that all guests must adhere to. For example, an event in the style of the last century, where women dance in beautiful dresses and men in elegant tailcoats. If you and your friends are fans of a particular book or movie, a party in the appropriate style is a great idea. You can come up with costumes of animals, fairy-tale heroes and other characters. The main thing is to think about your image in advance and warn your friends.

Prepare interesting games and contests in which everyone can take part. Alternate between calm and active activities so that guests choose the option they like. Karaoke is a great idea for a birthday party. Borrow a set-top box with microphones from friends or rent. Connect the unit to the TV, and then you can sing your favorite songs all evening, dancing to them.

Each guest will definitely bring a gift for the hero of the occasion. But the birthday man himself must prepare small presents for friends. A small sign of attention will show those who came your gratitude for vivid emotions and pleasant memories. Souvenirs are inexpensive, you can buy them in a fix price store or make them yourself.

Some buy the same gifts for all guests, others select a present individually for each.

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