
How to celebrate a birthday in an unusual way?

How to celebrate a birthday in an unusual way?
  1. Creative quests
  2. We have a theme party
  3. Unusual places to celebrate a birthday
  4. Other original ideas

A birthday is a great occasion to have fun with friends and family, try new things, and even get involved in a little adventure. Vivid emotions will be remembered for a long time. In this article, you will find unusual holiday ideas and ways to organize an unforgettable celebration.

Creative quests

Not only children love to play, but also adults. The quest will be an excellent entertainment for a birthday person of any age, and it can also be organized right in the apartment if you have a small budget or do not want to arrange a magnificent celebration. The essence of this entertainment is simple - you hide a gift in the house and come up with tasks for the hero of the occasion. He will fulfill them and receive tips to get to the coveted prize.

You can place notes with messages throughout the apartment that will point the way. They can hide in the most unexpected places:

  • in a newspaper - a word or sentence enclosed in a pen;
  • inside the balloon - you can put a leaf there;
  • in the paws of a soft toy;
  • under a painting or family photo;
  • under a plate of birthday cake.

As an assignment, there can be an interesting riddle, the answer to which will lead to the next step, a crossword puzzle, or even a puzzle. The first note can be left in a conspicuous place or personally handed to the birthday boy with congratulations so that he can start the game. Guests can also participate in the process and give certain tasks, for the completion of which you can get a hint.

Such entertainment does not require serious expenses, but all the participants will have a lot of fun.

If you don't want to celebrate in the apartment, you can contact one of the companies that organize quests. The professionals will give you the opportunity to experience a real adventure. The birthday boy with his friends finds himself in an unusual environment with atmospheric decor, plunges into another world where you need to complete a specific task. Players can be offered props or costumes to make the action feel even more realistic.

The quest theme can be different. Scary stories are popular, where zombies, ghosts and other otherworldly creatures appear - many like to tickle their nerves. There are also quests for famous universes: "Harry Potter", "Alice in Wonderland", "The Avengers", "Star Wars" - the fans will surely appreciate it.

The adventure can take place in a certain location - a desert, a pirate ship, a starship, a scientist's laboratory, and some stories take you to the past or the future. There are also programs for children, where tasks are designed for the level of young players, and the plot can be associated with your favorite cartoons.

A professional quest usually takes 1-2 hours. It can also include a small tea party, organically inscribed in history.

It should be borne in mind that quests can be designed for a different number of participants, so it is better to clarify in advance how many people will be present.

We have a theme party

Music, dancing and a party table are classic birthday scenarios. You can diversify it and organize a theme party in a specific style.

First of all, decide on the format. Here are some popular topics:

  • retro and vintage: dudes, dashing 90s, roaring 20s, gangsters;
  • adventures: cowboys, pirates, superheroes;
  • glamor: Hollywood, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Moulin Rouge;
  • events: Brazilian Carnival, Imperial Ball, Oktoberfest.

Your party can be country-specific, with folk costumes and music. For the holiday, you can also choose the theme of your favorite birthday movie.

It is worth focusing on general preferences, for example, a party in a spa is suitable for a girl with her friends, and a male team will prefer to celebrate a birthday in nature, with a plentiful feast.

Notify your guests in advance about the chosen topic so that they have time to prepare outfits.

If you are going to celebrate at home, you need to choose a decor that will help create an atmosphere, think over options for decorating the table, the appropriate menu and drinks, do not forget about music for fun dances. It will not be superfluous to organize small entertainments, contests, creative zones for children, if you have young guests.

You can also throw a party in a restaurant, hotel or spa if your budget allows. In this case, you will need to rent a room, discuss the menu with the chefs, find a designer, toastmaster and photographer.

Or you can contact a holiday party company if you don't want to waste time.

Unusual places to celebrate a birthday

If you are tired of celebrating at home or in a restaurant, there are other options. You can have fun celebrating your birthday in an unusual place, try an interesting format and get new impressions.


Free tea, coffee, biscuits and a variety of board games to suit all tastes are good options for the company. Some establishments also offer video games, you can take joysticks and arrange competitions with friends. Not all anti-cafes are allowed to bring alcohol, it is better to clarify this point in advance.


Suitable for those who have a birthday in the summer. In hot weather, you can go closer to the water, swim, have a picnic in nature, have fun and relax. Some beaches offer cabins or gazebos for rent, barbecue, sauna and other amenities.


Active entertainment is to the taste of many. Usually next to the tracks there is also mini-football, ping-pong, table hockey - everyone will find something to do.And then you can visit the food court.


Some establishments allow renting a hall and ordering a selection of films. You can take advantage of this and arrange a day marathon or movie night. An interesting option is outdoor viewing. Summer cinemas of this format are organized in city squares or in large parking lots, where you can enjoy a movie without leaving your car.

Motor ship

Walking on the water is beautiful and romantic. You can rent a small fast yacht and visit remote beaches where there are no people. Or purchase tickets for a cruise ship and go on a sea voyage to celebrate your holiday there.

Paintball club

A great option for those who want to shoot and get a shot of adrenaline. Such active rest always leaves a lot of emotions. A pacifists can walk in nature and admire the views - usually the clubs are located outside the city.

Other original ideas

Many outdoor activities are designed for the summer season, but a birthday in winter is not a reason to give up outdoor activities. You can visit a ski resort, go ice skating or snowboarding, ride a cheesecake from the mountain and just play snowballs or make a snowman. And it is recommended to end such a day in a bath in order to properly warm up and relax.

If the cold weather doesn't inspire you, change the location and go to the resort. The opportunity to briefly move from winter to summer is really inspiring, such a birthday will be remembered for a long time and will leave a lot of pleasant impressions. Before traveling, be sure to make sure that there is no rainy season in the selected country so as not to spoil your vacation.

You can get new impressions in your hometown as well. Go to a master class - for sure there is something that you have wanted to try for a long time. This can be painting, cooking, acting, clay modeling, or something else. Perhaps you will discover a new creative hobby, which will continue to delight you even after the holiday.

A parachute jump is what will really be remembered for a long time. The feeling of free flight leaves a lasting impression. However, for such entertainment, the birthday man and guests, if they wish to join, must be in good shape. Before planning, make sure you have no medical conditions that prohibit extreme sports.

Birthday is the time when desires come true. If you don’t know how to celebrate, do what you have long wanted. Or give yourself a gift that you've been putting off for later. Take care of yourself on this day in order to forget about your usual worries at least for a while and just enjoy life.

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