
How to decorate your birthday room beautifully?

How to decorate your birthday room beautifully?
  1. Design features
  2. Jewelry options
  3. Table and chair decor
  4. Interesting ideas for adults and children
  5. Beautiful examples

Decorating a birthday room is a serious and responsible task. You should think carefully about how the environment will look, choose suitable decorations and decorations. In this article, we will look at how you can beautifully decorate a birthday boy's room.

Design features

Many people decide to decorate their home on their own for their birthday. Fortunately, the modern consumer has the opportunity to choose everything he needs for this. The shops sell a wide variety of different decorations and decorations to create a festive atmosphere. It is possible to find the perfect products for every taste, color and budget.

A festive atmosphere is formed not only for small family members, but also for adults. Both for the first and for the second it is important to create a positive holiday atmosphere, which is so lacking in the modern rhythm of life.

Different decorations will be used for a child, girl or boy. For example, if the birthday person is a woman, then the room can be decorated with compositions with flowers (both live and artificial). It is worth placing beautiful vases with fragrant roses, gerberas, lilies around the perimeter of the square. Chamomile is also suitable - it all depends on the preferences of the hero of the occasion. Of course, for a man, such a design may turn out to be inappropriate, therefore, about his birthday, the household will have to take care of a different version of the decor.

Room decoration can be realized not only with the help of living plants, but also with all sorts of artificial decorations. The original topiary or candy bouquets are very popular in our time.It is not necessary to buy such products in specialized stores.

You can make them with your own hands, showing a little imagination and diligence.

Jewelry options

There are tons of ways to decorate your birthday room. Someone does not waste time on trifles and decides to beautifully decorate not one room, but the whole house or the whole apartment - here each person acts as he sees fit.

For the festive decoration of the home, it is permissible to use various materials, tools and decorations. Each of the possible methods has its own characteristics and nuances, which must be taken into account so as not to waste extra time and not be disappointed with the result.


Balls are versatile products that can be used both to decorate the decor and to complement the main gift.... Let's take a closer look at how you can decorate a room with balloons for your birthday.

  • Table decoration. You can use small boxes with a load. They are placed near the plates of each of the guests and a balloon inflated with helium is tied to them.
  • An interesting solution is the manufacture of large figures in the form of cartoon characters or flower baskets. The process turns out to be not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.
  • Large numbers are often made from balls (the age of the birthday person).
  • To decorate a large and spacious hall, it is advisable to make a large arch or panel from the balls under a strong frame base.
  • In specialized agencies, you can make an order for balloons with photo printing.
  • The original solution is to make a large ball with hundreds of small balls. Each of them should be filled with a pleasant surprise for the birthday boy. In the midst of the celebration, a large balloon should burst, after which a heap of balloons and gifts will literally fall out of it.
  • Having inflated the balloons with helium, it is worth tying them to a heavy base. For example, it could be a large stuffed animal. Thus, the decorations should be placed around the perimeter of the room.
  • Helium balloons will look elegant, completely covering the ceiling surface in the room. You can tie ribbons to them like a serpentine and leave them to fall down.
  • Diodes can be placed inside the balls. As a result, the decorations will be illuminated, which will give the room a very original look.

This is a great solution for the summer season.


Often used to decorate birthday rooms flowers and flower arrangements. With them, you can decorate the atmosphere beautifully, effectively and festively.

A universal decor for celebrating a girl's birthday is delicate rose petals. Just fill all the free space in the room with them. And also in the center of the festive table it is permissible to place a flat saucer filled with fresh flowers that match the general tone of the celebration.

Simple vases with flowers of various sizes, placed on the floor along the walls, will make the room fresher and fill it with an unobtrusive natural aroma.

Corrugated paper

From high-quality corrugated paper, it will be possible to build many different decorations to decorate the atmosphere for all the holidays. For example, it can be charming decorative flags, berries, pom-poms, flowers, hearts.

For example, we will learn how to make flag jewelry out of inexpensive corrugated paper with our own hands:

  • cut rectangular blanks from paper of various colors;
  • bend each of them in half, place on a strong thread of a suitable length;
  • secure the blanks well using tape or glue.

Wish tree

A wish tree is a congratulation displayed on a large piece of paper in the form of a tree. Such a solution will not only allow you to effectively decorate the wall in the room, but will also remain for the birthday person for a long memory.

    You can build a similar curious decor as follows:

    • it is necessary to prepare a sheet of paper in A3 format (it must necessarily have a dense structure);
    • select an attractive template for the future tree, circle its outlines on a piece of paper, using a marker;
    • on the top half of the sheet, write in beautiful and large letters "Happy birthday!", and then decorate effectively (for example, with sparkles);
    • on the twigs of a homemade tree, you should glue colored leaves of the same size, on which guests who come to the celebration can leave their best wishes to the birthday man.


        Beautifully hand-made posters will allow you to festively decorate the walls in the room. On such grounds, it will be possible to place absolutely everything that does not fit on a homemade tree. Here you can write down wishes to the hero of the occasion, attach funny photos with him, make original collages - there are a lot of options.

          It is very easy to make a beautiful poster with your own hands.

          To do this, you need to stock up on the usual "tools" that most users have in the house: a sheet of Whatman paper, paints, felt-tip pens. Let's take a closer look at the stages of creating such a decoration:

          • it is best to start the design of the poster with a catchy phrase that will occupy the central part of the sheet of whatman paper;
          • try to decorate the background brightly, but do not overdo it, otherwise the applied inscriptions will be difficult to see;
          • the congratulations themselves can be written directly on the Whatman paper, or you can pre-prepare small postcards and fix them on the surface of the Whatman paper;
          • it is advisable to decorate the poster with the most successful and attractive photographs of the birthday man, his friends and relatives.

          Table and chair decor

          Do not forget about the decoration of the table and chairs. There can be so many ways to decorate these items as well. Households can let their imagination run wild and develop any design methods that will harmoniously fit into the festive atmosphere.

          Let's consider several suitable options.

          • You can decorate chair backs using lightweight and beautiful woven fabrics. Tulle or organza will do. It is desirable that the fabrics match the color of the surroundings or the tablecloths that are laid on the festive table.
          • A balloon inflated with helium can be attached to each of the chairs. In its inner part, it is worth placing a piece of paper on which the name of the guest is written. Instead, a little surprise will do.
          • Arrange soft pillows in different colors on the chairs.
          • Complement the chairs with decorations based on the immediate style of the celebration (for example, it can be pirate sabers, space attributes, magic wands, and other similar elements).

          To decorate the table, you can choose a beautiful and bright tablecloth, lay out original folded napkins on it. In the evening, you should turn to elegant luminous garlands or combinations made up of burning candles.

          Interesting ideas for adults and children

          As stated above, the design of a birthday room depends on many factors. These include gender, age and even the professional activity of the birthday person (for example, there are a lot of ideas for decorating a teacher, educator, director).

          Consider some interesting ideas for elegant room decoration in different situations.

          If you are decorating a room for mom, grandmother, sister or girlfriend, a win-win solution would be to add balls. It will be possible to form original and large figures from them. If you are afraid to take on such creative work on your own, contact a professional decorator. Place all the balls and the figures formed from them across the entire area of ​​the room. Can be distributed in a specific spread or randomly - both options are allowed. Build an arched structure from balls in the entrance area.

          Decorate a room for a woman's birthday is much easier than for a man's birthday. Dads, grandfathers, brothers are often more fastidious. Here the "decorators" will have to act more deliberately and carefully. For example, for a man's sixtieth birthday, you should not decorate a room in pale pink or daring red colors with a predominance of flashy decor - such decisions may be more interesting for a teenager than for a birthday boy who will be 60 years old.

          Decorating the interior for a man's birthday, it is recommended to pay special attention to the decoration of the table. Complete it with a beautiful tablecloth. It can have a contrasting color, especially if the environment is dominated by calm shades. It is also permissible to decorate the table with candles in exquisite candlesticks. Decorated glasses will be useful. But in many cases it is better to refuse to add balloons to a gentleman's birthday.

          Many parents are puzzled by the question of how they can decorate a room. for the first anniversary of the child. If the baby has his own room, it is advisable to decorate it secretly from him. For this, it makes sense to send the child to his grandmother or to another room while you are doing the decoration work.

          Try to keep the child interested. Divide his room into several exciting areas where he and his friends can dine and have fun. In the second zone, it is worth fixing bright posters, photographs of a young birthday boy, streamers, beautiful handicrafts and other similar things. This will be a good solution.

          When it comes to birthday an adult child who turns 18, then cute animals and appliques may be inappropriate here. However, you can not refuse to decorate the interior with balls, lush flowers and ribbons. Pick up a lot of balls of original pastel shades, sprinkle the whole room with them. Against this background, the daughter's 18th birthday will be excellent.

          The girl will most likely want to take beautiful photographs against such a background.

          A bold decision would be to design in an unusual way. For example, it can be a kind of black-white-red party with decorations of similar colors. Wall crafts made of corrugated paper with funny skulls pasted on them is another interesting detail. Such a design can be prepared for the birthday of a son, whose age has not yet reached the age of majority.

          Son for 18 or 20 years old you should decorate the room with restraint, minimalism (it is recommended to adhere to the same rule if you are 30 or 35 years old). Try to use stylish, modern decorations. For example, pale pink balls may be superfluous, but black and white, blue or black and gold will look good. Try not to use a lot of ruffles and girly details.

          Birthday teenager a pleasant surprise will be a decoration in the form of a large collage or poster, which contains the best photos of him and his friends. Against the background of a minimalist decorated interior, such a detail will stand out perfectly!

          For the anniversary of the husband or father (for example, for the 50th or 60th birthday), you can prepare a gorgeous surprise for him - stick a large photo collage on the wall in the form of a number reflecting the age of the birthday boy. Such a collage should be made using old and more recent photographs of the hero of the occasion. Arrange the photographs so that guests can track in detail the period of growing up of the birthday boy. Usually, such decorations cause real delight in everyone and bring back many good memories.

          Beautiful examples

          Modern consumers have a lot of room decoration options for any celebrations, including a birthday. If you approach work responsibly, it is possible to get excellent results and to decorate the atmosphere smartly, which will surely please both the guests and the birthday person himself. Let's take a closer look at a few beautiful examples.

          An interesting design of a room in a dwelling or a hall in a cafe / restaurant will be a large figure that is performed by the birthday person. It can be made up of simple white balls. Subsequently, the decoration will look much brighter and more interesting due to the blue LED lights. The rest of the space should be decorated based on the gender of the hero of the occasion. If this is a man, you do not need to be zealous with this.

          A few blue and white balls under the ceiling and a beautifully designed table are enough.

          You can surprise a child on his birthday by decorating his room with a large number of multi-colored balloons under the ceiling with curling ribbons falling down. Above the bed, you can hang flags with letters composed in the sentence "Happy birthday!" All gifts in beautiful packaging should be neatly laid out on the child's bed. When a young birthday boy sees such a surprise, he will definitely be delighted!

          Any girl will be pleasantly surprised if, on her birthday, she leaves the room and into the living room, the ceiling of which seems to be “buried” in translucent gray and pink balls, and a lush bouquet of pink roses flaunts right below them on the coffee table.

          On a child's holiday, it is allowed to decorate the room not only with multi-colored helium balloons, but also with fluffy pom-poms descending on beautiful ribbons from the ceiling. Of course, do not forget about the attractive design of the festive table. It is worth picking up a cute tablecloth and cutting the food in an original way.

          For the 30th anniversary, you can resort to the original contrasting design: purchase black glossy balls and fix them on the floor, it is worth complementing them with golden balloons and transparent balloons with sparkles. A large golden number "30" will find its place between them.

          A very unusual solution is to decorate the room in a nautical style. To do this, you will need to stock up on a large number of decorations: fish, an anchor, an imitation mesh, a small wooden ladder, as well as multi-colored hanging pom-poms. It is worth sticking to white and blue colors so that the interior is as close to the marine theme as possible. In implementation, such an idea will turn out to be more complicated and expensive, but it will turn out to be very original and will definitely impress the birthday man and his guests.

          For information on how to beautifully decorate a room for a birthday, see the next video.

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