
How to decorate your birthday table in an original way?

How to decorate your birthday table in an original way?
  1. Design features
  2. Item overview
  3. Decorating ideas in different styles
  4. Tips & Tricks
  5. Beautiful examples

Birthday is a special holiday for everyone. In addition, this is a great occasion to get together with loved ones and relatives at the festive table. And in order for such gatherings to be remembered as something bright and interesting, it is worth considering in advance how the table itself will be decorated.

Design features

It is very important to take into account the character and interests of the birthday person when designing a place for celebration. You can set a festive table anywhere, even in a work office, at home or in a restaurant. The main thing is to stick to one topic. All the details selected for the decoration of the table must be combined with each other. When planning to decorate the birthday table with flowers or bouquets of leaves, you need to make sure that they are in good condition and do not crumble.

It is also necessary that the table setting corresponds to the level of the event and the location of the holiday. For family gatherings at home, something simpler and more homely is suitable, because the comfort of all guests is most important here. If you need to arrange a festive table for colleagues or plan the decor in an expensive restaurant, then everything should look more formal.

Item overview

When decorating a table, every detail counts. That's why you need to think over all the little things, even those that at first glance seem insignificant.


The first step is to think about the background for all the other details. The tablecloth should be elegant, corresponding to the mood of the celebration. But at the same time, it is important that she does not distract too much attention. The best option is a simple plain tablecloth. You can also use a canvas with a light pattern.

Bright fabrics with a catchy pattern are used only if some original theme is chosen. For example, if the holiday is held in Mexican style, you can choose a tablecloth with bright colors, if in a rustic one - with embroidery or fringe.

A do-it-yourself tablecloth will look original.

Any tablecloth should look neat. It is not allowed to have any dirt or streaks on it. It is also important to iron it in advance. To prevent the fabric from fidgeting on the countertop, you need to cover it with oilcloth in advance. Only then is it worth laying the tablecloth.


Another important step is the choice of dishes. Since there will be many different appetizers and main dishes on the festive table, you should not clutter it with plates. Plates are displayed according to the number of guests. It is best to use glass or ceramics. Plastic dishes are sometimes bought for the children's table. It is recommended to choose basic colors.

It is best to use for decorating a festive table, if not dishes from one set, then at least details that are ideally combined with each other. According to the norms of etiquette, the table should also contain plates for bread and small saucers for snacks.


Next, cutlery is laid out next to the plates. The main rule to follow is that the forks are on the left, and the spoons and knives are on the right. In this case, the knife must be laid with the blade to the plate, the spoon with the nose down, and the fork down with the cloves.

If the feast involves a change of dishes, for which different devices are needed, then the dining rooms are stacked closer to the plate, and the snack bars are farther. Dessert utensils are stacked behind a plate. They should lie parallel to the edge of the table.

This is done due to the fact that the dessert is always served at the end of the holiday.

You also need to choose and arrange the glasses correctly. The best option is glass or crystal products. There should be a separate container for each drink. The first step is to install water glasses. Next - glasses for wine, cognac and other spirits.


For a large festive feast, it is worth using cloth napkins. They look much more beautiful than paper ones, they do not spoil the created image. Good napkins can even become part of the decor. In this case, no additional elements are required. There are many ways to fold napkins in an original way. They make swans, flowers and other interesting figures. Here are some ideas that any housewife can translate into reality.

  • Crown. Several napkins are folded into neat triangles. They are placed in the shape of a crown. If necessary, they are sometimes fixed at the bottom.
  • Fan. The napkins are folded at an angle and arranged in a neat fan.
  • Bird. In this case, napkins neatly folded and laid out in a semicircle represent a tail.

All these compositions are simple, beautiful and are quite suitable for decorating a festive table in any style.


Such decoration is usually used when decorating a children's party. Bright colored balloons with helium floating above the table will cheer up the children. And at the end of the holiday they can even be handed out to guests as a souvenir.

However, the "adult" festive table can also be decorated in this way. If the table is decorated in light colors, then light translucent balls will perfectly fit into this picture. If desired, the balls can be additionally decorated with ribbons or tulle.


Flowers at the holiday are never superfluous. You can choose beautiful and original bouquets for the theme of any holiday. But it is best, of course, to give preference to the birthday boy's favorite flowers. You can also use something neutral, such as light-colored roses. When choosing such a living decoration, it is important to consider a few more points.

  1. You cannot choose flowers with very strong smells. First, some of the guests may be too sensitive to odors.Secondly, the aroma of flowers can “clog” the smell of delicious freshly prepared food.
  2. Some of the colors can be used in a more unusual way: disassemble them into petals and use to decorate the space between the plates. Also, the petals must be added to a vase of water along with candles. You will get a beautiful composition.
  3. Bouquets can be supplemented with fern or any other bright green leaves.

It is imperative to choose vases suitable for the bouquet. There are several options suitable for the holidays.

  1. Tall vases. In this case, the flowers will rise above the rest of the dishes and will in no way interfere with getting the food you need.
  2. Low vases. They should be nearly flat. In this case, the flower stems are cut very shortly, leaving almost the buds themselves.
  3. Original. In this case, you need to choose one beautiful vase that will stand in the center of the table.

You can also place small vases next to each set of appliances or fix the napkins with rings decorated with a living flower.


When choosing dishes, the wishes of the guests must be taken into account. The menu should be varied. It should include meat and fish dishes, and salads.

To pleasantly surprise guests with not only delicious, but also beautiful dishes, you need to additionally decorate them. To do this, you can use original figurines or flowers from vegetables or greens. The serving of the dish itself can also be unusual. They can be served separately neat sauceboats with all the necessary dressings.

The arrangement is also important. The main dishes are usually located in the center. Closer to the edges - salads and a variety of snacks. Drink bottles can also be decorated in some way so that they do not spoil the picture. For this, ribbons, original labels, flowers are used.

All these decorative elements should be in tune with the main details.


Candles can also be used to decorate the table. They will allow you to place the necessary accents and create a more comfortable atmosphere. Candles, of course, should not be bought aromatic, but ordinary ones. Choose the colors so that they fit organically into the overall picture. You can install candles in beautiful candlesticks.


The edible decor is another interesting detail not to be overlooked. In summer, you should pay attention to the watermelon baskets filled with fruits and berries. Everyone can make them with their own hands. And in winter you can surprise your guests with original snacks made from exotic fruits.

When choosing all these decorative details, the main thing is not to overdo it. It is necessary not to put everything on the table at once, but to decide on the style, choosing the decor for it.

Decorating ideas in different styles

The general concept of the holiday must be thought out in advance. There are several universal ideas that are suitable for those who do not know what to start from when organizing a gala event.

Seasonal holiday

The easiest way to arrange a holiday is based on the season in which the birthday boy was born. This idea will suit both a woman and a man. For example, on an autumn birthday, the table should be covered with a tablecloth made in warm colors. Napkins should be matched to the tone, and decorate the free space with yellow autumn leaves or branches with rowan berries. You can serve jam in beautiful vases and various "gifts of nature" in different dishes.

You can do the same with other seasons. In winter, you can decorate the table with fresh spruce branches and snowflakes, in summer - with wildflowers and bright napkins, and in spring - with candles and the first plants that have awakened from winter sleep.

Pirate style

Children will love the original holiday, where they can feel like pirates, princesses or heroes of their favorite stories. It is easy to set a table for such an event. For a pirate-style holiday, you need to choose a striped tablecloth, original napkins and wooden coasters for dishes.

You also need to leave room for all sorts of decorative little things. At the children's party, you should also use edible decorations.


This understated style is something universal. You can organize both a work holiday and a home.

When decorating a festive table, you should use light pastel shades and fresh flowers. The decor should be minimal, and the serving should be classic. A colleague, husband or mother will like the holiday.

Tips & Tricks

When all the basic details have been thought out, you can move on to additional tips that will help to hold the event at a high level.

It is very important to think over the menu, starting from where and for whom the holiday is organized. If the venue is an office, then only appetizers and a simple dessert are best served. These can be cupcakes, light fruit desserts, or fruit skewers. The first and hot dishes should be discarded. When organizing an event in a sauna for alcohol and other drinks, you need to choose a simple but hearty snack. A great option is meat and fish delicacies.

Another important point to consider is the number of guests and their preferences. You need to think over a seating plan in advance.

If there are children, this should also be taken into account and separate snacks and drinks should be prepared for them.

Beautiful examples

The easiest way to understand how to make a festive table beautiful and original is by looking at simple examples.

French style holiday

Lovers of French culture will love this sophisticated event. The main colors used in the design are white, beige, lavender and green. For decoration, you can use both fresh flowers and lavender.

Glasses, bottles and napkins should be decorated with twine, ribbons and other details. Good wine and traditional snacks are served at the table, such as fruits, cheeses, dark chocolate.

Sweet birthday

A children's party can also be made special. Little princesses will love the sweet table with muffins, cream cakes and sweets. The primary colors are white and red. Extra decor is not really needed here. Drinks can be served in beautiful straw glasses.

Paying a little more attention to the festive table, you can organize an unforgettable holiday for your loved ones.

How beautiful and tasty to arrange a sweet table for children, see the video.

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