
Birthday contests for children and adults

Birthday contests for children and adults
  1. Games for children
  2. Entertainment for adults at a children's party
  3. Joint options

Organization of a holiday for a child is always a serious task for parents. It is necessary to think over not only the menu for the feast, but also to make sure that every guest has fun at his birthday. At the same time, it is important to understand that not only children need entertainment, but also adults who need to be occupied with something interesting. We bring to your attention the ideas of various contests that will help you have a fun and exciting time.

Games for children

Many will agree that it is not so easy to get a child interested, but what if we are talking not about one child, but a whole group of children who want to have fun? Well, there are a lot of contests that will bring great pleasure to your guests and leave only pleasant memories of the festive event. For some entertainment, it is necessary to prepare an arsenal in advance in order to immediately start performing tasks.

One of the fun and easy games is Crazy Egg. To do this, you will need a set of plastic plates, as well as boiled eggs, which must first be dyed. Two stools are placed on opposite sides of the room. The kids need to be divided into two teams and told the conditions of the game, which are to transfer eggs in teaspoons from one chair to another.

Of course, this must be done carefully so that everything remains safe and sound. The winner is the team that coped faster than its competitors and brought the most eggs.

If older children are present at the holiday, you can make adjustments to the conditions of the competition so that the participants carry spoons not in their hands, but in their teeth, or pass the egg to each other, it will be even more fun.

For children, you can arrange a contest "Fanta", which will be exciting and very funny. It is necessary to hand out a piece of paper to everyone, on which you will need to write a wish (parents should help with this). After that, the notes are sent to a hat or box and taken out by the kids in turn. If the kids cannot come up with ideas for assignments, you can prepare them in advance: draw the birthday boy, hug all the guests, dance, jump or read a verse. Here you can show all your imagination, besides, this is an opportunity to participate with your parents.

For the youngest guests there will be a fun game called "Find a crocodile". For this, one clothespin is enough, which throughout the evening will imperceptibly wander from one participant to another. It will be necessary to announce the loss of a crocodile from time to time, and the kids will immediately start searching, while the clothespin can be attached to clothes, hidden under a napkin, or even thrown into someone's pocket.

Don't forget about the winner's reward, so think about the prizes in advance, which might be candy, drawing supplies, or small toys.

Children love to play adults, so why not arrange a "Bankers" competition for them. For this entertainment, a glass jar and pre-purchased souvenir bills, as well as coins will be enough. It is also necessary to pre-cut paper, fabric and foil, resembling money. All the requisites should be sent to the container in such a way that it would be difficult for the participants to calculate the amount. Then the bank starts up in a circle, and everyone tries to figure out how much money is inside, writing down on a separate piece of paper. After that, it remains to get everything out of the container, count together and reward the one who was closest to the correct answer.

Entertainment for adults at a children's party

Most of all, kids have fun at children's parties, but parents can arrange a solemn part just as well. Here are some ideas for fun with adults. A rope is attached to the wall, on which children's socks hang, each of them has a special task - a verse on a specific topic, dance, various exercises, an image of an animal. Each parent in turn comes up and blindly takes the task, and then completes it.

Here you can show all your imagination by coming up with the most unusual tasks, for example, to dance a lambada, come up with a story about a birthday boy, build something from available tools (napkins, a toothpick, scotch tape).

The next game is familiar to many, so it can be used at a children's party as well. We are talking about changing your wardrobe for half an hour, it will be pretty funny and very exciting. All kinds of things are put into a bag, be it stretched pajama pants, shorts, a hat, underwear, glasses with a toe, maybe even shoes with heels. Then the music kicks in and the content is passed from hand to hand.

As soon as the melody is on a pause, the one who is currently holding the bag must blindly get the first thing that comes across and put it on. Rest assured your guests will look ridiculous, but it will only cheer you up and make everyone laugh. At the end, you can hold a fashion show, and then vote for the best outfit and give the winner some kind of prize.

If the holiday is held in a spacious room or outdoors, you can play the "Flock of Fish" game. All participants should be divided into two or three teams. Each of them is given a paper fish measuring 20-25 cm, which must be tied to the belt so that the tail touches the floor. The teams choose their color and then begin the battle. As soon as the presenter gives a signal, the parents start running after each other, trying to step on their opponent's fish, while it is not allowed to touch anything with their hands. The winner is the team in which there are more "whole" participants.

Joint options

Since the holiday is celebrated with the parents, it is a good idea to run some contests where families can participate. This is a great opportunity to show team skills, support each other and even try to win a prize, and it will also give a lot of pleasure to children who sometimes lack attention from moms and dads.


If the holiday is organized outdoors, you can play a game where you need to hit the target. It is necessary to draw a large circle on the asphalt with chalk, inside which there are two more. Then the participants are divided into teams and take turns trying to hit the center of the figure with a tennis ball. The outer largest circle is worth one point, and with each next the number increases. Play fun music in the background to create an atmosphere.

Inflatable balloons are an essential attribute of a birthday party, so they can be used as a props for a competition. Adults, together with their children, come up with various tasks, write them on pieces of paper and put them inside the ball. The next step is to put the props together and inflate one at a time. Form a circle in which the children will dance, and place the balls inside. As soon as the music stops, the kids must quickly take the balloon, burst it and, together with their parents, complete the written task.

The next game is very fun and creative enough. Children stand one after another, album sheets are fixed on the back of each, and markers are issued. The guys should draw a cartoon character or some object on the person standing in front of them. As for adults, they can also play, but with one condition - they must guess what the neighbor painted on their back. You can be sure that you will laugh enough, and it will be interesting for children to express themselves through drawings.

There is also a very fun competition where participants have to collect small items as quickly as possible. First you need to prepare props, it can be bottle caps, pencils, corks, small toys, kinders, etc. But the most ridiculous is the condition, because you need to collect all this not with your hands, but with your toes. Guests will love this competition, because it is interesting not only to participate in it, but even to observe, you will laugh a lot.


Contests should be interesting, entertaining and delightful, so you will surely like the next option. It is attended by two people, it can be both adults and children. Players are blindfolded and plates are placed on their heads. Participants then receive a teaspoon each to scoop up the cornflakes and fill their container with them. However, you can use marshmallows or cotton wool to avoid getting dirty or littering.

Children are delighted with this, perhaps no one will benefit, but everyone will laugh, and this is the main thing. You can solve riddles at the table, but you need to carefully prepare for this, find interpretation questions. Children participate in this competition together with their parents. The presenter asks a riddle, and whoever raises his hand first, gives the correct answer, gets a point.

Another interesting game with minimal requisites is "Drawing". To do this, it is enough to prepare sheets of paper and a marker. First, you need to discuss what will be shown in the drawing - an animal, a machine, a creature, a person, etc. The first participant draws the upper part, then folds the sheet so that the sketch cannot be seen, marks the tip of his part of the drawing and passes on.

The next one draws his own segment and bends the sheet again. The result is a very interesting creature that you can come up with a name for. As you can see, a children's party can be exciting not only for kids, but also for a company of adults, if you try a little, collect ideas and prepare various props.

A few more options for interesting contests for the holiday are in the video below.

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