
Birthday contests and games for adults

Birthday contests and games for adults
  1. Funny and simple table games
  2. Mobile contests for different companies
  3. What to play given the location of the party?

Coming up with interesting contests and games for the birthday of adults is not an easy task. It is necessary to take into account the age of the guests, their preferences, the interests of the birthday person himself. Ready-made funny games for a fun company, entertainment for the home, available for indoor or outdoor activities, will help save the day, will delight guests at the party.

Funny and simple table games

When coming up with birthday entertainment for adults, you shouldn't limit your imagination. Even with minimal props, fun games suitable for a feast can be organized. Entertainment programs with balls or prizes, funny riddles will help defuse the atmosphere. In the most difficult situations, modern and classic games will come to the aid of the organizer of the holiday, capable of uniting even a company of people unfamiliar with each other.


There are many ideas for contests in which one of the guests has to guess something. For your birthday, you should choose the most fun and harmless of them.

  1. "Guess who?". You will need adhesive stripe stickers and markers to run the competition. The names of objects or the names of characters are written on pieces of paper. The leaves are fixed on the back. Each guest will have to guess who he is, simply by asking leading questions to others.
  2. "Song without Words". A team competition that allows you to quickly introduce and unite guests. They are divided into groups, they are given leaflets with the names of popular, well-known songs. After a short preparation, the guests will have to depict the plot of the piece of music they have received with the help of gestures and facial expressions.
  3. "An evening of memories". Each of the guests describes to the birthday boy some event that connects them with just 3 words. As a basis, you can take the time and place of acquaintance or other memorable moments. If the birthday man guesses, the guest receives a prize; in case of a mistake, the main character of the celebration will have to fulfill someone else's wish.

Question answer

For this game, you will have to prepare a set of cards with questions and answers in advance. They are mixed separately for each group. Then they are put into hats or bags. The leader draws a card with a question, and the player takes an answer at random. The funnier and more unusual the prepared options are, the more fun the competition will be. This is a great way to defuse the atmosphere at the table if the guests are not yet familiar with each other.

"Broken phone"

A classic game that can be used to organize birthday entertainment. Its essence is simple: the presenter says in the ear of 1 participant in the chain the word or phrase to be transmitted. From guest to guest, it is pronounced so that it is not heard by other participants. The last in the chain says aloud what has reached him. The more difficult a given word is to pronounce, the more fun the game turns out to be.


The most favorite contests at any feast are connected with songs. In this case, guests are divided into teams: on different sides of the table, with families or at random, but so that it is convenient to discuss the tactics of the game. There are three interesting ideas for competitions.

  1. "Questions and answers". Guests are divided into teams. The first sings a line from a popular song containing a question. The second team must find and sing a musical answer in 20-30 seconds. Guests who did not find the right line leave the fight.
  2. Drunken Songs. Guests should remember as many works related to alcoholic beverages as possible. The mention of them does not have to be present in the title. The survey is carried out in a chain with the elimination of participants who did not remember the desired work.
  3. "Guess the ending song." Assignments are prepared on cards. They indicate 1–4 lines of the ending of the song. The task of the team is to remember and name or sing the entire piece.

This is just a small part of the popular song contests. You can use other ideas that are appropriate during the feast, show imagination and ingenuity to amuse guests.


Even sitting at the table, it is quite possible to have fun. It is enough to offer guests memorable entertainment.

  1. "Congratulations from the heart." For this competition, you will need a sheet of paper or several, if there are many guests, a paper clip and a pen. The presenter writes a common phrase at the top with the name of the birthday man. The sheet is then passed on to the first guest. He reads the wish, bends it in the opposite direction, writes his own phrase, the next guests do the same - humor is welcomed, because in the finale the hero of the occasion will read the resulting collective congratulation aloud.
  2. "Collection". Guests are provided with a set of objects, it is proposed to guess what meaning they carry. Usually, the set is compiled according to the first letters of the name of the hero of the occasion, but a more complex plot can be encrypted. The guest who has put forward the correct version will receive “trophies” as a prize - things from an improvised collection. You can take fruits or sweets for these purposes.
  3. "Culinary Vinaigrette". If the guests are bored, but are not yet ready for active games, you can offer them a new version of the well-known game “Cities”. Only instead of toponyms, use the names of products or dishes. Those players who cannot continue the chain are eliminated.
  4. "Praise". Guests will have to pay compliments to the owner of the house or the hero of the day. All answers are recorded, you cannot repeat it, but the moderator can suggest possible options. Anyone who cannot come up with a decent answer is eliminated. The more magnificent and flowery the compliments are, the better.

If the guests do not know each other, a blitz competition can be held to learn more about the members of the gathered company. The presenter needs to draw up a set of characteristics for each guest, enter them on the cards. You can indicate the profession, gender, hobbies - interview guests in advance, making the verbal portraits as interesting and non-standard as possible.

Guessing who is a climber in the company, and who is mastering alpine skiing in their free time, is much more interesting than just sitting and bored, immediately forgetting the names of the neighbors on the table.

Fun dance entertainment

In order for the guests not to get too bored sitting at the table, it is worth diversifying the entertainment. For example, offer guests dance competitions in which they can show themselves from an unexpected side.

  1. "Dance Journey". For the competition, you will first have to select incendiary music typical for different countries of the world. Guests will dance to it. It is best to start with relatively slow compositions, gradually picking up the tempo. Whoever manages to complete the entire marathon to the end will emerge as the winner. In addition, the birthday person can institute his own awards: for the most incendiary or daring dance, for a sense of rhythm.
  2. "Dancing on the Newspaper". Doubles or singles competition, during which participants must perform their steps exclusively on the surface of a sheet of printed press spread on the floor. The difficulty lies in the fact that with each change of melody, the area of ​​the paper dance floor decreases - it is folded up. The longer the participant manages to hold out, the better.
  3. "This is a pair dance." Participants of the competition are divided into pairs, one of their legs is tied. After this, short pieces of music are included, under which the newly-minted dancers must together depict suitable movements. Those who do not cope - drop out. This competition is especially suitable for companies in which everyone has known each other for a long time.
  4. "Change of image". Guests in the form of a lottery get various accessories and wardrobe items to be used in the dance. This can be a wig, cowboy hat, scarf and felt boots. The most resourceful and artistic participants are awarded prizes.

Dance competitions are difficult to hold indoors. For such entertainment, rented venues are more suitable: restaurant halls or banquet halls. In this case, the guests will have a place to turn around.

Mobile contests for different companies

In order for the guests not to get bored, the birthday person or the one who took on the role of the host will have to make some efforts. The easiest way is to offer the participants easy tasks that do not require special skills or experience. A quick change of activity, alternation of calm and active activities will make the holiday pleasant for both the birthday person and the guests. The best version of the competition can be found in the selection with an overview of the most interesting entertainment.

For big

The more people participate in the entertainment, the better. This rule should be followed when looking for suitable birthday contests.

  1. "Guess what". For this competition, a rope with objects fixed on it is pulled in the hall. Guests are blindfolded one by one, offering to guess by touch which objects they are touching. The more ambiguous the choice of items, the better. It is possible to prepare several ropes with different sets to confuse the guests.
  2. "Centipedes". Guests are divided into 2 teams, stand in a line, keeping their hands on the shoulders or waist of the previous participant. Then the centipedes receive tasks. You can invite them to run around the obstacle as quickly as possible, and then return to the finish line. To complicate the task will allow squatting or the need to move "snake".
  3. "Waiters". In this competition, guests are divided into 2 teams of 5-7 people. They are given a tray, a large basket with balls is set at the start.Placing them on the tray, the players must go the distance, round the obstacle at the finish, and then return. Each subsequent participant puts another 1 ball on the tray, complicating the task.

The more guests, the more fun. In companies, it is good to have games that require agility contests, or fun, comic contests with creative overtones.

An excellent solution would be a competitive program in a competitive spirit for the women's and men's teams.

For a little

For a small company, contests that do not require division into pairs or teams are suitable. For example, "Chamomile" with tasks written on the petals. In addition, you can play Crocodile or arrange a competition for the most creative toast. Also, among the interesting entertainment for a small company, two more contests can be distinguished.

  1. "Zhmurki with a bell". Classic fun that can be played even indoors. The driver fixes bells or bells on his clothes, the rest of the players blindfold. Their task is to catch a person moving without a bandage, focusing only on sound. This is a fun outdoor game for a youth group.
  2. "The bottle is not by the rules." All tasks will concern the birthday boy. Guests write them on sheets of paper, roll them up into tubes, and then place them in the neck of the bottle. Then it is rotated. The one to whom the neck points should draw out the task and complete it.

What to play given the location of the party?

Fun outdoor or outdoor games can be played both indoors and outdoors. The choice of a country house or recreation center for such an event can be an excellent reason to use a variety of ideas when organizing entertainment. For example, in winter you can use skis, sledges, or test your accuracy in throwing snowballs. Summer is a great reason to organize a mini-quest in nature. However, even in the room there is always something to entertain guests and the birthday man.

In room

There is not much room left for active entertainment at home. But here you can organize games in a more relaxed atmosphere. For example, at home, forfeits are always perfectly organized - a traditional fun with a long history. In honor of the birthday, it will be up to the birthday person to decide what exactly the owner of the item will do.

Moreover, you can play a trick on the participants by offering them non-normal, but safe options for tasting food, such as soy sauce, tabasco, or lemon juice.


You can also organize a quiz or arrange "blind man's buffs". Blind tasting of drinks can be an interesting entertainment. The bravest and strongest men are chosen for her. After 3-4 changes of drinks, even ordinary water will be perceived differently.

Depending on the season, outdoor activities may involve the use of a wide variety of equipment. Guests who have grown up from childhood are usually happy to immerse themselves in an atmosphere of carefree fun. At the dacha or in the courtyard of a country house, at a picnic in the forest in winter, you can organize a relay race with a sleigh. Suitable "ice" or "cheesecake", hunting "drag". The more capacity the inventory has, the better. Then act consistently.

  1. A long rope is tied to the sled. 1 set per team.
  2. A volunteer or the strongest participant from each group goes “to the opposite bank” - he is a ferryman.
  3. The rest remain at the start. 1 person sit in the sleigh. The ferryman ferries them to his place.
  4. The freed sleds are delivered to the start. Whoever manages to transport all team members to the finish line first won.
  5. If during the crossing the sled turns over, the fallen person is eliminated from the game. The winner is also determined by the number of guests transported.

Winter relay races and games can be significantly diversified using the appropriate equipment. Snowballs, mini-skis and sledges will do, you can even create an impromptu obstacle course or blind 2 snow fortresses in advance, declaring the courtyard to be the territory of battles for the kingdom, or build a labyrinth of ice blocks.

  1. "Snow bullfight". Bull masks are prepared for the guests. The presenter picks up a red cloth - even a tablecloth will do. 3-4 people on command rush to the "bullfighter", trying to hit the "cloak" with their horns. The one who succeeds is declared the winner, the most successful bulls fight in repeated rounds.
  2. Ski relay. Guests are divided into teams. Then they put on mini-skis and start, trying to go around the obstacle as quickly as possible, to come to the finish line. The team that succeeds faster than others wins.
  3. Accuracy check. To play you will need a target with the specified points and snowballs. Participants are given 5 attempts. The one who scores more points than others by throwing snowballs will win.

Outdoor games in summer are even more varied. For example, you can have a broomstick race armed with a traditional janitorial inventory. Jumping with such an equipment between your legs is not too easy. The game is suitable for organizing a team relay if the guests are dressed appropriately. Ladies in tights and stockings, on heels, are unlikely to like such entertainment.

For a summer birthday celebration, the quest with riddles will be the best choice as entertainment. Hints are hidden on the site, guests are supplied with cards, and the hidden prize will be a worthy reward for the winner. At one of the stages, the birthday person can expect them with a portion of riddles. This will make him feel like a full-fledged host of the holiday.

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