
Birthday contests and games

Birthday contests and games
  1. How to entertain guests at home?
  2. Interesting contests to celebrate in a cafe
  3. Entertainment for different companies
  4. Options for different ages

Preparing for your birthday, you need to add several interesting contests and games to the festive program. They will cheer everyone up and help to stir up the company of guests.

How to entertain guests at home?

Gathering guests at home, entertainment for them should be more relaxed. After all, too noisy celebration can cause discontent among people living in the neighborhood.

At the table

Simple table contests will appeal to both children and adults. They can be carried out during breaks between dances.

  1. “Culinary Expert”. This competition is held on the same principle as the city game. But instead of the names of different settlements, guests pronounce the names of the dishes. For example, the first player calls the word "meatballs". The task of the next guest is to choose the name of the dish starting with the letter "I". The winner is the one who knows more words on the culinary theme.
  2. "Who am I?". This game is familiar to many. To carry it out, the presenter will need a marker with pieces of paper. On each of them you need to write the name of any character from a fairy tale, film or book. Next, the leaves are folded into a vase or hat and mixed thoroughly. Each participant takes out a piece of paper and glues it on his forehead using decorative tape. When everyone is ready, players start guessing their characters. A person can ask any questions to which others answer "yes" or "no." It's worth playing until all the riddles are solved.
  3. "Compliments for the birthday girl." To hold this competition, everyone must be divided into two equal teams. Each of them must be given a piece of paper and a pen.On them, all participants try to write as many compliments as possible for the birthday girl. After a minute, the time allotted for the task ends. Guests begin to read out compliments. The team that managed to remember more warm words dedicated to the birthday girl wins. Any girl or woman will be pleased to hear compliments addressed to you.

Representatives of the older generation will gladly take part in modern sit-down competitions.

Fun outdoor games

Dance and outdoor games will help cheer up bored guests.

  1. "Dress up your couple." To conduct it, all participants must be divided into pairs in advance. Each of them should be given a bag containing similar sets of clothing. The eyes of the participants in the game need to be tied with a ribbon. On command, one of the pair must touch the other. Whoever copes with this task first becomes the winner. To make the competition more fun and interesting, you need to choose in advance unusual sets of clothes, as well as funny accessories.
  2. "Dancing with balls". All comers should be divided into pairs and given one balloon at a time. At the signal of the presenter, music is turned on. Couples begin to dance, trying to keep their belly ball. The winner is the couple who manage not to drop or burst it.
  3. "Guess the story." For this original dance competition, the host prepares several notes with different situations. Their participants will have to act out in dances. All other guests at this time will guess what kind of situation the couple is showing. It could be a family scene or some kind of fairy tale story.
  4. “Couples in reverse”. To conduct this competition, the participants must be divided into pairs. The guy and the girl stand with their backs to each other. They are tied with a ribbon or rope. At the same time, their arms and legs remain free. The task of such a couple is to dance a waltz, tango or any other dance. What is happening from the outside looks very funny. Such a show will cheer up both the birthday man and the guests of the holiday.

It is best to alternate active contests and mind games. In this case, guests will not get tired and bored.

Interesting contests to celebrate in a cafe

A party in a restaurant or cafe can be held with or without props.

  1. "Greedy". For this competition, you can use the remains of the balls that were used to decorate the room. They should be scattered throughout the room. When the participants in the game are ready, the presenter should turn on loud and fast music. The task of the players is to collect as many balls as possible in a minute and hold them in their hands.
  2. "Draw a birthday boy." This simple competition is suitable for any company. To conduct it, guests will need a large drawing paper and a marker. All participants need to be blindfolded. Each of them in turn comes to the Whatman paper. The presenter names a specific part of the birthday person's body. The participant must draw it. The portrait, created by several guests, turns out to be funny and unusual.
  3. "Terem-teremok". For the competition, all guests must be divided into two teams. Each of them must be given a sheet of Whatman paper. While the presenter reads a well-known fairy tale, the participants take turns on the sheet. The task of the team is to accommodate all the heroes in the "house". The smaller the Whatman paper, the more interesting the show will be.

If the event takes place in a karaoke bar, the company can take part in a thematic competition. The birthday boy or a jury consisting of several guests determines the best singer.

Entertainment for different companies

When choosing contests and games, the composition of the company also plays an important role. So, quiet entertainment is better suited for small family gatherings. It will be more interesting for a large company to play active games.

For big

One of these games is called Overcome the Obstacle. This game is great for a young company. In the center of the room, you need to put chairs and pull a rope between them. The guy's task is to take the girl in his arms and step over the rope with her. After the first couple has completed this task, the second couple must complete it. Next, you need to pick up the rope and do it all over again. The rope must be lifted until there is only one pair left that is able to cope with the task.

It will be interesting to play forfeits in a large company. All participants can come up with tasks. They are written down on pieces of paper. After that, all forfeits are mixed. The guests take turns taking out the pieces of paper and learn what they need to do. The choice of tasks depends only on the imagination of the company participants.

If the party takes place at home, guests can also play Mafia, Twister or other board games.

For a little

Suitable contests can also be found for a small company.

  1. "Draw a picture." All guests should be provided with printed or hand-drawn drawings. Each of them should be missing some details. The guests' task is to show their imagination and finish drawing what he sees in the picture. The drawings are different. The winner is the one whose picture looks the most original and funny.
  2. "Clap the song." To conduct this competition, you need to write the names of popular songs on the cards. Then each guest should get one of the pieces of paper and try to clap the hidden melody. The rest of the guests must guess this song. The winner is the one who recognizes the most melodies.

These games are perfect for a family event.

Options for different ages

You can arrange an interesting holiday with games and contests for both young children and adults or elderly family members. The choice of entertainment very often depends on the age of the guests.

Children's birthday

To hold a children's holiday that kids will definitely remember, it is worth choosing active games and the best creative contests.

  1. "Throw in the ball." All children invited to the holiday can take part in this competition. They should be divided into two teams. Stretch a colored tape between the two chairs. It will play the role of a volleyball net. Each participant in the game must be given one balloon. At the signal from the presenter, the kids begin to throw light balls over the tape. After 2-3 minutes, the presenter stops the game. The team that managed to throw more balls to the side of the opponents wins.
  2. "Set of letters". This game is also great for kids' company. The guys need to be divided into 2-3 teams. Each group of participants is given the same set of cards with letters by the facilitator. The task of the players is to put together words from these letters. For each of them, the team receives one point. The group with the most words wins.
  3. "Postcard for the birthday boy." To carry out this creative game, you need to prepare a large Whatman paper and finger paints in advance. The sheet must be fixed on the wall at the level of the child's height. Each child in turn comes to the "postcard" and draws some detail. The finished drawing is handed over to the birthday person or the birthday girl.
  4. "Substitution". This funny competition will appeal to children of primary school age. It involves three people. Three plates are placed in front of the presenters. They contain slices of banana, cake and candy. After that, the children are blindfolded. The task of the participants is to eat their delicacy hands-free as quickly as possible. The catch is that after the player is blindfolded, the host changes the food on each plate. So, banana is replaced by lemon, and cake is replaced by carrots.
  5. "Air bouquets". Several pairs of children participate in the game. The host distributes them colored balloons, sticks for attaching them and threads. The task of each pair is to inflate the balloons as quickly as possible and tie them to the "stem". After the end of the competition, children can hold a mini-competition for the brightest or funniest "bouquet".
  6. "Chain". To conduct this competition, the host will also need a pre-prepared props. He must give each participant a box of colored paper clips. At the command of the presenter, the children begin to "weave" chains out of them. The winner is the participant who manages to make the longest "garland" in two minutes.
  7. "Kangaroo". This relay option is great for kids of all ages. All participants must be divided into two teams. Each of them is given an apron with a pocket in front. Two stools are installed at a distant distance from them. Fruits, toys or any other things that can fit in your pocket are laid out on them. The task of the participants is to jump to a chair, put an object in their pocket and go back. After that, the child passes the apron to the next player. The winner is the team that manages to quickly move all items from one part of the room to another.

Contests and games for youth

To celebrate a birthday in the company of girlfriends and friends 20-25 years old, you can also pick up many entertaining contests and games.

One of them is called "Crocodile". To conduct it, the guests must be divided into 2 teams. For a representative of one group, the leader thinks out a word and sets the task: to show it with facial expressions and movements, without uttering a sound. The rest of the team members need to understand exactly what their friend is showing. After guessing, the same task is given to a representative of the other team. To make the game more fun, the words for the competition should be chosen complex and funny.

There is another version of the same game. In it, the hidden word should not be shown, but slowly drawn on the board or whatman paper.

In addition, organizers can choose a couple of alcoholic contests and games for the youth holiday.

  1. "Russian roulette". To carry out this game, you need to pour water into five glasses and one vodka. Participants come to the table and take turns drinking the chosen drink, trying not to give out which of them got a glass of vodka. The audience's task is to guess who got the alcohol.
  2. "Guess the drink." The essence of this game is extremely simple. All participants are blindfolded with ribbons. Glasses with various alcoholic beverages are placed in front of them. The guests take turns sipping from each of them. The winner is the one who manages to guess all the drinks. The losers can come up with symbolic punishments. In this case, for each incorrectly named answer, the player will perform some task from the guests.
  3. "Poisoned Apple". This game has a lot in common with the previous one. Each participant is given three apples. The player's task is to guess which of them the presenter has injected with wine or brandy in advance using a syringe.
  4. "I never…". This game is popular among young people. She belongs to the category of drinking. You can play it both with close friends and with colleagues or acquaintances. To begin with, all guests are poured a glass of any chosen drink. One of the participants in the game voices any statement. For example, he says that he never jumped with a parachute or was not abroad. The people who have done this are drinking their drink. After that, the next participant says his words. You can play in this way for several rounds in a row. This game will help guests get to know each other better.

Such contests can be held both at the beginning and at the very end of the evening.

Fun for a family holiday

Children and grandchildren can make a great party for their grandparents. The following contests are suitable for holding such a birthday.

  1. "We come from childhood." For this competition, you should ask all invited guests to take a couple of children's photos with them to the holiday. During the feast, these pictures must be mixed. After that, the presenter takes turns taking out the cards, and the guests try to guess who is shown in the photo. Guests 60-65 years old will be pleased to remember their childhood and youth, as well as to feel nostalgic for times gone by.
  2. "The catch phrase." This competition will also appeal to a small group of relatives and friends. The presenter writes well-known phrases from old films on pieces of paper in advance. At the table, he reads them out to the guests. The company's task is to guess from which movie this phrase is. This game can be complicated if desired. In this case, guests will have to guess not only the name of the movie, but also the name of the character to whom this phrase belongs.
  3. "Competition of ditties". Such entertainment will appeal to those birthday people who love to sing folk songs and ditties. All guests must be gathered in a circle. After that, the presenter turns on funny music. The guests begin to pass the "magic" apple to each other. As soon as the melody stops, the person in whose hands it turned out to be performing the ditty. Short lyrics should be prepared in advance. The winner is the guest whose ditty amused the audience the most.

Correctly chosen contests and games will make the evening fun and memorable. In order for all guests to leave the holiday in a good mood, you can pick up small prizes for them, for example, souvenirs, photographs or sweets.

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