
Man's birthday celebration

Man's birthday celebration
  1. Features of the organization
  2. Contests and games
  3. Festive table
  4. How to congratulate?
  5. Scenario examples overview
  6. Advice

Men only at first glance seem indifferent to the subtleties of design, to details. But a properly organized and bright holiday also evokes a storm of positive emotions in them.

Features of the organization

Organization of a men's holiday requires a slightly different approach than in the case of a women's celebration. Despite the outward restraint, most men also expect something special on their birthday. And this feature is due to the character, preferences and lifestyle of a person.

Men who are always in the spotlight usually prefer minimalism in everything.

The best holiday for this type of people is a party for two: a husband and wife. With this approach to business, you need to dress quite festively and have a romantic dinner. With age, such celebrations are replaced by family gatherings.

Men who love noisy companies do not refuse a large-scale themed holiday with a large number of guests. These are, as a rule, relatives, friends, work colleagues. Banquets organized in a special way are suitable for such young people. We are talking about nautical holidays, cowboy parties, retro events and so on. A win-win option for a holiday is always a barbecue in the fresh air. With the proper approach to organizing such an event, the evening party will be characterized not just by eating meat, but by an active pastime.

Both for one type of young people and for another, traditional approaches to the overall design of a room cannot be ignored. The use of balloons, candles and flower arrangements will be appropriate.The main thing in this business is a sense of proportion. It is better to make various compositions out of balloons, rather than simply decorate the walls with them. Cars made of balloons, little men, always look good at a men's holiday. If it becomes necessary to decorate the walls with balls, then, if this is not an official reception, you can make and hang various animals, sabers and so on.

When registering, the age of the man should be taken into account. Older people will not understand the abundance of balloons. Here you can restrict yourself to the figure of a boy or grandparents.

At the men's holiday, as well as at the women's, children's, congratulatory banners and posters with the best moments in life will always be relevant. Flowers are used primarily as table decorations. These should be short and not very wide compositions. Otherwise, they will block the treats. As for the decoration of dishes, then any person will be pleased to see the efforts in his honor. Salads can be served properly. The menu should be dominated by meat dishes, chicken, duck, piglet, ideally served with carcasses.

Dancing, music, contests and games are the ingredients that no party can do without. The holiday of a man in this case is no exception.

Contests and games

The choice of contests and games should be started based on the preferences of the birthday person, the location of the holiday and the number of guests. For a small company, you need to select original entertainment, reminiscent of home gatherings. In large companies, as a rule, guests know little of each other, which must be taken into account when organizing a holiday. As for the venue, it certainly influences the choice of competitions, but is not the main criterion. A variety of activities can be selected for home parties, public celebrations and outdoor celebrations.

For home

A feast at home is organized taking into account the free space in the house or apartment. Below is a list of table games that don't require a lot of space.

Contest "Reincarnation"

Two sacks are brought into the room. In one - men's things, and in the other - women's. Men dress up women for a while, and then women dress up men. The one who coped faster won. In this form, the guests should stay for some time. At the table, each character pulls out a task that must be performed by him: to do hair, make-up, sing, dance or swaddle a child, walk on a hairpin, dance a waltz, and so on. Friendship wins.

Contest "Puss in a pouch"

The host is holding a bag with unknown contents. Each guest tries to guess by touch what is in the bag. If he guessed it, the content remains his present, and if not, then the loser fulfills the birthday boy's wish or makes a toast. As the content, two tangerines glued to each other are used (if there are no guests at the table, then it can be combined with a banana), just a banana and other comic attributes.

Competition "Mummy"

Teams of 2 people are selected. The task of the players is to wrap the partner with toilet paper from head to toe. The winner is the one who is ahead of the rivals.

Celebrating in a cafe

The good thing about celebrating a birthday in a cafe is that, first of all, you don't have to worry about keeping quiet. And, secondly, the hostess does not need to be distracted by serving guests. In all entertainments, she can take an active part.

Competition "For a friend"

Guests are divided into 2 teams. Their task is to take turns to run to the table and drink a glass to the birthday boy without hands. Dishes should be plastic, and something for a snack should also be provided. The first team to complete the circle wins.

Signaling competition

Participants are divided into teams of 3 people. They draw forfeits, where it is indicated what sound should be on their alarm. It could be the crowing of a rooster, the whistling of a kettle, or the snoring of a person. Whose alarm was louder and more harmonious, they won.

Competition "In the image"

Participants draw out a fant, where it is indicated in what way they should portray the hero of the occasion. This can be a loving husband, boss, work colleague, brother, father, etc.

Festive table

The festive table is, to some extent, part of the overall decor. If you want to impress the hero of the occasion and his guests, then the menu and table setting must also be carefully thought out.

It is clear that meat dishes should prevail at the men's holiday. But you shouldn't give up salads either, because men, like women, are not averse to paying attention to an original and beautifully designed appetizer. If certain tones prevail in the general color scheme, for example, red, blue and others, then, if desired, the appearance of all dishes can also be given a similar color.

For these purposes, you can use dyes, herbs, or sprinkle the dish with grated yolk, protein or beets.

For serving, it is preferable to use plain dishes: white, black, brown. Napkins should also be solid.

The highlight of any holiday is the cake. Today, you can order any type of option from the craftswomen. This can be a kebab cake, a treasure chest, or a beer mug. The idea for the cake should reflect the hobby or personality of the birthday person.

If the preparation for the holiday is carried out in advance, then the color scheme of the cake can be matched to the color of the room decoration. These subtleties are always striking and testify to meticulous work.

How to congratulate?

Men, unlike women, when listening to congratulations, first of all perceive not words, but pay attention to originality. For this reason, in order to surprise a loved one during a congratulation, you need to prepare a surprise for him. Surprises are chosen, again, based on the age and number of guests. It is better not to advertise something purely personal, but to leave it for a secluded atmosphere. But it is possible to present in an original way what a person has dreamed of for a long time in front of everyone.

Option number 1 "Matryoshka"

The gift is packed in a box that will fit it. Then that box is placed in a larger box, the next - in a larger box, and so you can as much as you like. To keep a person on their toes, there should be at least 5 boxes.

Each of them should be packaged as one: wrapping paper and tape.

Option number 2 "Rubik's cube"

You will need 4 boxes of the same size. They are glued together so that you can open it on each side. Gifts are laid on all sides and neatly sealed.

Option number 3 "Package"

The postman runs in and says that he has a package that he cannot deliver, since it is not specified to whom and from whom. He asks the birthday boy to touch the box and guess what is inside. After guessing about the content, you begin to guess from whom such mail could come. After comic bickering, the addressee appears and hands over a present with warm words.

Scenario examples overview

Preparing a script for a man's birthday should be started based on age. If the birthday person is 30, 36, 37 years old and no more, then the holiday should be lively. At this age, the man has not lost his enthusiasm and vital interest, so you can hold comic contests with dressing up and gambling.

(Guests arrive early, and the birthday person should be a little late. Ideally, the organized event will be a surprise for the hero of the occasion).

The man opens the door, and there guests are greeted with applause and whistling.

Host: Dear friend, you have become a year older, let's see if you have lost your former scent and dexterity (They close their eyes to the birthday man and bring out a tray with two glasses: in one of them - water, tea, compote, and in the other - alcohol, the birthday man's task is to choose what he will drink and determine the contents of the glass).

Host: Your scent is not lost with age, but what about your agility? (The assistants carry out a not very long rope, a fruit is tied to it, it can be anything). There is a key to the room near the fruit. The hero of the occasion must eat the fruit hands-free in order to get the key and enter the room where the table is set. After that, the guests go into the room and get ready to sit down at the table. The birthday boy approaches each place and takes a sheet with a question from there.

His task is to guess who the place is for. The guest, whose place is determined, gives a gift.

Host (after the guests have had a snack): It turns out that the owner of the house knows his guests well. Let's see if he can play the role of Sherlock Holmes and return the things stolen from them to the guests (an assistant enters the room, decorated with things, guests: a hat, a scarf, gloves, shoes, a tie, etc.).

Host: Enough of the guests to meet, you need to raise your asses.

Let's go out to dance to the lezginka.

And we will dance a Ukrainian

And then we'll go out with a polka,

And we will dance and sing, and then pour some more.

(Dances. Outdoor dances must be alternated with slow ones).

Host: We can dance well, but what if the enemy overcomes? You need to compete in accuracy so that there is someone to compete with.

Competition "The most accurate" (For the competition you will need children's pins or a slingshot with balls. If there are children at the holiday, then they should be the rivals of the birthday boy).

Host: We shot well, and now they have driven to the table. I say here in verse to surprise all of you (after the feast, the "Potential" competition is announced).

Contest "Stykhoplet". A sheet with a pen is started up in a circle, the first guest writes down a wish, each subsequent one should be in tune with the previous one. The result is a collective congratulation, which is glued to an impromptu wall postcard (Whatman paper).

Host: We wanted a lot here and piled a postcard, and now it's time for us to create a portrait of him (points to the hero of the occasion). The competition "Potret" is announced.

Competition "Portrait". Here you can make a division: "The birthday boy through the eyes of women", "The birthday boy through the eyes of men", children, and so on.

Congratulations from the doctor. (An assistant in a nurse's suit runs in with the words "view-view-view", and in his hands is a flashlight).

Doctor: Well, well, well. I smell something wrong! A man aged (points to the birthday boy), and they overfeed him here, re-solder him! And if the ulcer, and if the liver! We are urgently preparing for the inspection! The temperature is normal, the heart is pounding, but what about the coordination of movements? Walk along the line (spreads the scarf), sit down, jump on one leg (all remarks are accompanied by the appropriate movements of the doctor and the person she is speaking to. All guests can be examined). Yes, with such health, you can go into space! Pour and eat urgently! These are pills for tomorrow (gives anti-hangover).

Toastmaster-presenter: Nicely here we danced,

Nicely kneaded the bones

And now at the right hour

Please take a look at our cake.

(The lights are turned off and a cake with lighted candles is brought in to the accompaniment of quiet music).

In the family circle, you can organize a theme party. To do this, you need to warn the guests and ask them to come in appropriate costumes. A holiday for an older person (50, 60 and 70 years old) can also be held according to the proposed scenario. Only a competition with a nurse and eating fruit without hands is better replaced with congratulations on fortune-telling from a gypsy woman and looking for a key on leading questions. The latter resembles the game "Warm, hot, hot!".

When organizing a holiday for a grandfather of 66-75 years old, special emphasis should be placed on humor. It will be good if the holiday turns out to be funny and cheerful, so that a person understands that a number is not a reason for sadness.

When preparing a holiday in a circle of friends without a toastmaster, it is necessary for someone to take on the role of the host, otherwise the event will not have a logical sequence and a single structure.

The choice of entertainment for the boss or colleagues must be approached with special care, since not everyone in the team has friendly relations. All contests and games must be of an official and business nature. It can be "Poeplet", "Portrait" and others. Congratulations from gypsies and Italians perfectly cheer up. If there is no friendly relationship, then all words and actions should be without vulgarity.

The theme party "In the style of the 90s" is popular.

The guests come in appropriate costumes, the room is decorated in the Soviet style: there is a carpet, portraits of Stalin and Lenin, music of the 90s is playing.

Toastmaster, chewing gum, invites guests to the party. The holiday begins with a feast. Best friend opens it:

“Bro, you and I went through fire and water. At the same time, they did not exchange our relationship for money or women. So let's drink so that our friendship only grows stronger over the years. "

Then there is a series of entertainment.

  • Contest "Guess the melody". The table is divided into 2 teams: right and left sides. Each team in turn turns on a melody, the goal is to guess it and continue the song.
  • Bubble game. Participants are given 3 inflatable chewing gums, the winner is the one who inflates the largest bubble.
  • Game "Fanta". The birthday boy sits with his back to the participants, he is given a box with the guests' personal belongings. He expresses wishes what he would like the owner of this or that thing to do. He himself must determine who carried out the task. For each correct answer, he receives a chewing gum as a present.
  • Game "Guess what it is about." This entertainment belongs to the category of drinking. Its essence lies in the fact that the guests according to the description must guess the hidden object. It can be Tetris, dandy, romantic tape recorder and so on.
  • Dance competition "Musical Battle". The guests are divided into two teams, their task is to dance each other.

The event ends with a traditional tea party.


  1. So that the guests do not have time to get tired, contests need to alternate: outdoor and games at the table.
  2. Too much entertainment is not worth cooking, because, as a rule, close people gather, and they probably want to chat.
  3. All entertainment, even at the table, is more interesting if there is musical accompaniment.
  4. Events where the grandfather is the hero of the occasion are guided by the warmth of family attention. The birthday person should feel love from all members of his family: children, grandchildren, and so on.
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