
Birthday Jewelry Review

Birthday Jewelry Review
  1. Original ideas for women
  2. Decor elements for men
  3. Jewelry for children
  4. Beautiful examples

If you are planning to celebrate your birthday at home, then you need to think in advance about the option of festive decoration of the premises. There are many decor options, and you can make it yourself, order it from craftsmen, or purchase ready-made decorations. In our review, we will tell you more about the features of the festive decoration of an apartment for congratulating men, women and children.

Original ideas for women

When preparing the celebration of a woman's anniversary or birthday, it is important to think through everything to the smallest detail. If you are planning to arrange a small romantic evening where only you two will be, fresh flowers and colorful candles will help create an intimate atmosphere. On such an evening, be sure to decorate the table, cover it with a beautiful tablecloth, put expensive glasses and dishes.

If you are preparing a holiday for a friend who prefers to have fun with her friends, then you can organize an unusual holiday for her, filled with laughter and bright colors. In this case, the decor of the room must necessarily include bright garlands of paper flowers, balls of juicy colors and fresh fruits.

For a young girl, you can prepare a candy party. Bright homemade lollipops attached to the wall will be a real decoration of the room. Making them is not difficult at all - you will need several multi-colored paper curls, as well as wooden dowels.

Non-trivial ideas include decor from small boxes. - this decoration will surely cheer up the birthday girl.To create a stylish decoration, it will be enough to take any small box from under shoes or household appliances, paste over it with colored paper or paint with paints, and then place inflated balloons with the image of emoticons inside.

Room decoration with large pom-poms will become a classic decor. - they are selected in one shade or multi-colored solutions are used, a combination of large and small balls is allowed.

Pompons are hung from the ceiling, chandelier and even attached to curtains.

For a young girl or a sophisticated person, you can prepare a garland of flowers, they are easy to make yourself - you need colored paper, sharp scissors, glue, a regular pencil, as well as a rope or thick thread. First, you need to draw a spiral on a piece of colored paper, cut it out with scissors and gently twist the strip so as to form a small bud out of it.

Depending on the length of the strip, you can get roses in several sizes. - it looks very gentle and harmonious in one composition. The blanks are fastened with glue so that they do not unfold, and attached to the rope.

Decorating with balloons will be a win-win option for a girl's holiday. This decor is one of the most popular and sought after today. Particularly impressive are helium balloons, which seem to soar high above the ceiling.

If desired, you can create separate compositions from them, decorate the table with them and decorate the photo zone.

Decor elements for men

It is not so easy to choose a decoration for a representative of the stronger sex. However, we must not forget that every adult at heart remains a child for a long time and on his birthday he probably wants to return to those carefree times. That is why decorating a house for an event can be colorful and bright; multi-colored balls, collected in a separate composition or simply scattered throughout the house, will be appropriate here.

On this day, you must definitely tell your loved one - father, husband, son that you value him greatly. You should not skimp on warm and sincere words, and if you are planning to create something creative, then spend several hours drawing a large thematic poster for your loved one.

A collage with photographs in which the birthday person is presented in different guises can be a very good idea, characterizing him as a person, man, friend, father or husband in the best possible way.

Jewelry for children

Coming up with ideas for decorating a room for a children's holiday, it is necessary to provide for the complete safety of all elements used, while the decoration should be extremely simple. This is especially true when it comes to children, because, due to their age, they are simply not yet able to appreciate the efforts of adults.

When preparing the festive decoration of the room, try to give preference to large elements. - in this case, they will immediately catch the eye of the young members of your family and their guests.

But it is better to avoid balloons in the children's room - if such an element of the festive decoration bursts, then it can scare the kids.

If you want to create a spectacular photo zone, you can try to build a real magic tree, which is unlikely to leave indifferent children and their parents. To create this decor you will need:

  • dry branch 1-1.5 m high;
  • spray paint with a silver or golden hue;
  • pots with earth or sand so that you can fix your trees in it.

And of course, you should prepare accessories for decorating - kinders, all kinds of sweets and colorful candies. First, the branch must be placed in a container and painted, and after it dries, you can start decorating. To do this, you need to take a satin ribbon and tie the prepared sweets to the branches.Be sure - this decor will be very popular among the guests of the children's party. At the end of the event, you can distribute all the treats hanging on the branch to your guests.


A child's birthday is the most joyful and anticipated holiday. Children believe in miracles, and parents try to turn it into an unforgettable experience. It is not at all difficult to create an unusual atmosphere - usually garlands are used for this, and most of them can be made by hand without any problems. And for sure, the parents themselves will experience a real delight, watching how boys and girls react to their works.

The easiest option is a paper garland. To create it, you will need versatile tools and materials - paper, cardboard, glue, and so on. To make decorations, you need to cut out various figures from paper, paint, decorate with beads, or glue images of your favorite cartoon characters on them. After that, it remains only to connect the blanks with each other and make the center of the festive decoration of the room.

Garlands can be made not only from paper. Many needlewomen use ordinary napkins for this - they make beautiful pom-poms and flowers. It is advisable to use wrinkled napkins. In general, decorations for a festive decoration of a children's room can be made from any materials that are at your fingertips - medical cotton wool, colorful rags of fabric, food foil, corrugated cupcake cups. The choice of materials directly depends on your professionalism and flight of imagination.

The option of making a garland of candy wrappers is widespread. However, it should be borne in mind that truly beautiful products can only be made from whole, undamaged paper blanks.

If they are slightly torn, then it is better to cut the flags out of them according to the template and stick them on the base made of thick cardboard.


An original way to transform a nursery and please your baby will be a figure made with your own hands in accordance with the age of the birthday person. If desired, everyone can make such a decor item for a holiday.

In most cases, use one of the following options.

  • Made of cardboard. This will require a large unnecessary box, draw the outline of a beautiful figure on it and cut it out. After that, the workpiece is decorated - pasted over with bright paper, colorful cloth, wrapped with floral tape or painted with paints.
  • An interesting collage is obtained from photographs placed on a cardboard figure. In this case, it is very important to select the images in advance and arrange them in accordance with the desired scheme.
  • One of the most colorful options is the number made from paper flowers. In this case, the cardboard blank is pasted over with a large number of floristic elements made of corrugated or colored paper. It is allowed to make them from bright napkins, while decorative elements must be laid out as tightly as possible to each other - so as to fill the entire base.
  • A similar option is a figure pasted over with pompoms. The technique of work here is the same as in the above version, only in this case you need to glue the cardboard blank with pompons twisted from woolen threads.
  • The simplest option is a ribbon product. Even the busiest mothers can afford such a solution. All that is required of them is simply to cover the number cut out of cardboard with a ribbon of a bright color and additionally decorate it with beads and glitter.

If there is still time before the birthday, you can try to make a volumetric figure. Your little one will be able to move it around the room and play after the celebration. Here you need to take the same cardboard as a basis, but for decoration you need a couple of identical parts. In addition, you need to prepare several strips of optimal width in order to build the sidewalls of the future product.

The figure is collected with tape or masking tape, for this, all the parts are alternately attached to each other.


All kinds of turntables look very impressive in the festive decoration of a children's room - these can be voluminous paper balls that descend from the ceiling on strings. The easiest way is to purchase ready-made balls and string them on threads. But for the independent manufacture of such structures, you need to make a lot of effort and time, since this is a rather painstaking work. Parents will have to cut a large number of double-sided colored paper circles, fold each in half and glue them in halves to one another. The more circles you glue, the more voluminous the ball will turn out.

Beautiful garlands can be made not only from paper. An interesting solution is the spinners made of thread and glue. To create them, you need to inflate a balloon a little, grease with PVA glue and wind the threads in a chaotic manner. Then the blanks are left aside for several days until the glue has completely dried, pierce the balloon with a needle and carefully pull it out. The result is a very stylish and trendy piece of jewelry.

Beautiful examples

  • The easiest and fastest way to decorate any room is to use balloons. They can be mounted on a wall, you can equip a flowering flower bed from them, or even arrange a cloudy sky. Decorating an event with balloons is not difficult at all, these days there is a huge selection of them, so the only thing you need to do is decide on their size and color palette.
  • You can decorate any birthday very stylishly with a rather spectacular design, which is called a surprise balloon. It is a volumetric ball, the diameter of which reaches 1.5 m, it is suspended from the ceiling, and inside are placed small balloons, flower petals, confetti, as well as serpentine, candy or even small toys. You can put fabulous predictions or riddles in such balls - in a word, do what your own imagination only tells you. You can purchase one from a gift shop or build one yourself. The structure, as a rule, bursts at the very end of the party and literally strews the guests of the holiday with prepared surprises.
  • Quite an interesting decor is obtained by decorating the room with figures from balls.
  • Paper decor is no less relevant. Fashion trends include the use of such stylish decorations as pom-poms, volumetric stars, brushes, spirals, honeycomb balls, as well as accordion balls.
  • Garlands will be a win-win option for decorating a festive event. They can be made from threads, scraps of fabric, corrugated paper, miniature toys, and even flowers.
  • An excellent idea for decorating a room for a birthday can be a wall newspaper - this is a Whatman paper, where each guest of the event can draw or write their warm wishes to the birthday person. Usually a large piece of unnecessary wallpaper is used for this.

In the next video, you will find 10 life hacks of quick birthday decor.

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