
How to celebrate your 18th birthday in an original way?

How to celebrate your 18th birthday in an original way?
  1. What to consider when preparing?
  2. Seat selection
  3. How to decorate a room?
  4. Games and contests
  5. Festive table
  6. Script ideas

The 18th birthday is the holiday that everyone remembers in the future as the best moment in life. From this day on, the birthday person becomes an independent adult. This date should remain bright and unforgettable in memory, it should be celebrated in an original way, something special should be done, which I have never done before.

What to consider when preparing?

First of all, you need to take into account how the hero of the occasion himself wants to celebrate his birthday, because he is no longer a child and can do as he wants. He has the right to his own vision of how to organize this day. There is nothing worse than the day when a person finally has to become independent, dictate his will to him - so you will only ruin the holiday. We must be prepared for the fact that a person does not want to celebrate 18 years with his family. At this age, friends and a significant other are of great importance and this must be treated with understanding.

Of course, organizing such a celebration can be difficult or boring so much that the birthday person does not want to celebrate his birthday at all. In this case, you need to help, suggest how to fill this day with vivid emotions and unforgettable events.

You don't have to spend a lot of money to celebrate coming of age well. Instead, you can get creative, celebrate on a budget and tastefully.

Seat selection

For the holiday to be a success, it is important to choose a good location for it. Of course, the choice depends on the season. In winter, for example, open-air options are not suitable. However, for any time of the year, there are many places ready to host a fun company. Let's take a look at some of them.

  • A cafe... This option does not require much effort in organizing the event, because there they will do the most important thing for you - they will lay the festive table. You can invite the host - he will entertain the guests.
  • Outdoors... Good weather, fresh air, sunshine, active games, meals cooked over a fire - this is already a holiday, even when there is no reason.
  • Rink... Young people love active entertainment, and ice skating fits this concept perfectly. In winter, there is nothing more pleasant than getting warm with a cup of hot cocoa and a donut in a pleasant company of friends after skating on the ice.
  • Quest room. An excellent place for a company - it helps to unite to solve common problems, strengthens friendship and gives unforgettable emotions from victory.
  • Virtual reality club... An interesting and advanced way to celebrate a birthday either on a pirate ship or in an elven castle.
  • Bowling... This entertainment will definitely provide a vivid experience with a touch of aristocracy.
  • Houses... Undoubtedly, the most budgetary option for celebrating the age of majority, which will not be boring and unsuccessful at all if you organize a themed party.

How to decorate a room?

The most important attribute of adulthood is the number 18, which must be present in the design of the room. You can fit it into the interior in different ways, for example, using helium balloons in the form of numbers. Ordinary balls are also suitable, which can be placed on the wall in the form of a coveted number. The decision to form numbers from a garland or LED strip will be very interesting; it will look futuristic in photographs. You can also draw a number from photos of friends and relatives with congratulations.

By the way, balls and photographs are very good things for decorating a photo zone. A fountain and an arch made of balloons or a poster with the most pleasant photographs from a family album is a guarantee of a good mood for the birthday person and an occasion to remember funny stories at the festive table.

If you are celebrating at home and this is a themed party, then the decorations should match the theme. For example, if it's a pirate party, the walls can be decorated with skull flags or treasure maps. And if the party is organized based on a movie, then cardboard figures of characters will be a good decoration.

Games and contests

Competitions and fun games set the mood for the whole celebration. You should draw up tasks for the party in advance, a list of fun, funny and interesting entertainment that will also correspond to the theme of the holiday. Games should be varied, alternating active with calm ones, so that guests have time to eat and quench their thirst with cool drinks.

Young people love funny entertainment, so you should start with humor, and then the general mood will make the holiday unforgettable.

Here are some examples of fun youth games.

  • Crocodile... The rules of the game are very simple: before you start, you need to write words or phrases on pieces of paper. The first player draws a word from the hat and must explain this word to the rest of the players with gestures, facial expressions or dances. The next player is the one who guesses the word. To add fun to the game, you can write very unusual and interesting words, for example, lollipop, dental floss, raccoon gargle, flea. It will be a lot of fun to watch the players try to portray such words.
  • Volleyball... Classic entertainment for the summer season, however, for a young company to split into two groups and compete will be a lot of fun.
  • Frisbee... If you thought that frisbee was played only with dogs, then you were wrong, the Frisbee can be fun to play with friends, and it would be a great alternative to playing ball.
  • Guess who you are... A game in which the players ask each other a word, and each participant must guess who or what he is, asking leading questions to all other players.Questions should be asked in such a way that only “yes” or “no” can be answered. If it is a themed party, the game can be limited to the theme of the holiday. So you can recognize the characters of cartoons or movies from the most unexpected side, this game will definitely provide the whole company with a great mood.

Festive table

A full stomach is a guarantee of a good mood, and a good mood is exactly what we are trying to achieve at the holiday.... In our country, it is not customary to celebrate anything on an empty stomach, so it is worthwhile to allocate enough time to draw up a full-fledged solemn menu.

Main dish

The choice of the main dish largely depends on the location of the holiday. For example, in nature there is no access to a huge selection of dishes, as in a cafe, but meat and vegetables cooked on an open fire, after active games in the open air, will be very useful.

Even if you go to a cafe, you should consider the tastes of those invited and choose suitable establishments. A company with at least one vegetarian should not be taken to a meat restaurant.

If you want gourmet food, then look for expensive restaurants that will adapt to your requirements.... The chefs of such establishments, as real professionals, are ready to familiarize themselves with the recipes offered by the clients, and to bring to life any vision of the menu. In cheaper cafes, the staff will most likely suggest focusing on the standard menu.

The eighteenth birthday is an extraordinary day, which means and the menu should be extraordinary... To emphasize the solemnity of the moment, you should choose original dishes. Even if the main course is very simple, the focus can be on the appetizer or dessert.


Snacks are the part of the meal that takes place against the backdrop of the main celebration, when guests are busy with games or contests. During the coming-of-age celebration, most of the time is spent in bustle and movement, and guests eat dishes as if between times. Therefore, snacks are a very important part of the menu.

Accuracy and convenience are two main factors in the preparation of this dish. But even with such restrictions, you can prepare delicious snacks that will not leave anyone indifferent.

Rolls of pancakes with fish or caviar - a cold appetizer that is perfect for a hot summer party. It combines the taste familiar to everyone from childhood and the convenience of oriental cuisine. This is, without a doubt, an exquisite dish that you will not be ashamed to put on a festive table.

Tartlets Are the most versatile snacks you can think of. Fillings can be made from cod liver with cream cheese, chicken with mushrooms, or red fish with cream cheese. There are also many recipes for vegetarian tartlets, such as tofu and mushrooms, feta cheese, tomato and cucumber. Even for those with a sweet tooth, there are amazing recipes for light and airy snacks: with strawberries and vanilla cream, with chocolate and cherries, with apples and cinnamon. This variety will definitely appeal to young guests.

For the cold season, warm snacks will be relevant, such as hot ham and cheese sandwiches or lavash envelopes with egg, cheese and herbs. You can also get by with simpler, but no less tasty snacks strung on skewers, - a very light and convenient dish that does not require a lot of effort to prepare. An olive, a cube of cheese and a slice of lemon will complement each other perfectly in this dish.


This part of the menu may seem simple, but it also needs to be treated responsibly. It is important to choose the right drink for each dish. Best served with appetizers cool lemonade or juice and for dessert - tea or coffee.

If the celebration takes place in the summer season in nature, you should make sure in advance that the drinks remain cold and stock up on ice for refreshing cocktails and lemonades.

In winter, it is best to prefer hot drinks such as tea, coffee or cocoa. After ice skating or a fun game of snowballs, it will be pleasant to warm up with a mug of cocoa with marshmallows, according to the tradition of the Nordic countries.

Of course, coming of age is not complete without alcohol, but it is better to choose not too strong drinks. Also in a young company there may be people who do not drink alcohol. It is worth thinking about this beforehand and discussing alternative soft drink options.


Dessert should be not only tasty, but also beautiful. That's why it is unacceptable to buy a cake in the nearest supermarket - coming of age happens only once in a lifetime, it is better to order a dessert from professional pastry chefs. Recently, mirror cakes have come into fashion - a very unusual, bright and tasty table decoration that can meet all the personal wishes of the customer. You can always go the proven way and order a cake decoration - figurines in the theme of a party.

Undoubtedly, a birthday cake with candles is a must-see on any birthday program, but you don't have to limit yourself to it. Fruit platter and ice cream with topping will be a great addition to the main dessert, and will also help to preserve the girls' figures.

Also, in order not to bother with slicing the cake, you can prepare separate cakes for guests. In order to have a choice, it is reasonable to provide for two types of dessert.

Script ideas

The scenario for the anniversary of 18 years is the most interesting part of organizing the holiday, provided that it provides for the interests and hobbies of the birthday person and guests... Everyone has their favorite films, TV series, computer games, maybe someone is fond of endless space or vice versa - the bowels of the earth.

Based on the hobbies of a friendly company, you can create the most interesting holiday scenarios.

  • Space... A great idea for celebrating the eighteenth birthday of a young man, carried away by the endless starry sky. This scenario will immediately solve the issue of decorating the room, and contests using a telescope will perfectly complement an interesting pastime.
  • Creation... For a company of girls who love handicrafts or fine arts, the script can be built on creativity. Making small souvenirs or painting a painting by numbers race will be interesting and fun contests at an art festival.
  • TV series... A favorite TV show is, of course, a common topic of conversation with friends. If you build a holiday scenario based on the plot of a popular TV series of recent years, then the holiday will definitely go off with a bang.
  • Childhood... For every person, this day may be the last in life when one can feel like a child. Building a script around the birthday and growing up of the birthday boy is undoubtedly a good idea.
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