
How to celebrate the birthday of a 14 year old teenager?

How to celebrate the birthday of a 14 year old teenager?
  1. Celebration organization
  2. Selection of topics
  3. Overview of contests and games
  4. Script ideas

14 years old is the very time when a child ceases to be a toddler, but is not yet an adult. In the modern interpretation, this period is called teenage. This is a difficult age, as the child's body is undergoing restructuring, hormones are raging. The teenager begins to show independence and demands equal rights with adults. And this means that when preparing a teenager's birthday, it is important to take into account his wishes, to listen to his opinion. Oh, how difficult it is to think over and organize a celebration, because this transitional age is no longer combined with a clown show, but it also does not allow going to a nightclub! We hope you find our tips helpful.

Celebration organization

When organizing a birthday for 14 years, it is important to take into account the opinion of the child. Most of the holiday should be arranged according to the birthday person's preferences. Otherwise, the child will harbor resentment in his soul, believing that the holiday was completely ruined, and the parents will have hard times, since all responsibility for the thwarted celebration will fall on them.

Today, few teenagers want to celebrate their 14th birthday at home with their families. Drinking gatherings with relatives are not interesting for them. But going with friends to a bowling alley or to a paintball field is the very thing. Moms and dads only have to sponsor the wishes of the child, and this will really be a serious financial waste.

So that the family budget does not suffer, parents need to find a compromise with their daughter or son, to work out all the details of the celebration together.

First of all, you need to find out how a teenager sees his birthday, and adapt to his preferences, introducing elements of parental control. A teenager who sees that the event is designed according to his preferences rises his self-esteem and strengthens friendships with his parents. If it was decided to hold a celebration in a cafe, the child should take an active part in decorating the rented hall, preparing additional elements (for example, a photo zone) and drawing up a menu.

A holiday at home will be less costly, especially since you don't have to cook various delights - just order fast food and drinks, placing them on the buffet.

Another important part of a teen's birthday is a script filled with fun entertainment.

It can be diversified with a concert by a local band that will perform compositions by contemporary performers and favorite songs of the birthday boy.

Selection of topics

Throwing a fiery and interesting party for a 14-year-old teenager is difficult, but possible. The most important thing is to decide on the theme of the holiday. Remarkably, there is a wide variety of topics for such an event. However, the options "Fairy Kingdom" or "The Avengers" will not be relevant for either the son or the daughter. Modern teenagers take more examples from foreign countries.

pajama party

An up-to-date version of the celebration for girls. but the number of guests when arranging such an event has specific restrictions - a maximum of 5 people and no boys. A small group of women gathers in the birthday girl's house in the late afternoon to stay overnight. Everyone is putting on sleepwear and having fun at home.

Pool party

In this case, the beach theme works. Teenagers will agree with great pleasure to celebrate their birthday near the water, especially on a hot summer day. On the territory of the pool there is a dance floor, a buffet, sun loungers for relaxation.

Spa party

A modern analogue of the "Meeting of Princesses" theme, where girls spend time in a beauty salon, receiving various procedures. Not every modern parent is ready to go for this kind of celebration, because the final bill can cause a serious blow to the family budget.

Game party

A themed party where you can celebrate your birthday next to good people who play the role of rivals in the world of online games. But unfortunately, in modern realities, it is almost impossible to assemble such a company, since people play on the same server not only from different cities, but also countries.

Bowling party

A sports theme that allows you to spend your child's birthday at the highest level. Parents rent a track, children play, and when the game is over, the waiters set the table.

As it became clear, the theme for celebrating the birthday of 14 years is very vague. The reason for this is the departure from children's fairy tales with cartoons and the lack of age for adult activities.

Well, the presented options for themes are the best improvisation of childhood and adulthood "in one bottle."

Overview of contests and games

Birthday is the best holiday of the year. This day is filled with happiness, joy and fun. There are friends, relatives and close people nearby. I would like the fun not to leave the birthday man with his guests throughout the holiday. For this very purpose, the scenario of the celebration is filled with funny contests and funny games.

It is important to note that when drawing up a show program, one should take into account the balance between sedentary and mobile tasks. It is necessary to force children to show imagination, for example, to arrange a competition for composing a cool congratulation in verse. And, of course, no tediousness. Otherwise, the children will not enjoy the party, and the holiday will be spoiled in the bud.To prevent this from happening, it is proposed to consider several examples of assignments suitable for the scenario of celebrating 14 years.

Like in the army

Guests do not always know each other. A lighted match will help to correct this nuance. While it is burning, each person should briefly tell about themselves and how they met the birthday boy.


Several people are invited. They are given boxing gloves. As soon as the outfit is put on, the contestants are handed a chocolate bar. The players' task is to open the chocolate bar without breaking it. The winner is the one whose chocolate bar remains intact.

For home

Modern contests are divided into indoor and outdoor contests. Homework offers the opportunity to get dirty and instantly tidy up. Besides, home games are more relaxed, as they are held exclusively among dear people.

Sweet tooth

Participants of the competition, without using their hands, are required to fish out the chocolate wedges from a container filled with sour cream. The winner is the one who can get more chocolate squares in a minute.

Understand me

Guests are divided into 2 teams. Each player is given a card with a specific word, which he must depict with the help of gestures. The guessed word - 1 total point. The team with the most points will be the winner.

I am faster

The host invites 2 or 4 participants. Hands each a plate of sliced ​​lemon. The task of each player is to eat lemon slices faster than others.

In the cafe

It is planned to organize street contests for the cafe.

Intellectual quiz

Guests are asked tricky questions, for example, "What is the end of the day and night?" or "why do the villagers like to go barefoot?" The answer to the 1st question is a soft sign, to the 2nd - on the ground. Each correct answer - 1 point. The guest with the most points wins. And yes, the young intellectual will be pleased to receive a modest present for his ingenuity.

Flooded island

Several couples - a boy and a girl - stand on an open newspaper and dance. When the music stops, the presenter rips a section of the newspaper from under the participants' feet. The couple who can stay on a small piece of newspaper, as if on top of a sinking island, wins.

Stylish understanding

Several pairs of a boy and a girl are given a package containing pants and shoes. Their task is to dress together. One player's right foot and the other's left must be pushed into the legs. But it will be much more interesting to watch when, having mastered the pants, the couple will have to put on boots and lace them up. The first couple to complete the dressing will be the winner.

Script ideas

The script is an important part of the entertainment program. Without it, the holiday will turn into a mess. That is why it is important to draw up an event plan in advance so that young guests do not have a minute of free time. As an example, it is proposed to consider a variant of the scenario that can be "redrawn" according to the child's preferences.

  • Greetings and congratulations to the host of the occasion. A sit-down dating contest is held immediately.
  • Light snack and photo session with a professional photographer. After that, you can arrange an intellectual competition and return to the meal.
  • After a snack, there is a musical pause, in the intervals of which the presenter spends several outdoor games.
  • After finishing the dances, the guests sit down at the table and gain strength.
  • After a light bite, the presenter invites teenagers to participate in the remaining contests.
  • At the end of the show program, the presenter summons a birthday cake to the hall, congratulates the birthday boy again and leaves. And the guests start to sweets.

There are a lot of similar ideas on the Internet. They can be used as a ready-made celebration option or as a base. Well, contests and tasks must be discussed in advance with the hero of the occasion.

How to celebrate the birthday of a 14 year old teenager, see below.

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