
Girlfriend's birthday script

Girlfriend's birthday script
  1. Choice of topics
  2. Original entertainment
  3. How exactly to congratulate?
  4. Script ideas

If a friend has a birthday, you can take the initiative into your own hands. You don't need to be a pro to organize a holiday that will pleasantly impress both the birthday girl and the guests. Although it will not be superfluous to use professional tips.

Choice of topics

Themed birthday is what always looks convincing and interesting, and what makes the celebration scenario complete and sets the mood for the evening. In what style can you spend your girlfriend's birthday?

  • "Bachelorette party a la" Sex and the City ". The cult series is an inexhaustible source of inspiration. And if a birthday promises to be purely feminine, why not take the adventures of your beloved four as a basis. The right mood is organized by the Cosmpoliten cocktail, delicious food and other spy moments from the series. You can completely repeat the famous bows of the heroines, you can walk around the local "Manhattan", you can watch a series or a film, finally.
  • "Mystical Evening". For those who are not afraid to go beyond the explicable line, you can arrange such a holiday - with fortune-telling, predictions, by candlelight. You can guess from the book, but write good predictions yourself, and everything will definitely not be scary.
  • Jeans, Cola and Fast Food. If you are fed up with the correct, beautiful, elegant parties, you can organize a real day of disobedience. Dress code - white T-shirts and jeans, treats - cola and the most delicious and harmful fast food. Sometimes this simple relaxation is enough so that you don't get tired of lengthy preparations on your birthday.
  • "Diary". You can also devote a special evening to pleasant youthful memories.Find old songbooks and sing a lot in karaoke of the hits of your youth, arrange a slideshow of your old photos, remember the wonderful moments of growing up and cook what you wanted so much at 15. Relevant for all girls 20+.
  • The Great Walk. Arrange a walk around your hometown, switching to photos in your favorite places, grabbing coffee in cute cups on the way. Get to the place that the whole company considers to be their favorite. Birthday is not always a feast, and a walk can turn out to be magical.
  • "Breakfast at Tiffany's". Instead of "Tiffany" there can be any store (preferably a jewelry store), where a girlfriend will choose her gift. Celebrating a birthday in the morning is a bit unusual, but it will definitely be remembered: a present in the morning, a photo in this place and a morning glass of champagne are definitely not a routine way of celebrating.

Any idea can be decorated with details and turned into a dream holiday.

Original entertainment

A rare birthday can do without contests, funny tasks and quests. Especially the one that is organized at home. How to surprise a small female company?

  • "Paper dolls". This game will bring you back to childhood and spur you on. Almost all the girls in childhood played with paper dolls. You can draw such dolls, only instead of the painted faces, print photos of friends, cut them out and glue them in the appropriate place. And the girlfriends themselves are invited to draw outfits for a named doll. Firstly, it is really funny when adult girls / women are engaged in such a thing, and secondly, drawing relaxes and allows the interlocutor to talk.
  • "World Championship for Men". A frivolous hooligan game. It is necessary to prepare several (even number) photos of men, preferably stars. They are divided into pairs, in each pair you need to choose the best one, then arrange the quarterfinals, semifinals, etc. Finally, choose the championship winners. Nothing serious, but everyone will definitely have fun.
  • "Quotes". You need to remember some words spoken by girlfriends that will be at the holiday. Naturally, these words should remind everyone of a situation or an incident that concerns the company. And if they do not remind you, then you can try to guess who could say it. Usually, during such a competition, the very situations are remembered, and this cheers up.
  • "Do it". Each guest must take her phantom out of the box, open it and perform what is written there. Tasks can be the most extravagant, it all depends on courage and readiness for any hooliganism.

You can have great fun at home without exchanging for standard contests, roaming from wedding to birthday, etc.

How exactly to congratulate?

And after all I want to congratulate in some original way, making this moment unexpected. Here are 10 ways to congratulate your girlfriend in an original way.

  1. Send a very nice courier with a present to your friend's house right in the morning. You can ask to deliver it along with a gift and a bonus kiss on the cheek.
  2. Place a special telegram under the door, in which there will be a message from cut out magazine letters. Ring the doorbell and hide.
  3. Arrange a birthday flash mob and post it on the social network in the morning, marking your girlfriend. The more people participate in it, the cooler the effect.
  4. During the day, send a "massive SMS attack" every hour. So that all the girlfriends who will be at the party in the evening write every hour in the messenger, for which they love the birthday girl.
  5. Meet a girlfriend at work with a large bouquet.
  6. Congratulatory inscriptions in chalk on the asphalt are old school, but quite legal and effective.
  7. It so happens that the place of celebration becomes the dacha of a girlfriend (not the birthday girl) or a camp site. If this is the same third-party place, you can arrange it in advance, decorate it with garlands, light bulbs, etc.
  8. Many shopping centers sell short-lived outdoor advertisements: videos are shown on screens, including birthday greetings. And this option can be interesting.
  9. Invite a girlfriend for a morning run to the park, where at the final point the birthday girl will be waiting for the other friends with flowers and gifts.
  10. Ask the other girlfriends and friends to send congratulations to the birthday girl exactly at 00.00.

Such ways to congratulate are always touching, many of them do not require extensive preparation.

Script ideas

How exactly to write a script for a holiday: so that it is sincere, funny, romantic, etc., not everyone knows. The main thing is a clear plan (you can even use timing). A rough scenario plan might look like this.

  1. Morning. How does the morning of the birthday girl begin (SMS congratulations, calls, a surprise at the door, etc.).
  2. The gathering place for the rest of the guests. It is better for everyone to come to the holiday together, especially if the gift is also shared. You can distribute the words - how to enter, what to say (or maybe sing). It is worth warning the other girlfriends about any contests in advance.
  3. Lyrical part. You don't need to start right away with contests. At first, the emphasis is placed on congratulations, on kind words. It's great if a small clip about the birthday girl is made by the forces of friends and demonstrated when everyone is gathered.
  4. Competitive program. There should be breaks between competitions for communication and refreshments. 2 contests - a break - 2 contests again. You need to start with funny, but not difficult tasks. All the most hooligan games should take place in the midst of the party.
  5. How to end the evening. You can go to some beautiful place in the city (or where a holiday is taking place), take with you an empty champagne bottle, write your wishes on a piece of paper right there (in a symbolic place) and close them in a bottle. But you don't need to send it anywhere, you can just keep it for yourself and open it in 10 years. You can turn off the lights in the room, light candles and sing your favorite song. You can do this - write down each guest separately (in another room), ask about the evening, what you liked, what impressions you have, what you want to say to the birthday girl, etc. The next day, edit this video and send it by email to yesterday's heroine of the celebration. This will be a pleasant post-holiday surprise.
  6. What to do in advance. Create a playlist, prepare props for contests, decide who will take photos and videos from the holiday. If the decoration of the room or the place of celebration is also on the organizing friends, everything must be clearly distributed. There is no need to be afraid to delegate authority: it is not always easy to cope with the volume of preparation alone.

In turn, the birthday girl herself can worry in advance about feedback for her friends who organize her holiday. For example, buy beautiful designer postcards and write on the back of what she loves her friend for and how grateful she is. Or prepare a beautiful little bag of sweets for each guest, which she will take with her.

How to surprise your friend, see below.

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