
Adult Birthday Celebration Ideas

Adult Birthday Celebration Ideas
  1. Theme options
  2. Where can you mark?
  3. Original games and contests
  4. Scenario overview

Every year it becomes more difficult for birthday people and their loved ones to plan a holiday in order to make it not only pleasant, but also memorable. Celebrating an adult's birthday requires investment and a bit of imagination to surprise guests and leave them with positive emotions from the evening. The right choice of theme and location are the determining factors for a successful celebration.

Theme options

When choosing the right idea for an adult birthday, you should rely on the birthday person's taste and hobbies. Nowadays it is possible to throw a fun party even on a narrow theme - the variety of shops and places for entertainment allows you to choose everything you need for a great evening.

And with financial opportunities, you can resort to the help of agencies that specialize in creating custom-made holidays.

The most popular options for holding an adult birthday include the following topics.

Based on films

Movie fans will definitely appreciate a party based on their favorite movies. It can be a costume evening with a free choice of outfit, or a pre-prepared list of roles for each guest. Depending on the number of visitors, you can choose the most optimal scenario for the holiday.

  • Up to 10-15 people. Suitable for birthday celebrations in the style of a pre-agreed film. To do this, it is recommended to choose the optimal location that will resemble one of the key scenes, as well as select the appropriate menu. Soundtracks from the movie can be used as musical accompaniment.
  • 16 or more people. A fancy-dress party, where each visitor dresses up as their favorite character from the movie, and the main entertainment of the evening is a competition for the best and most authentic costume.

If the birthday person wishes, the evening can be made more comfortable and secular. Set the table with light snacks and give them the names of your favorite films, and then arrange a movie screening of the cult film.

"Delicious" parties

Food lovers will appreciate the theme party, where deliciously prepared dishes will be the main entertainment. Depending on the preferences and scale of the celebration, there are the following ways to have fun and eat deliciously.

  • Master Class. The best way to celebrate your birthday in an unusual way without setting the table yourself is to invite guests to do it. To do this, you can hire your favorite culinary blogger and, step by step, together with your friends, prepare delicious and interesting dishes.
  • "Who is bigger?". As a thematic entertainment, you can go to your favorite cafe and play the game "who will eat more?"
  • Gastronomic tour. The birthday man can surprise his guests with "islands" of food, each of which will prepare traditional dishes from all countries where he has already visited or is just planning. As entertainment, you can arrange a quiz, during which visitors guess the country where a particular dish is popular.

Also, birthday people who are seriously fond of cooking can surprise their guests with their own process of cooking dishes live by renting a suitable location in a cafe or restaurant.


For jeans lovers, you can arrange a themed party to which guests will come exclusively in denim clothes. As a serving, you can use a tablecloth with sewn-on pockets, where cutlery will be placed. Coziness will be created by blankets made from denim pieces and patches.

As the main entertainment, you can arrange a competition of applications and patches that will be glued directly to the jeans on guests. The author of the most original jewelry will receive a commemorative prize.


The use of flowers in the design of the location will help to emphasize the feminine atmosphere. Natural flowers and plants will look especially beautiful. In advance, for guests, you can make a ranking by name and color of the flower, as a result of which the fair sex will have to decorate herself with the appropriate bud and dress in its color.

If men are present at the party, they can insert live buds into the breast pocket of their suit in order to emphasize their "belonging" to their lady.

Black and white

A costume party in black and white is perfect for creating a classy social event. Guests can dress up in black or white at will. This contrast will help set a special mood.

At the request of the birthday person, the main theme of the birthday can be chess. If his friends know this game well, then as the main entertainment on the dance floor, you can create an analogue of a chessboard, and the guests will become figures on this board - someone pawns, and someone the queen and king of the ball, who were previously chosen as the owners of the most beautiful costumes.

Zombie style

For fans of The Walking Dead series or just action games, many organizations offer to hold themed birthday parties for adults on their territory, where conditions will be created for a successful immersion in the essence of this topic. It can be a costume party at a paintball stadium or a prepaid quest where the actors will make the guests tickle their nerves.

For a large company, you can organize a costume themed party, where guests will have to dress up as the dead. The main accent will be the menu of the festival, namely, snacks in the form of human brains and worms, bloody drinks with glazed snacks in the form of eyes.


The nautical theme has always been very popular at parties. Fans of the spirit of freedom and adventure are advised to arrange such festivities in the bar-restaurant, located on the water for the most vivid sensations.

Costumed attributes of sailors can be used not only by guests, but also by the waiters present in the hall.

The main entertainment can be a game where valuable prizes are raffled off - an alternative to the "treasures" that pirates will look for. To do this, you can come up with and install a special obstacle course, which only the strongest and most agile pirates can pass. For the losers, you can install barrels of water and a board, on which the winners will "force" them to walk.


"Marvel" won the hearts of not only children, but also adults. Many men and women choose this topic to have an interesting time. It can be a dress-up party based on famous movies and comics, where guests will have to dress up in the superhero costumes of their favorites.

To add variety and make the holiday even more memorable, you can agree that women come in male superhero images, and men - in female ones.

A comic version of such a party is widespread, when visitors need to come up with funny names and super powers for their characters, as well as choose a suitable costume.


For those who enjoy an active lifestyle, a sporty style party can be the perfect birthday celebration. A venue can be rented as the main venue where all participants can play their favorite sport. So, for example, it can be a football party at the stadium, where there will be favorite snacks in the stands and loyal fans watching the game of their close friends.

A less active celebration can be moved to a bar, where you can have fun with friends while watching your favorite game on the big screen. As memorable prizes - custom-made sports-style scarves with the name of the birthday boy.

Where can you mark?

There are many places where you can celebrate your birthday as an adult. Let's consider the most popular options.

  • Bar or restaurant. It is possible to book a table for a small company or rent a hall for a large-scale celebration. These places often offer birthday breaks with the option to reduce the amount paid for alcohol and snacks. As an additional entertainment, you can invite the presenter with a prepared scenario of the holiday, choose a hall with karaoke or the presence of a dance floor and a DJ.
  • Lofts or rented houses. For a holiday, you can rent a loft for several nights or celebrate at someone's dacha, while setting the table yourself. The advantages of this method are significant savings on rent, as well as the absence of restrictions on snacks that the birthday person will order in a cafe or prepare himself.
  • Outdoors. This day can be spent in the forest or by the river making barbecue. Camping can also be a good solution. Although this option is not relevant for winter celebrations.

Unusually, you can celebrate the holiday in the following places:

  • mini-cinema;
  • karting;
  • sports stadium;
  • art gallery;
  • paintball grounds;
  • city ​​tour by bus;
  • pool;
  • boating.

To achieve an unforgettable atmosphere, it is not enough to choose the perfect place for a holiday; you also need to provide an evening with fun games and contests.

Original games and contests

Selecting contests for a fun company can be a daunting task for a birthday person.If the hero of the occasion does not want to play the classic games that are offered at most parties as entertainment, and really wants to surprise his guests with something, it is recommended to contact special agencies for this, who can organize the scenario of the original holiday on a turnkey basis.

The least common games include the following options.

  • "Bouquet of feelings". The birthday girl is given one flower in a basket, while saying a compliment and a wish.
  • "The bottle of fate". Leaves with funny stories from the lives of guests are folded into an empty bottle, and then they are read out in order to guess its owner.
  • "Night of Joy". For a certain period of time, several participants must collect the kisses of the invited girls so that traces of lipstick are visible on parts of their body.

Among the contests, the most popular are those where guests need to choose the best costume or image, as well as in which there are valuable prizes.

Scenario overview

The classic scenario has several parts.

  1. Presentation of the theme of the holiday. The presenter or the birthday man himself tells the background of the chosen topic.
  2. Rest with snacks. Guests are given time to dine and have a drink, as well as say a few toasts in honor of the hero of the occasion.
  3. Playing at the table. Without distracting the guests from their food, the host or the birthday person arranges a small digression in the form of a short blitz poll, during which funny facts about the guests are found out, helping those present to get to know each other better.
  4. Basic entertainment. Then comes the time of the "nail" of the program, which most fully reveals the essence of the theme of the holiday. This, for example, can be a booked master class for guests or watching a movie in a rented cinema hall.
  5. Contests. They are held in a comic format with the receipt of commemorative prizes.
  6. Active entertainment. It can be dancing or sports themed games where guests can get active and relax.
  7. Unpacking gifts from guests.
  8. Summing up and ending the evening.

Depending on the theme and wishes of the birthday person, the adult birthday script can be supplemented with other fun stages.

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