
Birthday script

Birthday script
  1. Features of writing
  2. Holiday theme
  3. Games and contests
  4. How to congratulate birthday people?
  5. Scenario options

Toastmaster, host, entertainer - these professions are so good that many people can try them on. If there is a desire, a mood for good preparation and self-confidence, everything should work out. And even a script for a family celebration, the birthday of a loved one, you can write yourself - taking into account the tips and recommendations, of course.

Features of writing

To have a fun birthday without a toastmaster, you need a solid script. Hoping for an impromptu is a step close to failure. The scenario of the celebration can be schematic, or it can be very detailed, with prescribed not only contests, but also actions, props, musical block, etc.

Here are 10 tips for creating a script for your (or loved one) birthday.

  1. Write a script with timing. This very disciplines the facilitator and minimizes the risk of things not going according to plan.
  2. It is good to understand which of the invitees will be the most active. It is necessary to predict in what contests and assignments they will be, where to "roam", but also not to allow the quieter and calmer guests to be bored. Not all tasks should be "with a twinkle".
  3. Decide on the style. Ideally, if there is some theme, idea or mood that dominates the holiday, for example: a retro theme or an evening of memories, an evening of dreams. In fact, it is absolutely normal when, even on her birthday, the birthday girl organizes the drawing up of a Wish Card for everyone.
  4. Make sure that the selected contests are realistic, that the necessary props will be obtained, that there will be enough space.
  5. Prepare music in advance, make a single playlist, etc.
  6. Consider who will take photos and videos.
  7. Go through the script, make sure that there are no offensive jokes or awkwardness that may be unpleasant to some of the guests.
  8. If the script requires helpers, this will be seen immediately. The facilitator may need an assistant.
  9. It's definitely worth keeping a couple of contests in stock. Suddenly, the guests will be so excited that they want to continue the fun, and the program is over.
  10. Try to avoid cliches. Do not repeat the idea of ​​someone's successful celebrations that guests have already attended.

Of course, if a woman / man organizes everything with her own hands, coming up with contests and assignments herself or herself is another challenge. It is much better to spy on ideas on the Internet and put together an interesting mix.

Holiday theme

It's just that "hodgepodge" is no longer relevant today. Yes, and it is difficult to make an interesting, memorable holiday where everything is mixed, there is no general mood.

For men

The themes of pioneer parties remained somewhere in the 2000s, among the brighter proposals I would like to highlight lamp birthdays. So today they call atmospheric parties, warm, pleasant, held in a relaxed atmosphere. Often they are associated with some nostalgic moments: a guitar, vinyl records, the use of Soviet-era dishes, etc. For 25, 30, 35 years old, this topic suits well.

Parties can be held by candlelight or dim light sources. Garlands can be hung.

There are other interesting topics as well.

  • Movie party. Competitions based on world hits, a try to shoot a short film about the celebration itself, props like a movie quote - all this can be organized for fans of the movie world.
  • Almost a retreat. A retreat is the practice of silence, when people have to spend some time without gadgets, without communication. Desirable in nature. For a birthday, this practice looks a bit odd, but it really has become popular. The company comes to nature in the morning, all day people communicate with each other minimally, while jointly setting up a camp, preparing for the evening celebration. And only when the party is declared open, they start talking, singing, playing games, etc. by the fire.
  • Chess party. Against the background of the popularity of Queen's Move, such a scenario may be very appropriate, if, of course, the company basically plays chess. You can arrange a mini-rapid chess tournament, and then move to the festive table. And there is still to play: quizzes, creative tasks, etc. (with a clear chess overtones).

Most likely, such themes are still new, and therefore will not cause guests to feel a sense of déjà vu. And the birthday man himself will be pleased with himself.

For women

Until recently, Indian, Hawaiian-style parties were on the list of the most popular. But today you will hardly surprise anyone with them.

Let's describe what looks more original.

  • Party based on your favorite TV series. If not "Sex and the City" (and this topic has already been played by many), then you can take any topical TV series that they know and love in the company. Not necessarily exclusively feminine.
  • Boho birthday. Firstly, it is beautiful and cozy, unusual. Secondly, cool photos will remain after the holiday. Finally, there is a relaxing atmosphere, an opportunity to play board games, make a Wish Card, arrange comic fortune-telling, etc.
  • Creative MK. This has also become very fashionable: guests will take out from the holiday not only good mood and emotions, but also something made with their own hands. Perhaps it will be a painted clay mug, or a watercolor sketch, or a beautiful pendant. And the scenario of such a party is the holding of a master class, only with treats and good background music.
  • "Let's meet after school." If someone misses school, then at 30, and at 40, and at 45 years old, you can make a birthday on a school theme. And here the soil for a cool script is the most fertile: a quiz on knowledge of the rules and laws of physics (few people remember them, and it's fun), a competition for the most creative cheat sheet, musical assignments, viewing old photos and videos, etc. Well, as prizes for participation can be gum and chocolates, to receive which in childhood was a great happiness.

If the guests are about the same age, it is easier to find a common theme. But do not discount the older generation: they are very interested in the tastes and themes of young people, and they can prove themselves almost brighter than anyone else.

For kids

There is no need to reinvent the wheel here: children enjoy playing what they like to watch or read.

What topics do modern children like:

  • "How to Train Your Dragon?" - a gorgeous cartoon that adults also love;
  • "Transformers" is not a new topic, but the degree of popularity is not decreasing;
  • "Fairy Patrol" - many small episodes, funny characters, children from 5 years old usually know this cartoon well;
  • "Fixies" is already a classic, which not only entertains, but also teaches a huge number of useful things;
  • "Brawl Stars" is a game for mobile devices, boys like it better;
  • rainbow party - a lot of color, a lot of bright accents, and also the opportunity to make a color experiment (or just draw);
  • clown party - clowns will never go out of style;
  • "Masha and the Bear" - suitable for preschool children;
  • "Boss-sucker" - also liked by younger children, 2–5 years old;
  • "Lady Bug" - suitable for girls 5–8 years old;
  • "Alice in Wonderland" is a topic with huge possibilities for visualization and scenario moves, covering almost all age categories: from preschoolers to senior schoolchildren;
  • TikTok - this social network has become almost a symbol of the 10+ generation, and therefore the children of high school will definitely like this topic.

In general, superheroes are always in fashion, little girls like fairies and dolls, and for the very first holidays in a kid's life, it is better to take themes that are not related to cartoons. You can focus on the season, flowers, etc., this will be clearer for the guys.

Games and contests

Even if the company is small, you can have a lot of fun: provide contests that play well for three or four.

For home

There are 7 contests in this collection that can form the backbone of a script for a party that is not very large in terms of the number of guests.

  1. "What changed?". This competition is not very suitable for warming up, but in the middle of the evening it is well received. It is as simple as possible: one of the guests leaves the room and is outside the door for a minute. He has to go back and guess what has changed. You can rearrange dishes, change things, even quickly change your hairstyle. Especially inventive people manage to unscrew the light bulb!
  2. "Fanta under the plate". Guests who sit down at the table are warned: there are forfeits under their plates, you cannot get them ahead of time. In the course of the evening, at the direction of the presenter, each guest will get a phantom and do what is written there. For example, call a mutual friend and say hello from everyone. Or say a final toast. And, maybe, surprise everyone with superpowers.
  3. "There is nowhere more precisely." Guests are given a small piece of paper and a pen. The presenter says that on a signal, they should keep counting to themselves. And as soon as a minute passes according to their internal account, they put a tick on the piece of paper. The presenter himself stands with a stopwatch. The winner is the one who was closest to real time.
  4. "Wish card". Guests receive a drawing paper, magazine clippings, markers and other items that can help in 10 minutes to compose such a huge greeting card for a birthday girl (or birthday person).
  5. "I bet you didn't know." You need to try and collect in advance more interesting, perhaps even exclusive information about the guests. And then give these hot facts to all those present. The task of the audience is to determine who they are talking about.
  6. "Best friends". Even before the holiday, you need to interview the birthday girl or the birthday person. Ask him (her) 10 questions about him (her), record the answers. Then the same questions, but at the party, ask the best friend of the hero of the evening. And after the friend's answer, you need to show the answer of the birthday person in any convenient way (better, of course, on the screen). I wonder how many matches there will be.
  7. "Box of Memories". The birthday boy prepares a small beautiful box (suitcase, gift box), where he puts several items. Each subject reminds of some fact from the biography, and these facts are also associated with those present.For example, among the subjects is a book on mathematics. One of the guests recalls how he and the birthday girl were preparing for an exam in mathematics, etc.

Naturally, you need to build the program in such a way as to involve guests in it, in order to remember events related to those present, etc.

For cafe

The cafe has some restrictions on the scale and features of the contests, but I don’t want to remain without the program.

We list 7 contests for a cafe.

  1. "Telegram". At the very beginning of the holiday, guests receive a telegram that got a little wet in the rain (snow, deteriorated on the road), as a result of which some of the words disappeared. This will be a congratulatory text - it can also become the first toast - where adjectives characterizing the birthday person are missing. The text needs to be restored impromptu.
  2. Blitz. Quick questions about the hero of the occasion (wife, husband, sister, brother, father, mother, director, etc.), to which guests should take turns giving quick answers. Questions can be funny, related to childhood, etc. Naturally, the birthday person's answers should be clarified in advance. For example, "How many times Ivan Ivanovich could pull up on a horizontal bar at school?" Guests will flatter, say unthinkable answers, which will only cheer everyone up.
  3. "One letter." You need to choose a couple of people who should make such a congratulation to the hero of the evening so that all the words in it begin with one letter. One sentence is possible, or more. Collective participation in the competition is allowed.
  4. "I want to hug you." The presenter approaches the guests, invites them to get one piece of paper from a beautiful box. The piece of paper says, for example, "the third person in the left lane." This means that it is his who has taken out a piece of paper that should hug. At the same time, he puts the piece of paper back, and the presenter mixes everything up.
  5. "Attentively, attentively." It is better not to hold this competition at the beginning of the evening - you need to let time pass. The birthday boy / birthday girl gets up, turns her back to the guests, answers the host's questions. For example: "What color is the scarf on Sergei Petrovich?" or "What kind of beads does Aunt Tanya have today?" This is a funny test of the main character of the evening for attentiveness. Of course, confusion cannot be avoided, but that's good - it will be more fun.
  6. "The very best guests." The competition requires preliminary preparation: it is built on questions about the guests and the knowledge of the answers to them for the birthday man. You can, for example, enlarge someone's signature and ask the birthday person who it belongs to. Ask a question about hobby, car brand, education, etc.
  7. "Kings of Plywood". This competition must be filmed. The song turns on, one row should sing along loudly to the lyrics. You can give them words if necessary. The task of the row, on the contrary, is not to sing, but only to open their mouths. Usually people do it so exaggeratedly, so diligently that it is impossible not to laugh. And you need to shoot this particular "plywood" row on video - it will be a great memory.

Of course, there should be a pause between competitions for refreshments and communication.

How to congratulate birthday people?

There are several not very "blurry" options that may surprise the heroes of the occasion.

What are these options:

  • perform a collective rap congratulation for the birthday man;
  • arrange a photo zone with photographs of the birthday person, going as he grows up - you can take pictures on clothespins;
  • present a photo book;
  • gather with balloons under the balcony and sing a small congratulatory song in chorus (just not at night);
  • during the day, send from different numbers a large congratulatory text divided into several parts;
  • shoot a video with the participation of those who cannot come to the holiday (more precisely, edit the congratulations recorded on the video).

Better yet, combine several options for congratulations and make this birthday unforgettable.

Scenario options

The following is a schematic diagram of a holiday scenario that is held at home. Competitions can be replaced with similar ones, the program can be supplemented with others, but the main thing is to observe the principle and structure of the competition.

  1. Surprise greeting. Guests come to the house and see that they are already expected. For example, in the hallway on a chandelier (on a hanger, on a mirror, wherever) there are small envelopes with the names of guests suspended. Each one takes his own, opens it. And there is a personalized message wishing you a good mood and hoping for an active participation in this evening. And some cute paper heart, flower, any nice little thing.
  2. Program entry. Let it be the lyrical part of the evening, indicating a reason for the meeting: a edited short film about the hero of the occasion, a slideshow, or even simply congratulatory poems prepared by children.
  3. The beginning of the competitions. The contests will begin no earlier than half an hour after the guests began to chat and treat themselves. Not needed before. The first competition should definitely not be mobile, but simple at the table. For example, a blitz with questions about the birthday girl. He will show how well the guests know her.
  4. Best toast. At the very beginning of the evening, you can announce the start of the competition for the best toast, the most creative author will receive a gift at the end of the holiday.
  5. Moving contests. They are held only if space permits. Usually these are dance tasks with a small number of participants. If the company is small, more than 2–3 such competitions per evening is already too much.
  6. Intellectual contests. Quizzes, puzzles, mini-CCGs - all this can and should be arranged if it is clear that these guests love this. But do not make them too long, so that vacationers do not get tired.
  7. Lyrical moments. Must be in the program. You can give the floor to older family members, and then dedicate a song to them. You can admire the prepared children's rooms. You can tell some touching story about the birthday boy, etc.
  8. Unifying contests. These are, for example, dramatizations. Only the staging of fairy tales is fed up with everything, and after all, you can stage accidentally dropped lines from books, news from the Internet and telegram channels, etc.
  9. Joint creativity. As such a moment, you can recall the drawing up of the Wish Card - the poster created by all the guests will be a memorable moment for the hero of the evening. You can make some kind of applique together (with ready-made, pre-cut elements), read the Ode to the Birthday Man in a chain, etc.
  10. A beautiful ending. It is very important not to "smear" the final of the holiday. The leader must competently bring him up to him. You can stand in a circle for everyone, join hands, put the birthday person in the center of the circle and tell him (each, in a chain) why we love him. A small candle can be passed (in a safe manner) and each broadcaster shares their impressions of the evening.

A birthday held even in modest home conditions can be made sincere, touching, and memorable.

It is great if the birthday person himself takes care of the fact that photos and videos from the holiday will then be with each guest: either already printed pictures in a beautiful envelope (send it by mail, it will be unexpected and pleasant), or send it in a package by e-mail.

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