
18 year old girl's birthday script

18 year old girl's birthday script
  1. Subject
  2. Possible entertainment
  3. Script examples

The eighteenth birthday is an important event in the life of every girl, so I want this day to be special. Many guests are invited to the solemn event, including the most relatives and friends, as well as friends. If you are going to arrange a celebration at the highest level, you need to carefully prepare, come up with entertainment, find ideas for contests and quests so that the hero of the occasion and her guests are satisfied.


Planning a holiday begins with choosing a theme, even if the 18th birthday is celebrated with the family. This day should be memorable, so you can arrange a coronation ceremony to make the hero of the occasion feel like a real princess. Thus, the event can be done in the appropriate style, warning guests about the dress code, which should reflect the royal nobles, jesters and entourage.

If you want the holiday to be more modern, you can make it in the American genre in the form of a noisy party with a buffet and various drinks that are found throughout the house.

The theme of the birthday should be chosen based on the preferences of the hero of the occasion. For example, if a girl loves cinematography, the venue can be set up as a movie set, where she will act as a director or guest superstar. It will be bright and exciting, besides, guests will definitely support such an undertaking if you warn them about everything in advance.

The theme evening will be held at the highest level, if you are guided by what the birthday girl will like. Therefore, first you need to understand what exactly she loves, whether she has a hobby, what dreams, and then use these ideas to decorate the holiday.Eighteen years come only once, and this is a significant date, so you should try to do everything so that everyone likes it. A wonderful addition to the holiday will be a book that can be decorated by hand. Throughout the celebration, guests can write inside whatever they want to wish the birthday girl, this will become a memorable gift for life.

Possible entertainment

A birthday does not consist only of a feast and conversations between guests, everything should be much more exciting and fun, so it is necessary to prepare entertainment in advance. Of course, often the location of the holiday can affect the possibilities of holding games and competitions, but there are enough ideas that can be implemented not only at home, but also in a cafe, at a picnic.


The holiday may be attended by guests who are not familiar with each other, so you can arrange a game that will bring everyone closer and liberate the shy ones a little. The bottom line is to tell your story of the first meeting and acquaintance with the hero of the occasion, but at the same time it is necessary to come up with one false fact, and let the rest guess where the truth is and where it is not. This will allow you to tell a little about yourself, but at the same time not forget about the main participant of the event.

The whole holiday should revolve around the birthday girl, and since this is an important event, you should remember about the parents, who are sure to be present at the celebration. To make adults comfortable and fun, you can play a game for them on knowing your daughter. Mom and Dad should take turns giving the most accurate answers to questions. You can start with the date of birth, then ask what the weather was like that day, what other name they wanted to call it, what was the height and weight of the newborn, favorite toy in childhood, favorite flower, movie, song and activity, which subject at school I liked more everything he dreams of becoming, and stuff like that. Parents will be happy to answer such questions.

To make it more fun, you can think of something ridiculous that adults cannot figure out, but will start to speculate.


Since the celebration will be attended by adults, you can arrange an interesting competition that will cause many smiles on the face of the birthday girl. We are talking about listing the qualities of the hero of the occasion, each guest should name them as many as possible. At first glance, this may seem easy, but there is one condition: all words must begin with the letter A, and then alphabetically. According to the same rule, you can list the wishes of the birthday girl.

Another comic competition is to come up with the most amusing and funny poem about a birthday girl, using different facts about her, and you can also write a funny congratulation. At the end, the most creative guest who receives the award is determined by a general vote.

The competition with undoing the headscarves will also be funny. Guests should be paired and tied with ribbons or scarves around their necks. After that, a command is given, and they must free the partner's neck as quickly as possible, while not using their hands. Whoever coped first won.


A coronation-style coming-of-age celebration would be a great idea. It is necessary to hide beautiful pebbles and sparkles throughout the room or where the event is taking place, and announce it at the beginning of the event. Throughout the evening, guests can search for shiny objects, and they can also be awarded as prizes during competitions, and at the end they can count who has more, then decorate the birthday girl's crown.

The holiday can be held in the form of a quest, but preparation will take more time so that everything is carefully thought out and, as a result, turns out to be interesting for the hero of the occasion and her guests. The task for the birthday girl herself, who will have to find the main gift, will be fascinating. At the same time, her friends and family will be able to help her with the search.

You can start with a simple hint about the location of the next puzzle. It requires some creativity and ingenuity so that the previous note points to the next in an interesting way. They can be hidden throughout the house: in the washing machine, on the cosmetic table, behind the sofa, under the birthday girl's plate. But the most important thing is to think over the tasks carefully so that they are not boring and ordinary.

The hostess of the holiday, together with her guests, will find various objects and messages indicating what will help her find the main gift.

Script examples

It will be interesting to consider the coronation ceremony in more detail. The host can start by greeting the guests by naming each one individually. The birthday girl will be at the head of the table, where everyone will come in turn to present gifts. but it is necessary to start with the speech that the princess becomes a queen, and the time comes when she will make serious decisions in her life.

At the beginning of the evening, it is necessary to present the queen with her crown, which will be strewn with sparkles and sparkling stones. At this time, solemn music should sound. After the feast, the royal ball is announced, which brought all the guests together.

As soon as the theme of the holiday has been invented, it is necessary to start preparing the invitations, and here you can show all your imagination. When they are sent out, you should start looking for props for competitions, think over the menu, collect songs for the playlist. It is extremely important to decorate the room where the celebration will be held in the style of the theme, using the birthday girl's favorite colors and appropriate attributes.

Today you can find different cool scenarios for the 18th birthday, this allows you to choose what meets your personal wishes and preferences. For example, you can sign invitations in childish handwriting, use ridiculous but cute drawings, and then attach them to a doll or a small toy to distribute to all potential guests. The room is decorated with balloons, the birthday girl's personal belongings are everywhere, which bring back pleasant memories of childhood. On one of the walls, you can hang photographs of the little hero of the occasion, which will cause emotion among all guests.

This is a scenario of farewell to childhood, which will be with a slight touch of sadness, but at the same time it is quite exciting and very soulful.

Use lollipops, little bobbleheads, balloons and everything related to childhood as prizes. So that everyone remembers the years in kindergarten and school, you can give an assignment to recite a poem on a highchair, this will make guests smile. A fun game in which you need to show how the birthday girl learned to walk, dance, read.

If the hostess of the holiday does not like detective stories, a birthday in the style of a crime story and a quest with the search for evidence will be an exciting pastime.

There are quite a lot of ideas, you just need to decide what exactly the hero of the occasion will like, and carefully prepare with your friends.

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