
Birthday script for a woman

Birthday script for a woman
  1. What to consider when preparing a script?
  2. Age options
  3. Interesting scenarios for a colleague
  4. Ideas for a relative
  5. Organization of a holiday for your girlfriend

Birthday is not always a holiday to which a professional host is invited. For many reasons (including savings), people decide to start organizing a special day themselves. And they succeed in this. And if there is no need to come up with contests, assignments, and the nuances of the holiday, but you can spy on the Internet, the mission will definitely not seem impossible.

What to consider when preparing a script?

A holiday at home for a woman is an opportunity to turn an evening into a show for a birthday girl from ordinary table gatherings with traditional toasts and typical conversations "about everything". Moreover, one that matches her taste and will surely impress the hero of the occasion.

Before writing a script, it's worth reading these guidelines.

  1. Not a single item in the program should be from the "what if it works out" series. If there is not enough space for a full-fledged competition or task, it means that it is initially deleted from the script. You only need to include what can be unambiguously carried out and not distort the meaning of the task. Example: dancing where you want to portray a "train" in a small living room is not the best option.
  2. There must be absolute surprises in the script.... For example, a birthday girl has school friends who live far away. But in the era of social networks, finding them, contacting them, asking them to record a small congratulatory video is not such a problem. But how unexpected and pleasant it will be to include such a video at the holiday.
  3. You need to know the script by heart or close to the text... Even if these are just home gatherings, and the organizers of the holiday are not actors at all, the manner of sight-reading and being inappropriately shy is a relic. Genuine attention is excellent readiness, confident mastery of the script, which expresses respect and love for the birthday girl. Yes, and those present will appreciate the level of training.
  4. Do not include questionable contests in the script... Not everyone likes the "spicy" tasks. Moreover, many people therefore avoid going to weddings and anniversaries, as they do not like such tasks. And you can almost always do without them. Laugh, have fun, feel nostalgic - for this, other typical tasks and contests are enough.
  5. If the program is too dynamic, the audience will not be able to relax. There is no need to give out competition after competition, moreover, requiring a lot of activity from the guests. Let the quick competition be replaced by a task where the guests are mostly spectators. After a couple of contests, there should be a pause for communication and refreshments.
  6. It is necessary to determine in advance who will record the event (photo / video). It will be great if then the chronicle of the holiday, selected and decorated properly, will be sent to the birthday girl and each guest by e-mail.
  7. The script should never end... The finale is made bright - either it ends with something grandiose (like a fireworks or fireworks), or with something chamber, but lyrical and memorable (a common song by candlelight).

And, of course, the more detailed the script, the more confident the presenter feels.

Age options

For 16-year-old and 17-year-old girls, they compose a youth scenario or that program that is as close as possible to the interests of the birthday girl and can involve her friends in the fun. At the age of 22-25, these are often scenarios that are based on the girl's professional activities. But cheerful incendiary parties are quite possible to arrange for older women: 39, 41, 45, 46 years old - not a reason to turn the holiday into something pretentious, full of officialdom.

Birthdays of 56 years and older can be associated with a vulnerable period for a woman - she retires, but does not want to focus on this. However, even if it happens at 61, the essence does not change.

But for women over 70, 75 (77, 78, 79 years old), the pension is no longer perceived as a hint of age, and the ladies evaluate their elderly years as wealth and a reason to gather the whole family for a holiday.

Features scenarios for different ages.

  • 16-20 years old. If this is a holiday where both friends and relatives gather, unifying, neutral contests that are clear to everyone are needed. You can focus on comic tasks, staging of fairy tales, musical numbers. Competitions related to childhood memories (photos and videos) with the birthday girl will fit perfectly into the program.
  • 20-30 years old. Holding a party just for friends is an opportunity to concentrate on common tastes and interests, favorite music, etc. If people of different ages have gathered for a birthday, you need to look for compromises. For example, offer neutral tasks such as a compliment contest, the best audio description of the birthday girl, and drawing her portrait “blindly”. But in order to bring the older generation closer to the realities of the time, you can arrange a modern photo zone in the house (in the form of a window of social networks, for example) or shoot a video with all and quickly edit it, showing the result at the end of the holiday.
  • 30-40 years old. This is still a very young female age, but still there are more common themes and interests with older guests. And watched movies and favorite music. Therefore, this can be taken as the basis of the script. The main thing is to avoid speeches and linings about wisdom, growing up: while you should not focus on this, it can be perceived ambiguously.
  • 40-50 years old... For a birthday girl of this age category, her own grown children can organize a holiday. They will approach this matter with humor, they know their mother well.And at the same time, all guests will be interested in playing youth games, and the birthday mother will be glad to have such agility from children.
  • 50-60 years old. Quite often, at this age, women begin to be more anxious about their birthdays. Because this becomes an occasion to gather the whole family, to see relatives, children and grandchildren, to meet with neighbors not in an everyday atmosphere, but at a festive table. And the more guests gather, the more the celebration needs a conductor. Therefore, perhaps, here you need not one person-organizer, but a whole team.
  • 60-70 years old... Not all people at this age take stock, but many think about it. Therefore, repeating these ideas in the script is not worth it, it will be overkill. It is better to make good family contests, with the help of photos and memories of contemporaries, to recall the youth of the birthday girl, but without loud toasts from the “draw the line” series.
  • 70-80 years and more. The main condition of the program is not to tire the guests. Many of them will be of venerable age, and therefore you need to be as tactful as possible and do nothing that will prevent guests from relaxing. Better the program will not be very large, in many respects nostalgic, musical. Let it be kind words from guests, spoken in a circle, or a beautiful presentation on the big screen as the centerpiece of the evening.

It is advisable to inquire in advance which company will gather for the holiday... You can replenish information about unfamiliar guests: profession, perhaps talents or some flattering moments of the biography.

When the presenter knows those present well, the history of friendship between them and the birthday girl, it always captivates.

Interesting scenarios for a colleague

A holiday organized by a colleague is not uncommon. Especially if it is a jubilee, and it is customary in the team to pay such attention to the jubilees.

A rough outline of the scenario.

  • Start... You can start unexpectedly and turn on a film about the hero of the day. Take it off in advance using different photos. This is always interesting, because many colleagues know each other only at work, and photos from everyday life represent a person completely different. Also, the film can include pre-recorded video postcards from those who cannot be present at the holiday.
  • Rap congratulations. Perhaps such an incendiary continuation of the holiday will already consolidate the disposition, openness of the guests and will become an appropriate stage in the first part of the celebration. And here there are several options: either find rap performers ready for such a show in advance, or arrange an impromptu one. There will be text, there will be a beat, and the participants on the stage will read it “live”. Naturally, the text is simple, the speed is slow, so as not to turn the holiday into an extreme test.
  • Blitz... It's time for a competition where everyone will participate. The facilitator should ask questions that can be answered with only one word. Questions should concern the birthday girl, her professional activities, etc. And they should be ridiculously provocative. For example: "What do you like to do more with (name of the birthday girl): submit the report and receive praise from the authorities, or drink tea with delicious cakes and dream of a vacation?"
  • Staging... Celebrating a birthday without theatricality can be imagined, but why, if it's fun. Many people may be tired of fairy tales, but modern performances are something more original. A simple example of text that's funny and fun to visualize. “It was a languid, uncomfortable evening. Charlie Chaplin went out into the city to admire the snow-covered streets. He walked, afraid to slip on the ice. A sweet girl came out to meet him, she laughed brightly and weighed curtsies to him. The girl was replaced by a nimble dog who barked merrily at Charlie. A seldom car passed, honking Charlie. He went into the pastry shop, the door creaked, the saleswoman screamed. She wrapped Charlie the most delicious cakes, and he made her laugh in gratitude. It was winter outside, howling and carrying Charlie's thoughts into the distance.He still fell on the ice, but he was not upset, but smiled and waved his hand to us all. " It's simple, cute, and funny. Especially if you remember that you need to show the actors and the dog, and the creaky door, and howling winter.
  • Drinking contests. This is followed by a series of drinking contests, for which you do not need to go on stage. This can be the standard "hat that reads thoughts", "toasts, where all the words are one letter," "a contest of cheerful tongue twisters," etc.
  • Lyrical finale. Often, guests prepare a song for the birthday girl. They take her favorite or just a suitable composition (so as not to repeat and be banal, better a modern one), rearrange the text and sing all together. Soloists can be identified. This will be a dedication song. You can also do this: colleagues put their paintings on a pre-made paper lantern (it is better also in advance), this flashlight is passed in a circle. Whoever holds it in his hands must, strictly in one sentence, wish the birthday girl something.

The program can be shortened if it does not imply a full-fledged evening, leaving only the main, according to the organizers, competitions.

Ideas for a relative

Competitions and tasks for a family birthday held without a toastmaster can partly repeat the steps that are mentioned in the script for a colleague.

For Mom

More often the daughter takes over the organization of the program. If a small company gets together, then one person can cope with it.

Examples of assignments and contests.

  • "While everyone is at home." This is a competition for an impromptu story. It is very simple, but always well received. The host starts first: “Somehow everyone got together at home and decided to cook ...”. The one sitting next to the presenter picks up the text and continues. And so in a circle. As a result, a collective story will come out, in most cases funny and very accurately indicating the characteristics of the characters of family members, their habits, recognizable words, etc.
  • "A family of excellent students"... This is a compliment contest. Each of the guests should say what he learned from the birthday girl for the "five". For example, a daughter will say that she learned to make pies for the "five", and the husband - that he learned to be heard, etc.
  • "The warmth of our hands." A piece of plasticine is handed out to the participants of the competition. In a couple of minutes, they have to dazzle what they associate with the birthday girl. While some are sculpting, other guests are invited to answer the questionnaire.
  • "Questionnaire for Mom". Mom is asked 10 (as many as possible) questions, this is done even before the holiday. And at the holiday, the same questions are already asked to the guests. It will be clear how well they know the birthday girl.
  • "Year after year". The host names the year, and the guests have to guess what memorable happened that year regarding the biography of the hero of the occasion. This usually causes humorous confusion and everyone is happy and hilarious.

Important! The best celebration principle is to alternate a calm, non-leaving competition with a more active one. You can do this: 2 calm - 1 active - 1 surprise.

A surprise is understood as either a video postcard, or the presentation of a gift, or a creative number from one of the guests.

For grandma

It is even easier for grandchildren to unite and spend a holiday for their beloved grandmother - both in a cafe and at home.

How to saturate the program?

  • "Memory box" (or "box"). In it you need to collect objects that are an attribute of some milestone in the fate of the birthday girl. For example, a school certificate, a souvenir brought from a resort, a tag from a maternity hospital, etc. And every guest must get it out on the subject (blindly). Or part of the guests, as long as there are enough items. First, he suggests what the significance of the thing is, and then the birthday girl either confirms her words, or says the correct version.
  • "Photo Tour". You need to scan photos of your grandmother from different years and make a presentation or slideshow out of them. During the viewing, you need to choose a guide (one or more), whose task is to comment on the photo without leaving the image of a professional guide.
  • "Happy Jam". In advance, you need to draw and cut a jar out of thick paper or cardboard. Large enough for all guests to see. Secure in a convenient place (bring an easel, for example). Drawn halves of fruits and berries are handed out to guests. The task is to write a wish on each. Guests write and attach these halves to a paper jar on double-sided tape. Then the presenter reads out the "recipe" from which this jam was made.
  • Musical nostalgia. Fragments of songs or melodies that the grandmother likes and are associated with some events in her life are recorded in advance. The school waltz is a graduation, a popular hit is a song that sounded in youth at dances, etc. The guests' task is to guess how these songs are related to the biography of the birthday girl.

Examples of contests from programs for mom and grandma can also be used in a birthday script for an aunt or other relatives.

Organization of a holiday for your girlfriend

And a few more tips for a man who undertook to organize a holiday for his beloved.

Helpful hints:

  • if photographs are used for contests, you need to be sure that all these pictures are liked by the birthday girl;
  • you can not take the pride of the girl (for example, she draws or embroiders) without taking permission from her - perhaps she would have chosen others to demonstrate to guests;
  • great if the organizer asks the relatives of the beloved, learns from them interesting stories from her childhood and writes real cases into the canvas of the script;
  • if we are to arrange a holiday, then on the “all inclusive” principle: and cleaning, and invitations, and even cooking, too, at the organizer;
  • some contests require preliminary preparation, including from guests: you can write to them, ask them to remember a case, come up with a toast or a rhyme about the birthday girl in advance, perhaps compose a song.

Let the holiday turn out to be wonderful, regardless of the short or long program and the number of guests!

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