
Birthday script for a 7 year old boy

Birthday script for a 7 year old boy
  1. Choosing a place for a holiday
  2. Subject
  3. Scenario options
  4. With contests and games
  5. Quest

A child's birthday at any age should be special. To make it a success, you need to choose the right place, decide on the topic, choose the best contests and games. From the material in this article, you will learn about the options for the birthday scenario of a 7-year-old boy.

Choosing a place for a holiday

You can celebrate your child's birthday not only at home. It can be done:

  • in a cafe with an existing children's area;
  • in a play center with a playground;
  • on a specially equipped playground;
  • on the street (for example, in the adjoining territory of a private house or summer cottage).

In addition, depending on the place of residence, it is possible to organize a celebration of the birthday of a 7-year-old boy in a special creative studio equipped with everything necessary for holding a thematic event.

When choosing one or another option, a number of nuances are taken into account, for example:

  • the number of guests invited;
  • the duration of the celebration;
  • children's interests and hobbies;
  • time of day for the event;
  • holiday budget;
  • children's ability to solve game tasks.

In addition, taking into account the age of the participants, the place is chosen so that the children have free access to the table and toilet room. Also, do not forget such a nuance as the possibilities of the playing space (its area, the possibility of organizing an event in a specific topic)... The chosen option should be comfortable for all participants.

The atmosphere should be intriguing - the show program must be fully organized. If the selected options are not suitable, you can spend your son's birthday at home. At the same time, it is desirable that there is enough space for everyone.If possible, you can celebrate in a special room for children's quests.

As for the decision to choose a street as a venue, bad weather can spoil everything. Also, this option is not suitable for celebrating the birthday of a child who was born in the cold season. Few of the guests would like to conduct a game program in the cold.


A 7-year-old boy's birthday theme can be universal or extraordinary. Previously, parents invited clowns to such an event. Today this trend is outdated, and besides, for many children, clowns by no means evoke good emotions - on the contrary, they scare children.

Modern boys live in a world of cool cartoons and fantastic stories. This is what can be taken as the basis for the topic. For example, a birthday boy can become a superhero of his favorite cartoon: Spider-Man or Superman, Alex the lion from Madagascar.

You can take as a basis a story from "Pirates of the Caribbean". Today there is not a single boy who does not know the famous pirate Jack Sparrow. This will allow you to play a show program in a nautical style (for example, with a treasure hunt, which will be shared by all participants at the end of the holiday).

You can think about holding a holiday in the style of space action. A child can become a space pirate - the son is unlikely to resist such a temptation.

If you choose or make creative costumes and paraphernalia (for example, glowing swords), the holiday will be remembered for a long time not only by the birthday man, but also by his guests.

Taking into account the peculiarities of the age of seven, the game program should not be too complicated and protracted. You need to choose a theme in such a way that active games are interspersed with relaxation. it possibly Halloween themed, superspy story. You can guess riddles, answer questions, clap, jump, run, act out scenes.

The traditional option is Indian theme... There are boys who love to play Indians. In this case, this is the best solution.

However, if there are girls among the invited guests, then you need to consider the option in which there is a suitable role for each participant.

Children of 7 years old are extremely sensitive to attention. According to the scenario, each role should be important. This way the participants will be involved in the gameplay. If there are only boys among the participants, heroic script... Depending on the chosen cartoon, the birthday man can become Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich, Ilya Muromets.

The theme options are simpler: "Kid and Carlson", "Prostokvashino", "Barboskins", "Fixies". They are not for everybody, just like the theme "Magic Walk". As for the improvisation options, the holiday will not be so exciting without a script. Among other topics, you can pay attention to the motives of "Harry Potter", fantastic stories about Narnia. An original example is playing a Scooby-Doo party.

Scenario options

The choice of theme largely determines the direction of the game program. For example, if a theme is selected:

  • Narnia - children will look for a magic lion that will help restore peace in the country of unusual creatures, captured by an evil sorceress;
  • "Pirates of the Caribbean" - participants will search for the "Flying Dutchman" or treasures hidden by pirates many years ago;
  • "The Potterians" - as a basis, you can take the motives of the first film, where the participants will have to find a secret room hidden by the academy professors;
  • "Madagascar" - the birthday boy and his friends will go to the coveted island, where exciting adventures await them;
  • a superman or a spy - you can beat her with different tasks, where guests will help the birthday man;
  • "Barboskins" - you can play a story where Druzhok goes to another planet to play football with aliens.

In other words, the holiday scenario should have a core, a main plot that will develop throughout the holiday. You need to play the game after the meal.Then children will not think about goodies and for some time will be able to devote themselves to an exciting program.

Any boy wants to try on the image of an interesting character, neither he nor his guests will forget such a game. As much as possible, it is worth solving the issue with the costumes. You need to start with the unusual presentation of invitations. They can be presented in person or passed on through parents.

Having decided on the main idea, it remains to choose contests and games. At the same time, they try to choose options that will not take much time. This is because children's attention at the age of seven does not linger on for long. If you ask something difficult, the participants of the holiday may lose interest in the whole game.

With contests and games

It is ideal to choose a scenario in which children will receive small gifts for each competition. They don't have to be expensive at all the main thing is motivation to participate. Somewhere it could be a key to open a magic chest, a note with a hint, a magic item. These "presents" remain in the game or are collected as artifacts for the passage to the final.

Games can be different: funny, fun, but better sports. Their type depends on the number of participants. If there are many children, you can divide them into 2 teams. Then you can pick up the games "bowling", "relay race", "tug of war", "score the ball", "who will make the mummy faster" and many others.

The main thing is to show your imagination and beat them in the chosen topic.

Even an ordinary dart or jig can be a fun quest on the way to finding a magic potion, especially if played as a characters of "Asterix", wearing funny hats. You can arrange fights with balloons, throwing snowballs ("magic grenades"). On whose side there are more of them, they lost. If there are few children, you can play hide and seek.

Bowling will also be original, beaten in the theme "Scooby-Doo"... For example, you can throw into the "house" not with ordinary balls, but with silicone balls, "sausages". The number of hits can become the number of clues in the game, where players will look for the villain ghost. You can wind up "sausages" from long balloons: whoever has more of them gets a hint or a small present.

Competitions can be very diverse:

  • on the most unusual costume prepared for the holiday;
  • for the best player based on the results of several completed tasks;
  • on the best guessing riddles with more answers;
  • by the number of victories in all tasks of the game program.

No need for complex and monotonous verses to explain the meaning of the assignments. At the age of 7, children will not appreciate them too much. Concise and clear explanations are important.


Quests are ideal for topics with a general idea of ​​finding gifts. At the same time, any chosen theme can be adjusted to the quest. At 7 years old, boys are very active, this should be taken as a basis. If it's a well-known cartoon or computer game, they know what might be next.

The quest can take place outdoors or indoors... It starts with easy tasks (the second letter of the name of the protagonist, the color of his clothes, how old the birthday boy is). You can start the game by finding a hidden object. The essence of the game comes down to completing the tasks indicated in the hidden tips.

When the holiday is held at home, tasks are placed in balloons, hidden in the room.

It is important to encourage children to find a specific place. Tasks can be designed in the form of riddles (but not too difficult, otherwise the children will lose interest).

When a room is rented for organizing a party, the quest turns out to be as creative as possible (especially when choosing a professional studio and a presenter). Task games can be extraordinary, for example:

  • a game of mobile basketball, where the participants need to score the ball into the baskets of two players of opposite teams (they run away from those who score the ball);
  • relay race-crawling on the back without the help of hands, in which children are divided into 2 teams (if there are few of them, the one who crawled the fastest wins);
  • jig in flippers (the winning participant, who beat off more than others, is given a hint for the next task);
  • crawling through an inflatable ring without using hands (the winner in speed receives an artifact or a key that opens a new door);
  • wrestling with inflatable beaters, pillows, where adults can be connected to the game.

By the way, the same pillows can become the armor of heroes, which will make the game more fun. Good fellow swords can be made from long balloons.

The theme of balls is completely endless, for example, they make snowballs that need to be destroyed with their backs in a short time.

You can put together a huge Puzzletrying to meet the given time. This will bring the team together. The puzzle is matched to the theme chosen for the birthday. So that the children are not too tired, the puzzle can be a portrait of the birthday man or an image of a hero of the chosen theme, a phrase indicating the place where the prize was hidden. This kind of gathers quickly.

Alternatively, you can take note of another idea. The main point is to put together a magical album. This quest assumes a mobile printer capable of taking photos directly from the camera. These will be artifacts - as evidence of completed tasks.

They buy an album for a photo, during the quest they put in it pictures of completed assignments and the best moments that children like more. At the end of the game, children are presented with prizes for the completed game. And the birthday man also has a memorable album from the holiday. Such memory is incomparable with anything.

The quest can be conducted by professionals and the parents themselves. At the same time, it is often not necessary to spend a lot of time memorizing the script. Here you can improvise, especially if the adult presenter is familiar with the topic. It is important not to stray too far from the topic and maintain children's interest.

For how to have fun with your child's birthday, see the next video.

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