
How to decorate a room for a child's birthday?

How to decorate a room for a child's birthday?
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Decor options
  3. Decoration of different zones
  4. Theme design ideas
  5. Beautiful examples

All parents wish to organize a bright, interesting and memorable birthday party for their child. You should prepare for this event in advance in order to be in time for everything. It is necessary to think over the festive menu, arrange the area for games and photography, decorate the room and cope with other pleasant chores.


Before decorating the room for your child's birthday, you need to do the following.

  • Decide on the theme of the holiday.
  • Prepare decorative items.
  • Calculate the cost of jewelry and buy everything you need.
  • Prepare tools and accessories that may be needed during work.

The design should be colorful and interesting. Children love bright colors and a variety of decorative items. You can buy everything for decorating a house or apartment in specialized stores. They offer a rich assortment of products at affordable prices. Also, everything you need can be ordered via the Internet. Themed decorations designed specifically for a particular holiday are in demand. Given the wide variety of decor, decorating the room with your own hands is not difficult. Using ready-made jewelry is much easier than making one yourself.

Decor options


To decorate the room in an original way, you can use photos of the hero of the occasion. This decor will be interesting not only for children, but also for adults. Family photos will awaken pleasant emotions and fond memories. This option is recommended for older children who can appreciate the creativity.If you are concerned about the safety of your photos, it is recommended that you make copies. Pictures can be hung on ribbons, ropes or garlands.

This option is great for both boys and girls.


Bright, practical and colorful ribbons are a budget option for decorating a room. You can use ready-made store products or make ribbons yourself by cutting fabric (such as satin) into strips. If desired, you can make lush bows and other shapes from them.

Paper flowers

Artificial and lush paper buds will help decorate the room for the girl's birthday. Such decorative items can also be purchased. Corrugated paper roses are very popular. You can also make them yourself. This is done, you just need to cut the petals out of paper and connect them into flowers with glue. The resulting blanks are attached to pieces of strong wire. The bud can be spray painted with gold or silver paint.


Shining garlands are loved by adults and children. These decorations can be used not only for celebrating the New Year. With their help, you can quickly and easily decorate a room for the upcoming holiday. To achieve maximum effect, the holiday is best spent in the evening. You can also curtain the windows or cover them with cardboard. Modern garlands captivate with their variety and original appearance. On sale you will find models with large bulbs or with shades in the form of flowers. From garlands, you can lay out thematic inscriptions.


In the store for the holidays or parties, you will find three-dimensional paper stars. They can be of different colors and sizes. It is enough to buy the required number of decorative elements and place them around the house. The result is a charming piece of jewelry. Stars can be supplemented with other paper products.


Decorating with balls is a win-win option. One decoration will be enough to prepare the room for the holiday. Manufacturers offer a huge variety of products. Starting from simple colored balls and ending with curly products.

You can also purchase products in the form of various figures or cartoon characters.

Decoration of different zones


The walls of the hall or any other room where the celebration will take place can be decorated with various objects. If you are using themed paper decorations, you will need to attach them with double-sided tape. Also use invisibility, but in this case, you can damage the wallpaper. The free space can be covered with ribbons, garlands and other decorations of your choice. You can also use large posters of characters from children's films or cartoons for wall decor.

Another way to decorate walls is to use colored paper appliqués. Children's crafts or drawings will look great. They go well with family shots, which can also be hung on walls. To make the final result look impressive, add some large and voluminous objects.


To lure guests, you can prepare a special dressing room. For this you will need a table and various accessories, matched to the style of the holiday. These can be artificial clown noses, hoop ears, caps, raincoats and other items. A festive wardrobe will help create a special atmosphere and involve all participants in the celebration in the game.

When decorating a birthday for a boy, you can invite the guys to choose a weapon. These can be blasters for a space-style party or swords for a medieval duel. For girls, you can prepare tiaras, crowns and other jewelry. They can also be magic wands. The main thing is a flight of imagination.

Children's table

Particular attention should be paid not only to the room, but also to the festive table. The sooner you decide on a theme, the sooner you can get themed tableware. A rich assortment allows you to buy everything you need. Add additional elements and decorations. Place toys on the table. Decorate the hem of the tablecloth with colored ribbons. Tie some balloons together and attach a weight to them and place the structure on or next to a table.

For games

Don't forget about the play area. Here, not only decor is important, but also comfort. When preparing a holiday for young children in the location for games and other entertainment events, you need to arrange a soft flooring (thick carpet, special rubberized coating and other options). The area must be fully illuminated. The tray above the play area can be filled with colorful helium balloons. Be sure to prepare the right amount of toys.

Growth plush toys can be used as decor.

For photo

In order for the guests of the holiday to have bright pictures, it is necessary to arrange a photo zone. You can order it or make it yourself. The area for photographing should correspond to the theme of the holiday. If you are preparing a celebration for little princesses, you can decorate a colorful arch or a magic castle. For a space theme, a large stand with a picture of a starry sky or a cosmetic ship is great. The main thing is that the stand is of sufficient size.

Theme design ideas

When choosing a theme for a children's birthday, they are guided by the following characteristics.

  • Child's age. A holiday for 2 or 3 years will differ significantly from a celebration for 5 or 10. It is worth noting that at the age of 7 children start going to school, which is why their preferences and characters change. At 3-4 years old, children are energetic and prefer active games.
  • Gender is also taken into account. There are several standard options for decorating a house for a boy's or girl's birthday. For example, the cartoon "Frozen" has recently been very popular among young women. Boys tend to be interested in cars, space and adventure.
  • Many parents make a mistake, not taking into account the wishes of the child when choosing decorations for the holiday. Check with the hero of the occasion.

There are also versatile options.

  • Dinosaurs. A wonderful option for decorating a holiday for kids. This theme is recommended for preschool children.
  • Big numbers. As a basis, use a number that shows how old the child is. It can be decorated with ribbons, balls, flowers and other decor.
  • Favorite films and cartoons. Find out what's hot right now. Some characters are suitable for a holiday for a girl and a boy. For example, "Alice in Wonderland", "Tom and Jerry", "Paw Patrol" and other options.

For girls

A fairy tale for a princess

If you are choosing a style for your daughter's birthday, pay attention to the most common and popular option - the celebration of little princesses. Decorate your apartment as a castle. Prepare colorful dresses and various decorations for the guests of the event. For the hero of the occasion, prepare a special accessory, for example, a crown. Use flowers, ribbons and balloons as decor. The main palette of the holiday consists of the following colors: blue, pink, lilac.

You can also use bright colors.

LOL style party

Recently, LOL dolls are rapidly gaining popularity. Using a well-known image, you can decorate a holiday in this style. It is necessary to purchase themed paraphernalia: dishes, balloons, a stand with a picture of dolls and much more.

For boys

When choosing a topic, your son can choose one of the options described.

Safari and Wild Jungle

To decorate the room, you will need artificial plants (to create dense thickets), figures in the form of wild animals (unicorn, lion, elephant, etc.), themed balloons. You can also prepare clothes and toy weapons for the adventurers. This idea is suitable for children of all ages. You can decorate the walls with large green leaves cut from colored paper or cardboard.


Many boys love to play pirates. Using this theme, you can organize an interesting and exciting holiday. Decorate your apartment in the form of a pirate ship. Set the steering wheel, sail and other nautical attributes. You can also use balloons with a pirate emblem (skull and two bones). This option is recommended for older children. Prepare pirate hats and sabers for guests. You can also complement the costume with a plush parrot toy. Guests will remember this holiday for a long time.

Football party

      If your child is interested in football, you can devote a holiday to this sport. The house is decorated with sports items. You can install a gate in the apartment, and with the help of a green carpet, you can create the effect of a playing field from grass. Football uniforms can be used as themed outfits.

      Space trip

      Another popular topic. Finding the necessary decorative elements is not difficult. You can buy mock-ups of planets and stars at any party store. Use space-themed balloons to spice up the decor.

      Birthday can be decorated in the style of "Star Wars".

      Beautiful examples

      Nice photo zone, decorated with large paper flowers. When decorating, a combination of white, blue and light blue was used.

      Bright and colorful decoration using volumetric multi-colored balls.

      Festive table decoration in the style of your favorite cartoon.

      Simple and fun decor using family photos.

      Using these colored paper and rope decorative elements, you can decorate your birthday in the jungle style.

      Joyful children's party with dinosaurs. An example of decorating a festive table.

      A simple example of a decor using multi-colored paper stars.

      A charming photo angle. When compiling the stand, they used balloons, large artificial flowers, luminous figures in the form of a star and the number "1".

      In this case, balloons of various colors and sizes were used as the main element.

      Another example of decor using balls. The picture shows how the different models are combined.

      To make the children's birthday room more elegant, balloons in the form of popular cartoon characters were chosen.

      This photo clearly demonstrates how you can successfully combine several decorative elements in one room: paper lanterns, flags, balloons, bright fabrics and much more. The result is a bright and colorful decor.

      For 10 life hacks of quick birthday decor, see the next video.

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