
How to decorate a room with birthday balloons?

How to decorate a room with birthday balloons?
  1. Which balls to use?
  2. Various compositions
  3. Design ideas
  4. Recommendations
  5. Beautiful examples

One of the stages of preparing for a birthday celebration is associated with decorating the room where the celebration will take place. There are many options for decorating and one of the most popular among them is the use of balloons. They contribute to the creation of a festive atmosphere, such decor is inexpensive and looks impressive.

Which balls to use?

To decorate the premises for the holiday, ordinary balloons and filled with helium are used. Great attention is paid to colors. All components of this design must be in harmony with each other. One of the most successful options is a combination of snow-white and gold balls.

Shapes made from balls should also complement each other. Choose compositions that match the style of the celebration.

Helium-free balloons can be combined with satin ribbons, paper garlands, and other decorative elements.

Balloon suppliers offer options from latex and foil, helium and regular, luminous compositions decorated with patterns and inscriptions are very popular. You just need to decide on the design concept.

Various compositions

Decorating the hall for a birthday is a responsible event. Balloons provide an opportunity to transform a room. Compositions based on them are placed on the walls, ceiling and in separate areas of the room.

A similar decor will appeal to both the guests of the holiday and the birthday person himself.

The balls can be placed not only on the walls and ceiling, but also on the table, filling them in special vases or using stands. Another option is to hang the balls around the perimeter of the festive table on ribbons.

Decorate with balls and various architectural objects, for example, columns with columns. They are also scattered on the floor, bringing bright colors to the interior.

On the basis of the balls, they create multi-colored arches, numbers and panels, as well as figures with garlands.

Design ideas

To decorate a room with balloons, large financial costs will not be required.

  • For mom's anniversary you can, for example, create an arch from balls and place it next to the festive table.

This decor is considered universal; it can be made from balls of different colors.

  • For a children's birthday, bright balls are purchased. The decoration of the hall where the boy's celebration will take place is often performed in blue and blue colors. Young birthday people love pirate-style parties - sky-colored balloons are combined with black ones. Ideas for decorating a girl's birthday involve decorating with balloons in gentle colors. In the room, you can make a flower bed or please the birthday girl and her guests with figures of cartoon characters.
  • On an adult birthday The numbers from the balls attached to the walls look very impressive. This design will appeal to both a man and a woman, and a young girl aged 18 years.
  • You can decorate the house and apartment with balloons yourselfIt is not necessary to invite professional aerodesigners. Surprise your husband, mother or child for his birthday by transforming your home with balloons with your own hands. Hang garlands made from elements of a certain color on the walls in the hall - this is the easiest and most budgetary way to achieve an original effect in the design.

You can, for example, attach red balls to the walls, form a heart or cherries from them.

  • If you use a special frame base, volumetric panels will be aesthetically placed on the wall.
  • It is easy to delight guests, decorating the ceiling with helium-filled balloons hanging from ribbons. Balls with LEDs mounted in them look spectacular. With the coming of the evening, they begin to glow presentably, evoking positive emotions among those present at the holiday.
  • For a holiday on the occasion of the birthday of the child large balls are filled with miniature ones and confetti or sequins are integrated into them. At the climax of the celebration, the balloons are burst, delighting the children. The surprise balloon can be filled not only with confetti, but also with notes with predictions, good wishes, serpentine lines.

They burst the ball with a sharp stick or a battery-powered fuse.

  • You can make a cloud from snow-white and blue ballsfixed to the ceiling surface. Adding hanging paper droplets to it will allow you to get a complete composition. The stars and the moon will be the final touch in such a decor.
  • Cartoon characters can become a highlight of children's birthday decorationmade from balloons filled with helium. Little guests and the hero of the occasion will be delighted with compositions in the form of flower bouquets and animals, created from balloons fastened together.
  • Garlands of balls attached to the ceiling Is another interesting design option. The atmosphere of the holiday will definitely turn out bright.

There are plenty of original ideas for decorating the ceiling with balls:

  • they fill the entire surface;
  • hung on ribbons;
  • create symmetrically arranged garlands.

Think about the theme of the celebration, connect your imagination, you can create any compositions from the balls. They differ in color and size, and are perfect for obtaining three-dimensional figures.

The shape of the balloons makes them versatile. Having completed a few strokes with a felt-tip pen, you can turn ordinary balls into the faces of funny animals. Fountains made of spheres look very beautiful - with one big one in the center, surrounded by small ones.Such compositions, as a rule, are created in a single color palette.


When decorating a room for a birthday, it is important to correctly determine the color scheme and size of the balls.

When decorating the table with balloons, use small boxes with weights to keep them from flying away.

When decorating a spacious room, use arched structures and panels on a solid frame. This is a great design option for celebrating an anniversary.

You can buy balloons decorated with a photo print, which depicts the hero of the occasion and important dates for him.

Beautiful examples

For the boy's birthday, you can order balloons with the image of ninja turtles.

Volumetric designs from balls look presentable. Air sculptures never go unnoticed.

3D figures are a versatile decor suitable for any occasion. Their creation can be entrusted to professional decorators or you can handle it yourself.

If your birthday falls in the summer, you can order a composition in the form of bees hugging a bouquet of flowers

Balloon arches are a decor suitable for birthday people of different ages.

Red and white hearts, bouquets of hearts are compositions symbolizing love, girls really like them.

There are a lot of ideas for decorating rooms with balls, you just have to choose the right one.

Giving preference to one or another option, be guided by the age of the birthday person, the area of ​​the room and individual wishes.

For information on how to decorate a room for the holiday, see the next video.

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