
How to decorate a colleague's workplace for his birthday?

How to decorate a colleague's workplace for his birthday?
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Design options
  3. Beautiful examples

Birthday is a wonderful holiday. On this day, the birthday person in the morning accepts congratulations from people close to him. Colleagues do not forget about congratulations. By the time the birthday person arrives, the workplace is usually decorated, and original congratulations and surprises are prepared. Many do not know how to decorate a colleague's workplace in an unusual way for a birthday. The little tips described in the article will help you solve this problem.


If the team is planning an anniversary or just someone's birthday, colleagues begin to think how interesting it would be to congratulate the birthday person so that it would not be boring and ordinary. Because of the constant bustle of work, people often forget how pleasant it is to give positive emotions to others.

A birthday can be just such an event, which made it possible to deliver maximum positive emotions to the birthday boy, to all colleagues.

In a friendly team, no one will be left without a task. Everyone wants to do their bit to create a special festive atmosphere. This can be done by coming up with an original congratulation and beautifully decorating the birthday person's workplace. When doing design, you don't have to invest a lot of money in it. You can beautifully and originally decorate the room and workplace of the birthday person with the help of the simplest and most affordable items. You can make them yourself or purchase ready-made options for festive decor.

For decoration use:

  • multi-colored balloons;
  • streamers with congratulations;
  • Garlands;
  • posters;
  • paper pom-poms;
  • fans, etc.

When designing a place, it is advisable to take into account the interests of the hero of the occasion. So, for an athlete, you can add elements in the form of sports equipment to the design.For a football player, a soccer ball will be appropriate, and for a badminton player - rackets and shuttlecocks. For a gambler, you can use playing cards, dice or chips in the decor.

Colleagues with a sense of humor can surprise the birthday boy by playing him a little... On this holiday, the birthday man is unlikely to want to work fruitfully. An impromptu deputy will be able to do all the work for him, sitting in the armchair of the hero of the occasion, made, for example, from balloons and dressed in a suit.

To prevent the birthday person from quickly reaching the workplace, the path to it can be wrapped in foil or cling film. All items on the desktop should also be draped. On this day, the birthday person should have more fun than work.

Design options

The simplest option for decorating a room, whether it be a boss's office or an office, are balloons. This design looks very nice. For decoration, you just need to buy balloons, take a pump and inflate them.

Balloons filled with helium look more impressive, but you can simply inflate them with air. Beautiful ribbons and decorative braids can be attached to helium balloons. They can hang from the ceiling in free flight or be tied to chairs, table.

Turntables made of paper in the form of an open fan look interesting. It is not so difficult to make them with your own hands, it is enough to have colored bright paper. If the boss has a birthday, it is advisable to decorate the workplace more calmly, without surprises.

  • A woman is always given beautiful flowers. It is advisable to find out in advance what colors she prefers, their shades. This data will allow you to choose the right bouquet.
  • In addition to fresh flowers, you can choose other options by creating bouquets of colored or corrugated paper, paper napkins.
  • Multicolored bouquets of balloons will look good. In addition to bouquets, you can make various figures and even inscriptions from them.
  • A great idea would be to decorate a room with a large topiary. Such a tree of happiness looks very impressive, while it can stand in the office for a long time, delighting with its beauty and originality.
  • Edible bouquets will also bring joy to the birthday girl.

If the boss celebrates the birthday, then it is better to decorate the director's office with garlands in advance, hang balloons, put flowerpots with bouquets of fresh flowers. The manager will be pleased to come in the morning and see the workplace, and the whole office is festively decorated.

Such a person will prefer sincere words and kind smiles of colleagues.

When designing a director's workplace, it is important to take into account its character. It is unlikely that a principled and conservative person will like an excess of decor. In order not to fail, it is best to choose jewelry that is quickly removed and does not interfere with work.

  • A dedicated area for photographs with a picture of the hero of the day and a collage created from successful photos of the birthday person will instantly transform the room and cheer you up. Using Photoshop, you can advantageously beat the photographs and combine the snapshot of the hero of the day with the body of a movie hero or TV star.
  • A wall newspaper is also suitable for these purposes. She will remind the manager that life does not only consist of working days. Joint photographs with employees in nature will be a sure proof of this. It is advisable to choose interesting and funny pictures that tell about important events in the life of the birthday person himself, the whole team.
  • Preparing a slideshow is a good idea.
  • The hero of the occasion will surely like the idea with a wish tree. It is cut out in advance from thick cardboard, attached to the wall. Special sheets serve as congratulatory toasts, wishes.

Special attention should be paid to decorating furniture. The director's chair on this day should look like a throne, it's not for nothing that it belongs to the boss.On the table you can put a gorgeous cake made to order with the name of the hero of the day or with the company logo.

If a teacher has a birthday, then not only colleagues, but also the students themselves can decorate his workplace. At the entrance to the class, children can hang up a poster with a stack of sheets. Anyone can write a congratulation on it and fix it on a poster or on a school board. You can decorate not only the teacher's workplace, but also the path from the teacher's room to the classroom. If desired, they decorate the stairs, hang balloons, paste postcards, photographs and just children's drawings on the wall.

Beautiful examples

The simplest option for decorating a birthday person's workplace will be balloons. They can be used to build figures, figures and bouquets, make columns or a chic arch. It is a good idea to choose balls that are fixed in a grid under the ceiling. One has only to pull the braid, and a bright rain will fall from the ceiling.

Using scotch tape and an LED garland, you can paint a congratulatory inscription or the name of the birthday person on the wall. Large balloons suspended from the ceiling will become a worthy decoration of the holiday.

The rooms, which are decorated with the company's color shades, look very stylish and bright. Sometimes, for these purposes, the original products of this company are also taken.

For 10 life hacks of quick birthday decor, see the next video.

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