
How to decorate a table for a child's birthday?

How to decorate a table for a child's birthday?
  1. Design elements
  2. Decorating ideas
  3. Recommendations
  4. Beautiful examples

Making a table for a child's birthday is one of the stages of preparation for a festive event. It is important here not only to show imagination, but also to take into account a lot of nuances, such as the age and gender of the birthday person, his interests and hobbies. What creative ideas can you use to beautifully decorate a table for a children's birthday? What should be considered?

Design elements

In the process of decorating a festive children's table, you must pay maximum attention to every detail. Significance is attached to everything - both the decor and the design of dishes, and the design of dishes.

Tablecloths and napkins, if possible, it is recommended to use those that are combined with each other in terms of color, texture, and design.

Stylish store decor or original handicrafts are usually used as elements for decorating a festive table for a children's birthday. It is worth noting that children of preschool and primary school age treat bright and unusual crafts with great interest and willingly participate in their creation. Therefore, if the design of the festive table is not planned to be kept secret, the future birthday person can also be attracted to the manufacture of table decorations. Self-creation of decor together with adults will significantly increase the child's interest in the upcoming event.

To decorate a table for a children's birthday, such decorative elements are most often used as:

  • LED garlands and battery-powered lamps;
  • serpentine, garlands of gilded or silver paper (foil);
  • beads (with large beads);
  • balloons filled with helium;
  • figures from balls (horses, little men);
  • small wicker baskets for sweets and cookies;
  • origami figurines - planes, ships;
  • shining volumetric stars;
  • multi-colored flags and ribbons;
  • paper and LED flashlights;
  • handicrafts made of colored paper, cardboard, felt;
  • small toys;
  • Natural flowers.

Fruit cut using the "carving" technique can become an excellent decoration for any, including children's, festive table. With the help of carving, you can beautifully arrange and serve a variety of fruits that children like: apples, pears, pineapples, mangoes, watermelon. An ordinary banana can be easily carved into a dolphin or a dachshund, and a simple apple into a fabulous bird or non-existent animal.

Decorating ideas

When choosing the most original and unusual idea for decorating a children's festive table, you should focus primarily on the gender and age of the child. It is logical that a table decorated, for example, in a cartoon style, will not particularly interest a kid who is 1-2 years old, but will certainly attract the attention of a child aged 4-7 years.

Pirate style

A sweet table decorated in a pirate style will best fit into the atmosphere of a children's party. The idea of ​​such a table decoration should be used on the eve of the birthday of a boy of preschool, primary and secondary school age.

The main elements of the pirate-style table decor are “Jolly Roger” flags, garlands of flags, baskets with sweets in the form of ships.

Cocktail straws can be decorated with colored paper “sails”, and small canapé sandwiches with saber or dagger-shaped skewers. A great addition to the rest of the pirate table decor will be cardboard chests filled with chocolate coins in gilded foil.

Most often, black-white-red colors are used to decorate a children's table in a pirate style. Green or blue colors will also be appropriate within the framework of this theme.


You can decorate a festive table in a cartoon Disney style on the occasion of the birthday of both a girl and a boy. So, to decorate a sweet table for a birthday girl and her guests, you can use the theme of any Disney cartoons, in which the main role is played by a female character (The Little Mermaid, Snow White, Belle). And vice versa: to decorate a table for a boy, you can use the theme of cartoons with male protagonists - for example, Aladdin, The Lion King, Peter Pan.

The following options can be attributed to the universal design elements of a festive table in the style of "Disney":

  • "Hidden Mickey" - one of the legendary symbols of the Disney company, representing the outline of the head of Mickey Mouse (in the form of a figure consisting of three black circles);
  • striped caramel in the form of a curved cane or its imitation from colored cardboard;
  • "Aladdin's lamps" for sweets (you can do it yourself from foam, papier-mâché or cardboard);
  • LED fireworks;
  • decorative figures in the form of famous Disney characters.

The color scheme in the decoration of a festive table in the style of "Disney" can be very diverse.

When choosing a suitable color palette, it is advisable to give preference to pure, but by no means "acidic" colors. Recommended colors for decorating a Disney-style children's table: black, white, deep blue, red, gold, sand, light blue, purple, purple, emerald green, bright yellow.

Superhero party

This idea of ​​decorating a festive table will certainly be appreciated by young fans of cartoons and comics about Superman, Spider-Man, Hulk, Catwoman, Batman. To decorate the festive table within the framework of this theme, you can use the symbols, accessories and attributes of your favorite characters.

Superhero emblems and images can decorate children's dishes, coasters, baskets and candy boxes. Treats and festive dishes, set against the backdrop of "night skyscrapers" cut out of black cardboard, will look original. In America, home to most famous superheroes, holiday tables are often decorated with colorful balloons, flags and table cards with the words "Boom!" or "Bang!" (translated as "explosion"). Furniture is most often draped with a bright fabric or capes with lush folds.

The color scheme used to decorate the festive "superhero" table should be very bright and cheerful. It usually includes deep red (ruby), ultramarine, sunny yellow. Be sure to use calm basic colors - black and white.

Natural decor

The use of natural decor in decorating a festive table should be considered a universal idea that can be used on the eve of the birthday of both a preschooler and a teenager, and even a high school student. The table, decorated with natural decor, looks elegant and natural.

As elements for decorating a festive table within the framework of a natural theme, the following are usually used:

  • live plants and flowers;
  • cones;
  • oak branches with leaves and acorns;
  • Maple leaves;
  • branches with bunches of berries (mountain ash, viburnum);
  • pieces of bark of an unusual shape;
  • small driftwood, bizarrely curved branches without sharp ends.

Instead of decorative lanterns, when decorating such a festive table, you can use physalis branches with bright orange voluminous fruits of an unusual shape. You should not give up the opportunity to create a table decor at home from natural materials with your child on the eve of the holiday.

In decorating a festive table in a natural style, it is advisable to resort to a range of simple and natural shades. These include white, gray, blue and black, as well as all shades of green and brown.

Sea style

This idea for decorating a festive table is as versatile as the previous one. It can be safely used when organizing the birthday of both a girl and a boy. As a table decoration within the framework of this topic, such decor is usually used as:

  • seashells;
  • sea ​​stars;
  • fossilized corals or their imitations;
  • figurines in the form of fish, octopuses, whales;
  • miniature ships, brigantines, yachts;
  • large beads imitating pearls;
  • garlands decorated with multi-colored flags;
  • origami paper boats;
  • decorative figures in the form of lighthouses, anchors, lifebuoys and other marine paraphernalia.

The table can be covered with a textured tablecloth in blue and white stripes (cage), and the chairs can be decorated with bows or capes made of the same color. A festive table covered with a light and flowing navy blue tablecloth will look no less impressive.

The most suitable colors for decorating a children's festive table in a marine style are white, black, blue, green.

To dilute the neutrality and calmness of this palette, it is allowed to complement it with any one bright color - for example, bright red, lemon yellow.


A festive table for a children's birthday should be decorated in the same style and color scheme as the surrounding interior. Moderation is strongly recommended when choosing a palette and decor for decorating a festive table and room decor. You should not act on the principle of "all at once", trying to place as many decorative elements as possible on the table surface.

If the table is located along the wall, then the tallest objects (vases with sweets, fruit bowls) should preferably be placed in the background (near the wall) so that they do not obstruct smaller objects.

In the foreground, on the contrary, you should place small serving items and decorative elements.

For those who have difficulties in choosing a suitable color palette for decorating a festive table, designers recommend following a well-known rule. It consists in using three colors, of which two are basic and one is accent. As an example, here is the palette already mentioned above, consisting of white, black and red colors. White and black in this example are basic, and red is accent.

Do not use gloomy tones in the design of the festive table (black, dark gray, brown-green, dirty red), as well as too many colors and shades to avoid dissonance. Besides, It is important to consider that the abundance of bright colors in the environment can not only tire the child, but also cause him irritation or even a headache.

It is important to note that decorative candles are often used in the design of festive tables "for adults". It is absolutely impossible to use them to decorate children's tables.

Beautiful examples

As one of the fairly simple, but very effective examples of decorating a children's festive table at home, you can cite the sample shown in the photo. In this design, lavender-lilac and cream shades organically combined with each other are used. The thoughtful arrangement of decor and dishes on the table allows any child to easily reach the desired treat.

The combination of white, pink-red and pale blue colors is another successful range, suitable for decorating a children's sweet table. Such decor will successfully fit into the festive atmosphere and become its most striking decoration. In this example, special attention should be paid to the symmetry of the arrangement of decor and treats on the countertop, due to which the whole composition looks neat and elegant.

To decorate the table for the birthday of a boy of preschool or primary school age, you can use the cartoon theme "Minions". The photo shows the decoration of the festive table, made in the characteristic white-yellow-blue color scheme for this cartoon. Figures, cards and stickers depicting favorite children's characters are used as decor. It should be noted that the colors and decor of the birthday cake in this example also correspond to the chosen theme.

To learn how to make decor for a children's birthday, see the video.

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